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Tuesday 30 July 2024

BREAKING: Criminalising the 'The Lord's Prayer'?

By Christian Concern 

BREAKING: Criminalising the 'The Lord's Prayer'? This week will see a first of its kind case in Northern Ireland after a Roman Catholic woman was arrested, convicted and told she was ‘ignorant’ for praying inside an abortion clinic ‘censorship zone’.

The officers asked Mrs Claire Brennan to move outside of the buffer zone. In response, she said: “Officer, you have a duty to uphold the law, and I have a duty to uphold God’s law. This is where we pray.” She added that: “We are not committing any offences.” “In the eye of the law you are”, the officer said and accused them of causing ‘harassment, alarm and distress.’ Mrs Brennan responded: “The law of the land stops me from upholding the law of God… We pray for the babies who will be imminently killed in this hospital.” Mrs Brennan was subsequently called 'ignorant' by the police. chief executive of the Christian Legal Centre which is supporting the case, said: “Buffer zones are an oppressive part of the current culture which force consent and silence dissent. The saddest thing of all is that we are actually talking about human lives. “We stand with Claire as she fights for justice and believe the Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) Act (Northern Ireland) 2023 must be repealed.” Find out more on this story with the case beginning at Coleraine Magistrates court tomorrow (July 30.) Link to video