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Thursday 16 December 2021

Salvation Army Faces Massive Donation Shortages After Requesting “Sincere Apology” From White People

 The Christian-based organization Salvation Army has recently drawn much attention to itself by pushing a racist agenda, otherwise known as Critical Race Theory, on its employees. As Red Voice Media previously reported, the organization also asked for a “sincere apology” from white donors for their “racist” tendencies.

Reportedly, donors have begun fleeing from the organization after their harsh political stance. The organization has said that donor numbers for toys and money are so far down just before Christmas that it’s become a “dire” situation.

“The situation is dire,” said Colonel Cindy Foley of the NW Salvation Army Division, “and we are asking our generous supporters in the region to donate to the virtual Northwest Red Kettle as well as make donations at every physical kettle in whatever way you can.”

Additionally, the organization is short many “bell ringers” for their “Red Kettle Campaign, where volunteers ring bells outside of stores and wish shoppers a happy holidays while accepting their monetary donations.“There are many reasons why both financial and toy donations are down this year, not the least of which is likely pandemic fatigue and concerns about employment and the future,” Foley continued. “We are actually trying to provide food, shelter, toys and clothing to double the number of families we served last Christmas, and in the midst of the growing need we are seeing fewer people donating at our virtual and physical kettles.”