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Tuesday 1 February 2022

Truth WILL Win Out!


The controlled media have overplayed their hand, with their blatant censorship and subservience to the dangerous agenda of Big Pharma and other elite interests.

Former CBS journalist Sharyl Attkisson had become a noted critic of liberal-left 'fact-checking' propaganda even before the Covid plandemic. Her bestselling book “Slanted: How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism,” slammed the way in which left-wing activists have twisted journalism.

The result is “the crazy media landscape we have today,’ Attkisson said in a recent interview, “where we have journalists — I don’t even think they’re journalists, but writers who amplify what establishment scientists or politicians want them to say — acting more as propagandists than journalists.”

During her time as an investigative reporter at CBS covering Big Pharma she noticed a shift in editorial policy regarding stories on the drug companies.

Attkisson said that in the early 2000s:

“I was surprised that the pushback [from industry representatives] as I covered pharmaceutical industry stories came to be about not just trying to shape the information, but more about keeping a story from airing or keeping a study from being reported on. There were these efforts by large-scale PR firms that had been hired by the pharmaceutical industry and by government parties that work with the pharmaceutical industry to keep the story from being reported at all.”

On news coverage of the pandemic, Attkisson says:

“Not too long ago, we in the news would not have simply repeated what the government and industry said uncritically and try to convince the audience of its truth. We would have treated skeptically these sources with a clear conflict of interest.”

Now, we can’t listen to other sources or other scientists, she said.

Attkisson said those who served propaganda interests are now “editorial presences” within newsrooms. The firewall between those who craft the message and the reporters are breaking down.

She outlined a number of elements of the pandemic that the media got wrong, “unrepentantly” never acknowledging their errors and false “debunkings.”

The list included:

  • Reports that COVID may have originated in the Wuhan lab — initially “debunked,” but now widely acknowledged as likely.
  • Dr. Anthony Fauci’s claims to Congress in 2020 regarding the severity of COVID — comments directly at odds with his own published research of the time.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shifting policies on masks: no … yes … maybe.
  • Lockdowns’ effectiveness in limiting the spread of the virus — they weren’t.
  • Vaccines as 95% effective against transmission and 100% effective against hospitalization and death — they aren’t.
  • Vaccines as preventing transmission — they don’t.
  • The misinformation fiascos regarding available clinical treatments.
  • The physical and mental health fall-out for young people of pandemic mandates for schools.
  • The CDC’s failure to correct false claims regarding “super immunity” for those receiving the Pfizer vaccine after having already been infected with COVID.  Pfizer’s research showed no net gain in immunity for those vaccinated who already had natural immunity. Nonetheless, CDC officials shared this information with doctors in presentations after admitting the error.

Defining herself as an optimist, Atkkisson said she believes propagandists have “overplayed their hand” with America and become “too transparent” in their agenda.

She praised the efforts of some entrepreneurs to create new, independent media platforms and outlets such as Substack and Rumble that refuse to censor intellectual content.

“The truth finds a way to be told,” Atkkisson concluded. “It may take some time, but the search for truth will ultimately win out.”

Indeed so! From the incredible response to the truth-bomb leaflets and newspapers which we in the Templars have been so heavily involved in getting produced and distributed in the last couple of months, we can see very clearly how the whole drastically overblown 'deadly Covid pandemic' narrative has helped awaken a huge number of people to the existence and sinister activities of the mega-rich liberal cabal and their masonic style clandestine operations against freedom and decency.

It is becoming a classic example of the Biblical explanation of how Satan digs pits for good people, but in the end it is his own followers who fall in them. What was meant to be the final chapter in the long and convoluted story of a global elite grab for total control of the entire planet is increasingly looking like the trigger for a mass awakening and popular resistance. The Long War between 'them' and 'us' is clearly not over; in many ways it is only just beginning in earnest!