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Wednesday 15 May 2024

Neil Oliver: Lockdown Letters!

‘Letters from Lockdown - real agony of real people’ Below is the links to the full highlights compilation reel. To help support this podcast & get extra, exclusive content every week sign up to
Neil Oliver on   / neiloliver   Website: Shop - check out my t-shirts, mugs & other channel merchandise: Instagram - NeilOliverLoveLetter:   / neiloliverloveletter   Podcasts: Season 1: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The British Isles Season 2: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The World Available on all the usual providers

DEEP STATE EXPLAINED: Templar Report 15th May 2024


Monday 13 May 2024

Mass deportations" has become the new slogan constantly repeated by the collective 'far-right' The Reality

In a recent Tweet former MEP Nick Griffin offered a glimmer of reality to some of the right wing promises from some populist parties over mass deportations.. In his tweet Mr Griffin stated below. 

 "Mass deportations" has become the new slogan constantly repeated by the collective 'far-right'.

It is, of course, only possible if they acquire & hold state power. And if the general population was willing & able to fight & win a civil war, and then to withstand coloured revolution efforts & a NATO bombing campaign like against Serbia. It is, in a word, IMPOSSIBLE. "Mass deportations" is a slogan, used either as a comfort blanket or as a way of pretending to be based & edgy, while appealing for donations to "help my work". Sorry folks, but it's not 'work', it's a fantasy for fools. You all need to grow up, drop this tooth-fairy 'political' fakery, and start building a movement that can fight for the rights and proper status of our people when we are the largest minority in a land of minorities. We will need to negotiate with the 'Others', and at times to face down various enemies - including at times our own elites. We need positions of strength from which to do so, and they do not come from wish-list sloganeering. Programmes for putting things right in an unattainable world are worse than useless. We need men, not policy papers. The future is already baked in, face it like men, don't hide under the blanket like frightened children.

Saturday 11 May 2024

The Tyrannical Australian Government Threatens Gab Social Medai For Refusing To Censor


This morning Gab received a notice from the Australian government threatening 

us with a fine of $500,000 for refusing to censor a video of the tragic attack at the Assyrian Christ The Good Shepherd Church in western Sydney. The video was posted by a Gab user and followed with a heartfelt message from Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel, who was wounded in the attack. It’s worth mentioning that Meta and X, upon receiving similar requests from the Australian government, promptly complied by removing and censoring the video, while Gab alone remained steadfast in our opposition to censorship of the video.

As a platform committed to free speech principles, Gab refused to comply with the censorship demands of the Australian government. We believe that the right to free speech is fundamental and are determined to stand up against any attempts to suppress it. If you would like to support us in our efforts to combat this attack on free speech from the Australian government you can make a donation here or upgrade to GabPRO hereDealing with foreign government censorship demands takes up our precious time and resources, but it is worth it.

The footage of the attack at the Assyrian Christ The Good Shepherd Church that the Australian government wants us to remove is undeniably distressing to watch, as it captures the sheer brutality and senselessness of the violence that unfolded. While it may be challenging for some viewers to bear witness to such a tragic event, it is crucial to recognize that this video serves a vital purpose in informing the public about the reality of this horrific incident. Furthermore, the video’s inclusion of a heartfelt testimony from Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel, who was a victim in the attack, adds an essential layer of context and humanizes the impact of this devastating event. As a result, the footage is undeniably newsworthy and in the public interest, shedding light on the tragic consequences of violence and the resilience of those who have been directly affected by it.

The Australian government’s threat to Gab is a clear violation of our users’ freedom of speech. The notice states that “Failure to comply with the Notice may result in enforcement action, including the commencement of civil penalty proceedings for a civil penalty order of up to a maximum penalty of $782,500 (AUD) for a single contravention by a body corporate.” This is equivalent to $500,000 in USD.

Gab’s Response: We refuse to succumb to the pressure of the Australian government and will not censor the video posted by our user. We stand by our commitment to free speech and support the Assyrian Christ The Good Shepherd Church in their time of need. We encourage our users to share their thoughts, prayers, and support for Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel and the entire congregation affected by this tragedy.

Gab was founded in 2016 as an alternative to mainstream social media platforms that are known for their overly censorious and biased policies against conservative viewpoints. We believe in providing a platform where users can express themselves freely within the bounds of American law. Our leadership style is characterized by vocal advocacy for free speech and a staunch opposition to Silicon Valley’s monopolistic control over online discourse.

We urge our users to stand with Gab in our fight for free speech and support for the Assyrian Christ The Good Shepherd Church. Share your thoughts, prayers, and support for Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel and the congregation on Gab, and help us spread the word about this important issue. Together, we can demonstrate that the power of free speech is stronger than any government’s attempt to suppress it. Let’s stand united in our commitment to protect and preserve free speech online for everyone.

Andrew Torba
Christ is King

Wednesday 8 May 2024

The Wartime Church

 The recent incidents at Jesus Dwelling Place Church in North Braddock, Pennsylvania, and the Assyrian Christ The Good Shepherd Church in western Sydney serve as stark reminders that Christians are at war whether we acknowledge it or not. The attempted shooting of Pastor Glenn Germany and the stabbing of Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel underscore the need for self-defense training and a strategic plan for our churches. We must recognize that we are living in a time of war – a war against our faith, our values, and our way of life. To effectively navigate this tumultuous period, it is essential for pastors and churches to adopt a wartime mindset, as opposed to a peace time one that many currently hold.

Do I need to remind you of what has been happening over the past year?

How “Christ is King” has been labeled “antisemitic?”

Or how Resurrection Sunday was mocked by the Biden White House with a declaration of “trans visibility?”

Or how about our elected representatives passing “hate speech” legislation that effectively outlaws parts of the Bible?

Not to mention how quickly we forget the horrific massacre of six Christians including three young children at a Nashville school.

Being winsome and “nice” won’t cut it anymore, Christian.

It’s time to get serious.

The time for complacency is over and we must equip ourselves with the knowledge and skills necessary to protect our churches and communities from potential threats. A wartime church is characterized by a heightened sense of urgency, vigilance, and preparedness. It is a church that recognizes the spiritual battle being waged against it and actively works to protect its members and uphold the values of the faith. In 1 Peter 5:8, we are warned to “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” This verse underscores the importance of remaining vigilant and prepared in the face of both spiritual and physical attacks.

In contrast, a peace time church is characterized by a sense of complacency and a lack of urgency. It is a church that may be more focused on personal growth and individual spirituality, rather than the broader spiritual battle being waged against it. While there is certainly value in personal growth and spiritual development, a peace time church may be ill-prepared to face the challenges and threats that come with a wartime environment.

In the case of Pastor Germany, it was the swift and courageous actions of church members that prevented a potential tragedy. Their response highlights the importance of fostering a sense of community and preparedness within our churches. By God’s sovereign grace a miracle happened and the gun malfunctioned. This gave congregants and Pastor Germany enough time to react and subdue the suspect.

The incident in Sydney similarly underscores the need for Christians to be vigilant and prepared for potential attacks. Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel, who has a global online following, was wounded along with at least three others when a man lunged at him with a knife during an evening service. Praise God for those who swiftly took action to stop the attack.

In a wartime church, the pastor serves as a spiritual warrior, leading his congregation into battle against the forces of darkness. This is exemplified in Ephesians 6:10-12, which states, “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

To transition to a wartime church, it is essential for pastors and church leaders to adopt a proactive and strategic approach to spiritual warfare and physical threats. This includes:

Developing a comprehensive security plan: Ensuring that churches have the necessary security measures in place to protect their congregations and property from potential threats.

Training in self-defense and emergency response: Equipping church members with the knowledge and skills necessary to protect themselves and their fellow believers in the event of an attack.

Fostering a sense of community and preparedness: Encouraging open communication and collaboration among church members, as well as promoting a culture of vigilance and preparedness.

Emphasizing the importance of spiritual warfare: Preaching messages that highlight the ongoing battle against the forces of darkness and the need for Christians to remain vigilant and steadfast in their faith.

The war against Christianity is not a hypothetical threat, but a very real and present danger. As Christians it is our responsibility to prepare ourselves and our churches for the challenges that lie ahead. By adopting a wartime mindset and implementing a strategic plan for spiritual warfare, we can ensure that our churches remain strong, resilient, and steadfast in the face of adversity. Let us remain committed to advancing the Kingdom of God by discipling the nations to uphold the values and principles of our faith, and may God grant us the wisdom, courage, and strength to prevail in this ongoing battle.

Christ is King.
Andrew Torba

Tuesday 7 May 2024

Neil Oliver Interviews David Krayden

totalitarianism or nuclear war, we’re on a slippery slope!' To help support this podcast & get extra, exclusive content every week sign up to Neil Oliver on   / neiloliver   Neil Oliver Website: Neil Oliver Shop - check out my t-shirts, mugs & other channel merchandise: Neil Oliver Instagram - NeilOliverLoveLetter:   / neiloliverloveletter   Neil Oliver Podcasts: Season 1: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The British Isles Season 2: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The World Available on all the usual providers MORE ways you can find David Krayden’s work: Krayden's Right Substack: Rumble: Twitter:   / davidkrayden   Facebook:   / kraydensright  

Col. Douglas Macgregor : Do Israel + Ukraine = WWIII?

Col. Douglas Macgregor : Do Israel + Ukraine = WWIII?

The Evil Decline of Britain’s Dystopian Estates


 a film to show you all about the decline of Britain's Council Estates.
An example of how the UK Welfare State (which BFP would scrap) is negatively impacting the decent, Working Class.


Credit: @JimmyTheGiant (Youtube -

Wednesday 1 May 2024

Neil Oliver: ‘…a dark tide is rising…’

…appetites for destruction & the age-old attractions of despotism…’ To help support this podcast & get extra, exclusive content every week
sign up to Neil Oliver on   / neiloliver   Website: Shop - check out my t-shirts, mugs & other channel merchandise: Instagram - NeilOliverLoveLetter:   / neiloliverloveletter   Podcasts: Season 1: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The British Isles Season 2: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The World Available on all the usual providers

Saturday 27 April 2024

Why Balkanization of The USA is Inevitable


The United States of America as well as Europe is undergoing a radical demographic shift, with tens of millions of people from various cultures and beliefs being imported into the country over the past few decades. This transformation raises a critical question: Can a nation survive such a significant demographic change and remain united? The answer, as history has shown, is unequivocally no.

Throughout history there have been numerous examples of multi-cultural nations that have fallen due to their inability to address the underlying cultural and ideological differences within their societies. The Ottoman Empire, which was once one of the most powerful nations in the world but eventually fell due to its inability to address the cultural and ideological differences within its diverse population. The empire’s failure to integrate its various ethnic and religious groups led to a growing divide between the central government and the provinces, ultimately resulting in the empire’s disintegration.

More recently, the breakup of Yugoslavia in the 1990s serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of failing to address the cultural and ideological differences within a multi-cultural nation. The country’s diverse population, consisting of various ethnic and religious groups, was unable to find common ground, leading to a series of brutal conflicts and the eventual breakup of the country into several smaller, more homogenous states.

According to a recent Axios Vibes survey conducted by The Harris Poll, 50% of Americans, including 42% of Democrats, support mass deportations of illegal aliens. Additionally, 30% of Democrats and 46% of Republicans express a desire to end birthright citizenship, which is currently protected by the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution. Unfortunately although mass deportations appears to be a uniting solution that both the left and the right largely agree on, our elected officials will never have the backbone or political will to get it done.

The reality of our current situation is that our elected representatives do not truly represent the people; instead, they serve the interests of the ruling and donor class – the Zionists. This fact has become increasingly apparent in recent weeks, particularly with the passage of the TikTok ban bill and the allocation of billions of taxpayer dollars to Israel. Republicans and Democrats in Congress can’t agree on anything or get anything done, but when it comes to sending our money to Israel and banning TikTok in order to stop young Americans from criticizing Israel online without censorship, they act immediately.

These actions, coupled with the mass hysteria and immediate crackdown response to anti-genocide protests of Israel on college campuses, demonstrate that the politicians who are supposed to represent us are more concerned with appeasing their Jewish donors than addressing the concerns of their actual constituents. As a result, the people’s desires for solutions, such as mass deportations, are ignored.

The response to the current protests on college campuses has been characterized by hard crackdowns, the use of force, and nonstop media coverage demonizing the protesters. This approach is in stark contrast to the response of the ruling regime during the summer of BLM chaos in 2020, when cities were burning to the ground, violence took over the streets, and businesses were being looted.

During the BLM protests, the ruling regime took a more lenient approach, allowing the demonstrations to continue even as many churches and businesses were shut down from Covid restrictions. The media coverage of these protests was generally sympathetic, with many outlets highlighting the grievances of the protesters and calling for social justice reforms.

In contrast, the response to anti-genocide protests on campus has been much harsher, with authorities using force to disperse the protesters and the media painting them as “anti-Semitic” and dangerous. This discrepancy in treatment suggests that the ruling regime is more concerned with protecting the interests of Israel and its supporters than addressing the concerns of those protesting against Israeli policies.

The consequences of this disconnect between the ruling class and the people are becoming increasingly evident. As history has shown, when a nation undergoes a dramatic demographic shift without addressing the underlying cultural and ideological differences, the result is often balkanization – the division of a country into smaller, ethnically or culturally homogenous regions.

The term “balkanization” originated from the breakup of the Balkan Peninsula in the early 20th century. The region, once part of the Ottoman Empire, was divided into numerous smaller states, each with its own distinct ethnic and cultural identity. This fragmentation was driven by the desire of various ethnic groups to achieve self-determination and assert their unique cultural identities.The process of balkanization is not unique to the Balkans; it has occurred throughout history in various regions around the world. In each case, the underlying cause has been the failure to address the cultural and ideological differences that exist within a nation, leading to the eventual division of the country into smaller, more homogenous regions.

The United States is currently experiencing a demographic shift that is unlike anything in history. The country is becoming increasingly diverse, with people from various cultures and beliefs being imported in large numbers. This change is being driven by a combination of factors, including mass immigration, birth rates, and the changing attitudes of the American people. The impact of this demographic shift is already being felt in various areas of American society. For example, the political landscape has become increasingly polarized, with both the left and the right becoming more extreme in their views. This has led to a growing divide between different groups within the country, with each side becoming more entrenched in their beliefs.

Andrew Bridgen MP: "I'm Afraid It's Going To Be Bigger Than The Holocaust"

Andrew Bridgen, Independent British Member of Parliament for North West Leicestershire speaks to a Resistance GB journalist after his monumental speech in the House of Commons (18/04/24). This video contains an except from the House of Commons by a Member of Parliament, as well as an interview with said member of Parliament. They are covered in the public interest as journalistic content. This video contains a free (unpaid) advert at the end for Raw Milk Conspiracy & other acts performing at Underground Sounds, Finsbury Park, London, Thursday 25th of April 7PM & the last Thursday of each month. Court updates and full footage to come soon. Andrew Bridgen's Website:

LIVE News | Hungary's Orban EU Election Campaign Aims At 'Occupy Brussel...

News, Hungary's Orban EU Election Campaign Aims At 'Occupy Brussels' While Attacking West. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban painted a grim picture of a Europe teetering on the edge of armed conflict in a speech opening his party's campaign for European Union elections. The long-serving leader goes into the June ballot facing significant challenges at home and abroad, including the recent resignations of key officials and a battered economy due partly to billions in EU funds withheld from Hungary over rule-of-law and corruption concerns.

Who Is Really Behind Tommy Robinson?

A dog cannot be loyal to two masters. #TommyRobinson #Zionist #Controlledopposition Sources used in this video: https://www.davidhorowitzfreedomcente... For more content please visit: Twitter: @squattingslavtv Instagram: squattingslavtv

Thursday 25 April 2024

Neil Oliver: ‘…we’re being played by our governments over and over again...

.no one will think of a homeland that belongs to them in any meaningful sense anymore..….
we’re all being turned into migrants….’ To help support this podcast & get extra, exclusive content every week sign up to Neil Oliver on   / neiloliver   Website: Shop - check out my t-shirts, mugs & other channel merchandise: Instagram - NeilOliverLoveLetter:   / neiloliverloveletter   Podcasts: Season 1: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The British Isles Season 2: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The World Available on all the usual providers

Monday 22 April 2024

Col. Douglas Macgregor: Ukraine: What Happens Now?

“Misguided,” “childlike,” and “absurd”—-perfectly descriptive of those fools on The Hill. With such so-called leadership, the successful future of our country is highly questionable, to say the least. But Colonel Macgregor, great teacher that he is, helps us to recognize the madness and encourages us to work for reform. Thank you, Judge and Colonel, for the gift of these brilliant interviews.

'WORLD WAR III is HERE!' - Neil Oliver warns of incoming FALLOUT over Israel and Iran

‘We’re not supposed to have noticed World War III is up and running.’ Neil liver says World War III is ‘already here’ while discussing the conflict between Israel and Iran.