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Monday 13 December 2021

Russia Preparing for Currency Collapse, Buying Gold & Selling USD - Jame...

Recent data suggests that Russia is now preparing for the currency collapse, by buying gold, selling USD and getting rid of debt. According to, as of H1 2021, Russia had just $4.20 per capital in foreign currency reserves, but $739.50 per capita in gold, while Russia's debt only represents 18.4% of its GDP. As a comparison, for the same period, China had $2,293 per capita in foreign currency reserves, and just $64.86 per capita in gold, while it's debt as a percentage of GDP was 270.1%. So, in this video I asked James Turk on his opinion on this issue and what he thinks Russia is doing. In summary, he told me that what we're seeing today is central banks outside the US orbit preparing for a new monetary situation. Perhaps a currency collapse? James told me that he would do the same as Russia and he would be buying gold & selling USD, if he were a central banker of a large nation. During the full conversation we talked about James' early life, his experience and how he plans on dealing with inflation. You can watch that full conversation for free over here: