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Saturday 27 July 2024

Full truth of our world, our struggle


I've written this post 17 times, and deleted it 16 times. The other drafts detailed the full truth of our world, our struggle but because I understand how you are, what you would think or say I have removed it in place of this, so what follows is what you would understand. Look below at this video, do you see? Russia, is the last of us. The last bastion of humanity. Why do I say this? Why have I said this many times before? "He gains followers, he gains money, he hates his country so he drags it before the world, he is angry, depressed and unstable." All wrong. In fact I have never been more lucid and sane in all my life. What does Noctis or whatever his name is know of Russia? What does this American who has never been know of these people or their ways? The answer, nothing, nothing at all. But I recognize the truth. As one can see a clean spot on a dirty floor, I see Russia in an un-clean world. Do you need to understand every detail, all the intricacies of a plane to understand that it flies? No, and likewise I can understand Russia is the last one left. Now, I will address China, yes, China is also free, China has not fallen to the west, but China believes nothing, they follow nothing. They are a super power without purpose, they simply are. It is Russia 🇷🇺 that is the last of us. Look at your homes, your leaders, your people. You sense it, you feel it, the battle over, lost, you are defeated, consumed. But Russia is not. At this time Russia believes it fights simply NATO, simply the West. But they haven't yet realized that they fight the bringer of light, the cherub of song, of frequency, the old serpent, that old dragon, scratch, the Morning Star. The builders of our world, constructors whom have made what we all see now, and their wives whom pray to the Eastern Star. Yes it's true, the last children of our creator believe it is just flesh and blood they face, but they wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. You see it no? The west infested, like maggots on rotting meat. Look below, what represents them. This is not isolated, this is the west. Degeneracy, mockery, pleasure of the flesh. Do you see the common theme? Every land, every people from the west, all adopt the same ways, the same beliefs. We assume throughout history that the so called, "good guys," always win, but in reality many times the bad guys have won, in fact, they have taken the lions share. This is the world we live in now, their world, learning their his-story. Russia is the last, Push out of your mind your so called, "expertise," do you SEE it? Sometimes you can simply KNOW that the sun is the sun, or the moon is the moon without knowing the details. So understand when I say I simply KNOW Russia is the last. Why do you think the west hates her so, wants her destroyed so badly? What has Russia done to us, what evil have they bestowed upon us in the west? None, nothing at all. But we are told they are THE evil, the new Hitler, the new great threat. In truth, Russia simply is not the west, not falling in line, not pledging allegiance, not bending the knee. And it goes far, far beyond money, resources, land, it is a game of souls. The light bringer has no need for money, for land or resources, he has this world, it is his. His goal is to prove to the creator our unworthiness, our imperfections. It always has been. Russia is Job, Russia is the last that hasn't bitten the forbidden fruit. The test and because of this the west wants them destroyed. If you think I'm insane ask yourself. How much money is there to spend? How much power is there to be needed? Why if the west controls most of the world do they need also Russia? The answer is logical, they don't, it's the principle, to prove a point.