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Saturday 6 July 2024

King Pelayo: A Symbol of Resistance and Inspiration for Christian Nationalists


King Pelayo: A Symbol of Resistance and Inspiration for Christian Nationalists

In a time when the world is increasingly hostile to traditional Christian values and the influence of the faith in society, the story of King Pelayo serves as a powerful reminder of the resilience of Christianity and the importance of preserving its heritage. Born around 685, Pelayo, also known as Pelagius, was a Hispano-Visigoth nobleman who founded the Kingdom of Asturias in 718. He is credited with initiating the Reconquista, the Christian reconquest of the Iberian Peninsula from the Moors.

Pelayo’s early life was marked by his rebellion against the Arab rulers who had conquered the Visigothic kingdom. He was exiled from Toledo by Wittiza, the Visigothic king, and later sent to Córdoba by Munuza, the Moslem governor of the Asturias. However, Pelayo managed to escape and eventually formed a small army of Christians in the Cantabrian Mountains. This army, led by Pelayo, defeated the Moors in the famous Battle of Covadonga, marking the beginning of the Reconquista.

The significance of Pelayo’s legacy cannot be overstated. He laid the foundations for the eventual unification of Christian kingdoms in the north of the Iberian Peninsula, including the kingdoms of León, Castile, Navarre, Catalonia, Galicia, and Aragon. This unification paved the way for the eventual expulsion of the Moors from the Iberian Peninsula and the restoration of Christian rule.

In the context of today’s world, where Christian values are under constant assault from secular forces and internationalist ideologies, the story of King Pelayo serves as a powerful example of Christian resistance and resilience. Just as Pelayo and his followers refused to submit to the Moors, so too must Christians today resist the forces that seek to undermine their faith and way of life.

Pelayo’s story is particularly relevant to the burgeoning Christian Nationalist movement in America, which seeks to restore the influence of Christianity in American society and politics. Like Pelayo, Christian Nationalists believe that Christians must band together to defend their faith and their way of life from those who seek to destroy it. They recognize that the time for complacency is over and that Christians must take an active role in shaping the future of their nation.

In this context, King Pelayo serves as a powerful symbol of Christian resistance and perseverance. His story reminds us that Christians have a long and proud history of standing up for their faith in the face of adversity, and that they must continue to do so in the face of the challenges that confront them today. As we work to build a parallel Christian society grounded in Biblical values, let us remember the example of King Pelayo and the brave men and women who fought alongside him to preserve the Christian heritage of the Iberian Peninsula.

King Pelayo’s legacy serves as an inspiration for Christians in America today who are working to build a parallel Christian society grounded in a Biblical worldview. His story reminds us that Christians have a long and proud history of standing up for their faith in the face of adversity and that they must continue to do so in the face of the challenges that confront them today. As we work to preserve the Christian heritage of our nation and the world, let us remember the example of King Pelayo and the brave men and women who fought alongside him to preserve the Christian heritage of the Iberian Peninsula.

Andrew Torba
Christ is King