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Wednesday 26 April 2023

Neil Oliver – ‘…not content with silencing people, they want to destroy us to

Tucker Carlson, Fox News, ritual murders, trophies, Egyptian Pharaohs, eternal damnation and our spiralling descent into a brutal cancel culture’. To help support this channel & get extra, exclusive content every week sign up to ‘Neil Oliver’ on Audio Podcasts, Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The World &, Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The British Isles Available on all the usual providers Check out the Instagram account: Neil Oliver Love Letter

Neil Oliver and I have a chat

GB News presenter, Neil Oliver, and I are appearing at the Better Way Conference, at Bath, in June this year. Neil is MC, while I am hosting a panel. Links: Better Way Conference: Tickets 10% off: Use the word 'vobes' to claim your discount on the virtual tickets: Neil Oliver's YouTube Channel:    / @neil-oliver   ------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE SUPPORT THE CHANNEL My videos are funded by people like you. If you enjoy them, please help me make more: Visit to become a patron. You can support me by making a one off donation My Website: OTHER CHANNELS The English Couple -    / @the-english-couple   Julia's channel -    / @juliahartley   The Naked Englishman Podcast - ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Monday 24 April 2023

Were We Stand In Britain

By William Strasse 

When a person sees us walking through a minefield and warns us of the danger, pointing out the landmine placements to us and so on, that person isn't a fearmongerer, rather, they're a concerned citizen warning us of the immediate danger we're in.

That's the point of this post I'm making here. The danger we face today is very real and very close. We can't vote our way out of this situation, no political 'knight in shining armour' is marching over the hill in order to lead us to victory.

For the past 3 years the politicians in this country, (from all parties), have aided and abetted in:

1] The mass murder of our elderly in hospitals and nursing homes.

2] The injecting of 'mRNA' chemical poison into the arms of approximately 65% of our population, (including our children)

3] The support of every aspect of the 'LGBTQi' agenda, to the extent that we now regularly see homosexual males dressed as women reading to and 'performing' in front of our children in the classroom.

4] The deliberate and systematic destruction of our entire financial system.

5] The unabated and never-ending mass immigration into Britain.

We can now add to this, the creation of communist 'smart' cities in Britain. Everything I've mentioned is undeniable fact and yet, at the very next build-up to the next election, just sit back and watch the television-programmed, these television-addicted robots, start to discuss which of these self-serving criminals they'll vote for.

These people are danger to themselves and to all those whom they profess to love and care about.

What About These 'Landmines'?

1] The 'Online Safety' Bill:

2] Carbon Zero:

3] The 'Deagel' depopulation forcasts for 2025:

4] 'Smart' cities announced:

5] UK mega-prisons:

6] United Nations Agenda 21:

For the sake of yourselves and your loved ones, start making preparations in order to protect yourselves from this tyranny. Also, please share this information with others and help them to make these very neccessary plans for their loved ones too.

World War 3 has already started and most folk still don't realise it, or can't accept it. The globalist central bankers and their controlled and currupt governments around the world now have their enemy firmly in their sights and they've deemed that enemy to be Joe and Josephine Public.

We all better be getting ready to fight back. We have no other option now, it's called commonsense self-defence.

Sunday 23 April 2023

UN Global Takeover Plan Wickedness from Pit of Hell – Alex Newman


UN Global Takeover Plan Wickedness from Pit of Hell – Alex Newman

By Greg Hunter’s 

Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular books “Deep State” and “Crimes of the Educators,” predicted at the beginning of this year that “the Deep State demons will have one crisis after another,” and he was spot on.  The Deep State demons don’t want to just cause chaos, but they have plans in motion to completely take over the entire planet.  The U.N. is at the top of the Deep State, and it’s setting itself up to take control during any global emergency.  Newman explains, “They give no clear definition on what constitutes a ‘global emergency,’ and they actually say it doesn’t have to be global and it doesn’t have to be an emergency.  So, what happens when the U.N. Secretary General declares there is this complex global emergency? . . . . According to the document, the U.N. and the multilateral agencies will have ‘primary decision-making authority.’  They give you some examples of what might constitute a global emergency.  It could be climate change.  It could be environmental degradation.  It could be a biological attack.  It could be an interruption in the flow of goods or people.  It could be a ‘Black Swan event.’  In other words, it could be anything. . . . If this plan gets approved, and they are going to be talking about it at the ‘Summer of the Future’ event coming up in September, basically, the Secretary General would become world dictator.  This would happen anytime he announces these protocols.  It’s hugely significant and completely under the radar.”

It get’s worse, and the Deep State global demons are attacking humanity from all angles, and people don’t even know it.  Now, the U.N. is pushing “pedophilia as a human right” and wants to decriminalize sex with children.  Newman says, “‘Queer Theory’ was born almost 40 years ago, and the point was always to try to legalize any kind of perverted sex.  It’s horrible enough that these people want to have sex with children, and it is so monstrous, but their agenda is even bigger than that.  The reason we see this incredible perversion is it is being used as a battering ram to take down family, to take down society and to take down traditional moral order.  It is quite literally wickedness from the pit of hell.  The rape of children is just one horrific symptom of that, but this is part of a much bigger agenda.”

Newman says the good news is people are waking up to the fake news and want the truth.  Neman contends this is why so-called liberal news sites like “BuzzFeed” recently went out of business, and the New York Times numbers are tanking.  Newman says, “People don’t want to pay money to be propagandized.  People don’t want to pay money to be lied to.  Most people have no interest in reading lies. . . . People are sick of this. . . . After Trump left office, the New York Times and others are all losing subscribers very rapidly.  Meanwhile, The Epoch Times is the 4th largest newspaper in America by subscription, and it is growing very rapidly.  (Newman predicts The Epoch Times will be #1 by the end of 2023.)  So, this is encouraging.  We started seeing this in the 2016 election.  All the fake media, CNN, New York Times, ABC and Washington Post were getting less views on YouTube than Alex Jones.  With all those rigged algorithms and shadow bans, they could not stop people from tuning out the mainstream media, the fake media, the dying legacy media and turning to alternative media.  This is great news, and I think we are winning the narrative battle.”

There is much more in the 40-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with hard hitting journalist Alex Newman, founder of and author of the book “Deep State” for 4.22.23.

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Newman’s website is called  There is lots of free information and articles.

To get a copy of “The Great Reset” DVD, click here.

To get a copy of “Transhumanism: War on Humanity & God” DVD, click here.

For a copy of Alex Newman’s popular book “Deep State,” click here, and for “Crimes of the Educators,” click here.

To support Alex Newman with electronic donations, click here.

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The Empire of Lies. By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts. Korsgaard Publishing.

 The Empire of Lies. By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts. Korsgaard Publishing.

Paul Craig Roberts knows government from the inside. He is a former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. His experience and his studies of economics and history have made him deeply suspicious of government propaganda, and in The Empire of Lies, he shows how forces behind the scenes plot to destroy us through manipulation.

In “Why Disinformation Works,” he explains his guiding principle: “Have you ever wondered how the government’s misinformation gains traction?

What I have noticed is that whenever a stunning episode occurs, such as 9/11 or the Boston Marathon bombing, most everyone whether on the right or left goes along with the government’s explanation, because they can hook their agenda to the government’s account.Empire of LiesCraig Roberts, PaulBest Price: $34.67Buy New $18.86(as of 12:52 UTC - Details)

The leftwing likes the official stories of Muslims creating terrorist mayhem in America, because it proves their blowback theory and satisfies them that the dispossessed and oppressed can fight back against imperialism.

The patriotic rightwing likes the official story, because it proves America is attacked for its goodness or because terrorists were allowed in by immigration authorities and nurtured by welfare, or because the government, which can’t do anything right, ignored plentiful warnings.

Whatever the government says, no matter how problematical, the official story gets its traction from its compatibility with existing predispositions and agendas.

In such a country, truth has no relevance. Only agendas are important.

We have reached the point where evidence is no longer required. The government’s statements suffice. Only conspiracy kooks produce real evidence.”

Roberts fears that government control of opinion will doom us. “Will Truth Be Criminalized?” he asks. “The Establishment’s determination to close down narrative-challenger Alex Jones has put Sandy Hook back in the news.  As First Amendment protection is fading, I checked to see what I had written about Sandy Hook.  I was relieved to see that I had only reported on the skepticism and asked questions.

My search of the IPE archives brought up my articles on other controversial shootings–Las Vegas and Orlando–and the Oklahoma City Bombing.  The common thread in all of these incidents is that the narrative is established the minute the news is reported, and officials and media never vary from the narrative.  As soon as it happens, the government and the media already know what happened.  No investigation ever takes place.  It was the same for President Kennedy’s assassination, his brother’s assassination, 9/11, the Gulf of Tonkin, Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction, Assad’s use of chemical weapons, the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, etc.

Legitimate questions about the narratives are ignored by officials and media who seem to be involved in a conspiracy to bury the truth.  Skeptics, no matter how prominent or fact-based are demonized as ‘conspiracy theorists’ unworthy of attention.

Clearly, America no longer has a media watchdog.  America has a propaganda ministry for official narratives.

What this tells us should shock every American, every US puppet government, and Washington’s chosen enemies–Russia, China, and Iran–respect  for truth is hard to find in the American media and the American government.

In the not distant future, it will become actionable to doubt the presstitues and the government on the grounds that doubt implies disbelief and disbelief is a crime or proves that you are a foreign agent.  Slander and libel will evolve to apply to media and government as institutions.  As we are so gullible, so trusting, we are going to be reduced to silence or praise.  Silence will bring official suspicion.  Praise of the false narratives will bring career success and rewards.  This is the stark situation that we face.

It is unclear that anything can be done to rectify this situation.  Older Americans generally are comfortable with the idea that government and media have integrity.  This is their picture of the bygone world that they grew up in.  Younger people have been indoctrinated in schools that government and media protect blacks, homosexuals, and transgendered from racist, homophobic and transphobic white people who use normality as an illegitimate standard of approval. Sodom and Gomorrah are approved, but not the white family unit.

Can we believe that there is a future for freedom in America when Democrats, media, CIA, FBI, and NSA can create a narrative of President Donald Trump as a Russian agent?

Can we believe that there is a future for freedom in America when the same collection of schemers can create a show trial of the President of the United States planning a coup by a couple of hundred unarmed supporters seizing the government of the United States by walking around in the Capitol and sitting in Nancy Pelosi’s chair?

Can we believe that Americans sufficiently stupid to believe such implausible narratives have any possibility of holding on to their freedom?”

The Ukraine war is one of the main areas in which we have been manipulated. Zelensky isn’t a “freedom fighter” resisting Russian aggression. In “Western Looting of Ukraine Has Begun,” Roberts says: “It is now apparent that the \Maiden protests in Kiev were in actuality a Washington organized coup against the elected democratic government. The purpose of the coup is to put NATO military bases on Ukraine’s border with Russia and to impose an IMF austerity program that serves as cover for Western financial interests to loot the country. The sincere idealistic protesters who took to the streets without being paid were the gullible dupes of the plot to destroy their country.

Politically Ukraine is an untenable aggregation of Ukrainian and Russian territory, because traditional Russian territories were stuck into the borders of the Ukraine Soviet Republic by Lenin and Khrushchev. The Crimea, stuck into Ukraine by Khrushchev, has already departed and rejoined Russia. Unless some autonomy is granted to them, Russian areas in eastern and southern Ukraine might also depart and return to Russia. If the animosity displayed toward the Russian speaking population by the stooge government in Kiev continues, more defections to Russia are likely.”

In contrast to the not-so-recent past when the historians correctly argued the Civil War was a conflict between the North and South over tariffs, today we are propagandized to accept the good that the war was a conflict between the “good” North and the “evil” South over slavery. This narrative won’t stand up. The Civil War was not fought to end slavery. “Two days before Lincoln’s inauguration as the 16th President, Congress, consisting only of the Northern states, passed overwhelmingly on March 2, 1861, the Corwin Amendment that gave constitutional protection to slavery. Lincoln endorsed the amendment in his inaugural address, saying “I have no objection to its being made express and irrevocable.”

Quite clearly, the North was not prepared to go to war in order to end slavery when on the very eve of war the US Congress and incoming president were in the process of making it unconstitutional to abolish slavery.

Here we have absolute total proof that the North wanted the South kept in the Union far more than the North wanted to abolish slavery.

If the South’s real concern was maintaining slavery, the South would not have turned down the constitutional protection of slavery offered them on a silver platter by Congress and the President. Clearly, for the South also the issue was not slavery.

The real issue between North and South could not be reconciled on the basis of accommodating slavery. The real issue was economic as DiLorenzo, Charles Beard and other historians have documented. The North offered to preserve slavery irrevocably, but the North did not offer to give up the high tariffs and economic policies that the South saw as inimical to its interests.

Blaming the war on slavery was the way the northern court historians used morality to cover up Lincoln’s naked aggression and the war crimes of his generals. Demonizing the enemy with moral language works for the victor. And it is still ongoing. We see in the destruction of statues the determination to shove remaining symbols of the Confederacy down the Memory Hole.

Today the ignorant morons, thoroughly brainwashed by Identity Politics, are demanding removal of memorials to Robert E. Lee, an alleged racist toward whom they express violent hatred. This presents a massive paradox. Robert E. Lee was the first person offered command of the Union armies. How can it be that a ‘Southern racist’ was offered command of the Union Army if the Union was going to war to free black slaves?”

Covid-vaccines, Roberts tells, are a plot to reduce the human population. They are an instrument of genocide. “Never before have there been massive excess deaths following vaccination.

Never before have there been children, young adults, athletes in their prime, entertainers, dropping dead “cause unknown” following vaccination.

Of course, the cause is known.  The leading doctors and medical scientists of our time–which excludes health agency bureaucrats, such as Fauci, who serve as marketing agents for Big Pharma and corrupt, politicized state medical boards and HMOs–have explained why and how the mRNA ‘vaccines,’ which are not vaccines, kill, destroy the immune system, and cause health injuries.  What is not known is why some die immediately after receiving the deadly substance, others a month later, and others remain, so far, alive.  Some researchers think the content of the ‘vaccines’ differed by lot, and some think some of the jabs were placebos for the purpose of producing an uninjured cadre to tout the safety of the jabs.

Professor Michel Chossudovsky has collected here a number of videos documenting the widespread sufferings and deaths of the vaccinated.  It is not the unvaccinated who are “mysteriously” dropping dead all over the world.  It is the vaccinated.

Yet the coverup continues.  The western media–a collection of whores–are at work covering up for themselves as well as for Fauci, Biden, Bill Gates, Big Pharma, the FDA, NIH, CDC, and the utterly corrupt and irresponsible medical profession.  Big Pharma and the FDA continue to push jabbing babies with the killer vaccine, and there are still parents so utterly stupid and insouciant that they participate in the murder of their own children.

With people all over the world so stupid and so blindly trusting of authority, we can see why the Satanic Bill Gates and Satanic Klaus Schwab are confident that they can succeed in reducing the world population and effecting their Great Reset.

What do I mean when I say Gates and Schwab are Satanic? Think about it this way.  From time to time when discussing the subject, someone will say that people can be so awful they can understand why some would want to genocide them.  I ask them if they would be willing to push the genocide button, and they say ‘no.’  They understand that they have no right to cause people’s deaths in behalf of  their opinion or a climate or ideological agenda.  The difference between them and Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab is that Gates and Schwab are willing and eager to push the genocide button.   What is so horrifying is that this willingness has acquired a high moral position. Exterminating people has become the way to save the planet.

The perpetrators of this mass murder are confident that their crime is too huge to be recognized as such.  Naive populations simply won’t believe that ‘their’ governments would do this to them.  No one wants to admit that they executed their own family members and their own children by blindly trusting ‘authorities’ who had announced their genocide agenda in advance.

In the United States only a tiny percentage of the people have any idea what is happening. The time and energy of the population is used up in making ends meet and in entertaining themselves.  They fall for one transparent crime after another.  Whatever government announces they accept–President John Kennedy’s assassination, Senator Robert Kennedy’s assassination, the Gulf of Tonkin, 9/11, Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction, Covid pandemic, ‘safe and effective’ Covid vaccine.  They never learn.

Now they face genocide, and they still haven’t learned.

The perpetrators of mass genocide are still in control.

If it is not genocide, tell me what it is when distinguished medical scientists warn in advance about the mRNA ‘vaccine’ and are censored and punished, when the inventor of the PCR “Covid test” states that the test does not indicate the presence of the virus and is ignored, when the evidence of the harmful effects of the ‘vaccine’ are kept secret by Pfizer and the FDA, when medical doctors are prevented from treating Covid with known cures Ivermectin and HCQ,  when pharmacies refuse to fill doctors’ prescriptions for the cures, when illegal and unconstitutional mandates are used to force citizens under threat of loss of job to submit to being injected,  when no official attention is paid to the massive increase in excess deaths among the vaccinated, when the media carries on a deceptive campaign of lies and propaganda?

Americans–indeed the world–are faced with a monstrous criminal enterprise.  Do they have the strength and intelligence to recognize it?  Are they going to do anything about it?”

Paul Craig Roberts is one of the best and most-informed political commentators today. I urge everybody to read his indispensable book The Empire of Lies.

Saturday 22 April 2023

Neil Oliver: ALL manners of freedom are being eroded | Neil Oliver Live

Neil Oliver: All manner of freedoms are being eroded. The simple freedom to jump in the car and go where we want looks set to be made a thing of the past. Keep up to date with the latest news at Twitter: Facebook: