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Monday 29 July 2024

We have been lied to on a monumental level my friends


Noctis Draven
We have been lied to on a monumental level my friends. For decades we have been taught as believers of God that Muslims, that believers of Islam are our enemies. This truly started in America after 9-11, 2001. The world trade center had been destroyed, years later we know that it was not organic, it was an orchestrated event with a goal.
The goal was a multi-generational invasion and occupation of the Middle East. During this time heavy propaganda would be released to us via all outlets. Movies, TV, news etc, it would depict Muslims a violent, bearded, caricatures of Osama Bin Laden. Suicide bombers and terrorists all hell bent on destroying all things American. This was designed to mentally condition us for seeing Muslims as enemies, as evil. The truth is, all of this was done by and for Israel 🇮🇱 as Israel was the ONLY benefactor of the endless wars in the Middle East other than elites and weapons manufacturers. In truth, we should have joined forces with the Islamic world, we should be allies. You see, the Jews do not think fondly of us, Muslim or Christian. In fact they even hate both of us. Islam and Christianity are different but we are the same. We are two branches of the same tree, but the Jewish people want to remove that tree. So the tragedy of my life is that I was brainwashed and sent to invade the lands of our people, our cousins by faith. We were sent to invade and kill the Muslims who are us by a different colour, on behalf of a people who hate us. By some sick and twisted design they have convinced us to defend the people who killed our messiah, who believe nothing we believe and think the worst of us and send us to war with those whom do share our similar beliefs, who respect our ways and while they may see our story and beliefs differently they recognise and accept it's importance. We have been fighting the wrong enemy, deceived and divided. Never again will I raise a hand in violence to Islam or Muslims. Where I see Islam I will see home, friends, cousins by faith. I will defend them and their faith as they defend ours. For far more years than I can count they have stirred hate, division and pointed us at each other while they hid in the shadows profiting off of our division, hate and bloodshed. The worst fear of our controllers is realizing this in mass, of realizing our bond and similarities. They know that should we unite we would be impossible to defeat. Maybe it's time we stop looking at each other through the lense they have given us and start seeing each other as we are. Maybe it's time to realise and recognise the true divider, for this is what they fear most.