British National Party Rocks Oxford Circus, Central London
British National Party activists in London took the party’s message right into the centre of the city last week with a table and anti-Afghanistan war petition campaign in Oxford Circus, reports London deputy regional organiser Steve Squire.
“The British National Party team, under the able leadership of London Central sub regional organiser Roy Leyland, took our campaign to a new level with the outreach campaign in territory which rarely sees party activity,” Mr Squires said.
Threats by assorted far leftists and anti-white bigots to attack the British National Party table did not materialise.
“We collected hundreds of signatures for the anti-war campaign and were seen by thousands of Christmas shoppers,” Mr Squire said.
“The ten-strong activist team made a great impression upon passersby and a significantly large number of donations were made to party funds in this very busy thoroughfare.”
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