Freedom News
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Despite our predecessors successfully fending off invasions from
Continental Europe for almost 1,000 years, we now face an army of
economic nomads who believe that the prosperity gained by the hard work and toil of British workers over generations is theirs for the taking.
The most shameful part of this whole sorry saga is that our own
government would appear to agree with them, and are prepared to sit back
and allow the on-going destruction of British heritage and cultural
identity to continue unabated. As if this wasn’t bad enough Local
authorities and the Education Department now require us to embrace and
promote the cultures and traditions of these new arrivals. Many
nurseries and schools now face a damning OFSTED report if they fail to
promote Multiculturalism and Diversity to the required levels enforced
upon them by Common Purpose traitors that have taken over many positions
of authority within the establishment. Any remaining power that
we still possess in this country will be eroded by Brussels until
Westminster has about as much authority as a parish council. We have no
other choice other than to leave the EU and restore our right to
self-determination. It is time to regain our national pride and put
Britain and our people first. Please LIKE & SHARE our page if on the 23rd June you will be voting for freedom, and saying “NO” to Brussels.from