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Wednesday 3 July 2024

Reform UK has turned the election into a referendum on the corrupt political establishment.


Nigel Farage has issued a last Minute appeal to the British people to get out and vote.

Normally I not would support Farage as a Nationalist. But what else is the alternate Liebour or the Tories. 

My words in newspaper today: Reform UK has turned the election into a referendum on the corrupt political establishment. If you want more of the same, just vote for either side of the same establishment coin, Tory or Labour. But if you love your country and want real change? If you want to Stop the Boats and freeze immigration? Then join the people’s revolt and vote with your heart for Reform UK. Britain’s elites are happy to see Keir Starmer replace Rishi Sunak because it’s not a change of government. It’s just a change of middle management. Why else would snobby voices like the Financial Times and the Economist endorse Starmer’s Labour? I am serious about breaking up their rotten two-party system. After Thursday, Reform UK can be the real opposition in parliament. We will hold Starmer to account over his plans to open Britain’s borders to even more immigration and betray Brexit by taking the knee to the EU. And this is just the start. Over the next five years I am serious about building a mass movement for real change. A vote for Reform UK is not a protest vote, it’s not a fantasy vote, it’s not a wasted vote. It’s a vote to change Britain for good. Something remarkable is happening out there. Now we need you to put your X where your heart is. Do you want a leader who is unashamedly patriotic, proud of Britain’s past and optimistic about our future? Then make your voice heard, join the people’s revolt and vote Reform UK.