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Friday 14 January 2022

Latest Report from The Knights Templar


2:46 PM (2 hours ago)

VAXX DEATHS - Surge in Adverse Event Casualties

The US government’s reporting system for recording vaccine-related injuries has shown an astounding uptick since the rollout of the COVID-19 drugs in late 2020

With a prior yearly average of 300-400, vaccine-related deaths skyrocketed to over 20,000 in 2021 alone.

Frighteningly, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), which has recorded this shocking rise, uses a ‘passive reporting system’. This makes it notorious for under-counting the true number of adverse reactions. Past studies have found that VAERS can fail to record up to nine out of every ten vaccine injuries.

FREE Resist The Reset Leaflets

We have printed 500,000 TRUTH BOMB leaflets available immediately so that the sheeple can be informed and equipped with the TRUTH in these days of massive deception, falsehoods and media/Gov propaganda!


Will you let the big pharma destroy our children and enslave the whole of humanity?  I pray you rally to the battle trumpet and throw your support into getting these leaflets onto the streets.

These are free! All you pay is the postage!


Chapter House finishing touches

“Stunning! Simply stunning!” These were the first words out of the mouth of a visiting clergyman as he stood and stared in amazement in our new Upper Chapter House. Like everyone else who has seen it, he was bowled over by the quality and style on show now that the epic conversion job is finished.
A ramshackle collection of sheds has become the first new Templar building in the English-speaking world for more than seven hundred years.

Once again, we are a real-world ‘bricks and mortar’ organisation. The Upper and Lower Chapter House complex gives us a dedicated lecture room/dining hall and a sizeable office for our growing organisation.

Thanks are due to the very skilled and meticulous master builder, our volunteer labourers who have helped him at every state, and of course to the donors whose generosity has funded and made possible this remarkable project. A dream became a vision, and the vision has now become reality. We look forward to receiving more visitors, to using the building to the full, and to reaping the benefits of all this hard work and dedication. Deus Vult!

Knights Templar Order - PO BOX 2431, Sandy, UT, 84091, USA