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Friday 21 January 2022

Rare and collectable 1878 Holy Bible needs to be rescued from vandalism and restored



Rare and collectable 1878 Holy Bible needs rescued from vandalism and restored.

Will you help?

God has brought to our attention an opportunity to rescue one of the finest old leather family Bibles we have ever seen. Full leather binding with deep embossing complete with brass corner protectors and two brass locking clasps with unmarked pristine pages and dozens of hand drawn lithograph illustrations throughout this really is a simply stunning example of Gods Holy Word. 

German collectors want this just to strip out the illustrations which they sell at great profit so we must buy it and save this wonderful old Bible from the rubbish heap after it has been stripped.

The owner IS willing to sell it to us for far less than the asset strippers will pay IF we can pay for it in the next few days AND we promise to restore it to its former glory. Obviously, we are keen to do so as we think this is nothing less than an obligation for all true Christians.

So, we need £250 ($341) to purchase at the incredible deal we have got and then £650 ($887) to fully restore to its former beauty as the front cover is almost detached.

Therefore, We need to raise £900 or $1,200 to secure and restore this Lovely 1875 Holy Bible to what it once was. NOTE: When repaired it will have a value of over £2,000.  However, we would DIE before EVER selling it…….!

Ok, you know the task, I merely ask you to consult our Lord in this matter and do as HE instruct you. Thank you and may God guide you.

Knights Templar Order - PO BOX 2431, Sandy, UT, 84091, USA