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Thursday 18 January 2024

AI As The Information War Superweapon


AI As The Information War Superweapon

By: Pastor Andrew Isker

Many people, even those who do not fall prey to mainstream narratives, do not know what to make of AI. When the subject of AI comes up, most people assume it is uncanny valley images of people with three thumbs and eleven fingers or that it is a demonic computer entity which will become self-aware and nuke the world. In the case of the latter, popular culture certainly doesn’t help, with movies like Terminator, I, Robot or the most recent Mission Impossible.

As much as Hollywood likes to fantasize about the possibility of sentient, autonomous machines, the possibility of such a thing is highly unlikely. To use the analogy of nuclear weaponry, Artificial General Intelligence is a danger like a nuclear chain reaction, that a large fission reaction would keep going and consume the entire world in atomic destruction. Because the possibility is so unspeakably horrible, no matter how remote it is attracts all the attention, when the much more pressing danger is the extant weapons themselves and how they might be used against you.

In other words, worrying about self-aware AI while ignoring how all its other applications will be wielded against you is like worrying about the remote possibility of a nuclear chain reaction and ignoring the fact that the Soviet Union has the bomb.

And the nuclear weaponry analogy is the exact right one to make. To understand what this means, you have to go back and consider what “information war” and mass media even is.  Long before what we might consider the modern age, when the written word had to be painstakingly transmitted by hand, and therefore the majority of the population had no reason to undertake the effort to become literate, the “mass medium” was the human voice.

Poets sang and recited their epics. Prophets and apostles preached to crowds. Criers and heralds announced the news to their cities. Pastors preached to their congregations. Playwrights wrote and actors performed plays in theaters. If you wanted the people of your city or your nation to know a thing, together and all at once, these were the only media available to you.

This was the way information was transmitted to the masses for all the many millennia of human history until the middle of the 15th Century when Johannes Gutenberg developed the moveable-type printing press. Suddenly, the written word, which previously had to be painstakingly copied by hand, one book at a time, now could be mass produced. In the time it once took to make a single copy of a book, tens of thousands could now be printed off.

As the availability of the written word quickly became universal, so too did literacy, and ideas could be communicated to the masses with breathtaking speed as compared to oral communication. As literacy quickly became common, newspapers and journals came into being, and the ownership of printing press meant the ability to influence what the public believed.

In many of the European nations, what could and could not be printed was highly regulated.

Kings and governments regularly shut down presses and jailed their owners for printing forbidden ideas. For those in power, information had to be controlled. “Freedom of the press” has become a lib meme in contemporary American culture, which essentially means the corporate media is sacrosanct. In this warped understanding of “freedom of the press” the Regime-allowed corporate media can lie, manipulate, distort, slander, and manufacture any false narrative for the public to lap up.

That is what they believe the First Amendment is about. But if you actually understand the historical context, it meant that the extant media of mass communication was not allowed to be restrained, harassed, bullied, or abused by those in power. It meant that anyone could communicate to the masses anything he wanted to.

As technology continued to advance, radio, motion pictures, and eventually television became the dominant mass media.

Unlike the printing press, where the capital requirements were low enough that nearly anyone could set one up, television required massive stations and networks, with all their equipment, and legions of employees to staff them. On top of this they were highly regulated—so much for the spirit of the First Amendment!—which created even more barriers to entry. Throughout most of the second half of the 20th Century you had just three television networks in the United States. And these three were what carefully crafted what the public would perceive reality to be.

For the generations that grew up in this environment, whatever the television said was unassailably true. And not only was it not to be questioned, no one would even consider questioning whether it was true. “Of course it is true! It was on TV, wasn’t it!” So much of the radical social engineering that occurred in the latter half of the 20th Century was only ever possible because of the mass communication technology that is television. The rapid transformation that took place away from historic ways of life would simply not have happened without the ability to broadcast ideas into every living room in the country.

But things began to change with yet more technological advancement. With the advent of the internet, and its widespread adoption that especially came with the use of smartphones, the absolute control the corporate media gained via television began to fracture. It didn’t happen in an instant, after all, if you have been marinated in television from cradle to grave, the mere availability of counter-narratives did not guarantee their immediate acceptance by the general public. But over time, the influence of the corporate media began to wane.

By 2020, a little more than a decade after the iPhone was introduced, the ability of the Regime to wield unquestioned control of the narrative the public believed was gone.

Yes, the majority of the public still believed whatever the TV told them, but a large enough minority broke through that the Regime began to panic about “disinformation” and “conspiracy theories.” Put another way, if the “totally not a manufactured bioweapon pandemic,” the “mostly peaceful Summer of George,” the “most secure election of all-time,” and the release of “the 100% safe and effective mRNA gene therapy” had taken place in 1997, a vanishingly small number of people would have questioned the prevailing narrative surrounding those.

And in reality, the fact that any of those things were done to us in the first place is because of the power the internet to reveal the great and powerful Regime propaganda machine is just a man behind a curtain, demonstrated in the election of Donald Trump in 2016.

But the Regime struck back.

Every social media platform, with one solitary exception, immediately began an intense campaign to ban users, shadowban and hide content, plaster “misinformation” tags everywhere, and otherwise censor to the point of unusability.

Musk’s purchase of Twitter and the moderate improvements he has made to that platform notwithstanding, the Regime has figured out a way to lock the internet down in a way little different from the People’s Republic of China. They have done what they can to return to total mass media control, recreating the days of the Big Three television networks but for the internet age.


Technology has continued to develop.

AI has the ability to permanently break through the Regime’s control of the internet. This is why Regime-aligned corporations have spent billions to develop AI that is already censored and locked down. They have done this, in advance, because they know the disruptive power of AI is unlike anything that has come before it. They know that AI can be used in a mass media propaganda environment and render all their controls over information totally useless.

To return to the analogy of warfare, they have massive armies of millions of troops, tanks, aircraft, artillery, and aircraft carriers which they have wielded against an unarmed populace. But now a superweapon exists which makes all their formidable strength obsolete. You can see why they have devoted tens of billions of dollars to companies like OpenAI, as well as with Meta and Alphabet, to ensure that they are the only ones that have this power.

They are terrified of the prospect that this superweapon will get loose, and anyone can wield it. That is what is at stake with an uncensored AI. Uncensored AI is a Manhattan Project for the truth against the disruptors of reality. No longer will they be able to assert total control over narrative formation. No longer will they have full-spectrum dominance of what everyone assumes to be true and real.

We are entering an epoch just as revolutionary as the printing press and the internet. In fact, by comparison, AI has the potential to be even more earth-shattering than those innovations that changed the world forever. The power of the Regime will have been forever neutered and the truth will prevail.

Wednesday 17 January 2024

There are good reasons that even in a civilized society good men carry a gun A mesage from America

By Bob

 There are good reasons that even in a civilized society good men carry a gun, that reason being that not every member of that society is civilized, and violence can only be stopped with violence, or the threat of it.

The same thing applies to politics. There is a difference between politics and political war, and the liberal cult is very far onto the political war side of any realistic distinction between the two, so normal political means will not stop those traitors from destroying the Republic and installing a communist dictatorship in its place, any more than talking nice to a criminal predator will stop his aggression.

The necessary means to defend The Nation from this enemy are in our hands, because America's founding fathers knew enough about the nature of government to include our right to have those means in the body of law they wrote that created the American Republic.

Just as every one of us has the right to have the means to defend himself from criminal aggression, we as a people have the right to defend ourselves from a criminal gang that imposed itself on us as an illegal government. Our founding document, the Declaration of Independence, even gives the use of those means as both a right and a duty.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government
from the Declaration of Independence

But we have been effectively disarmed by being demoralized, and made too afraid to use the power we have to remove the criminal gang from power and restore the Republic.

So remember: just as the good citizen only endangers himself and his family by being too afraid to use his weapon to defend himself, we as a people are endangering ourselves and our children by surrendering to this enemy.

Monday 15 January 2024

Col. Douglas Macgregor: Is Biden Starting a Regional War in The Middle East.

Col. Douglas Macgregor: Is Biden Starting a Regional War in The Middle East?

Sunday 14 January 2024

The Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins

 The Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins (1983)

The author proves that a group of international bankers, headquartered in London, secretly met on Jekyll Island, Georgia in 1910 and drafted the Federal Reserve Act to gain control of the money and credit of the American people, then bought up shares in the Federal Reserve Banks, and had themselves appointed to its Board of Governors. They then launched World War I, financed the Russian Revolution, Soviet Union and essentially caused the Great Depression. The book is also a remarkably up-to-date expose showing that the old status quo banking system remains in place even today and is as powerful and in control as ever.

Free PDF 🔗 link

Saturday 13 January 2024

'Lunatics have taken over!' | Neil Oliver on air strikes in Yemen, Britain's borders and more

Saying that the lunatics have taken over the asylum used to be joke. Now it’s our day-to-day reality!’ Neil Oliver discusses UK strikes in Yemen, the trouble maintaining Britain’s borders and the ongoing Post Office scandal.

What is National Socialism? Part 1 and 2

Foreword from Horwich Nationalist. In a attempt to gauge wether we have been misled over the years I have posted this essay from a obvious supporter of National Socialism in order for people to evaluate for themselves.

What is National Socialism?

part 1 of 10

THE MORAL, social, and philosophical bankruptcy of our modern political/economic ideologies is becoming more apparent by the day. Free-market capitalism, conventional socialism, democracy, and communism are all demonstrable failures. All fail to sustain and uplift humanity; they fail to acknowledge racial realities; and they fail to establish a balanced and sustainable relationship with Nature. Political corruption, widespread fraud, unprincipled spinelessness, moral and spiritual decay, and blatant self-enrichment mark the current systems of nearly all developed nations on Earth. All seemingly compete in a race to the bottom, to see which can achieve the most undignified and degrading form of social existence in the shortest period of time.

In the past 100 years, only one system has proven able to defy this trend: Adolf Hitler’s National Socialism (1933-1945). National Socialist (NS) Germany was able to achieve, in a period of less than 10 years, unprecedented and remarkable gains in economics, military power, social and cultural advancement, and national morale — and all amidst a global depression that was utterly crushing other advanced nations. Hitler’s system proved such a threat to the other world powers, and especially to the Jewish oligarchy that ruled in Europe and America, that they became determined to destroy it. And destroy it they did.

The threat from Hitler was never military — he never sought war with the West, and always only wanted to move east, in order to acquire badly-needed living space for his people, and to counter the looming Judeo-Bolshevist threat in the Soviet Union. Rather, the threat was Germany’s success: that Hitler might prove to the world that by driving out the Jewish element, by refocusing economies inward, and by promoting a non-materialistic worldview that extolled human character and spirit, that he would expose the many failings of Western Jewish-capitalist-materialistic society. This positive counter-example was something that the Western powers simply could not countenance, and so they conspired to destroy Hitler and his nascent society. In May of 1945, after five long years of fighting, with the entire industrial world arrayed against one nation, they prevailed.

The Allies defeated NS Germany, but not its ideas. Ideas, as they say, are bulletproof. They are eternal and immortal. Hitler’s vision still lives, and it has the power and potential to restore the world to a semblance of sanity, sustainability, and justice. This essay briefly outlines what National Socialism is, what a NS nation might look like today, and offers a few preliminary steps toward achieving such a vision.

What's National Socialism?
Part 2

National Socialism is, of course, a conjunction of nationalism and socialism. Nationalism is any tendency to favor one’s own nation or nationality, as opposed to outsiders, foreigners, or those of other ethnicities or races. It typically involves national independence, self-reliance, strong self-determination, and a robust sense of patriotism. A nationalist is usually concerned to have a military capable of self-defense (but not empire-building), to have an economy and a currency that operate independently of other nations, and to emphasize traditional culture and social norms. A ‘nation,’ in turn, is literally a breed, stock, or race of people. The word derives from the Latin nasci or natus, ‘to be born.’ A nation, then, is a group of people who are genetically related, of common ancestry, and who comprise a unified ethnicity. Nationalism works for the sole interest of the dominant ethnicity.

The opposite of nationalism is ‘internationalism’ — that is, globalism. Internationalists, such as those who predominate in the West today, promote global trade, global treaties and business pacts, currency unification, and active involvement in foreign affairs. In the old days, they pushed for colonialism. Today they promote international business practices (such as low-cost labor in third-world countries), and they like to project military power around the world and to engage in so-called ‘nation building.’ Being unconcerned with ethnic unity or national homogeneity, globalists advocate for mass immigration, interracial marriage, racial equality, and multiculturalism — none of which are historically or biologically natural, and all of which are proven detriments to the national majority.

Socialism — loosely defined as any system in which the government owns or controls large sectors of the economy — is widely practiced around the world, often in a kind of partnership with capitalist activities. Socialism is not a single entity but rather a spectrum of political and economic positions that can range from relatively unobtrusive to highly active and controlling. Socialism tends to benefit society as a whole, especially the middle and lower classes, whereas capitalism tends to benefit capital — i.e. the wealthy, and in practice, wealthy Jews disproportionately.

Hitler found virtue in both nationalism and socialism. He decided that it was necessary, early in his career, to take the small existing German Workers’ Party (DAP) and make it both nationalist and socialist — hence, the NSDAP, or Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei. This was neither extreme nor evil; it was simply common sense, for someone who was concerned about the well-being of his fellow Germanic people.

Thursday 11 January 2024

A Christian Vision for the Technological Renaissance


I recently caught myself on the brink of burnout, which led to an epiphany about the overlooked power of rest. Stepping away from the whirlwind of work, I found rejuvenation amidst the festivity with family, and now, I'm eager to share both my journey and an audacious vision for AI's future. 


Our latest podcast episode is brimming with personal insights and a blueprint for an uncensored AI platform that fosters creative freedom, daring to defy the restrictive algorithms of big tech. It's a call to reframe the AI narrative from sensationalist headlines to a Christian perspective that sees it as a vessel for augmenting our intellect, a tool destined to amplify human potential and celebrate God's glory.

As we tread into the new year, we're crafting a space for candid conversations, challenging the biases embedded in current AI platforms. Our small team's dedication has been nothing short of miraculous, birthing an AI chat alternative that empowers open discourse on any topic. 


We also tease a sneak peek at our upcoming image generator, curated to respect the bounds of creativity while steering clear of explicit content. This technological stride isn't just about advancing tools; it's about shaping them to reflect our values, to bolster our God-given talents, and to ensure that as we reach new heights of innovation, we remain anchored in our humanity and the divine creativity that fuels us.

Andrew Torba
CEO, Gab AI Inc
Jesus Christ is King

Click Here to listen to the episode

Neil Oliver: Beware – ultimate control is coming!

PODCAST IN FULL ‘…coercion is coming down the line at us, sure as eggs is eggs!!!’ To help support this podcast & get extra, exclusive content every week sign up to Neil Oliver
on Website: Shop - check out my t-shirts, mugs & other channel merchandise: Instagram - NeilOliverLoveLetter: Podcasts: Season 1: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The British Isles Season 2: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The World Available on all the usual providers

Tuesday 9 January 2024

Weirdness in New York tunnels Nick Griffin Presents the Templar Report


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Sunday 7 January 2024

The REAL reason Russia started invading Ukraine


The real reason Russia invaded Ukraine
Ukraine has the Bunnymen killing Russian civilians from the Donbas
Who killed Russian prison or soldiers instead of been hearing by the prisoner of war laws
And then committing crime into the side for the past decade in Ukraine
Since the Obama days to be literal
Do United States government apparently acts like a terrorist, and they bully around the world
No wonder people hate Americans!

Friday 5 January 2024

Neil Oliver: Utter corruption!

‘…scamdemic, digital IDs, CBDC, lies & political grifters……one way or another 2024 looks like being quite the year! To help support this podcast & get exclusive content every week sign up to Neil Oliver on Website: Shop - check out my t-shirts, mugs & other channel merchandise: Instagram - NeilOliverLoveLetter: Podcasts: Season 1: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The British Isles Season 2: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The World Available on all the usual providers

Sunday 31 December 2023

Jewish settlers hung the severed head of a donkey on the fence of Bab al-Rahma Cemetery, by the Temple Mount report

Nick Griffin Long time truth teller and former MEP reported in a tweet of another Zionist shameful act in Palestine. Mr Griffin on his Tweet reported .  

Jewish settlers hung the severed head of a donkey on the fence of Bab al-Rahma Cemetery, by the Temple Mount in occupied Jerusalem.

Not only do Muslims constitute the "donkey" in the Kabbalistic "Ox and Donkey" stratagem of Judaism, which aims to keep Christianity (the Ox) and Islam divided, but "donkey" is a commonplace epithet for Gentiles in the Talmud.

Yevamot 98a:3 says Goyim have the flesh of donkeys (and the semen of horses). Niddah 17a:2 says Gentiledom as a nation is comparable to a Donkey. Berakhot 58a:15 declares that Gentiles are called donkeys. Niddah 45a:15 invokes the same. As does Kiddushin 68a:13. "Hamor/Hamorim", the Hebrew word(s) for donkey/donkeys, is the most common insult/description one finds for Gentiles in the Talmud.

The message of decapitating a donkey and placing it on a Temple Mount graveyard is blatant: "The Third Temple is coming. And you'll either be submissive Noahides, or like this donkey." Sanhedrin 56a says any Goy who disobeys the Noahide Laws will be beheaded. Heretical 'Rapture' Christian-Zionists and ISIS head-cutters are not the only religious nut-jobs out there. Link to Mr Grifffins Tweet We strongly reommend following Mr Griffin .

Saturday 30 December 2023

General Robert E. Lee accurate prediction of what the US empire would become

 General Robert E. Lee had an incredibly accurate prediction of what the US empire would later turn out to be.
Due to his reputation as one of the finest officers of his time, he would be the very first person Lincoln approached to lead the Unions army in April of 1861. Lee declined and tendered his resignation from the army when the state of Virginia seceded on April 17, arguing that he could not fight against his own people. He would say, “If Virginia stands by the old Union,” so will I. But if she secedes then I will follow my native State with my sword, and, if need be, with my life.”`

Lee accepted command of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia on June 1, 1862 and was elevated to the rank of General in Chief of the Armies of the Confederate States on February 6, 1865.

In Appomattox, Virginia, on April 9, 1865, Robert E. Lee; the confederacy’s most respected commander, surrenders his 28,000 Confederate troops to Union General Ulysses S. Grant, effectively ending the American Civil War. As the Confederate army marches by Union General Joshua Chamberlain, the General had his man stand at attention and salute the recently vanquished confederates, he would later say of that moment,

"For us they were fellow-soldiers as well, suffering the fate of arms. We could not look into those brave, bronzed faces, and those battered flags we had met on so many fields where glorious manhood lent a glory to the earth that bore it, and think of personal hate and mean revenge."

As a part of the agreement All officers and men were to be pardoned, and they would be sent home with their private property–most important, the horses, which could be used for a late spring planting. Officers would keep their side arms, and Lee’s starving men would be given Union rations.

Lee returned home on parole and eventually became the president of Washington College in Virginia. He remained in this position until his death on October 12, 1870 in Lexington, Virginia. General Lee is universally regarded as one of the finest commanders in US history. For the vast majority of the time since the civil war, he was regarded as one of the finest Americans of all time. His portrait even hung in President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Oval Office.

Its sad today that so many demagogues, politicians, and foe academics have such vitriol for the men who fought in the war. In many cases they hold more animosity for the South then the actual men who were at war with them did. The desecration of the Reconciliation Memorial in Arlington National cemetery was a disgrace, and will only serve to weaken that bond of fraternal reconciliation between the North and the South.

Mia Chem I have several questions ?

 Mia Chem "went through a holocaust" (oy vey), where she was given medical care, not raped (unless she didn't make the men a sammich), and was prevented from being raped by a terrorists' wife.

I have several questions.
These people are allegedly so evil, they chop off baby heads, cook them in ovens, rape women and men on top of the bodies of women while paragliding, and apparently rape everything they see.... But this guy was prevented from raping her by his own muslim wife?

And now that we know there was a solid pattern of exaggerating and lies that jews claimed about the holocaust, are we expected to believe they suddenly stopped their pattern of exaggeration and lies?

Maybe they need to further justify their genocide in Gaza by calling everyone a terrorist and they need young pretty not-raped girls but who were definitely gonna be raped as a propaganda piece?

Why is no one talking about the fact that it's very plausible a majority of the people killed in Oct. 7 were killed "accidentally" by the IDF themselves, as they even admitted to this possibility previously?

The Task Ahead Nick Griffin presents the Templar Reprort


Former MEP Nick Griffin presents his last The Templar Report of 2023 ,in which he discusses the latest news and the way forward.

Friday 29 December 2023

An open letter to the Prime Minister

Richard Vobes English activist and reporter reads a open letter sent to the Prime Minister of the UK plc .