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Sunday 28 July 2024

The Olympics organiser and why basically Jews hate Christians


The reason for this is a bit complex and requires some un-taught history but because that route usually ends in debate and people screaming, "Youdon't know, I don't believe this nonsense!" I will tell you the vanilla version. Basically Jews hate Christians, they will never admit it openly but they see Christians and pigs, as servants and lesser than. In truth Muslims have more in common with Christians than any other religion as even Muslims recognize Jesus as someone important and significant. Jews however recognize Jesus as simply a rebel, a human trouble maker who used tricks and slight of hand to perform miracles. They hate Jesus and for some reason even though it is historically accurate it has become, "antisemitic," to say that yes, infact Jews did kill Jesus Christ. So over the course of many years Jews have systematically altered the Bible we have today and inserted themselves as a chosen people of God, this was never real, never actual scripture. What Jews have done is somehow made themselves seen as special and elevated over Christians despite Jews not believing in Christ, hating him and even killing him. Ironically Christians protect these people. It is a massive case of Stockholm syndrome on a spiritual level. Jews actually worship themselves before any God. They follow a belief of pleasure of the flesh, of the body. Do what makes you feel good and ignore rules and religion because they don't belive the same God or God's we do. They serve... well, to be frank many Jews don't even know who it is they serve, not truly but I won't say it here. This is also intensified as Jews have a very intimate knowledge and understanding of human emotion and desires, this is because the Jew overwhelmingly on average has a higher IQ than the rest of humanity, this is not for debate, it's just fact. So Jews understand how to push out propaganda, literature, art and entertainment that solidified them as forever victims. They can identify what you want, desire, and give it to you. Do you desire women? Men? Boys? Girls? Money? Do you desire mindless Hip-Hop music, or maybe you need patriotic country music, maybe pop. They will find your hole, the thing you hide from the world and provide it to you for a price. And they enrich themselves. People are simultaneously now afraid to ever criticize Jews or question anything they do because 1st, the Holocaust, you will be seen as antisemitic. 2nd, they are, "God's chosen people." 3rd, cancel culture for being antisemitic. This has allowed Jews to wrap themselves in not only Christianity but also American patriotism for protection. You may hear many, many things about Jews but NEVER call them stupid, these are the most intelligent beings in the world, and they have been for thousands of years. The Jew is the name they go by for our millennium but they were called other things before that. They purposely make sure to keep their numbers small, because in that way they are always seen as fragile, weak and needing protection. Despite always being shallow in number they always seem to be in positions of power, influence, control and wealth. Point anywhere on the map, any land, any nation and wherever the wealth is, the entertainment, the media, the finance, the music, the porn, the tools used to prey on emotion, desire, feelings and information and you will find the Jew. People mock them, make fun of them but they are not to be mocked or made fun of. These people are the closest things to demi-gods on earth, and they have been here and playing this role for a very, very long time. Long after we are dead and our empires rise and fall. Long after the world evolves into whatever it will be, whatever civilization exists a thousand years from now, the Jew will still rule our world. You will never defeat them, ever, no one will. Only in death do we escape them. That's the truth.