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Monday, 10 January 2011

Changing Attitudes – Changing Races through Neo-Marxists and Fruedians


Changing Attitudes – Changing Races PDF Print E-mail
Written by Mister Fox   
  January 2011
From the early 1950s a new intellectual orthodoxy was being introduced through the culture. and it was dominated by the Neo-Marxists and Fruedians in the US. Dissenters were pathalogised as paranoid or racists with connotations of mental illness. Thus began a move to dehumanise “Whites” so that no evil done to us is wrong, and there are many evils being done to us. (1)
The influential academic books beginning in the early 1950s attributed the blame for everyone not combining as a whole to us and begun their research from that prejudice. They assumed that people like me are prejudiced, yet they are not; people like me they thought jump to conclusions, but they do not; our way of thinking has no evidence, their's was reason; we were frightened of change, they were ushering it in.
They think that in life you get to know people and find that some will be alright, some will not. They think we are terribly unjust and that if we were tolerant we should get to know the “other”and get on with them which we do in our personal lives. However, in heavily mixed areas this line of reasoning is not valid and only applies in limited circumstances because the “other” stick with their own kind.
We are supposed to pretend that the “other” are not different, but their different features betoken a different heritage; a different heritage betokens a different culture; and a different culture betokens a different mental furniture. Blacks know they are descended from slaves and this informs their outlook, their behaviour, their attitudes towards us. The wise and experienced judge people on their appearance,body language and how they are looking at you and deal with them accordingly.
They addressed "human kind" as two different species: wicked racist Whites and the saintly “other”, bearers of virtue and diligence. Attributing virtue to the “other”excuses our rulers fawning on them; Pretending the “other” are harmless makes people feel safe.
In his introduction to the 1998 reprint of the 1948 study Negroes in Britain by Kenneth Little, Leonard Bloom declared:” Little wrote “... they are rejected by the host population and that causes ambivalence about the self, with personal and social maladjustment.”. There from the beginning was the bias against the host population (Whites) for harming the “other”. This now being done to us. (2)
There is a lot of peculiar sexual behaviour now which relates to my first point as well as the second. Our manners are degraded and we are becoming lawless. We have to value ourselves. Its not so much feeling good about ourselves as having a sense of responsibility for what we have inherited. We see the symptoms that are around us in public social life in conquered peoples. Native Indians and Aborigines went to pieces. We are becoming maladjusted.
The Picture Post of 2nd July 1949 popularised this attack on our communal integrity in an article:”Is there a British Colour Bar?” The titular rhetorical question was answered with a simile from a popular film:” Invisible, but like Wells' Invisible Man it is hard and real to the touch … and it is when you get lower down the scale you find that it hits the hardest Yet despite the insignificant proportion of people from overseas, prejudice and discrimination existed.” The post thought this was because of ignorance.
The title of “Colour Prejudice in Britain” by Anthony Richmond proclaims the author's prejudices and “Under Siege”, with an introduction by John Pilger, castigates us as wicked racists for trying to conserve our communal integrity. These malicious academics were denying us our need to have territory.
Changing our attitude of looking down on other racial groups has caused the opposite and now Muslims look down on our women as recent exposes In The Times and The Mail of Muslims gang raping young White girls show: ” Police and social services have fuelled a “culture of silence” which has “allowed hundreds of young white girls to be exploited by Asian men for sex … prosecutions for grooming young White girls aged between 11 and 16 were used by “men of Pakistani heritage.” The police and social workers have been aiding and abetting Muslims to rape young White girls.
In 17 court cases since 1997 where groups of men were prosecuted, 53 of the 56 people found guilty were Asian, 50 of them Muslim, while just three were white.
Experts were quoted as saying that the statistics “represent a mere fraction of a tidal wave of offending” in counties across the Midlands and the north of England which has been going on for more than a decade.
Chief Inspector Alan Edwards of West Mercia police was said: White “girls are being passed around and used as meat …. stop this type of crime you need to start everyone talking about it but everyone's been too scared to address the ethnicity factor … No one wants to stand up and say that Pakistani guys in some parts of the country are recruiting young white girls and passing them around their relatives for sex, but we need to stop being worried about the racial complication." In Wrexham raping young Whites is carried out by by Iraqis.
Parents must gather their courage and teach their children to avoid people from ethnic groups to save their children. It is state education that sets the children up for this by constantly praising ethnics. (3)
This will get much worse as the evil elites import ever more Muslims. In 2000 The Guardian predicted a white minority Britain by 2100, thus tacitly accepting our replacement. Around 8 years ago The Birmingham Post quoted a former senior Central TV official as saying we must prepare people for Muslims to become the majority. In a radio interview Jans Orbeck former Swedish PM admitted Muslims would take over.
It’s when one enters Africa and Asia in Britain that one walks into the academics dream - “race replacement”. One gets a clear view of the future as Enoch and Chris Pary saw it. (4)
Some areas are 25 to 30% vibrant though it’s much more in some areas. They are changing our territory to suit their cultural prejudices. Within a few yards on Spittal Hill in Sheffield there are two shops named after Malcolm X! It is this ceding of territory to the colonialists that demonstrates to them the weakness and effeteness of our rulers. Alternating governments are but aspects of one elite and have been acting illegally under the UN Genocide Act which nullifies any obligation to maintain the multi-racial state.

Trainee teacher are taught that only whites are racist and White children labelled as “racists” as young as five. The thing that really is socially constructed in Britain today is the school subject of history. A fifteen-year old correspondent had this to say about state education :
"In Year 3 we learnt about the Great Fire of London and Henry the 8th with his array of wives. Besides, it was nothing serious as you're only 8 years olds in Year 3. Throughout my time in secondary school I've heard many the history teacher denounce the BNP and British patriotism whilst proclaiming that "communism works in small communities".
Of course it's not on the syllabus, but the teachers are left unburdened to make their wild remarks which go unchallenged - that's where most of the anti-British sentiment comes from. Apart from that, none of the GCSE exams in the course I'm taking are anything to do with Britain, we look at America mostly, with a slight twinge of the Russian Revolution and Hitler's rise to power, which, as you can imagine, portrays Trotsky and Lenin as saviours come to liberate their country from the boundless tyranny of Tsar Nicholas II (it's all Stalin fault apparently, without him we'd be living in a one-world stateless utopia by now!), whilst illustrating Hitler as some sort of Nationalist lunatic blaming the immigrants for all of Germany's woes, foaming from the mouth as he personally beheads and thereafters eats Jewish children for fun."

The consistent underlying theme is to render “Whites” a non-people with this ideological interpretation presented as fact: “Vikings come from a similar racial background, but the Britons of the period had already been interbreeding with Europeans, Moors and probably a good few Arabs, so the Vikings, on their separate branch of development would have had a bit of spice to add to the genetic mix.”

So what? What is that supposed to suggest that it is alright to dispossess us now? I use no scientific supports for my views. My arguments are based on the common human nature - of all peoples, throughout all time: the need to belong to a people have territory to call one's own and the instinct to put their own people first.
It is a natural part of human being and arises from emotion. This has been broken down by elites who are against their own people. A quick example of outside groups being given priority over the indegenous people, is the recent decision to give gypsies preferential service for unemployment benefits. Many, like students, go along with the hegemonic ideology and don't questioned it.

What pupils and students are programmed to do is oppose new British-revivalist thinking with the standard orthodox ideology they are taught. People imbibe it without being aware and use it to stop new ideas. Whether they know it or not they are protecting the "hegemonic" elites from criticism and demonstrations.
You can see the ideology is out of kilter with reality by going round places like Brixton or Bradford but these programmed people believe what they are told by the elites through education and the media. This new patriotic thinking requires independence of mind, thinking for oneself and collating the evidence from field study and that is scary.

Ideology is a political system of abstractions which lead to a goal(utopia) and have an enemy who are held to the cause of the problems that the ideologues want to solve. to the Nazis it was jews, to multi-racialists it is us Whites.
If, for example, a White employer wanted to sack a recalcitrant "ethnic" worker that employes could be prosecuted and fined for "racism". Is that is building equality?

I make no scientific claims as they just start a debate not answer the question. We have beliefs to guide us on conserving our homogeneity and our ethnicity - shared culture, religion and ancestors. I believe we have a duty to conserve what we inherit from our ancestors and a responsibility to pass it on to our descents. At present our children are being dispossessed and disinherited and that is morally evil.
The basis on which elites take large sums of money in tax and pay it out in benefits is that those who benefit are people like us. When society becomes diverse, lifestyles become more differentiated, then it becomes imoral to sustain the universal welfare state, as it loses its legitimacy. People ask, ‘Why should I pay for them when they are not like me and do not belong here by ancestral prescription and inherited shared values? Progressives want diversity but they undermine the moral consensus on which sustains a welfare state.
This is not some innocent move to multi-racial heaven on earth but a permanent scapegoating of Whites and we have to defend ourselves. Even if we were once immigrants that does not mean we should sit back and allow new immigrants to push us out. The Anglo Saxon thnic-cleansing of Celts is a historical lesson on what the elites are inflicting on our children. To prevent us saving our people we are demonised as rascists. That is not socially constructing reality but persecuting innocent people in the homeland they have emotionally bonded with over 1500 years.
To an extent "Reality" is determined by ruling elites but when they directly try to change inbuilt human nature we get the evil genocides as with Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin etc.

We must ask ourselves with whom do I belong? With whom do I share mutual obligations? Our affinities extend out from our families and communities, to the nation, Europe then the Anglosphere but not beyond. That view is opposed to the orthodox universalist one which sees us as obligated to all human beings and misappropriates tax payers money for their fellow elites in the third-world. We have natural bonds with our families, a responsibility for them and a duty to them. We also have a duty to pass on what we have inherited to our children, as they, in turn, will have a duty to their children. We owe a debt to our ancestors who bequeathed to us our nation and culture, and we must honour that.

Our loyalties begin with affection within families and this emanates outward to neighbourhood and nation. Men and women are distinctive sexual beings within their inherited collective identity. We belong to our kin, above strangers, and this affects the type of community we create.

The family, community and nation, are parts of a natural, organic state as opposed to an artificial one based on planning. The modern world is dominated by artificial empires, Global corporations and bureaucracies, which treat human beings as abstract entities. However, tribalism is re-emerging and the future belongs to these human scale structures which develop over time, not instant and artificial creations. Each man and woman are part of a continuity. The individual dies, but descendents live on.

We must keep our land because we are emotionally bonded with it and it contains the remains of many of our ancestors. That makes it sacred to us, but our nation is our people and one of the earliest definitions of a nation, as defined by the Romans who called the various Germanic travelling tribes "nations" - is that a nation is a people that can move from place to place and still be who they are. The Goths lived in north Africa at one time - but they were still the integral Germanic nation.

We need to re-sacrifice our territory by burying our people in our soil as it strengthens our emotional bonds with our territory. There was a suburb article “How can we honour the dead?” by Dr.John Casey in the third edition of The Salisbury Review in 1983.

We have to be public spirited and do things for our group. Its alright to object to ethnics getting preferential treatment in, say, employment as under Harman's discriminatory Equalities Act, but we have to go beyond moaning and break ground, become the driving force behind a new and powerful movement on the frontline. People don't vote for moaners but the confident with a vision of a better future for their people. It is natural to follow the stronger more dominant force and that is why we need to project confidence in ourselves and what we have to offer.

We have to recover aspects of our past and reconstitute ourselves: what traditions to be continued, what rejected; which to re-link to, what to create.

We are morally obliged to put our people first, as we do with our families, even when foreigners are more in need of our help. Supporting outsiders against our own people is morally wrong.




PC Multi-Culturism is such a NICE name

Multi-Culturism is such a NICE name PDF Print E-mail
Written by Albion   
Having passed my allotted three score years and ten I refuse to be browbeaten by constraints or shackled by political correctness. I suppose it is because I was taught from the early 1930’s to speak my mind. I believe it was called freedom of expression. I naturally assumed this was my basic right and is now enshrined somewhere in the UN charter on Human Rights, but I could be wrong. Unfortunately it is being taken away from our younger generation. The frighteners have been put on them.
For example I wince when a young lady introduces her friend saying “I would like you to meet my partner, Roger". One is tempted to inquire “is he your business or dancing partner?” If the young lady was not bound by stifling Political Correctness she will be honest and be free to say “Oh no, Roger is my shagging partner”.
You see Political correctness has put a stop to all this nonsense. It is they, the faceless people who decide on what we can or cannot say, who will point out "of course you have total freedom of expression in this country as long as we agree with what you say, otherwise we will take you to court on a charge that at the moment we haven’t quite made up our minds as to what that charge might be"

As with many other words that are fast disappearing from our language and words being sanitised to please minority groups like substituting Gay for Homosexuals we speak of boy and girl friends as being partners they are all being victims of political correctness, one day the word Nationalism will also disappear from our dictionaries.

As an aside, as a school-child reading my geography book showing a map of Africa, never in a million years did I expect to look around the classroom and see a large number of their representatives sitting around to me. I existed only within my tribe; I was not forced by threats to live with foreign tribes who in many cases resented me, my colour, my customs and my culture.

They call it Multi-culturism. It is such a ‘nice name’, I suppose you could give a ‘nice name’ to Genocide or Ethnic Cleansing, maybe I am missing the point here and do not realise that Multi-culturism IS ethnic cleansing, at least for the host nation and the end result IS Genocide. Why don’t our leaders tell us that, better still what madness has taken hold of them to try out this hideous social experiment on their OWN people?

There is a present generation that will never be able to say ‘I remember the good old days’ because for them, today ARE the good old days and for them they are not going to get any better.

Being of an older generation I saw the birth of National Socialism in Germany. I saw the pictures of Chamberlain on the front pages of the newspapers waving a piece of paper and waffling on about appeasement. As a child I heard the bombs, I watched the Spitfires dog-fighting the Messerschmitts high in the sky and listened to the drone of the bombers at night heading for places like Stuttgart, Hamburg, Berlin or for the Ruhr Valley to the factories on the Rhine.

The war ended and my family and I celebrated in the streets. The brave warriors returned home, some missing limbs, some horribly disfigured. As I played among the bomb craters looking for pieces of shrapnel and welcoming the end of rationing I thought life in England would return to how I remembered it before our soldiers went off to war. We would rebuild our cities and life would return to normal, or how I remembered normality to be. How wrong I was. In one persons lifetime I am seeing the rebirth of yet another Socialist Empire and like Nazi Germany, our people, although not welcoming it are in denial, and are doing absolutely nothing to halt it.

I firmly believe this European domination is going to be nothing like we have ever seen before. Germany invaded the Nation States of Europe by force but these countries still retained their National identity. Poland and France were conquered but they still remained Poland and France but under Nazi occupation. This New Order for a Socialist Europe will not even resemble the old Soviet Empire.

In the New Europe, Nation States will cease to exist only Member States will remain, all vestiges of National identity and Sovereignty will be stripped from the member states and over time will cease to exist and disturbingly leaving the Socialist Federation of Europe will NOT be an option. In the future Democratic Elections as we know them will also cease to exist, we will be part of a vast Federation of Socialist States.

The danger remains the same, if there is no opt out clause in any of these treaties then any disaffection by the people will be classed as an uprising and will be put down by undisguised brutality as used by the Hungarian Police on passive protesters. In retrospect Hitler’s objective was simple and straightforward it was to conquer Europe, he did not succeed.

The lust for global power by a comparatively few people who to all intents and purposes may still secretly harbour a similar loyalty to a powerful Germany may still remain. The objective is the same the method of subjugation is completely different. No blood need be spilled, the conquerors will take Europe one treaty at a time. With each treaty it makes it harder for feelings of Nationalism to raise its ‘ugly head’ ever again. The Marxist aim will have been finally been achieved. Welcome to the New Order.

It is an understatement to add I am sick and disgusted as to the defilement of my country. Return to me my country, it is my Motherland not my Fatherland and Ode to Joy is NOT my, if I dare use the word, my National anthem.

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Sunday, 9 January 2011

Nick Griffin & the British national Party: Campaigning against grooming by Muslim men since 2004

Nick Griffin: Campaigning against grooming by Muslim men since 2004

JANUARY 2011: On Wednesday, The Times newspaper finally admitted that the British National Party had been right all along.

 For the past seven years, the British National Party has been alerting the British public to the fact that there are Muslim paedophile gangs operating in Britain which prey on young white females. Now, on its front page, Britain's most respected newspaper has acknowledged that this is indeed the case.
It was back in 2004 that Nick Griffin, the leader of the British National Party was arrested after a speech he made about the Muslim grooming gangs scandal was broadcast on the BBC documentary, The Secret Agent.
He was charged with "using words or behaviour intended or likely to stir up racial hatred" but acquitted of all the charges after two trials.
According to The Times, police and social services have fuelled a "culture of silence" which has allowed hundreds of young white girls to be exploited by Muslim men for sex."
But for the past seven years The Times and the British media have been part of that conspiracy of silence.
Journalist Andrew Norfolk who wrote the report, covered Nick Griffin's trial at Leeds Crown Court, so he was well aware then of the grooming gangs, but has not, until now, publicised the issue.
The British National Party even produced an Election Broadcast in 2004 on the grooming issue. Channel 5's ridiculous censorship, dubbed out the words of the mothers of grooming victims in an effort to stop the public from hearing the extent of the problem.
The broadcast was based on a banned Channel 4 documentary, Edge of the City, which revealed how Asian men in Bradford were grooming and targeting white girls as young as 11 for sex and drug abuse. It was withdrawn seven days ago at the request of Colin Cramphorn, the Chief Constable of West Yorkshire.
Nick Griffin and Party officials met 12 mothers and discovered evidence of child abuse in Rotherham, Dewsbury, Colne and Rochdale.
The broadcast was narrated by Nick himself and featured an actress who conveys the alleged thoughts of a Bradford mother above the caption "Donna's story."
She says: "In a way we're lucky. Some of her friends have suffered the same abuse and ended up hooked on crack."
Even Ann Cryer, the Labour MP for Keighley, West Yorkshire admitted there was a problem, but claimed it was being successfully sorted out by the police and was not as severe as the British National Party suggested. Mrs Cryer said she did not know "Donna" and had spoken to other mothers in the town who had no knowledge of her.
In 2007 Nick Griffin produced a series of videos on grooming. You can see them here:

“Our Children are not Halal Meat” – Dramatic New UK BNP Leaflet Launched

“Our Children are not Halal Meat” – Dramatic New Leaflet Launched

The British National Party today launched a dramatic new leaflet in the Oldham East and Saddleworth by-election campaign titled “Our Children are not Halal Meat.”
The leaflet, which was launched in Oldham city centre by a team of activists taking part in a public demonstration against Muslim paedophile grooming gangs, has been issued in support of the party’s campaign in the constituency.
“Nick Griffin has said it for years... now the media admit Muslim Paedophile Gangs can no longer be ignored,” the leaflet says.
Quoting the Times newspaper of 5 January this year, the leaflet says that the admission by that newspaper that police and social services have fuelled a “culture of silence” which has allowed hundreds of young white girls to be exploited by Muslim men for sex, has confirmed the accuracy of the British National Party’s policy position.
“It’s official. Muslim Paedophile Gangs are preying on vulnerable English girls in Oldham and other towns all over Lancashire and Yorkshire. “Thousands of girls have been ‘groomed’ - drugged, abused and gang-raped - and it’s happening right now,” the leaflet continues.
“We all know these disgusting crimes against children as young as 12 have been going on for years, and now The Times confirms that politicians, police chiefs and councils have ‘conspired’ to hush it all up.
“Politically Correct Labour, Conservative/Lib Dem and UKIP politicians have all agreed to say and do nothing rather than ‘offend’ the Muslim community or admit that the British National Party have been right all along - yet again.
“Young girls and their families in Oldham are sacrificed on the altar of Political Correctness. And when people complain they are fobbed off, or even accused of being ‘racist’.
“Now The Times has exposed just how widespread the problem is, it’s time to push the police and politicians to do something to put things right. “That’s why we know so many people like you will be voting for the British National Party and justice for grooming victims this Thursday.”
The leaflet also contains a special personal appeal from party leader Nick Griffin: “Imagine how you’d feel if your child had her life ruined by these perverts and the authorities still refused to lift a finger. That’s why I’m asking you to vote for Derek Adams this Thursday and help us get justice for the victims of Muslim grooming,” Mr Griffin says in the leaflet.
The reverse of the leaflet is equally hard hitting.  Titled ‘Who is to blame,” it points the finger at a number of establishment institutions.
“Labour, Conservative and Lib Dem Councillors know that Muslim Paedophile Gangs are active in Oldham. But they want the Muslim block vote, so rather than demanding action to stop these sick crimes, they support the giant ‘European Islamic Centre’ in Werneth that will turn our town into the Muslim capital of Lancashire. They all let these young girls down.
“Politically Correct police chiefs in Lancashire and West Yorkshire have ordered their officers to turn a blind eye to ‘grooming’ crimes.
“Labour and Conservative/Lib Dem MPs have all encouraged this police cowardice which ruins thousands of young lives. They all let these young girls down.
“National and local newspaper and media outlets have refused to tell people what the Muslim Paedophile Gangs are doing to young English girls.
“Papers like the Oldham Chronicle and The Metro have launched hate-filled attacks on the British National Party for campaigning for justice. They all let these young girls down.”
“The British National Party has been campaigning for years to get this scandal stopped. British National Party leader Nick Griffin has used his position as a North West MEP to press for action and now at least The Times has woken up and taken up our campaign.
“Now it’s out in the open, we can go on and make the police and local councils take action. But the career politicians will cover it up if we let them.
“We need a big British National Party vote this Thursday to keep up the pressure for justice for the innocent young victims of racist Muslim Paedophile Gangs.
“Nick Griffin and your local British National Party candidate Derek Adams are asking for your help. Not for them, but for the victims. If you don’t help, who will?”
* The leaflet also contains a reference to the fake UKIP party which is standing a candidate in the election with the openly expressed intention of drawing votes away from the British National Party.
Titled “UKIP Bandwagon Buffoons,” the section reads as follows:
“UKIP’s expensive Posters say they’re ‘anti Immigration’ but they’re lying.
“Their leader Nigel Farage said how they really feel on Question Time on 25th November: ‘I’m not opposed to immigration. We need a minimum of a quarter of a million work permits (for new immigrants) annually.”
And their imported Scouse candidate Paul Nuttall is one of the laziest MEPs in Brussels. Out of 735 MEPs he was ranked 725th worst at turning up – in the bottom ten out of all of them.”
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Musician? Billy Bragg really is an hypocrite ?

Billy Bragg really is an hypocrite PDF Print E-mail
Written by Green Arrow   
The champagne socialist Billy Bragg is seeking some self publicity by saying that a letter that is circulating in his lovely part of the world calls him a hypocrite but you decide for yourself whether he is or not.  Billy goes on to say;
This letter is nothing more than the powerless ranting of a bitter individual who is angry that, even in a sleepy village like ours, people reject the politics of racism.
As you can see, Billy's home is hardly in the centre of his nice beautiful sleepy village where the enrichers have yet to spread to but I am sure they will in time if Billy's wet dream were to ever come true. He would soon change his politics then.
Billy, like many of the entertainment "success" stories of modern times has made it big, not so much on his ability as a musician but because like his drugged up friend, Pete Doherty of Babyshambles, he says all the right things the Marxist establishment like to hear and so is lionised above his ability.

Just as Weyman Bennett is a "professional black", Billy is a "professional marxist" and just as Bob Geldorf uses Live Aid to keep an otherwise mediocre career alive and profitable, so do does Billy play the working class champion, to keep his career going and to pay for the huge lump of West Dorset that he now owns.

Billy, as expected, is a very close friend and drinking companion of secret serial father and former Mayor of Londonistan, Ken Livingstone (what sort of man does not acknowledge his children) and lived in Barking for awhile where he has had a street named after him, is always portraying himself as a working class hero and promoting any group or organisation that attacks the British National Party.
As you can see if you follow this link and click on the images, Billy is rather Nouveau riche and tacky but it did for the June 2002 edition of Homes and Gardens magazine.  How delightfully middle class.  How does it go Billy?  "The working class can kiss my ass, I have the foreman's job at last".
However Billy's, working class hero image was further ruined when he drove his Mitsubishi Shogun around Burton Bradstock. It turns out that around about that time Billy owned two large SUV's and often wound up the locals, one of whom posted on the Billy Bragg Forum that has now been removed.
Bragg's Shogun is often parked outside the newsagents blocking all and sundry. "Rich Luvvie" I thought, but then I heard him sanctimoniously droning on about the environment on telly and thought I'd check out his website - sure enough a load (..a load..) of guff about "campaigns" including a load about 4x4's and what should be done to the owners - what a hypocrite!

I'm no fan of 4x4's particularly with respect to what they do to pedestrians unfortunate enough to end up in the path of one - come on Billy - trade it in (or even better scrap it - you've got enough money) for something safer/less polluting.
Later by all accounts, Billy did trade in one of his Shoguns for another SUV, a Nissan Pajero. I have been informed that Pajero is Spanish for "Wanker" so I guess that a Nissan would be more appropriate for such a large Pajero as Billy.

Being a bit of a tight wad (Ken had warned him about his plans for congestion charges) and fed up with the enrichment of Barking, Billy had by now, joined the White Flighters and fled to Burton Bradstock on the coast in West Dorset despite the local reds naming a street after this great class warrior.

Where he parked up his tanks in front of his new home and settled down to write a book about what it means to be English, whilst taking turns in opening Fetes with his new neighbours, Madonna, Martin Clunes and Jonathon Ross amongst other working class heroes owning the rest of West Dorset.

Now Billy's book, The Progressive Patriot which were Billy's thoughts on how the left could take patriotism away from the British National Party and use it as a shield to cover the treason of the left as they betrayed our country was a spectacular flop even by the labour loving Guardian reviewer. The book originally priced at £17.99 can now be bought on Amazon for £1.29 as disappointed readers try to reclaim some of their money.

Now Bragg has always liked to play up his "Englishness" and believes that a pig born in a stable is a horse and that anyone can be "English". But you can understand why he might prefer to see himself as English, when you discover that Billy's grandfather was an illiterate Italian Ice Cream salesman. Now given a choice of being the descendant of a Stop me and buy One merchant or a True Son of England than I know which I would prefer.

So with his writing career in free fall, Billy has needed to top up his Red Wedge of money and has come out shooting his mouth of about the BNP at luvvie packed venues such as this  one in Camden where he sang such lyrics as
"Take down the Union Jack… Britain isn’t cool you know and it’s really not that great… It’s not a proper country… past its sell-by date… Member of the British Empire… doesn’t sound too good to me."
Those do not sound like the words of an Englishman to me. More the words of a one hit wonder singer playing the same old song long after everyone has realised just how rubbish they are.

But Billy will survive and continue to play the part of a working class hero and now united with his old friend, Red Ken Livingstone, Chairman of the UAF we can see why he is still popular with those who seek to destroy democracy.
The British National Party would probably make it [into a parliament elected by proportional representation ], too. It would shine a torch into the dirty little corner where the BNP defecate on our democracy, and that would be much more powerful than duffing them up in the street — which I'm also in favour of.
Once a Red always a Red. Violent murdering scum.

But Billy is not that keen these days to talk about Marxism and the numerous trips he made to Moscow before Communism there collapsed (after the deaths of 65 million people).

Check out his answer to a question put to him back in 2007 in an interview.

Question: "Why are you living in a big house in Devon and not in the middle of the multi-cultural utopia that you so love?"

Answer BB: "It's Dorset actually. This is a question that I get asked all the time, an evolution from that old chestnut from the 20th century - 'If you like socialism so much, why don't you go and live in Russia'. I take it as a sign that the contributor has nothing to say on the topic in question - in this case Englishness and St George's Day. Stooping to personal attacks does nothing but undermine your credibility."

That's the hammer, Billy. Attack the questioner and avoid answering the question.

Well he did not go to live in Russia. More is the pity. Too red for Billy Boy. And these days Barking is just too Brown.
Judgement is passed. You are an hypocrite Billy.

Bolton & Horwich BNP help at Oldham and Saddleworth Anti Islamic Grooming Day of Action

Members of the Horwich and Bolton British National Party were amongst many party activists who attend the Day of Action in the Oldham and Saddleworth Bye Election campaign.

challenge of public diplomacy vis-a-vis the delegitimisation of Israel

January 2011
The challenge of public diplomacy vis-a-vis the delegitimisation of Israel

Address to Ariel Conference on Law and Mass Media, 30 December 2010
As we all know by now, Israel has lost the battle for public opinion in the west. Even the Israel government is now acknowledging this fact. Israel and its defenders have been outclassed and outmanoeuvred in a war of the mind being waged on a battleground it never even acknowledged it was on.
Calls for more and better hasbara, however, are meaningless if the message or narrative promoted by Israel and its defenders misses the point of the attack being waged upon it. And it does miss that point, by a mile.
You cannot resist or overcome a threat unless you first understand its nature.
The first thing to say is that this phenomenon is characteristic not just of the media animosity or economic or academic boycotts. It goes across the intelligentsia and political class, spreading well beyond the normal suspects on the left into the mainstream middle-classes.
In Britain, the universities, the established church, the theatrical and publishing worlds, the voluntary sector, significant elements within the Foreign Office, members of Parliament across the political spectrum, as well as the media have overwhelmingly signed up to the demonisation and delegitimisation of Israel.
The scale of this phenomenon is nothing short of a multi-layered civilisational crisis.
The west is experiencing a total inversion of truth evidence and reason. A society’s thinking class has overwhelmingly subscribed to an immoral, patently false and in many cases demonstrably absurd account of the Middle East, past and present, which it has uncritically absorbed and assumes to be true.
In routine, everyday discourse history is turned on its head; logic is suspended; and an entirely false narrative of the conflict is now widely accepted as unchallengeable fact, from which fundamental error has been spun a global web of potentially catastrophic false conclusions.
This has led to a kind of dialogue of the demented in which rational discussion is simply not possible because there is no shared understanding of the meaning of language. So victim and victimiser, truth and lies, justice and injustice turn into their precise opposite.
This madness is being promulgated through a global alliance between state and non-state actors – diplomats and journalists, politicians and NGOs and websites. Many of these are waging war not just against Israel but against the west.
There are two preconditions for an effective fightback. First is to form effective structures of resistance. Those structures, however, depend in turn on a correct understanding of the nature and scale of what we are up against.
So far, the structures are not in place, and more important still, what Israel is up against is grossly — and fatally — underestimated and misunderstood.
The problem is that we are dealing with a pathology — to which we nevertheless respond as if it were rational behaviour.
What’s happened is a pattern of thinking in the west which turns reality upside down. Remarkably, this in turn echoes a very similar inversion of reality within the Islamic world, where such inversion has a theological base.
Because Islam is considered perfect, its adherents can never do wrong. All their aggression is therefore represented as self-defence, while western/Israeli self-defence is said to be aggression.
So in this Orwellian universe the enslavement of Muslim women is said to represent their liberation; democracy is a means of enslavement from which the west must be freed; and the murder of Israelis is the purest form of justice.
Furthermore, this is overlaid by the phenomenon of ‘psychological projection’ in which the Islamic world not only denies its own misdeeds but ascribes them instead to its victims.
So while Muslims deny the Holocaust, they claim that Israel is carrying out a holocaust in Gaza. Antisemitism is central to Jewish experience in Europe; Muslims claim that ‘Islamophobia’ is rife throughout Europe.
Israel gives all Jews the ‘right of return’ to Israel on account of the unique reality of global Jewish persecution; the Muslims claim a ‘right of return’ – not to their own putative state of Palestine, but to Israel. They even claim that the Palestinians are the world’s ‘new Jews’.
These and many other examples are used within the Islamic world to negate Jewish experience and appropriate it for itself to obtain what Muslims want in terms of status, power and conquest.
What is remarkable is that instead of treating this as a pathological deformity of thinking, the western progressive intelligentsia has largely embraced it as rational and true. And to a large extent this is because that same western intelligentsia has itself supplanted rationality by ideology – or the dogma of a particular idea.
Objectivity, evidence and truth have been ditched for ideologies such as moral and cultural relativism, multiculturalism, feminism, environmentalism, anti-capitalism, anti-colonialism, transnationalism, anti-Americanism, anti-Zionism.
Across a wide range of such issues, it’s no longer possible to have a rational discussion with the progressive intelligentsia, as on each issue there’s only one story for them which brooks no dissent.
This is because, rather than arriving at a conclusion from the evidence, ideology inescapably wrenches the evidence to fit a prior idea. So ideology of any kind is fundamentally anti-reason and truth. And if there’s no truth, there can be no lies either; truth and lies become merely ‘alternative narratives’.
Moral and cultural relativism – the belief that subjective experience trumps moral authority and any notion of objectivity or truth – has turned right and wrong on their heads.
Because of the dominant belief in multiculturalism, victim culture and minority rights, self-designated victim groups — those without power — can never do wrong while majority groups can never do right. And Jews are not considered a minority because – in the hateful discourse of today – Jews are held to be all-powerful as they ‘control’ the media, Wall Street and America.
So the Muslim world cannot be held responsible for blowing people up as they are the third world victims of the west; so any atrocities they commit must be the fault of their victims; and so the US had it coming to it on 9/11. And in similar fashion, Israel can never be the victim of the Arab world; the murder of Israelis by the Arab world must be Israel’s own fault.
So the way has been opened for mass credulity towards propaganda and fabrication. The custodians of reason have thus turned into destroyers of reason – centred in the crucible of reason, the university.
All these different ideologies are utopian; in their different ways, they all posit the creation of the perfect society. That is why they are considered ‘progressive’, and people on the progressive wing of politics sign up to them. That helps explain the distressing fact that so many Jews on the left also sign up to Israel-hatred, since they too sign up to such utopian ideologies.
But when utopias fail, as they always do, their adherents invariably select scapegoats on whom they turn to express their rage over the thwarting of the establishment of that perfect society. And since utopia is all about realising the perfect society, these scapegoats become enemies of humanity.
For Greens, such enemies of humanity are capitalists; for anti imperialists, America; for militant atheists, religious believers. Anti-Zionists turn on Israel for thwarting the end to the ‘Jewish question’: the redemption of western guilt for the persecution of the Jews — a guilt which can never be redeemed as long as the wretched Jews continue to make themselves the targets of attack.
In short, therefore, the west cannot defend itself against the Islamic jihad because it can’t itself even think straight any more.
But this lethal muddle in the minds of the intelligentsia must be viewed in turn in the context of a global diplomatic process which itself embodies upside-down thinking, which fans the flames of bigotry and defeatism – and in which Israel itself has been tragically, and suicidally, complicit.
It cannot be stressed enough that the reason why those promoting genocidal bigotry are winning is that the western world has not sought to defeat them but instead has appeased them from the very start.
In Palestine under the British Mandate, when the Arabs used terrorist violence to frustrate the will of the League of Nations in restoring the Jewish home, Britain rewarded them by offering them part of the Jews’ legal and moral entitlement. When the Arabs started hijacking planes, the west’s response was to invite them to the UN to plead their cause.
And despite the Arabs’ repeated refused to accept the two state solution, offered in the 1930s, in 2000 and under Ehud Olmert and their current refusal to negotiate at all, America punishes Israel for not making enough concessions to them — while giving a free pass to those who still refuse to accept Israel’s right to exist.
It is astonishing that the west expects Israel to make any concessions to such attackers at all. After all, forcing a country which has endured more than six decades of existential siege to give any ground to its attackers amounts to forcing such a victim to surrender. This is expected by the civilised world of no other country.
Yet we are repeatedly told even by certain supporters of Israel that the Palestinians have a right to a state. Why? In any other conflict, such aggression forfeits any rights at all.
I am not saying that Israel should retain all the disputed territories; it may well be in its own interests to give some of them up. But the point is that Israel has made all the concessions over the years while the Arabs have made none – yet it is Israel, not the Arabs, that is under pressure from the west.
This is diplomacy as scripted by Franz Kafka.
The single greatest reason for the endless continuation of the Middle East impasse is that Britain, Europe and America have continuously rewarded the aggressor and either attacked the victim or left it twisting in the wind.
That’s what needs to be said by Israel and its defenders. But Israel and its defenders themselves have been crippled or cowed by the false analysis of the enemy’s narrative.
Even many of Israel’s friends spout the demonstrably absurd proposition that a Palestine state would solve the problem, that the impediment to a Palestine state is the ‘settlers’, but that Israel is not taking action to remove the ‘settlers’ — and so therefore they too inescapably agree that Israel is the problem.
Israel and its defenders have been fighting on the wrong battleground: the one that has been chosen by its enemies. The Arabs brilliantly reconfigured the Arab war of extermination against Israel as the oppression by Israel of the Palestinians.
That has transformed Israel from victim to aggressor — the reversal of reality which lies at the very heart of the western obsession with the ‘settlements’ and the territories.
Yet since Oslo, Israel has meekly gone along with this mad pressure. It has never said it is totally unconscionable. It has never put the all-important argument from justice on its own account. So it has allowed its enemies to appropriate this argument mendaciously as their own. But if Israel doesn’t make the case properly on its own behalf, how can anyone else do so?
To which Israel says realpolitik dictates it has to go along with the diplomatic game being played. But diplomatic realpolitik is what brought us all to this position — the brink of a terrible war with Iran which is treated by America with kid gloves while Israel is put under the cosh.
For the west to suck up to its enemies while bashing its friends like this is the diplomatic version of auto-immune disease. And eventually this disease will kill it.
What Israel has failed to recognise is that the battleground on which it is being forced to fight is not just military. It is also a battleground of the mind, and the strategy being used against it – and to which it needs to respond in kind — is psychological warfare.
The Arab and Muslim world long ago realised if it set the narrative in its own image, it would recruit millions of fanatics to its cause and also confuse and demoralise its victims. In this it has wildly succeeded.
There is therefore an overwhelming need for Israel to alter its strategy. Indeed, it needs to have a strategy.
And this brings us to perhaps the most difficult challenge in all of this – the fact that the role played by the Israel government is of critical importance. Unless it adopts the correct strategy, its defenders will remain crippled.
Yet any promising initiatives seem to fall victim to Israel’s chaotic political structure, which appears to prevent the Prime Minister from being master in his own house. Good ideas are habitually destroyed by rampaging egos and turf wars between Israeli Cabinet ministers.
This is no way to run a chip shop, let alone a country under existential siege.
The fact remains that both Israel and diaspora Jews have to rethink. They have to realise they must start fighting on the battleground where the attack is actually being mounted against them. And the goal has to be to seize and retake the moral high ground.
This strategy requires two different tactics: one for those who are capable of rational thought, and another for those who are not.
The first group comprises those who are not irrational but merely desperately ignorant. Much of the obsession with Israel’s behaviour is due to the widespread belief that its very existence is an aberration which, although understandable at the time it came into being, was a historic mistake.
People believe that Israel was created as a way of redeeming Holocaust guilt. Accordingly, they believe that European Jews with no previous connection to Palestine — which they believe was the historic homeland of Palestinian Muslims who had lived there since time immemorial — were transplanted there as foreign invaders, from where they drove out the indigenous Arabs into the West Bank and Gaza. These are territories which Israel is now occupying illegally oppressing the Palestinians and frustrating the creation of a state of Palestine which would end the conflict.
Of course every one of those assumptions is false. But from those false assumptions proceeds the understandable belief not just that Israel’s behaviour is unjust, illegal and oppressive but that it is unjust and oppressive by virtue of its very existence.
For these people there is an urgent need for a proactive educational approach. No-one has ever told them that these beliefs are false – and when they are told, the effect is often transformative.
There is a desperate and urgent need to educate such people in Jewish and Middle East history; to enlighten them about the shameful role played by Britain in Palestine in tearing up its treaty obligations; to tell them that under international law Israel is entitled to the disputed territories – land within which Britain undertook to settle the Jews ‘from the river to the sea’ because of their historic and unique rights to that land.
That’s all necessary for those who are still rational. For bigots, however, there is no point arguing with them. They are, by definition, beyond all reason. Their influence simply has to be destroyed. They have to be held to account for their lies and bigotry which should be forensically exposed.
So Israel and its defenders should be demanding of the world why it expects Israel alone to make compromises with people who have tried for nine decades to wipe out the Jewish presence in the land and are still firing rockets at it.
They should expose the pretence of Britain or European countries which claim to have Israel’s security needs at heart but forbid it from using military means to defend itself; and which – as did the British Government recently — turn Israeli self-defence against the jihadi lynch-mob on board the Turkish terror ship Mavi Marmara into an attack to be condemned, or demand the opening of the border with Gaza which would allow in arms to kill more Israelis.
Israel and its defenders should be asking why so-called friends in the west want a Palestine state, since once the IDF depart the disputed territories they will become in short order yet another Iranian-backed Islamic terrorist entity which will pose a further threat not just to Israel but to the west.
They should be asking why the EU is continuing to fund the genocidal incitement against Jews promoted by the Palestine Authority.
They should be asking so-called ‘progressives’ – including Jewish ‘progressives’ — why they support the racist ethnic cleansing of every Jew from a future state of Palestine.
They should be asking them why they are not marching against Hamas on account of its tyrannical oppression of Palestinians in Gaza. Why they are ignoring Arab and Muslim persecution of women and homosexuals.
Why they are not mounting a boycott, divestment and sanctions movement against Mahmoud Abbas’s PA and Hamas, on account of Abbas’s Holocaust denial and the clear evidence of continuation of Nazi Jew-hatred in a direct line of descent from predecessors who were Hitler’s supporters in Palestine.
As for western Israel-bashers, Israel and its defenders should accuse them not of Jew-hating motives that cannot be proved but of absurdities and contradictions and untruths they cannot deny. They should ridicule them, humiliate them, destroy their reputations; boycott them, not invite them to social gatherings, show them disapproval and contempt. Treat them as pariahs. Turn their own weapons against them.
They should be telling the Jews ‘own story of refugees and ethnic cleansing – the 800,000 Jews driven out of Arab lands after 1948, and who now make up more than half of Israel’s population. It’s good to see that at last Israel is beginning to bring this to the world’s attention. In Britain virtually no-one knows about it. At a stroke it takes the ground from under the feet of those demanding the ‘right of return’ for Arabs.
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UK News :: EU to grab yet more power of Parliament

MPs will be powerless to prevent Ministers signing away sweeping controls over policing and justice to Brussels, despite the European Union Bill currently going through Parliament.
The legislation, due to reach its crucial Committee Stage on Tuesday, is supposed to stop the drain of sovereign powers to Brussels without a referendum or Parliamentary approval.
However damning research by respected independent think tank Open Europe has revealed a series of loopholes that will leave huge areas of justice and home affairs open to EU takeover.
At the heart of the Bill is the Government’s so-called Referendum Lock, designed to give British citizens a vote over any proposals for major transfers of power from Westminster to the EU.
However, critics say the lock could be “picked by a child” because, as it currently stands, the Bill neglects a huge range of areas where British Ministers will be able to opt into new EU laws without even seeking approval from MPs in Parliament.
The 2007 Lisbon Treaty has given the European Commission greater powers to draw up new laws, it has given the European Parliament the power to amend them and the European Court of Justice more power to enforce them.

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Saturday, 8 January 2011

Breaking News British National Party Holds Powerful Protest Meeting in Oldham City Centre | British National Party

British National Party Holds Powerful Protest Meeting in Oldham City Centre

The British National Party’s campaign in the Oldham East and Saddleworth by-election received a major boost today with a powerful public demonstration against Muslim paedophile grooming gangs involving activists from all over the North West and some from as far afield as London.
The demonstration, in a major pedestrian walkway in the centre of Oldham, was met with a rousing reception from passersby who snapped up the new leaflet developed especially for the occasion.
Demonstrators used placards saying “Our Children are Not Halal Meat” and a number of other slogans, underlining the point that it was the British National Party alone who had first pointed out the scandal which has wrecked countless young British lives.
“We are going to get out into the community where they need our help right now,” Nick Griffin MEP said.
Speaking in a new Radio RWB interview, Mr Griffin said that he had highlighted the issue first in 2001 in Oldham, and unlike Jack Straw, who claimed that this was specifically a Pakistani problem, Mr Griffin said this was clearly a Muslim problem.

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British National Party Holds Powerful Protest Meeting in Oldham City Centre | British National Party:

UK Pro EU Parties Want Turkey in EU as Greece Builds Wall to Keep Them Out

Westminster Parties Want Turkey in EU as Greece Builds Wall to Keep Them Out

The treasonous Westminster parties have renewed their efforts to bring Turkey into the European Union — and thereby do away with all border controls — just as Greece has announced that it will build a wall to keep Turks and illegal immigrants out.
The contradictory nature of the two policies appears not to be understood by David Cameron, Nick Clegg or Ed Miliband, as all three of those leaders and their parties continue to insist hysterically that Turkey be allowed to join the EU club.
A short while ago, Mr Cameron promised to "fight" for Turkey's membership of the European Union and said he was “angry" at the slow pace of negotiations.
Speaking during a visit to Turkey, Mr Cameron said Turkey could become a "great European power" and help “build links with the Middle East.”
In November last year, Mr Clegg publicly “expressed the Coalition Government’s firm support for Turkey’s EU membership plans” during a meeting with Turkish president Abdullah Gül.
The Labour Party has long endorsed Turkish plans to join the EU, with its former Foreign Secretary David Miliband saying last year that his party “remains strongly committed to this vision of Turkey becoming an equal member of the EU.”
Even France and Germany, the dominant partners in the EU, are at odds with Britain’s establishment on this issue, and it is primarily due to those two nations’ unwillingness to agree to Turkish EU membership which has held up that process.
In Britain, the British National Party alone pointed out that letting Turkey into the EU would open the floodgates into all of Europe not only for tens of millions of Muslim Turks, but also for all of the Middle East as well.
Turkey has already relaxed border controls with most of its Middle Eastern neighbours, which is one of the primary causes of the massive influx of illegal aliens using that nation as a springboard to invade Europe through Greece.
According to Greek interior minister Christian Papoutsis, more than 100,000 invaders entered Greece last year through Turkey alone and that around 90 percent of all illegal immigrants into the EU have come through Turkey.
It is the increasing numbers of invaders which has driven Greece to take the extraordinary step of announcing the building of a wall to keep out both the Turks and the illegal immigrants moving though Turkey into Europe.
The failure of the Turkish government to control the invasion has led to plans to build a wall along Greece’s 128-mile border with Turkey.
The first stage of the wall’s construction has already been completed. It is a 10-ft high eight-mile-long trial fence which covers a section of the border near the town of Orestidada, a main entry point for the Third World invasion force from Africa and Asia.
The bizarre situation has thus been reached where the British establishment parties want Turkey in the EU and are in favour of extending the freedom of movement protocol to anyone in Turkey, while at the same time Greece is busy building a wall to keep the Turks and their illegal immigrants out.
Such insanity could only occur in the madhouse which is the EU, and should be, under normal circumstances, enough evidence on its own that Britain needs to leave the asylum as quickly as possible.
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BNP & Nick Griffin MEP Proved Right On Muslim Sex Gangs in UK

BNP Proved Right On Muslim Sex Gangs. By Nick Griffin MEP PDF Print E-mail
Written by BNP News Reporter   
  January 2011
nickgriffinsmallThe Times newspaper has finally admitted what the British National Party has been saying for a decade: that there are organised gangs of Muslims preying on young white girls.

Police Chief Inspector Alan Edwards was quoted as saying that to “stop this type of crime you need to start everyone talking about it but everyone's been too scared to address the ethnicity factor.
“No one wants to stand up and say that Pakistani guys in some parts of the country are recruiting young white girls and passing them around their relatives for sex, but we need to stop being worried about the racial complication,” he said.

So finally, the establishment admits the truth about Muslim sex gangs.
Way back in 2001, the British National Party raised this issue. We alerted the public to a problem that the authorities — who should have been protecting young girls — chose to ignore.

We acted on the matter after being provided with persistent complaints from the public.

Ordinary people came forward and told us that institutions such as the Police and Social Services were afraid of taking action because of the racial factor, namely that the sick criminals were overwhelmingly Muslim and that their victims were overwhelmingly white.

How did the Political Class react to the British National Party highlighting of this issue?

Was there an investigation?

Well yes, sort of: they put me, who dared to raise the issue, on trial!

I was arrested in 2004 after comments I made about the Muslim paedophile grooming gang scandal were broadcast on the BBC documentary, The Secret Agent.

I was charged with “using words or behaviour intended or likely to stir up racial hatred” — just for telling the truth.

As many of you know, eventually I was acquitted of all the charges, but only after two trials during which I and my family were put through hell.

Despite the legal persecution and vilification, I and the British National Party kept drawing attention to this issue to try and force the authorities to take action.

We did this because we care.

We care about the young girls who were, and still are, being abused. We desperately want it to stop.

The truth is that the Political Class is concerned only with censoring the British National Party, and not with the rights or interests of the British people.

They clearly care more about prosecuting the British National Party, rather than investigating Muslim criminal conspiracies against young white girls.

It has taken a decade (from the time that we first raised the topic) for the establishment to even admit that it is true.

Ten years! Ten years of victims! Ten years of heartbreak, terror and suffering!

Simply put, the establishment is to blame for all the victims of this horrendous crime, because they refused to act when we first reported it.

The establishment has now admitted that many of the victims, some as young as 12, are plied with vodka, cocaine and heroin, and then brutally gang-raped.

How would you feel if this happened to your daughter or grand-daughter? Entire lives — and families — have been destroyed by these evil racists and the political class and PC authorities who have turned turn a blind eye to the problem.

The Times newspaper said this crime was a problem in Northern England.

The reality is that it is everywhere, and common in the West Midlands, East London, Slough, and so on — basically everywhere where the Muslim colonisers have established themselves in large numbers.

Can you imagine what would have happened if the British National Party had not been there to shine the spotlight on the crimes and abuse?

How many more years would the Political Class have ignored the Muslim sex predators?

How many young girls have suffered the abuse, the psychological damage and the heartbreak because of the establishment’s refusal to admit that there was an issue?

Now, at least, they have finally admitted that there is a problem.

Whether they will actually do something about it, is, of course, a different issue altogether.

But at the very least, the British National Party can claim credit for first pointing it out, and then keeping up the pressure for 10 years until the establishment finally admitted it was true.

That's why it is so vital that the British National Party stays in the fight.

We champion those whom the Political Class have abandoned, because we care.

We can't do it on our own. We need your help and support. We need the help and support of all decent people, like you, who still care about our people and our nation.

Now the story's really out, we are going to build up a big campaign to protect our children and expose the evil of Muslim 'grooming' paedophilia.

We're doing urgent print of 20,000 leaflets for Oldham this weekend on the subject to start the campaign. It is an extra cost, but clearly a must.

We will be out on the streets of Oldham this coming weekend once again, campaigning to pressure the authorities to robustly tackle the abusers.

Can you come and join us in Oldham on Saturday?

Your presence would be gratefully appreciated by not just the British National Party, but by all the victims (and their families) of this awful Muslim peodophile gang terror.

Remember what Police Chief Inspector Alan Edwards said: “These girls are being passed around like meat.”

That is exactly what is happening — these girls are being passed around like halal meat, and it needs to stop now!

If you can't make it to Oldham, then please consider backing our frontline activists by making a donation now.

Nick Griffin, MEP
Leader, British National Party

P.S. Think again about those poor young girls being corrupted and abused. Think about the vile Muslim gangs who prey on them.
Ask yourself: why did the authorities ignore the issue for years? Then act, by attending the British National Party protest or by giving a donation today.

You can make a donation to the British National Party by going to this page on their site.

You can join the British National Party by going to this page.

Friday, 7 January 2011

Media Admits that Nick Griffin Was Right over Muslim Paedophile Gangs in UK

Media Admits that Nick Griffin Has Been Right all Along over Muslim Paedophile Gangs

The controlled media has finally admitted that there are Muslim paedophile gangs operating in Britain which prey on young white females, a fact for which Nick Griffin was twice put on trial for daring to say.
In a front page article in the Times newspaper, the existence of the Muslim paedophile gangs is openly acknowledged, although that paper quite falsely claims that it has the story “exclusively.”
In reality, Mr Griffin was arrested in 2004 after comments he made about the Muslim paedophile groom gangs scandal were broadcast on the BBC documentary, The Secret Agent.
The British National Party leader was charged with “using words or behaviour intended or likely to stir up racial hatred” for pointing out what the Times today has repeated and now presented as an “exclusive” story.
As readers will doubtless be aware, Mr Griffin was acquitted of all the charges after two trials.
According to the Times’s “revelation,” police and social services have fuelled a “culture of silence” which has “allowed hundreds of young white girls to be exploited by Asian men for sex.”
According to figures printed by the Times, an “alarmingly” high number of prosecutions for on-street grooming of girls aged between 11 and 16 have involved “men of Pakistani heritage.”
In 17 court cases since 1997 where groups of men were prosecuted, 53 of the 56 people found guilty were Asian, 50 of them Muslim, while just three were white, according to the Times.
Worse still, experts were quoted as saying that the statistics “represent a mere fraction of a tidal wave of offending” in counties across the Midlands and the north of England which has been going on for more than a decade.
The media quoted a senior officer at West Mercia police as saying that these white “girls are being passed around and used as meat.”
Chief Inspector Alan Edwards was quoted as saying that to “stop this type of crime you need to start everyone talking about it but everyone's been too scared to address the ethnicity factor.
“No one wants to stand up and say that Pakistani guys in some parts of the country are recruiting young white girls and passing them around their relatives for sex, but we need to stop being worried about the racial complication.”
Mr Griffin said that the Times story which claimed that there was a “conspiracy of silence” was ironic, because that newspaper had long been part of the conspiracy to cover up the issue.
“We first raised this issue in 2001,” Mr Griffin told an interview with Radio RWB.
“This is not, as the Times has claimed, an ‘Asian’ or even a ‘Pakistani’ problem, but actually a Muslim problem,” Mr Griffin said.
“In Wrexham for example, the problem is found amongst Iraqis. It is not a Pakistani problem, but a Muslim problem, as this behaviour comes from the core of that religion,” he said.
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British National Party Plans Demonstration against Muslim Paedophile Grooming in Oldham

British National Party Plans Demonstration against Muslim Paedophile Grooming in Oldham

The British National Party will hold a demonstration against Muslim paedophile grooming gangs in Oldham on Saturday morning as part of the party’s by-election campaign in the constituency, Nick Griffin MEP has announced.
“We are launching a special leaflet on the topic this weekend as well, starting early Saturday, and need as many people as possible, men, women and children, to take part in the demonstration,” Mr Griffin said.
“We need to demonstrate that it is was the British National Party which first brought the issue of Muslim grooming gangs to the public’s attention, and we intend to make sure that this fact is reinforced,” he said, referring to the Times newspaper’s attempt to hijack the topic and present it as an establishment “exclusive.”
Mr Griffin said it was “sickening” to see Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg built up in today’s edition of the Times as the person who was now supposedly going to champion the victims of the Muslim paedophile grooming gangs.
“Quite apart from the fact that the Lib Dems are well-known for their support for the lowering of the Age of Consent, it is precisely the liberal immigration policies endorsed by Mr Clegg which have given rise to the problem in the first place,” Mr Griffin said.
“It is sickening to see the Tory press prop up Mr Clegg in this manner and it is an indication of David Cameron’s increasing desperation to keep the Lib Dems on life support for the coalition’s sake,” he added.
“It is equally pathetic for the Times and other news media to try and present the Muslim grooming problem as something new which they have just discovered.
“The British National Party first raised this as an issue in 2001, and has been at the forefront of exposing this evil tendency ever since,” Mr Griffin continued.
For example, BNPtv produced a three part in-depth documentary on the truth about the racial grooming problem.
Part one can be found here, part two can be found here and part three can be found here. All three were first produced in 2007.
Mr Griffin made a personal video about the Muslim grooming problem here, while BNPtv carried a dramatic and heartrending interview with the mother of a victim in 2007, which can be viewed here.
“We really need as many people as possible to turn out for the demonstration this coming Saturday,” Mr Griffin said.
“There is also going to be a concerted Day of Action during the rest of the day so it will be a chance for all activists to make a contribution to the by-election campaign as well.
“Finally, if you cannot be there, please consider making a donation to the campaign expenses using the facility on party website,” Mr Griffin concluded.
*Meanwhile, the work goes on in the constituency. Below, a photograph from today showing some of the activists who came from around the North West, the Midlands and even Wiltshire to help out today.
“The only thing that stopped us was when we ran out of leaflets,” one of the activists reported.
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