Freedom News
Freedom News writes and shares posts that are of Interest to a broad demographic . Articles are to be taken on a individual basis and not under the assumption that different Authors and content providers and Horwich Nationalist as well share the same opinions. Articles copied are fully attributed to Authors under international fair use acts. .
!) Brexiters don’t want a Global Government that is controlled by Banks and Big Corporations.
2) Brexiters believe that NO political government should have a divine
right to rule and that all governments should work only through the
consent of the governed. 3) Brexiters are not easily brainwashed by corporate propaganda.
4) Brexiters believe that Britain’s structure of Common Law is the
fairest, most government restricting structure that exists anywhere in the world today.
5) Brexiters believe that the law is not being used to restrict the
government in Britain successfully, because Britain is a member of the
EU. 6) Brexiters know that the only way to improve politics in
Britain is to exit the EU and reassert British common laws which can
restrict the power of government. 7) Brexiters care about
environmental issues and are extremely sceptical of Banks and corporate
monopolies who (through NGO’s and private think tanks) offer global
government planet saving solutions with one hand while systematically
destroying parts of the planet with the other. 8) Brexiters
understand that the natural course of humanity is towards global unity,
but do not believe that the process should be forced or sped up in an
uncontrolled, unnatural way which undermines the stability of the
process. 9) Brexiters are aware that progressive technologies mean
an ever changing world which will only become More authoritarian if the
British common laws are not reasserted and used to maintain peoples
natural rights and freedoms during the promotion of new technologies
which could improve people’s living standards. 10) Brexiters are
independent thinkers who are willing to act on their beliefs, even
though it means being ridiculously stereo typed by well-meant
disillusioned followers of the corporate globalist agenda. PLEASE SHARE IF YOU AGREE WITH THIS