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Wednesday 13 March 2024

Jayda Fransen calls out the Wimps, trash and cowardly men in the 'FAKE Right Wing' !

Today Jayda Fransen, Woman (real) Patriot, ex prisoner, Christian Fighter and ethno Nationalist leader calls out the Wimps, trash and cowardly men in the 'FAKE Right Wing' !
In A Tweet Jayda Stated  

''Yesterday really reinforced to me the ugliness of this fake online world.

Since stepping away from former ‘Rightwing’ associates, two things have become clear to me: 1. Most of the ‘Rightwing’ talking heads are owned by Zionists and will say anything for the Shekel. 2. Many of their fans, including low level activists seeking to emulate them, are driven by abject hatred, who thrive on Jeremy Kyle drama and will say just about anything to get ‘likes’ and support. The state of the patriotic political scene in Britain saddens me, because it is the best demonstration of why we don’t have community cohesion. Men who are meant to be in charge are behaving in the most unmanly ways; making public threats and insults against women, some of them taking things further and physically attacking women, whilst yobs cheer them on like their doing something noble. Using their support base to fund illegal and immoral habits like prostitution, drug use and untrue smear campaigns. These are the same men who’ve been pretending to care about their country and people, but really they have zero compassion or decency. The good news is, there is a growing movement of people who aren’t motivated by hate, but by genuine love. People of faith who want to fight against the evils in the West - not for donations or online ‘fame’ - but for a genuine God-driven desire to protect and defend what we hold dear. This is the world I am now living and working in, yet every now and then I get drawn back into the old poisonous fake Rightwing world occupied by narcissists, bullies and scroungers. None of these people are deserving of a single ounce of our energy or attention. So here are my new Twitters rules! Up until now I’ve just let the hateful people spout their venom on my posts, often allowing them to show their true wicked nature, but that’s no longer going to be the case. Anyone who: 1. Blasphemes against the Holy Spirit or mocks Christianity 2. Is abusive or threatening 3. Promotes degeneracy 4. Is clearly Shilling for the Zionist agenda that’s destroying the West You’re getting blocked. I wouldn’t dream of spending a moment in the company of such people, so I shouldn’t allow them into my online space. This will draw out the demons, which is a good thing since it’ll make the process quick. The Bible is actually very clear on this matter, we are to keep good company and come out from among the evildoers. Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. 1 Corinthians 15:33 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. 2 Corinthians 6:17 Life is short and there is so much beauty in the world that’s worth fighting for, don’t let the ugliness block your view of it. Let the demon purge commence.''