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Wednesday, 6 June 2012

The war is over

The war is over

Wars are the foamy crests of waves, curling across the surface on top of a vast muscle of colliding water below.
The lowest part of the wave, sucking the cold water from the sea bottom and thrusting it upward in a roiling tempest, is culture. Cultural change drives political and social change. Above that a milder current rises to just below the surface and getting swept up in the momentum, is economics, which follows the will of the people as expressed in culture. Finally in the water warmed by the sun at the top is politics, which translates those forces into vectors of manipulation that keep the population motivated.
War is properly viewed as a continuation of politics, not its cessation. Life is constructed so that struggle is a constant, and the threat of war is the real weapon; when diplomacy is no longer possible, war is used to manipulate the opposition into a position where the original political aims are achievable. This is why it is possible to win battles, but lose the war, or lose the war and yet win the peace or the political war.
Most people now acknowledge that the Cold War wars (Korea, Viet Nam) were extensions of the power balance left over when the fighting stopped in WWII. They even recognize that WWII is probably best viewed as a continuation of WWI, itself a continuation of the Nation-State wars of the previous 75 years. What sparked these wars? Two generations before that, the French and American revolutions overthrew the old world order and instituted a new one, comprised of egalitarianism and internationalism.
Egalitarianism is the idea that each person is politically equal and must be considered a contender for any task, based on nothing more than their success in our economic and social systems. With equality, if a student gets good grades, he’s the man for the job, even if his character is lacking or he wants underlying wisdom. There would no longer be hereditary roles in which social elites, formed from a preservation and nurturing of the wisest and boldest, maintained society. Instead, it was a vast flat hierarchy that offered all a chance to rise by obediently jumping through its hoops and/or becoming popular.
This shakeup overthrew the order of Europe, but it took centuries to shake out. In the meantime, nations based on heritage were re-arranged into nation-states, or political groupings based on geography and ideology. This was a settling of affairs designed to preserve some power structures intact so that social chaos did not take over. Since that time, our societies have undergone gradual change in which conflicts arise and are answered with the liberal principle. Whatever enables more individualistic action, and breaks down more barriers, is good; anything else is bad.
We really got into hot water in the 1930s, when the post-WWI economic collapse coupled with shakeout from the social changes of the nihilistic 20s saw a leftward shift in Europe and the USA. For many it finally became clear that if we dip our toes in the water of moderate or even mild leftism, eventually the whole body will be drawn in. This is because leftism is an absolutist ideology; it sees only one way — progress, more individualism, fewer borders — against everything else. It opposes culture, because it rewards some for complex understandings of nuanced organic rules, and thus is hierarchical. It opposes national boundaries, race, class, gender and any other distinctions. It will only be happy when all people are equal in ability and thus no possible tension can exist between them.
WWII became a battle waged by the “free world” against the nationalist powers of Italy, Germany and Japan. The free world was all nation-states, based on a geographical idea and not heritage and culture. The nationalist states used that older but more natural measurement. As a result, this was not so much a war of states as a war of systems of government. It ended in defeat for the Axis powers, who fought bravely but recklessly, and with revelations of the Holocaust which rapidly became a rallying cry against racism. It thus mirrored the Anglo-American struggle of the previous century which eventually caused vast class instability in Great Britain and a disastrous Civil War in the United States.
For this reason, the dogma of the French Revolution can be seen as a snowball. Its original concept of equality caused the revolutionaries to distrust national boundaries and racial or class distinctions; mixed in with the pro-”freedom” dogma of the American revolution and then American Civil War, the snowball expanded the reach of liberal policies to oppose any distinctions made by heritage. When this political juggernaut ran into the nationalists, it quickly became a rallying cry that the idea of identity, of race, of heritage and of the nation as anything but a mixed-race, mixed-class, genderless political entity was oppression like that of Hitler.
This new view merged liberal democracy with the socialist state, because both capitalism/consumerism and welfare benefits supported the right of individuals to be equal and free of consequences. It was such a final, perfected total state that Francis Fukuyama called it “the end of history” and claimed no further development would exist, although somewhat wistfully. Others saw its dark side: Vaclav Havel noted how the best systems of control were invisible and based on group allegiance, Aldous Huxley saw how a distracted population became the weapon of control itself, and William S. Burroughs saw how economics and social isolation were bigger threats that a police state could muster.
Intellectuals in the West adopted this idea because it seemed like a good thing to do. I was one, once. We thought that if we extended the liberal concepts of equality and fraternity to mean internationalism and multiculturalism, and added a strong welfare state and consumerist component to make society a facilitator of the dreams of individuals, everyone would be fairly treated. Thus no conflict would exist. Thus we would move to pacifism, progress and new levels of equality and equal respect.
The one problem with this vision is that it was the opposite of what it said it was. Anti-fashion is after all a fashion, and anti-hierarchy naturally creates a hierarchy. Anti-oppression and anti-intolerance require strong forces to administer those absolute rules forcibly. In fact, liberalism was an identical version of what the worst tyrant king might administer, except that its goals were universal and political and not localized to one community.
Starting in the early 2000s, cynicism about this vision began to rise. People pointed out that for 200 years, we had been proceeding in a single direction with only a question of degree changing over the years. They pointed out that we too were heading in the direction of the Soviets, where ideology became more important than results in reality. It was also noted that for those past 200 years since the French Revolution, no one had considered any really different path from a liberal system. When things went wrong, we assumed that our methods were wrong. With the global economic and social implosion of the 2000s, it became clear that our goals were wrong. Liberalism was indeed in for a penny, in for a pound, and the moment it was adopted the path toward a Soviet-style system was undertaken.
Even more importantly, in 2008 the United States elected its first black president. In fact, that’s about all anyone knew about the campaign. The aging and incoherent John McCain seemed like a symbol for an old white male order that was dying. Barack Obama brought a violation of everything that order had ever stood for: Muslim name, African heritage, Socialist leanings and identification with popular culture. He was The People’s Candidate, and since the 1965 immigration act that opened the immigration roster to the third world, he resembled a lot of these new voters more than the old white guys who build the West.
But as the happy feelings faded away, people began to see the grim reality: all leftist systems operate by sacrificing everything else at the altar of equality, which can only be achieved by hobbling the above-equal with regulations while simultaneously empowering the below-equal with welfare, subsidies, quotas and other “well-intentioned” social justice programs. LBJ’s “great society” ideas were re-created time and again in American and European social programs. The defining moment of the Barack Obama presidency was his decision to slash funding for space exploration so that social benefits, including healthcare, could be promoted in the name of our poorest, non-whitest, and least vested citizens.
At this moment, the wisdom of the old order began to shine through. People started to see how diversity itself was the problem. One group will be richer than others, and under a leftist regime, wealth will be transferred and enmity both ways will result. Without culture, all that holds a nation together is a government and its nanny state police force. But most of all, when we have no values in common, we’re going to cut out everything but programs to help the poorest or least-majority, because it’s considered impolite and hateful to not support those.
In contrast, under an organic order the nation is composed of people with more in common than not, genetically. They share a heritage in addition to a culture and the values, customs, rituals, events and sayings that go with it. It’s not a political choice, but a way of life, and this cultural mandate does what no amount of police officers can do: it keeps people mostly in line by making them want the estimation of their neighbors. Of course, it’s less “free” than a semi-anarchic welfare-nanny state. You can’t just do anything and still get a welfare check or be unable to be fired from your make-work job. But you do have a social role, a place and clarity about what to do to be rewarded.
The one obstacle to adopting this program was the opposition to anything reeking of nationalism by not only our elites, but our average citizens. They had grown up on a steady diet of the Civil War, the Holocaust and the fight against vicious Klan racists in the American South. In their minds, nationalism meant racism. This was convenient because most of these people already opposed anything but a liberal system of equality, because they feared being found less-equal and being penalized.
Luckily two events have changed that. First, as the world recession deepens, we see that following government programs, hiring diversity directors, measuring success by how many women you hire, and building a system on what the masses want to do to entertain themselves instead of building solid products is a clear path to economic, political and social irrelevance. When the USA killed its space program, the true cost of liberalism was revealed. You can be equal, but in doing so, you have removed the desire for supremacy of results that made your nation great and replaced it with complacency and narcissism.
Second, the poster children for the horrors of inequality and racism, the Jewish people, have found themselves in the role they thought was reserved for the Germans. Much like pre-war Germany, Israel is comprised of a whiter and wealthier population and a darker and poorer one. The state founded for the preservation of the Jewish people, as a religion, culture and race, finds itself having to exclude these darker people so they don’t outbreed the whiter population and replace it, effectively committing genocide through outbreeding. As a result, Israel has adopted a form of natonalism called Zionism which essentially insists on “one race, one nation.” The former enemies of nationalism are now advocating it as a solution to racial intolerance, genocide and bigotry.
As a result, Israel has become a leading voice for renewing nationalism — in effect, going back to the order that the losing side wanted in WWI and WWII. Without nationalism, Jews get replaced by those who want to share the wealth of Israel. Without nationalism, Europeans get replaced by those who want to share the wealth of Europe. Without nationalism, Americans and Canadians become an unruly mob of indeterminate heritage and no shared values, resulting in a third-world society.
World Wars I and II are finally over thanks to this change. History has decided what the wars did not: Israel for Jews, Germany for Germans. The end of equality and internationalism. White power equals black power equals Zionism equals the only world order that will make a society we want to live in. The conflict that divided us for two world wars is now over. We can let go of those wars, bury the dead, shed the last tears, purge the guilt and move on to new challenges.
The new is the old now and the old is the new. It’s hard to see because it’s still on the horizon but coming fast. The era just changed while we were barely watching. History isn’t over; it’s just begun.

Monday, 4 June 2012

Downgrade of the West


Recent news from the West (US, UK and Western Europe) has not been encouraging. The level of weirdness is up, and a strange silence has fallen over the biggest issues.
Part of this is the election year, some of it is Euro-zone collapse jitters, but underneath all of these surface manifestations there’s a darker fear. That fear is that our nations have undergone
Across the industrialized West, there’s a sensation that this recession is not a momentary blip but a permanent adjustment by which our economies shrink in size and value. We fear that our futures will never be as bright as they were before 2009.
2009 showed us the culmination of the policies of the past two centuries and possibly longer, since what happened in the last two centuries took millennia to distill to a focal point as happened in 1789. But with the egalitarian revolution in Europe, based on the idea that all people and their choices have equal validity in rejection of natural selection and consequences of our actions being important, we embarked upon a new course in the West.
This course went through many permutations. At first, it was regulated with strong leadership and capitalism, but starting in the 1930s, it hybridized right and left to make a new people’s party that embraced both consumerism and a welfare state. This was its perfected form, like the final stage of a deep and fatal infection.
However, as of this decade, we have run out of ways to modify our new beast. We can go communist, try the Swedish social welfare model, or try to go right, but these options are known and not inspiring. We’re out of maneuvering room. This is why 2009 is the year when we recognized that the structure of liberalism, and not just the methods we were using to achieve it, was unstable.
In the meantime however the damage is done. Our economies are not worth what they once were, and our national standings are no longer what they could have been. In addition, we’ve depleted our standing with the following policies:
  • Entitlement spending: conservative economics emphasizes putting money into motion in the economy at levels where it can be spread quickly, such as in the hands of the middle classes who disproportionately own small businesses and can jump-start local economies. The new logic is instead to give this money to end-use consumers, like the poor or retired, who spend it on a narrow range of services in which there is not much competition, thus an economic dead end.
  • The sexual revolution: thanks to the wonders of The Pill, women are having more sexual partners, getting more burnt out, and “settling” for marriage later in life and having fewer kids. This is a subset of the “Me generation” outlook on life as a whole, where people no longer act in a way that is sensible according to social norms, but take their equally-valid perspective on it as fundamentalist gospel and do whatever seems to them to be personally most desirable. As a result the West is in demographic free-fall.
  • Population replacement: as a result, our nations have started importing a random mix of people from the third world. The ethnic groups and races are not the problem, but (a) diversity itself and (b) third-world status are. Diversity divides a society against itself by preventing any cultural consensus from forming, which leaves only mass commerce and a strong government in control. Also, third world countries tend to be burned-out remnants of once-great civilizations. The people there are by definition, with a few exceptions, not the ones who can help make a great society. In addition, this mixing destroys our sense of self and clarity about shared purpose, and to others makes us look like a random shopping mall instead of powerful nations with proud histories and culture.
  • No goals: where we were once empires, we are now facilitative states that hope to be places where individuals can make their dreams come true. The problem is that individual dreams are often selfish, and lead to a society constantly fighting itself over how permissive it should be. To outsiders, it looks like brats fighting over who got the imperceptibly bigger or smaller slice of cake.
  • We don’t make stuff: our new economy is a circular one, in which we develop products to sell to ourselves and hope this will magically make value. This reshuffling of the deck, and re-making of our economy into a market for the re-sale and re-configuration of existing properties instead of invention and creation of new ones, doesn’t look like a good investment to others. Are Facebook and Google really products, or just services that are temporarily so overvalued that they are created an apocalyptic hole in our economy? Did anyone feel this way about all those great ARM loans we forced our banks to make available to minorities to boost our statistics on home ownership?
  • Instability: from looking at our public debates, outsiders see a society of relatively rich people who are squabbling over how they look in public. People try to outdo each other with the outlandish, vying for attention. Others try to compete on the basis of how much they give away, especially of other peoples’ money. The voters sit in the middle, generally inert but easily manipulated with promies of free things.
When we talk about a permanent downgrade, this is the nature of the beast: a society that was once worth real money because it had its act together and was going somewhere, thanks to two centuries of liberalism, now is worth less because it has no goal other than infighting, internal plunder and eventual collapse.
The People(tm) were for centuries happy to be bought off with bread and circuses. Now the bill is due, and it has converted liberalism from “the fresh new way” into the old, calcified, unresponsive and cancerous order that drags us into the past.
For this reason, although the downgrade is painful, it serves a positive purpose. We know what did not work, and we know that we need to cut ourselves free from it if we are to ever gain altitude again.

Saturday, 2 June 2012

The UK Labour Party Paedophile Lord Mayors Club

The Labour Party Paedophile Lord Mayors Club

The dangers of having a Labour Lord Mayor in the establishment of your local area is deadly to children. The Last Four North West Labour Party Lord Mayors were CONVICTED Paedophile’s which ranged from the child sex crimes of Child rape, Child Abuse, Child blackmail sex attacks and Images of sexual abuse of children in Shackles being abused and distributed over the internet.
Labour Lord Mayor No.1
Sam Chaudry, was the first Muslim Lord Mayor. When he won his local Lord Mayor Election for the Labour Party in Lancashire, just before he was about to put on the Mayoral robes, Police raided his home and arrested him. He was convicted and jailed for 12 years for Raping a child under 6 years old, Abuse of another child under 10 and the Rape of another child aged 8years old.
Labour Lord Mayor No.2
Nicholas Green (Zionist) woke up one morning to have police drag him from his bed in Westhoughton Lancashire. He was dragged off to the police station and charged with raping numerous children under the age of 10 years old. One victim had been abused by Labour Lord Mayor Nicholas Green since she was a child, and was blackmailed by him, ‘silence for more sex.’ On the day of her wedding, he pulled her into a room and threatened to tell all the guests unless she had sex with him… He raped her in her wedding dress on her wedding day. He was sentenced to 8 years.
Labour Party Lord Mayor No.3
 was supposed to be a ‘Pillar of the community’ in his Labour constituency of Halton Cheshire. One day, A man went to see the Labour Lord
Mayor unkowing he was a paedophile, he took his daughter with him. While Liam Temple was talking to the little girl’s father, he said to her ‘Go in my office and play the computer games on the computer.’ The child went in and played on the games, the father wanted to leave but the child wanted to finnish the game so the Labour Party Lord Mayor Liam Temple said ‘She’ll be ok, call back later for her.’’ BIG MISTAKE… Labour Lord Mayor Liam Temple sat next to her and said.. ‘ Name your price, you can have anything’ ‘£5 if you let me see your breasts, £10 if you let me see down there.’’ He was found guilty in front of his family who were disgusted, at the Cheshire Crown Court. He also had to sign the sex offender’s register.
Labour Lord Mayor N0.4
Stewart Brown, The Labour Party’s well dressed Lord Mayor from Hebden Royd near Hebbden Bridge was sitting in the bath when the police knocked at the door. In a posh towelled robe he was immediately put under arrest. The police and special child protection units gathered Paedophile Labour Party Lord Mayor Stewart Brown’s computer, Cd’s and other hardware to be examined by the special forensics team. Neighbours were wondering where Stewart Brown had dissapeared too, they had seen the arrest but not been able to put Two and Two together… until the local newspaper dropped onto the doormat. Labour Party lord Mayor stewart Brown had been downloading child pornography material from the internet of a severe nature including a child in Bondage and Shackles. He had been sharing the images with other predatory child sex beast paedophiles all over the internet and possibly the world. The images were horriffic said the judge, but he escaped with a suspended sentence and has been made to sign the sex offender’s register for the rest of his life.
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Friday, 1 June 2012




Thought) Crime and Punishment

South West Nationalist

1984 bigbrotherAs Jacqueline Woodhouse is handed 21 weeks in prison for committing the ultimate sin of speaking a few drunken words that the state considers to be racist, it may be an opportune time to look at sentencing in some other recent cases.

A lot about a societies priorities, who and what it values, and what it deems to be most important, can be read into the gravity with which it considers, and punishes, various crimes.

With Emma West in court soon, Jacqueline Woodhouse already handed 21 weeks inside, and Liam Stacey jailed for 56 days for his Twitter comments, let's just have a look and see some recent offences seemingly deemed less worthy of punishment.
Killing a puppy?  20 year old Serdar Bosnak threw a Staffordshire Bull Terrier puppy against a wall, killing it.  He received 14 weeks jail.

Sexually abuse a girl repeatedly when she's aged between 5 and 8?  After being convicted of four indecent assaults, four gross indecencies, four sexual assaults, and four charges of inciting a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity, David Reed received a 12 months suspended sentence.

Breaking a toddlers arms and legs?  Emma Cartwright and Neil Gleaves did just that.  They'll not do a day in prison.  36 weeks suspended sentence, and a bit of community service.

Stealing £50,000 of lead from a church roof?  Florin Stan, Vergil Stan, and Nicolae Birsan, all Romanian, were given 12 month community orders and 55 hours of unpaid work for stealing the lead from a church roof in Hinckley.

Brutally attack a woman, beat her, and rub pizza in her face?  Kalee Powell, 18, and Precious Gordon, 19, carried out just such an assault on legal secretary Daniela Holischeck.  They received community orders, and were told to pay £300 compensation.

Possess nearly 5,000 vile images of child pornography?  Despite having previously been jailed for child porn offences, Nigel Hannibal was given a 3 year community order and told to take part in a sex offenders program.

Stalk schoolgirls, quiz them about sex, show a 13 year old a picture of your genitals, and then sexually assault a disabled woman?  That's a 2 year community order for Andrew Jackson after a judge took pity on his lack of sex life.

Swindle £14,000 of benefits and get convicted of fraud after pleading not guilty?  Mohammed Hossein Gholamy, failed asylum seeker, discovered to his joy that ripping off the British taxpayer to the tune of £14,212.87 only results in a 60 days suspended prison sentence and 200 hours community work.

We could go on and on, but the message is clear.

So called racism will be punished severely.  Animal cruelty, child abuse, child neglect, child pornography, sexual assault, violent attacks, theft, benefits fraud, and many other offences can attract lesser penalties than uttering (or typing) a few words deemed as racist.

Racism has been elevated to criminal offence number one, with Draconian laws and heavy punishments being used to silence a society increasingly angry at the multicultural nightmare.  Dissent will be stifled, society will be shaped by force.

In a so called free and democratic society we now have a system of thought and speech crime, severely punished, that many dictatorships of old would have been proud of.

Perverts, child abusers, fraudsters, thieves, violent attackers, all can walk free.  Any words not in praise of the enriching minorities who are colonising our nation will be met with severe retribution and incarceration.

That should really tell us something about the priorities of those running this nation, and those administering 'justice'.  We are in an era of thought crimes, a time when the frenzied gestapo of speech and conscience have free rein.  The cardinal crime in our nation today is to be named as racist.

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Thursday, 31 May 2012



The carnage in Syria carries on.
Last week Cameron said he would possibly send British troops to that country and now Hollande of France says his country could take military action.

Let's step back a bit away from all the politicing and take an impartial look at the situation.

The Assad regime is and has been notorious for suppressing dissent but in that multicultural society a firm hand could have been necessary to stop civil war.
Free speech is suppressed and the people yearn to be free.

In that aspect Syria is similar to our supposedly democratic country.
We have been invaded  by aliens with the collusion of our governments of both the main parties. We do not wish to see our town's streets infested with these people, let alone paying taxes to support them.

Ah yes you could say, we have the freedom of the vote and free speech.
Do we? What choice have we? The major parties have similar policies on immigration and free speech so we have no choice there.
But we have a free press you may say.

NO. The press is controlled by the same Common Purpose dictatorship which rules the political parties.
New or smaller parties who oppose their anti democratic cabal are routinely vilified in the media, their policies distorted and supporters forced to hold their tongues in order to keep their jobs.
Only today a woman was sentenced to 21 week's jail for saying WHAT MILLIONS THINK.




There is a rebellion in Syria against a tyranny. Could it happen here?
Well no, or not yet.
An interesting aspect of the Syrian rebellion is the relative impotence of that government to silence the rebels. Our police and army would have gone through a rebellion like a dose of salt.
This means the rebels are armed, so the question must be, by whom?
Foreign influence is obvious here as is a supply of arms to the rebels. It suits the globalists to ferment trouble in Syria to overcome the present regime.

Russia and China have until now acted as a brake on precipitate action by that poodle of the globalists, the UN. These two countries realise that if they grant legitimacy to foreign intervention into internal affairs this could legitimise interference in their own country's affairs and so will not play ball.
Another interesting aspect of this crisis is the relitive absence of concern of countries supposedly liberated in the "Arab Spring", in fact the only Arab countries helping the rebels are such "democracies" as Saudi Arabia and some Gulf states.Turkey is standing by, waiting to pick up some spoils after the fall of the Assad regime.

Now I accept atrocities have been committed by that regime but am sure as the Russians say both sides have done the same.
It is obvious that an international cabal under the UN is determined to destabilise and overthrow Assad. Who is behind that we can only have a GOOD guess at.

The point is that the rebellion is an internal one for Syria and none of our business. We should keep our noses out and certainly not risk the lives of any more of our troops.


BUT WHAT CHANCE HAVE WE of ridding ourselves of the equally undemocratic system we now have?

On the pretext of avoiding gun crime (that's a laugh) British citizens have been disarmed and we are now powerless and in the clutches of international globalist capitalists.
We are mere units of production to be used to further the agenda,softened up by television trash shows to keep us temporarily subdued. Our pubs and clubs have been systematically destroyed by big business interests and with them our sense of community so that our virility and power to resist, replaced by propaganda stuffed in our face by the television.

Bread and circuses they called it in the past.

Revolutions start in tap rooms, and that is why the government is destroying pubs.

If you put all the things happening, at home and internationally and think about it I believe it is impossible to miss a sinister plan by those in power.
For further details read 1984.

And in our "free" country you can desecrate our cenotaph and get a slap on the wrist but tell aliens you don't like them here when drunk you get 21 weeks.

Justice and freedom?

Equality & Diversity. Enoch Powell’s ‘whip hand’ prophecy made reality

Embrace Diversity Button 120 x 118Equality & Diversity; Enoch Powell’s ‘whip hand’ prophecy made reality

A Nationalist Teachers Perspective.

It has been clear for some time that the horrors of multiculturalism are being injected like a narcotic into every aspect of our British society. A debilitating drug that is very much as dangerous as heroin, but state induced.
The majority of this article is set around a compulsory training session arranged by a college in the West of England.
Rather than having the governments desired effect, most staff regarded it as a warning as to just how much danger Britain is in from this frankly criminal piece of legislation.
Imagine if you will; A lecture theatre with around 150 plus white middle class lecturers being read the riot act by a Mr Mohammed Patel, a small bespectacled Muslim man complete with uniform beard, verifying the fact that E&D can only be administered by someone of an ethnic background. This is Enoch Powells ‘whip hand over the white man’ in action. It’s here already. Ethnic minorities now have dominion over us.
Mr Mohammed Patel is the head of equality and diversity at Petroc College Devon and from there spreads his vile racism. He was quick to refer to the Public Sector Equality Duty – PSED Race Relations act amendment 2001, that instructs teachers that they have a Promotional duty to enforce E&D, in his own words; “as you have been getting away with murder”!

And of course while this man was talking about murder the subject of Steven Lawrence raised its well worn head and was talked about at length, but with no mention of the vile racist attacks that are committed on the Indigenous white British community which occur on an almost daily basis. No margin given to the fact that racism in this country cuts both ways and it is actually more prevalent against white people than the ethnic minorities. He believes that it never happens the other way round. The truth is most of us are too scared to even look at the enrichers these days.

Mr Patel never said it, but his intention was clear to us. It is you white people in your comfy little Cotswold towns that are racists. Racist, because white majorities haven’t actively gone out and dragged ethnic minorities into Gloucestershire, to make it less ‘hideously white’ to quote one Labour MP.

He then talked enthusiastically about the coming power shift and cited Leicester as a GOOD example of how ‘we’ would like to see the United Kingdom in the very near future. Do we want that?

At the opening of the Christmas market in Morton in Marsh there was a stand for the local scouting group. A banner advertising scouting had three Muslim girls complete with hijab head scarves showed how the scouting organisation of Great Britain now sees itself. Morton in Marsh is a quaint little Cotswold market town with a 99.9% white majority. It’s not down town Mumbai, its not Leicester, Birmingham or even Coventry, but this is the way that these organisations are being forced to present themselves even if it is not representative of the population it is appealing to.

Leicester has fallen, 51/52% of people there are not of Indigenous British origin, more if you include other European countries. London is falling, Birmingham is falling and other towns and cities are not far behind.

It wasn’t long before the E&D man couldn’t resist having a knock at Enoch Powell. He referred to Powell’s inspired piece of oratory as Enoch Powell’s “infamous’ speech”, He said; “Powell was generalising, so take it with a pinch of salt”.

Enoch Powell’s speech was a warning that has come true a hundred fold in the light of the race riots last August. If it was a generalisation, it is now a statement of fact!

Mr Patel made a series of statements in his lecture to support Equality and Diversity in the classroom to which all teachers must adhere to, and they are important and need to be analysed individually:

1) Advised us to ‘enjoy’ rather than ‘celebrate’ diversity.

No one would doubt that a certain amount of taking in of other cultures is in fact a healthy thing to engage in. After all the British Empire was built on the study and enjoyment of the cultures of the countries lucky enough to be part of the worlds largest and most prestigious Empire in human history (the liberal elite are hopelessly embarrassed by the Empire and wish to make amends by destroying all vestiges of pride in it).
But like all healthy enjoyment it should be at the behest of the individual to make up their mind as to who, what, when and where the individual studies or enjoys other cultures. It is not and should not be a mandatory requirement to show that you have purposefully entered into the study and absorbed other cultures as a matter of law. If there is one culture in this country that it should be law to study then it should be British culture.
We are at a crossroads where we have put the study of Indian, Chinese and Muslim cultures before our own. And when British history is taught it is always taught from the angle that the British culture could not have done it or even survived without the support of a tiny number of none British people.
For example; at the RAF museum at Cosford there are now information boards promoting the achievements of non British indigenous people involved in the Second World War, but the way this is displayed gives an incorrect impression that ethnic minorities had a more important role than the native British majority.
Their treacherous aim is to teach our children that we were not the great nation that we once undoubtedly were, and are, and will be again. Their aim is to blatantly tell lies and to rewrite history in the same abominable way Hollywood does.
2) Mr Patel said; Catalyst was Race driven and plays the pivotal role.
The question has to be asked why? Why race driven? Surely equality and diversity is about inclusion, which is about everyone, all people. Disabled people, old people, young people, poor people, rich people all pulling on an equal rope.

But it’s not equality and inclusion, its equality and DIVERSITY!

The diversity of race, and sexual orientation which is the agenda of its champions who are largely the criminals in Westminster. It is easy to accuse patriots of being racists, when it is the leftist liberals who are forcing us down a blind alley that are the real racists.
Racists who claim quite legally that there is ‘no such thing as an indigenous British people’ when they know that there has been an indigenous people here for thousands of years.

3) The white British are failing ethnic groups.

The only time the British nation failed ethnic groups is when we embarked on two World Wars that did not need to be fought, thus bankrupting the nation and forcing us to withdraw from our colonies. That is our failing.

The fact that we were neither asked or indeed wanted mass immigration does not mean that even if they are here now do we owe them any special consideration. Assimilate! Come and join in with our game or go away! That’s real equality.

4) Equality & Diversity is as important as health and safety

This is such an unintelligent remark to make to anyone let alone academics especially when it is said by an alleged academic. Making sure Abdul feels like he’s got as much or more chance as James is not as important as making sure Abdul and James don’t get their heads cut off in some industrial accident!

Leave it to the bleeding heart liberals and it won’t be an industrial accident that cuts James' head off!

5) The Koran does not preach killing, (except where it preaches killing!)

Interesting that Mr Patel had to single out his religion as not being intolerant, when he had equal opportunity to talk about Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism and Christianity. Christianity has had its moments in the past; however this is not the past. Its today! Christianity has moved on, developed, become liberal; too liberal. Islam remains the same. The same incarnation of 1300 years ago, with the same aims and objectives: ‘Kill the infidel’.

6) Educate by guilt trips.

Children are now being monitored for anything that could be construed as a racist remark;-it has to be recorded and so a profile is built up on this child which is branded a ‘risk’ to the multicultural state project. But of course it doesn’t stop there as it must be factored in that this so called dangerous thinking must be coming from somewhere, so the parents and family are also put under suspicion.
This is Stasi state oppression. Challenging the utterance of so called ‘inappropriate language’ is one thing, but this monitoring of private conversations at home so the dossiers of suspected unbelievers grow and grow until enough evidence for ‘gagging’ is collected.

All parents should now as a matter of course question their children as to what they have been doing at school and what their teachers have been asking them. Those who are familiar with the work of Brian Gerrish will be aware of the worrying trends in education and the potentially lethal use of NLP in schools, so that they as parents can act to undo some of the brain washing that is going on.

7) Peoples behaviour is down to good teaching of parents!

This statement claims that the current parental generation were incorrectly educated, that we need re-educating; corrective education. Like the corrective institutions set up by the Communists to re-educate wrong thinkers that did not appreciate what the party was doing for them.

8) Minorities first – majority second.

This was reminiscent of the pol pot regime and the ‘tall poppy syndrome; One poppy is standing taller than the rest, so you ‘snip’ it down so all are the same.
We must all suffer for the welfare of the ethnic minorities that are flooding our shores, because the liberal elite insist that we are responsible for their plight and that our old people must freeze this winter so that they can be warm. It is the liberal elite that are responsible for it, for they have created this problem. The ‘so called’ wars of regime change and introduction of ‘their’ kind of capitalist democracy have been responsible for killing more civilians in the name of ‘saving civilians from being killed by they own government’. Thus a conflict that has had nothing to do with us, has been made ten times worse, by the elite and made the inevitable migration of refugees from the conflict even greater.
9) We are not being flooded by immigrants.
Anyone can see with their own eyes if they wish to see that our towns and cities have changed beyond recognition. Standing in the centre of Banbury you will struggle to hear English being spoken, and this is the same in every major conurbation. It is clear that teachers are required to swallow all that they are fed. A lie is a lie.
10) Political correctness fault of, and driven by media; all negativity of PC stories are fabrications, everything is alright’
The fact of the matter is this:It’s actually much worse that the ridiculous stories peddled by the leftist state controlled media. The stories that are let through are often doctored complete fabrications to give an idea that the government is aware of the situation and engaged in combating it, or on the other hand take any credence from patriotic organisations. I refer to Jack Straws unbelievable admission to the fact that Muslim paedophile gangs are operating almost freely in the UK. And Cameron’s recent statement that immigration is bad for this country. We know! We’ve been saying this for years, but if a patriot publicly states this then the government will try to imprison him for it.
The Straw’s and the Cameron’s didn’t mean it, they never mean it and will never, ever do anything about it, but to be seen and heard to speak out against it means the man on the street will think it’s being tackled and nationalism's message is now defunct and pointless. Make no mistake, the Lliblabcon don’t care about the British people. The globalists of the Liblabcon think that Britain is a puddle they can just step out of. That the British people are cheap, they are a commodity to be exploited, in just the same way they think the economic migrants are. However they have underestimated the long term goals of the growing Islamic population. Jim Dowson’s iron law of repopulation sits uncomfortably with us all.
11) E&D should be a moral exultation rather than legal obligation.
Teachers are expected to feel guilty again. What about the moral obligation to your own people, our people who have never, ever been asked whether we wanted mass immigration and our neighbourhoods, cities, towns and soon our villages and countryside changed beyond all recognition into third world shanty towns.
12) Mr Patel has been given a large budget to promote gypsies alone.

Mohammed Patel gives no quarter to the financial preservation of green belt that is now under attack from gypsy colonisation groups that use legal aid financed by our taxes to cut around and find loop holes, or even cheat the system to build ugly and unhygienic shanty towns in the Cotswold's and other areas of protected natural beauty. But no local authority dares take them on because the law, government and liberal apologists are on the side of the criminal Gypsies gangs that rip off and intimidate decent and law abiding citizens. Criminal, you know it, the states, knows it and of course they know it. But there is nothing the people can do about it. New Labour brought in around ten E&D laws in their death throws in 2010, purely aimed at gagging the majority.
13) Ethnic groups should not go to you, YOU should go to them.
If they wanted to join our society then join it they must. Our society and land do not need enriching by them and especially their cultures. They need, and should be enriched by us and our society. Any person whether ethnic minority, immigrant, of European decent, French, German etc, white or even indigenous British who does not like the way this country is or looks, or conducts itself can leave.
These are the sort of policies that are being imposed in our educational institutions, but it gets worse.

Limiting grade if schools and colleges do not satisfy E&D for OFSTED.
There is the case of an art teacher being given feed back after an OFSTED class inspection. A life drawing class was judged to be outstanding, but would only be given a grade three (‘one’ being best and ‘four’ being fail) because the observer regarded the attention to E&D as ‘purely tokenistic’. The teacher replied that it was purely tokenistic, as how on earth does one get Equality and diversity into drawing a piece of fruit!
The truth of this maybe that this inspector doesn’t believe in E&D anymore than any decent man on the street, however the fact is that this inspector along with every other decent teacher in this land knows that if they put a foot wrong with this, then there will be a ‘tremor in the web’, their careers could well be on the line and they are scared.
Scared, to be marked with Trevor Phillips red hot racist branding iron and be cast into the pit with rest of the decent British work force.
Scared, to stand and stand apart and say; ‘I do not agree with this’! They cannot speak out against a state that is built on the fear of being cast out of society as an evil patriot. Patriots are all too aware of these chains that bind them more and more, but the job they have to do is relay this to other people who are ignorant or choose to ignore the dangers. The treatment of Emma West, the ‘Tram Lady’ (no matter what you think of her as a person) by the police state and the state controlled media is just one of the recent examples of the results of speaking up for yourself. She was thrown into prison for expressing her views while at the same time a group of violent Muslim racists who nearly kicked a white girl to death while shouting ‘kill the white slag’ walked free.
Equality and diversity and the ‘so called’ human rights act will in time rob the British people not only of their right to the freedom of expression, but the entirety of their identity.

It goes without saying that to be a nationalist in working education at this point in history is becoming intolerable. How much longer a patriotic and Christian set of ethic’s and morals will allow real teachers to continue working with whining liberals who want to brainwash children with Marxist ideals containing national, patriotic, religious and family hatred. Each day becomes more and more complex for our teachers with more and more propaganda and policies to implement with ideals that they just do not believe in and find morally repugnant

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Tuesday, 29 May 2012

The Means versus the Ends

Means versus ends

This year is a good year to re-assess your political viewpoint. Across the globe power structures appear to be readying for a change.
One amazing fact of politics is that very few people systematically analyze the question of politics and form their own political inclination to match what they know to be true. Instead, an alarmingly large number of them adopt political viewpoints based on vague emotional associations, social groups, or perceived social status gained from having the “right” opinions (this varies with where and you who are).
As a result, across the spectrum of writers on the right, there has been a re-assessment of what it is to be right-wing. On Amerika, we have presented the simplest possible formulation of rightism: consequentialism, or a concern for ends (results, goals and reality) over means (methods, socialization and how we treat others). The reason for this tendency in rightism is that we believe there is an order to life itself, whether inherent or chosen for its optimal results, that is larger than the individual and the feelings, desires and social impulses of that individual.
In other words, we believe in objective reality. Out there between all of us is a world where dropped rocks always fall, and our actions always have consequences. In fact, these consequences are consistent between similar actions, so we can often predict the results of an action before we even do it. Some even believe that the study of action (means) and consequences (ends) can reveal the nature of our world and universe, much like scientific study or reading history.
On the other side is the left, which is a spectrum of beliefs from anarchism to socialism to communism. They believe that interpersonal relationships, and how we treat others, are most important. That means that it’s better to fail while behaving well than to succeed while behaving badly. What emerges from that statement is that the question of “goal” is removed entirely. To a conservative, the goal of your actions is what determines whether your behavior is good or bad. To a liberal, how you go about achieving your goal is what determines whether your actions are good or bad. The liberal formulation removes an assessment of the goal itself, as if wanting to remove intention entirely from the picture. Conveniently, this enables all goals to be equal, since they are unconsidered. This avoids troublesome separations that mark some people as having far-reaching vision and a responsible outlook, and others as simply passing time with whatever distractions they can muster.
The left will use any adornment to dress up their basic approach. They may say boldly and self-abashedly that it’s better to fail while acting in the “right” way, than to succeed while acting in another way. They may talk about morality, fairness, justice, equality and other pleasant-sounding terms. But at the end of the day, what they are masking is a hostility to goals. If you spend all of your energy of thinking in trying to ensure that your goal is a fair one, and will result in a better situation than another course of action, your methods are for the most part irrelevant. This can be taken too far and result in utter barbarism, but that’s rare, and even so, consider the two cases:

  • Achieving what is necessary through utter barbarism.
  • Not achieving what is necessary.
If those are your two choices, which is logical to choose? Assuming the goal is necessary, the second option is suicidal. Even if it requires barbarism to accomplish a necessary goal, its necessity makes it immoral to consider any option but accomplishing the goal. We frequently encounter this moral question through hypothetical scenarios: if a nuclear bomb is about to go off in a major city, and a bad guy knows where it is, do you torture him to find out where the bomb is so that you can save the people in the city? You either torture him (bad means) or you allow a fusion holocaust (bad ends). Or the question of the zombie outbreak in a small city. If you quarantine the area, you condemn the un-infected people in the city to a horrible death. But if you don’t quarantine, you could lose the entire continent or more. Another option is the runaway train scenario: you are steering a runaway train that is approaching a fork in the road. If you take the left branch, you’ll run over a family of three. If you take the right branch, you’ll run into a tanker car filled with nerve gas that could rupture and wipe out the ten million people. Collateral damage is bad, but creating a situation where the stability of society itself is threatened is much worse.
The means-over-ends calculus will always be more popular. First, it allows people to posture and claim moral superiority. “I would never treat someone that way, no matter what the cost,” they say. Second, it removes the question of goals, and thus makes behavior equally accessible. It takes someone with leadership intelligence to figure out a decent goal, but it takes very little intelligence to apply a series of basic behavioral codes. Third, means-over-ends is paralytic. It means that if any person is injured by a potential act, it cannot be done, since by the means calculus, that act is then immoral. We cannot torture people, create collateral damage or in any way treat people unequally. That eliminates most decisions, which puts society on auto-pilot as we avoid making choices and then accept whatever inertia renders unto us over time.
People don’t like to think this way, because it’s somewhat cold-blooded, but the ends-over-means calculus is the only thought process that works in any situation. You first determine what is the correct goal, which is a type of morality based on results and not methods, and then you apply whatever methods you need to do to get to that goal. This way looks toward the future and considers the whole, lessening the value of the individual but instead avoiding a collapse of social order which affects all individuals.
Smarter people tend to be more emotional and to have a hard-wired need to do the right thing. They are as a result easily subverted by changing “do the right thing” from achieving the right results, to acting in a way that looks as if it’s a result in itself. Which is more moral, achieving a morally necessary goal, or failing to achieve that goal while acting morally on inconsequential methods? If you nobly and honorably avoid torturing a terrorist, and his nuclear bomb vaporizes the whole city, was that a more moral outcome? The West has been subverted by a sleight of hand that holds that a dishonorable result achieved with honor is better than an honorable result achieved through trickery.
We are not the first generation in history to confront this issue. The Odyssey, written thousands of years ago, confronts this question as its underlying theme. Odysseus is forced by necessity to lie, cheat, steal, deceive, murder and even abandon those who are close to him. He must keep his eye on the goal, which is to return home, and ultimately he achieves it. If he used a means-over-ends analysis, he would be lost still. Further, his wife who is beset by suitors also uses an ends-over-means analysis, deceiving these suitors so that she can hold out hope that her husband will return. The Odyssey was passed on through the centuries with this important message. Homer and the wise bards who re-told that epic poem knew that Greeks, like the Europeans to follow, were smarter than average and thus disproportionately susceptible to the sleight-of-hand that replaces honorable ends with dishonorable ends and “honorable” means. As a result, they wove consequentialism throughout the story.
As the people in the West who still have functional minds awaken from the two-thousand year jaunt into a Utopian dream, they are re-discovering this old lesson. If you use a means-over-ends analysis, you will be unable to make long-term decisions or in fact make any decisions until the crisis is upon you. As a result your society will die a “death of a thousand cuts,” with each successive slash draining more of its lifeblood until eventually it collapses. On the other hand, if your civilization re-discovers an ends-over-means analysis, the central question of that civilization becomes the study of what goals are moral, and thus the civilization becomes forward-looking and aims toward optimal choices instead of simply expedient ones.

Monday, 28 May 2012

The Modern Sovietising of Western Civilisation

The Sovietising of the West

By Sarah Maid of Albion
Bernard Hogan-Howe the newly appointed state apparatchik in charge of the London Metropolitan police assures us that “racists” will be “driven out of the police”, whilst revealing that 10 officers are currently under investigation of suspicion of the most heinous thought crime of our age.
Last week, writing in the London Evening Standard, former deputy editor of the Independent and sometime speech writer for Prime Minister David Cameron, Ian Birrell snarled that racist policemen should be “rooted out”, “prosecuted” and “lose their precious pensions”.  Indeed Mr Birrell addressed his subject which such furious, staring eyed, zealotry, that one suspects only fear of exposure prevented him from adding that they should then be transported to some gulag in a remote part of Wales or the Scottish highlands for forced re-education and recreational rock breaking.
Meanwhile a young man still languishes in prison for the offence of sending an ideologically incorrect tweet, whilst the one time captain of the England soccer team, John Terry, awaits prosecution for allegedly calling a black footballer black, Terry has already been stripped of his captaincy, showing when it comes to “racism” an accusation alone is deemed grounds for punishment, whether guilty or not.  
Elsewhere, a young mother is on bail after some informer turned her in via the internet when he expressed an objection to the forced invasion of her homeland.
We are regaled with shocking accounts of racially insensitive words, thoughts and deeds. Nightly ernest young reporters appear on our televisions, usually standing outside courts, police stations or football fields reporting on some politically incorrect quip as if it were equivalent to the napalm  bombing of a hospice.   (Which they probably think it is equivalent to)
Across the Atlantic in America, news channels such as CNN, or “we are Treyvon” as they have probably re-branded themselves by now, have taken to reporting an almost Lewis Carroll style alternative reality where a man’s colour and ethnicity can be changed at the will of a metanarrative (For example Hispanics and Cherokee Indians can suddenly morph into evil white men just to suit an agenda). Meanwhile alleged victims are transformed into angelic twelve year old versions of themselves. All this parallel universe chicanery is performed in an effort to “root out” the very same legendary (white) racist who are being hunted down by Commissioner Hogan-Howe and Ian Birrell over here.
At the same time hugely popular writers and commentators such Pat Buchanan or John Derbyshire who dare to speak truths which must not be spoken are summarily dismissed, pilloried and their livelihoods destroyed.
Of course, we have seen this all before in other times and in other places, where ideological offenders and thought criminals were subjected to show trials and highly publicised prosecutions, then they were called enemies of the state now they are held up as evil, hate fuelled enemies of the multicultural fantasy which has become the obsession of the state. 
Now as then thought criminals must be purged from our institutions and positions of trust, broken, punished and forced to confess and beg a forgiveness, which is seldom if ever granted  
Now as then victims are judged to be offenders and punished for the crimes committed against them. Now, just like then, fake realities are created to act both as parables of the new religion and as truncheons with which the state can batter its terrorised population into acquiescence.
Just as then we are required to pay lip service to an orthodoxy which we do not agree with, which frightens us and which we know to be flawed, and only dare speak our true thoughts to our most trusted friends in hushed tones, and in private.
As happened then, abject failures held together only by state terrorism are presented by an obedient and craven state media as glorious successes, which fool only those who wish to be fooled, but which few, if any, dare challenge.
What we are seeing, in effect is the Sovietisation of the West.
The Sovietisation of the United Kingdom was the subject with Dr Frank Ellis, then a lecturer at Leeds University, before the university attempted but failed to purge him for expressing his disobedient views, addressed in 2001 following the release of that most Stalinist and  Orwellian of documents The Macpherson report into the murder of Stephen Lawrence.
In his outstanding analysis of the report, Frank Ellis exposed the agenda driven fanaticism and false reality which influenced the Macpherson inquiry and its recommendations. and detailed how its purported attempts to combat racism were in reality an outright, and so far successful, attack the existing British society, its native people and our culture.
As Frank Ellis says: “The near unanimous acceptance of its [the report's] assumptions and conclusions by the Labour government represents a major victory for those who are striving to undermine long-established British institutions and accomplish the final destruction of the United Kingdom “
When explaining the process of Sovietisation of which the Macpherson report is part, Dr Ellis describes the fate of the Kulaks, the middle class Russian peasants who Stalin sought to exterminate, and who, as a result, died in their millions.  On reading this I then suggested that we the white race were being set up as the Kulaks of the 21st Century, and Frank told me that Jared Taylor of American Renaissance had also reached that exact same conclusion.
I leave it to you to make your own assessment.
Now eleven years on, it is striking quite how relevant Frank’s analysis of the Macpherson report remains today , and how many of Frank’s predictions have come to pass.  Frank’s review of this poisonous document is a very important and valuable resource, which I urge you all to reread and which I hope Nationalist bloggers will link to.
Because of this I have given it pride of place as the first article I have added to a new site which I have set up for Frank’s writings, which can be visited by clicking on the link below:

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Fighting Back in the Culture War

Fighting Back in the Culture War

By David Hamilton

High Culture is attacked as upper-class entertainment or a way the ruling elites achieve hegemony over the masses. The elitist argument is ideological rather than factual because working-class people are not barred from attending concerts. Politeness and good manners are essential but if they pay the fee they are entitled to watch a concert.

The definitions is also inaccurate. What is wrongly described as popular culture is manufactured culture crteated by Corporations to make money from the masses. It is also a means of social control- bread and circuses. It is not really culture but fashion and dissociates young people from their general culture and communities while guiding them to manufactured identities.

Even talented musicians are controlled by record companies by contracts. They are
legally obliged to perform in publicity videos chosen by the Corporation to market them to a particular section of the public. Hollywood action films are aimed at adolescents.

The distinction between traditional and real popular culture is not stark. Schubert and Beethoven used folk songs as motifs and popular culture has used classical influences for melodies and structure. Vaughan Williams is a fine example of the use of traditional folk music in classical works. Contemporary composer Peter Maxwell Davies has written pieces which incorporate or are inspired by folksong or folk melody such as An Orkney Wedding.

Traditional culture has depth: you can penetrate as far as you have the personal depth to do so. It also has a long continuity; Manufactured culture is exemplified by boy and girl bands who are created and marketed to appeal to young people as a commercial arrangement. These fads are engendered by the new Establishment.

When Bill Haley and his Comets first toured Britain in 1957 they were sponsored by the Daily Mirror; David Bowie's first tour in 1973 was also sponsored by a national newspaper.

The Hippy Fashion developed amongst bohemian sects in Haight Ashbury, California, and after a major hit record: “If your Going to San Francisco” by Scott MacKenzie national Chain stores across the west began selling kaftan coats and beads to young people. The phenomenon of “weekend Hippies” or “Ravers” grew up as professional people ceased shaving on a Thursday so they could look like Hippies for the weekend.

The Punk boom which was engineered by Malcolm MacLaren and Vivienne Westwood, from their clothing shop Sex. McLaren promoted a rock band of sneering youths-the Sex Pistols. Elvis Presley had an outstanding singing voice and natural presence but was controlled by his manager Tom Parker.

There is a proliferation of David Beckham clones wondering around in the sort of gear he advertises. I saw a young man in a Rock Bar recently with a Mohican haircut a 1970s fad but Beckham recently had one. These are sometimes described as “sub-cultures” by academics but are deculturation by Corporations and replaced when another money-spinning style appears.

National identity is being broken down into ethnic and sexual identities: not whether one is English, Irish, Scottish or Welsh but whether you are ethnic or gay.

Popular culture is distinct from the manufactured culture which is now called “popular culture”.

The ballads of Robin Hood or Medieval Mystery and Miracle plays with their pageants are examples. These grew out of the churches Corpus Christi Day ceremonies. These were very much produced by the guilds of tradesmen but were communal and not completely top down affairs like manufactured culture. The Music Hall was a popular entertainment but well to do people also attended. The performers were very talented and in complete control of their songs and the audiences.

There is little of Marie Lloyd left but there is of Libby Morris and Wilson, Keppel and Betty are one of the most original acts I have seen. They were not manufactured by Corporations. (1)

The great works of Europe grew from spiritual aspiration which is part of religious observance. Bach and my personal favourites Byrd and Tallis were church organists and imbued Christian spirituality and transformed it into profoundly uplifting music.

Throughout the 60s there were dishonest clergy who took their pay from the Church but tried to undermine it from within. Believing in “The Death of God” and promoting Marxism from the pulpit. John Robinson, The Bishop of Woolwich, dismissed the traditional idea of a “God up there” or “out there” and said God is love. What is love in the abstract?

The Closing of the Church to the public

Those responsible for traditional culture in the churches have retreated into little worlds when they should be welcoming a wider public, not capitulating to our deculturation. Churches and cathedrals' are constantly appealing for money from the public but seem not to encourage people to attend.

Sunday evening services in the Church of England are communion services which deter new worshippers as they cater for communicants. Take the popular service at St. Lawrences Ludlow, which use The Book of Common Prayer. They attract about 70 but held at 8 a.m; the less popular modern service with its average attendance of 17, is at the more social 9a.m. (2)

The clergy, the Synod are not interested in the views of people outside the Church and do little to attract them. They have closed their minds and see everything through the dogma of progressive services. I once remarked to a vicar that I gave up church when they destroyed the service by dropping the King James Bible. He was amazed! They are ideologically convinced that holding services in a vulgar, modern English means people can understand the services. You can not understand communication with God in a simple rational way but achieve a spiritual awareness through sublime language.

I tried to get information on concerts of The Linnaeus Ensemble who were playing at two churches but neither church replied to me despite leaving several messages. I mentioned this to one of the musicians and she explained: “Churches are like that!” Do these people enjoy hosting concerts for empty rooms? My helpers and I have had this difficulty with cathedrals too so we wrote to several and other venues to make a comparison.

Traditional culture is in retreat while manufactured culture is assiduously promoted. We never received a reply from Great St. Mary, Cambridge, Norwich Cathedral, or Gloucester Cathedral.

I attended a concert at Birmingham Conservatoire and was probably the only one in the audience not connected to the College or friend of the performers. Young musicians would gain experience and confidence by playing to a wider selection of the public. I wrote to the head of the Conservatoire but never received a reply. I thoroughly enjoyed the concert which was conducted by Margaret Faultless as a wider audience would have.

Zoe Poyser of Birmingham Conservatoire explained : “ We have a varied output of both public and educational activities that range from those involving students of the Conservatoire as well as external hirers such as Birmingham Philharmonic Orchestra, Birmingham Music Service, Central England Ensemble, Schubert Ensemble, and Birmingham University Symphony Orchestra and so on. Our priority as an educational institution is to provide performance spaces and opportunities for our students, but this sits alongside and in harmony with our existence as a performance facility for hire.”

Art Galleries make great effort to welcome the wider public and offer many opportunities for education. The fabulous National Gallery in Trafalgar square has greeters who will answer any questions put to them by the public and many interesting books on sale as do Galleries of Contemporary Art such as The Tate in London and the The Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art in Gateshead. Sarah Wilkinson of the Baltic was very informative: I often recommend that visitors spend some time talking to the Crew (gallery assistants), who have a thorough knowledge of the works on display. They are there to clearly provide an insight into the views and ideas of the artists themselves as well as listen to and discuss the ideas and thoughts of our visitors as well as their own. Many of them are artists themselves which lends an extra dimension to discussions on artistic practice and we know from our comments and audience research that visitors who have used this resource have a richer experience as a result.

The insularity of Church officials

The Director of Music at Gloucester Cathedral said he would look at my email when he had some spare time: I heard no more. This is a great shame because Gloucester is a magnificent Cathedral with most beautiful cloisters and would also benefit from donations from the public. I asked for some information on the continuity of the choir: “I know its on the net but personal views are always more interesting and more engaging. I would quote you and mention the choir.” This was my intention throughout.

Those responsible for publicity do respond to explain how they try to attract audiences as Helen Simms at Gloucester Cathedral did. It is the clergy and directors of music who are insular.

Traditional Culture grows from religion. It is part of our continuity and is inherited from our ancestors, not specially created for our entertainment as a commercial operation. It is an historic continuity and though there are different periods and reactions one against another they occur within a continuous tradition.

Norwich Cathedral choir has impressive continuity. It was founded in 1096 and continues the tradition of choral worship today. It makes broadcasts and recordings and their repertoire is masterpieces of the Renaissance to contemporary by such as John Tavener and James Macmillan.

Yet when we contacted the Cathedral for information on their choir and its history we were ignored despite twice being told the Vice Dean would contact us.

The Reverend of Gonville and Caius, Cambridge replied to my assistant: "I am in no position to generalise about the issues you raise because I have not done any research or studied any academic surveys on the subject. I can only say that most people who come to Caius Chapel find it an intimate, warm and friendly place where people are given support if they look for it, and left in peace to say their prayers if that is what they prefer." That was not my assistant's experience which is a pity because it has a fine chapel and should have a wider audience.

A good example

The Dean of Kings College, Cambridge, was very polite and courteous and explained that he had introduced a welcoming system whereby he and the Chaplain stand at the door to welcome people as they arrive for the service, and to wish them well as they leave. “This didn't happen until relatively recently, and so I'd like to think we'd actually made progress in being warmer. Certainly quite a lot of people have said as much. On the other hand, it also has to be said that the very large congregations we generally get at King's, composed as they are mostly of one-off visitors, do mean that the actual personal contact is pretty limited. It's perhaps also important to remember that the Chapel is a private chapel which serves the community of King's College first and foremost, and so much of the personal contact for which we are primarily responsible happens outside the Chapel itself, in other parts of the College.”

The difference in secular venues

The Three Choirs Festival is not a Cathedral-led event, but organised by a separate independent charitable trust, the Three Choirs Festival Association. It is international rather than English music. Debbie Liggins was very helpful: “We hire the space (along with up to 15 other venues in each City) but with the benefit of 300 years of tradition i.e. the Cathedrals have us in their calendar in perpetuity, though we have to negotiate the terms every year.

The Three Choirs Festival takes place for a 10 day period only and rotates annually between the 3 cities of Hereford, Gloucester & Worcester. Yes, our main concert venue is the Cathedral in each city, but we are more interested in promoting the excellence of the festival with its international reputation than the various venues utilised. Thus we focus on our international soloists, resident symphony orchestra (the Philharmonia Orchestra) and the quality of the artistic programme. We advertise and place editorial in niche choral and classical publications and online event listing sites.” They use promotional material, e-newsletters, press releases.

They cherish the different character that each city gives to the festival, and thus undertake extensive publicity within each city every 3 years while putting on 'fringe' events for the local community.  (3)

Ludlow's excellent, world famous festival makes every effort to reach a wide public. They send-out 40, 000 brochures, have 13, 000 friends on their list and use a professional firm to to distribute them and they have many visitors from abroad.

They stage a Shakespeare play which is very atmospheric as it is put on in Ludlow Castle and, as the sky is darkening, Bats take to the wing and create a eerie atmosphere. This year it is much Ado About Nothing which, regrettably, has been set in WW2 Britain on VE Day.  Changing periods always ruins the play because it changes the associations of the time period.

In response to my The Neglect of English Classical Music Raymond Walker, Chairman Victorian Opera NW wrote: (4)

“May I say how strongly we at Victorian Opera endorse what you are saying. I agree with all you say about the composers mentioned. How could it be that the Cheltenham Festival did not give the premiere of Holst's Cotswold Symphony and that a Danish CD label Classico provided the first hearing of this symphony. And how dare a director Michael Berkeley promote his own work when he should be acting as an impartial director of the Festival. 2008 saw Balfe's bi-centenary yet nothing was given by R3. When last September RTE broadcasted a rare performance of Balfe's Falstaff 1838 the BBC wouldn't relay it even though it would have cost them nothing in royalties. We have just recorded W V Wallace's 'Lurline' 1860, a superb work, in readiness for his bi-centenary in 2012. Will Wexford or Buxton pick up a Wallace opera to perform? I doubt it without a deliberate shake up. I am disheartened by the fact that licence payers cannot get R3 to promote a wider coverage of classical music instead of pushing atonal and serial music that very few enjoy listening to.”

It is important to save English Music that is stuck in attics and garages and record it. The Daily Telegraph of 26 April 2004 had a feature on John Foulds when Birmingham Symphony Orchestra released their recording of "Dynamic Tryptich." Malcolm MacDonald, editor of music magazine Tempo: "There's no question he was a genius and one of the most significant English composers of the last century. MacDonald, found some scores in the British Library: "I got out a dozen pieces, and the first thing I opened was the Dynamic Triptych. I was blown away by it. This was music unlike any British composer of the time. I was amazed it was lying around, and no one was playing it.

"Foulds's daughter " took me to the garage, where there were two coffin-sized boxes full of sketches and manuscripts she's been left by her mother." Unfortunately, many of the manuscripts were damaged by rats and ants. In his book "Music Today" Foulds's, explained how, by strict diet and meditation, he had developed his clairvoyant and clairaudiant abilities. Much of his music, he claimed, was dictated to him by spirits."

Some of the greatest modern English music has been popular. Elgar, Tippett and Britten were very well received.

One who is keen to promote traditional music is Em Marshall founder of The English Music Festival and EM Records. I asked her why so many guardians of classical music looked inwards rather than outwards to a wider audience: She told me: “I suppose that maybe they feel it is "safer" keeping their concerts amongst a dedicated audience whom they know approve of the music, rather than opening it up to the general public, where they might experience more criticism? I don't really know - that's only a possible thought! Clearly if traditional music is going to survive it HAS to be opened up to as many people as possible - and it is unfair and narrow-minded to keep it from anyone who might want to listen. We are now publishing scores to make this music accessible to artists as well as making our own DVDs.” (5)

The common trait is that religious venues have become insular and cater only for themselves yet they are as a spine running through our national history and vital to the nation as a whole. When I was researching in St. Lawrence's, Ludlow, an orchestra was practicing for a concert. There was a stall for refreshments but “Brian” refused me a cup of tea! Perhaps I was not one of the club!

We have churches and cathedrals from those of accepted beauty and majesty to the eccentric as in Chesterfields twisted spire and these are repositories of our history as well as culture and should again be the centre of our communities.

It is my view that they should open up to the general public by advertising and putting on refreshments to perpetuate our culture not allow the forces of decadence to go unchallenged. Colleges of Education have a responsibility to do so because they are funded by taxpayers money. This could be done without cheapening the music by lowering standards, people must lift themselves up. Religion is the fount of culture and the clergy and directors of music have a duty to perpetuate that. Churches and cathedrals are spines of continuity through our national existence.



(3) Peter Hitchins.The Abolition of Britain.1999. PP 105-135



(6) The next English Music festival is (1-5 June 2012)