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se who are responsible for the spreading of untruths, lies and deception are becoming the victims of their own propaganda machine -they created the deceiving whore and now she is fucking them over too by opening her legs and freely spreading information.It is only when you embrace the question mark and investigate for yourself about history, about what really 'is' do you uncover the truth. Some would say " how do you know its the truth " well we don't, but I think most people can recognise the truth when they see or hear it. especially when they assess probability, motive and plausibility. It is essential you have an open mind, a closed mind is the enemy of the truth. How are minds closed ? with fear !! fear of ostracisation, becoming a social leper, been finger pointed as a crank, exclusion, rejection. Fear of been branded or labelled with one of the 'special fear words' RACIST,BIGOT, NAZI, HATER. Fear of prosecution and incarceration. Most people do indeed fear that one or more of these fear words is attached to them, and as such they ignore their natural instinct, suppress their morals and their ability to decide what is right or wrong and they become compliant disciples of fear! Forever existing under its dark cloud It is your duty as a free thinking acting human being to question, to debateIt seems tho, discuss, to be sceptical and distrustful of ALL NEWS -OF EVERYTHING YOU HAVE BEEN TAUGHT BY A BIAS EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM AND MEDIA.
Multiculturalism and free movement of people are Globalist polices aimed at exploiting people of all races for profit. They portray these polices as humanitarian and natural which they are clearly not. It is totally unrealistic to expect people of different races, cultures, religions to abandon these and totally embrace a new foreign way of life. The result of trying to force people of different races, cultures, religions together into a cultural melting pot will lead to division, rejection, more hate, more anger, more trouble. It is natural for all cultures to pursue the position of top dog, king of the hill, and be dominant - after all every human being thinks their race, culture, religion is the best or lets put it this way they don't think they are inferior to others. To reject multiculturalism and its sister immigration is not a sin, it is not bad, evil... it is normal and a natural act of preservation, protection and conservation of the racial , cultural norms of the indigenous peoples.It is essential you have an open mind, a closed mind is the enemy of the truth.How are minds closed ? with fear !! fear of ostracisation, becoming a social leper, been finger pointed as a crank, exclusion, rejection. Fear of been branded or labelled with one of the 'special fear words' RACIST,BIGOT, NAZI, HATER. Fear of prosecution and incarceration. Most people do indeed fear that one or more of these fear words is attached to them, and as such they ignore their natural instinct, suppress their morals and their ability to decide what is right or wrong and they become compliant disciples of fear! Forever existing under its dark cloud It is your duty as a free thinking acting human being to question, to debate, discuss, to be sceptical and distrustful of ALL NEWS -OF EVERYTHING YOU HAVE BEEN TAUGHT BY A BIAS EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM AND MEDIA.Multiculturalism and free movement of people are Globalist polices aimed at exploiting people of all races for profit. They portray these polices as humanitarian and natural which they are clearly not.It is totally unrealistic to expect people of different races, cultures, religions to abandon these and totally embrace a new foreign way of life. The result of trying to force people of different races, cultures, religions together into a cultural melting pot will lead to division, rejection, more hate, more anger, more trouble.It is natural for all cultures to pursue the position of top dog, king of the hill, and be dominant - after all every human being thinks their race, culture, religion is the best or lets put it this way they don't think they are inferior to others.To reject multiculturalism and its sister immigration is not a sin, it is not bad, evil... it is normal and a natural act of preservation, protection and conservation of the racial , cultural norms of the indigenous peoples.