1,200 Jobs Lost in Nimrod Debacle to Save £2 Billion, But Foreign Aid Bill Will Be £120 Billion in Same Period
More than 1,200 British workers have lost their jobs as a result of the scrapping of the Nimrod aircraft to “save £2 billion over the next ten years” while the foreign aid budget is set to rise to more than £120 billion at the same time.
However, the ConDem regime increased the foreign aid budget from £9 billion to £12.1 per year, which means that over the next ten years, they will have spent at least £120 billion on foreign aid.
In reality, the foreign aid budget is likely to rise even higher than that, unless of course the British National Party comes to power and that swindle is halted forthwith.
Cutting the Nimrod aircraft will see the BAE systems base in Woodford, closed down in March this year, resulting in job losses and ancillary industry closures.
The move to literally cut up the aircraft, which have never even been used, effectively throws nearly £2 billion of tax money down the drain, a decision which has already been condemned by military and security experts.
Britain won the London 2012 Olympics bid, for example, on the basis that the security of the event would be guaranteed by the presence of the Nimrod aircraft, which would have been airborne by then.
The Ministry of Defence will spend an additional £200 million on scrapping the planes, including penalty payments for terminating the contract — a figure which the manufacturer says was all that was needed to make all nine aircraft airworthy.
The planes were designed as “eye-in-the-sky” aircraft and just one of them would have been able to scan all of Britain in ten seconds.
The scrapping of the project on “cost savings” grounds, never mind the loss of military capability, is evidence that the ConDem regime always puts the interests of Britain and the British people last.
Rather than preserving British jobs and enabling the defence of Britain to continue, Mr Fox and his colleagues would rather give away tens of billions of pounds to nations such as China and India by way of “foreign aid.”
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