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Wednesday 10 July 2024

Playing The Long Game

 Playing The Long Game

Many people romanticize the idea of picking up everything they have and moving to “the middle of nowhere” to escape the hellscape of modernity. As someone who lives in the middle of nowhere I can tell you with confidence that the illusion of escaping societal rot by relocating to a different place is just that: an illusion. The decay is present everywhere and no single location is immune to its effects.

The stain of modernity is ubiquitous.

The key to addressing this issue is to identify areas where restoration is still possible and actively engage in the process of rebuilding. By doing so, we can create a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. To better understand this concept, consider the analogy of restoring an old car. You want to find a vehicle with minimal rust and wear, as excessive corrosion renders it unsalvageable. While some patina is to be expected, the goal is to find a car that can still be restored with effort and dedication. This is the same principle that applies to combating societal rot.

The first step in addressing societal decay is to accept that there is no “perfect” location, free from the problems of modernity. No state and no nation are immune to the societal rot of liberalism, zionism, and globalization.

The second step is to understand and accept that we may never live to see the fruits of our efforts to rebuild our civilization and that’s okay. We’re not doing this for ourselves, we’re doing it for our kin. It will be decades of work and toil, but it will be worth it.

Better this daunting task be on our shoulders than on the shoulders of our children. In today’s fast-paced world, we often find ourselves seeking instant gratification and immediate results. However, when it comes to rebuilding society, we must embrace the concept of the long game.

The reality is that we are engaged in a protracted, multi-generational struggle for the hearts and minds of our fellow citizens. This war transcends the boundaries of political affiliation, extending into the realms of culture, spirituality, and even the very foundations of our society. It is a conflict that cannot be won within the confines of a single election cycle, as it demands far more than passive support from those who share our values.

To truly achieve victory in this war, we must be willing to invest our time, energy, and resources into the cause. This means engaging in grassroots activism, fostering meaningful connections within our communities, and working tirelessly to educate others about the importance of preserving and promoting our shared values and exposing those who seek to destroy us and our way of life.

We must be prepared to challenge the prevailing narratives that have been force-fed to us by a corrupt and untrustworthy media for our entire lives, and instead seek out alternative sources of information that align with our principles. Moreover, we must recognize that our efforts will not yield immediate results. The changes we seek will require decades, if not generations, of dedicated work to bring about. We must be patient, steadfast, and resolute in our pursuit of truth and justice, never wavering in the face of adversity or opposition.

It is crucial that we cultivate a sense of unity and camaraderie amongst our fellow travelers. We must work together to build a parallel Christian society, one that is firmly grounded in the principles of our faith and dedicated to the preservation of our God-given rights and liberties. This will require us to break free from the shackles of the secular world, forsaking the corrupt institutions and organizations that have long sought to undermine our way of life.

As we embark upon this great endeavor, we must never forget the sacrifices of those who have come before us. The legacy of our ancestors, who fought and bled to secure the blessings of liberty for future generations, serves as a constant reminder of the stakes at hand. We owe it to them, and to ourselves, to continue their struggle and ensure that the torch of freedom lit with the fire of our faith is passed on to our children and grandchildren.

The path before us is long and arduous, fraught with challenges and obstacles that will test the very limits of our resolve. But if we remain steadfast in our convictions, if we are willing to invest the necessary time and effort, and if we are prepared to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with our fellow believers, we can prevail in this multi-generational war for the soul of our nation. So let us gird ourselves with the armor of faith, take up the mantle of leadership, and march forth into the fray, secure in the knowledge that our cause is just and our mission divine.

To God be the glory,

Andrew Torba
Christ is King