“Our Children are not Halal Meat” – Dramatic New Leaflet Launched
The British National Party today launched a dramatic new leaflet in the Oldham East and Saddleworth by-election campaign titled “Our Children are not Halal Meat.”
“Nick Griffin has said it for years... now the media admit Muslim Paedophile Gangs can no longer be ignored,” the leaflet says.
Quoting the Times newspaper of 5 January this year, the leaflet says that the admission by that newspaper that police and social services have fuelled a “culture of silence” which has allowed hundreds of young white girls to be exploited by Muslim men for sex, has confirmed the accuracy of the British National Party’s policy position.
“It’s official. Muslim Paedophile Gangs are preying on vulnerable English girls in Oldham and other towns all over Lancashire and Yorkshire. “Thousands of girls have been ‘groomed’ - drugged, abused and gang-raped - and it’s happening right now,” the leaflet continues.
“We all know these disgusting crimes against children as young as 12 have been going on for years, and now The Times confirms that politicians, police chiefs and councils have ‘conspired’ to hush it all up.
“Politically Correct Labour, Conservative/Lib Dem and UKIP politicians have all agreed to say and do nothing rather than ‘offend’ the Muslim community or admit that the British National Party have been right all along - yet again.
“Young girls and their families in Oldham are sacrificed on the altar of Political Correctness. And when people complain they are fobbed off, or even accused of being ‘racist’.
“Now The Times has exposed just how widespread the problem is, it’s time to push the police and politicians to do something to put things right. “That’s why we know so many people like you will be voting for the British National Party and justice for grooming victims this Thursday.”
The leaflet also contains a special personal appeal from party leader Nick Griffin: “Imagine how you’d feel if your child had her life ruined by these perverts and the authorities still refused to lift a finger. That’s why I’m asking you to vote for Derek Adams this Thursday and help us get justice for the victims of Muslim grooming,” Mr Griffin says in the leaflet.
The reverse of the leaflet is equally hard hitting. Titled ‘Who is to blame,” it points the finger at a number of establishment institutions.
“Labour, Conservative and Lib Dem Councillors know that Muslim Paedophile Gangs are active in Oldham. But they want the Muslim block vote, so rather than demanding action to stop these sick crimes, they support the giant ‘European Islamic Centre’ in Werneth that will turn our town into the Muslim capital of Lancashire. They all let these young girls down.
“Politically Correct police chiefs in Lancashire and West Yorkshire have ordered their officers to turn a blind eye to ‘grooming’ crimes.
“Labour and Conservative/Lib Dem MPs have all encouraged this police cowardice which ruins thousands of young lives. They all let these young girls down.
“National and local newspaper and media outlets have refused to tell people what the Muslim Paedophile Gangs are doing to young English girls.
“Papers like the Oldham Chronicle and The Metro have launched hate-filled attacks on the British National Party for campaigning for justice. They all let these young girls down.”
“The British National Party has been campaigning for years to get this scandal stopped. British National Party leader Nick Griffin has used his position as a North West MEP to press for action and now at least The Times has woken up and taken up our campaign.
“Now it’s out in the open, we can go on and make the police and local councils take action. But the career politicians will cover it up if we let them.
“We need a big British National Party vote this Thursday to keep up the pressure for justice for the innocent young victims of racist Muslim Paedophile Gangs.
“Nick Griffin and your local British National Party candidate Derek Adams are asking for your help. Not for them, but for the victims. If you don’t help, who will?”
* The leaflet also contains a reference to the fake UKIP party which is standing a candidate in the election with the openly expressed intention of drawing votes away from the British National Party.
Titled “UKIP Bandwagon Buffoons,” the section reads as follows:
“UKIP’s expensive Posters say they’re ‘anti Immigration’ but they’re lying.
“Their leader Nigel Farage said how they really feel on Question Time on 25th November: ‘I’m not opposed to immigration. We need a minimum of a quarter of a million work permits (for new immigrants) annually.”
And their imported Scouse candidate Paul Nuttall is one of the laziest MEPs in Brussels. Out of 735 MEPs he was ranked 725th worst at turning up – in the bottom ten out of all of them.”
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