Foreign aid Madness: Brit Taxpayers Give China £118.4 Million as That Country Takes World’s Technological Lead
The foreign aid madness which infests the Tory-Labour-Lib Dem parties has forced British taxpayers to cough up another £118.4 million in subsidies to China — as that nation unveiled the world’s longest bridge, the world’s fastest train and the world’s fastest computer.
According to the latest figures from the Department for International Development (DFID), the total grants of British taxpayer money given to China amount to £118.4 million.
This money has been spent on “poverty-relief” and the provision of education to Chinese children in western China.
Why exactly British taxpayers are paying welfare for jobless Chinese people and schools in China while facing budget cuts at home, has yet to be explained.
It would be incomprehensible for the Chinese government to pay for schools in Salisbury, or make welfare payments in Scotland, yet this is exactly what British taxpayers are forced to do in China by the Labour-Tory-Lib-Dem gang.
To add insult to injury, the Chinese appear in no need of these handouts.
Newspaper reports revealed that China yesterday unveiled the Qingdao Haiwan Bridge, the longest in the world.
It is an engineering masterpiece, and is five miles longer than the shortest distance between England and France.
It cost £5.5 billion to build, is 26.4 miles long, took four years to build, has six lanes and is built on more than 5,200 columns which used 450,000 tons of steel 2.3 million cubic metres of concrete. China is already home to seven of the world's 10 longest bridges.
In October last year, China built the fastest computer in the world, supplanting an American machine which had till then held the record.
The Tianhe-1A computer, located at the National Supercomputer Centre in
Tianjin, can perform nearly 5,000 trillion calculations per second, which is 1.4 times faster than the previous record holder, a supercomputer housed at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee.
It took 200 Chinese engineers two years to build Tianhe, at a cost of more than £56 million, less than half of what the British taxpayer have handed over in foreign aid payments to that country.
In December 2009, China launched the world's fastest rail link with a high-speed train connecting the cities of Guangzhou and Wuhan with speeds of up to 245 miles per hour. China has spent and estimated £2.8 billion building that railway.
Yet still, British taxpayers pay for their schools.
The British National Party is the only party which has called for a complete halt to the foreign aid scandal. The time has come to put the interests of the British people first.