NOW WITH VIDEO: The Day Democracy Died in Oldham: British National Party's Derek Adams Physically Removed by Police from Hustings
The British National Party’s candidate in the Oldham East and Saddleworth by-election, Derek Adams, was physically removed from his seat at a public election hustings today by police after Labour Party fascists objected to his presence.“Mr Adams had booked into the hustings and had tickets for himself and the team,” Clive Jefferson, British National Party national organiser reported.
“Mr Adams and his team went as planned and they were allowed entry without any trouble at all.
“Everything appeared to be going normally and the venue was full with a large media contingent present,” Mr Jefferson said.
As can be seen in the picture alongside, Mr Adams took his seat at the table and several of the other candidates came in and sat down next to him.
“It was then that a Labour Councillor told Mr Adams he could not sit with the other candidates and that he had to leave,” Mr Jefferson continued.
“Mr Adams is not a man to be bullied or ordered about during his election campaign by anyone, and certainly not the Labour Party.
“He quite rightly told the Labour lackey that he was a candidate in the by-election, this was a hustings and he was going nowhere.”
The hustings start was then held up as the Labour councillor called the police who then told Mr Adams that the "event organiser" wanted him to leave.
“Mr Adams very calmly said that he was not prepared to leave just because the Labour Party objected, and said that it was an ‘absolute outrage.’
“The police officer then went outside and came back with six of his colleagues. They surrounded Mr Adams, physically dragged him from his seat and marched him out,” Mr Jefferson said.
Mr Walker then stood up and told the hustings crowd that “democracy is clearly dead in Oldham.
“If they wanted more paedophile gangs of Muslims preying on our children in Oldham all they had to do was keep voting for the likes of those politicians left on the stage,” Mr Walker said, before leading a walkout of the party’s supporters in the crowd.
“The reality is of course that they had just destroyed the democratic right of the elections hustings crowd to hear all the candidates,” Mr Jefferson added.
“Our team of patriots mobilised their tannoys and staged a peaceful but noisy demonstration outside the hustings and had their say despite the worst efforts of the political establishment to silence the British National Party.”
Mr Adams also did a very powerful interview on today's Politics Show which went out live.
“Our man did us proud,” Mr Jefferson said.
“He got over the hard-hitting facts about the grooming of our young white children in Oldham and elsewhere, and that our chairman, Nick Griffin, has been put on trial for trying to bring this issue to the public’s attention in 2005.
“The interview was at that point cut short,” Mr Jefferson said.
“Mr Adams had however made his point. Everyone watching noticed the interview being terminated when it was not to the liking of the BBC.”
“I believe that our message offers hope to the people of Oldham,” Mr Adams said.
“We offer hope to all those who feel that they are neglected and ignored by the corrupt Political Class.
“I am determined that our message will reach them to show that someone cares about their concerns and problems,” Mr Adams said.
“I speak from my heart and I am passionate about this campaign. I want you to feel the same way and help me reach out to our people in Oldham and Saddleworth.”
"Our candidate and our volunteers from all over the country are doing us proud in this election,” he continued.
“But we still have four more days to go and we need to keep the momentum up right through to 10pm on Thursday night.
"So please do not think we have done enough. The hysterical actions today at the hustings show us exactly how scared they are that our message is hitting home.
“The last week is set to be the most important of the full campaign. Join other activists to help Mr Adams secure a strong BNP vote,” Mr Jefferson said.
Mr Adams is leading and directing the efforts on the ground, so please contact him to book in yourself or your team to assist on 07513 470349 or by email at northwest @
If you are not able to help on the streets, then please click here to donate directly to the Oldham campaign or ring 0844 809 4582 to donate over the phone. If our operators are busy please call again.
Click here to go to Radio RWB for a breaking news radio report from the scene.