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Wednesday 15 May 2024

The Jewish Plot to Enslave Humanity At the Roots of Political Judaism

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 With a lie you can go very far, but there is no turning back.

Jewish proverb

Globalist Jews and their vassals have a nasty habit of smearing their opponents with accusations of “conspiracy theorists,” implying by this slur that conspiracies exist only in the fertile imagination of their critics, who are commonly portrayed as a bunch of lying crazies. However, according to Harvard University biological anthropology professor Richard WranghamThe vital innovation that has given rise to a new kind of political system is the plot. The ability to plot [conspire] rather than the ability to make weapons is what balanced the forces between the classical alpha males and the coalition of the weak. The ability to plot is an example of what psychologist Michael Tomasello has termed “shared intentionality,” a type of collaboration in which participants have psychological states in common. This ability has recently been deemed by psychologist Michael Tomasello to be unique to the human species. Humans excel in shared intentionality, which is already present in children as young as one year old, whereas chimpanzees show almost no signs of it. According to Tomasello, the typically human development of shared intentionality explains why humans can do many special things, from using mathematics to building skyscrapers and from playing a symphony to forming governments.[1]

If, as Richard Wrangham believes, selection against reactive aggression in impulsive people who have difficulty with frustration has indeed led to the self-domestication of humans, globalism and its off-shoot Zionism would in this sense be an attempt to domesticate humanity a step further into slavery. This attempt is only made possible by the shared intentionality of the main belligerents. It’s a conspiracy in the purest sense of the word. One of globalism’s most prominent conspirators, Jewish vassal, David Rockefeller, makes no secret of the fact:

Some people even think that we [the Rockefeller family] are part of a secret Cabala working against the best interests of the United States that we are internationalists conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I am guilty, and proud of it.[2]

This Jewish plot against humanity is also vindicated in a book by Joseph W. Bendersky called The Jewish Threat. Antisemitic Politics in the US Army. “Put simply,” writes Ron Unz, the Jewish editor in chief and owner of one of America’s most trusted information websites, The Unz Review, “U.S. military leaders in those decades widely believed that the world faced a direct threat from organized Jewry, which had seized control of Russia and similarly sought to subvert and gain mastery over America and the rest of Western civilization.”[3]

Humans are made that way, to carry out a project, they need a master plan, a strategy, a method, and to avoid alerting their opponents, they must necessarily plan in secret, i.e., plot. Shared intentionality is indeed one of our instincts. Whether it’s a sports team, an army, a political party, or the globalist hydra, without a game plan or a playbook, you will fail.

If you want, in other words, to exterminate 6 million Jews in gas chambers, you need a plan, it won’t happen by telepathy or by “an incredible meeting of minds, a consensus—mind reading by a far-flung bureaucracy,” as the most prestigious Holocaust specialist Raul Hilberg puts it in what is considered the bible of the Holocaust: The Destruction of the European Jews.[4]

What else could he say! Contrary to Jewish claims, as conclusively shown in both Zundel trials[5] and in a huge number of contradictory books and articles,[6] there are no documents, no signed order by Hitler or anyone else for that matter, no plans for the construction of gas chambers, no pictures of a homicidal gas chamber, no traces of gas in the alleged gas chambers presented to the public, no bills for the hundreds of tons of coal needed to incinerate millions of bodies, no mass graves, no ashes anywhere, just witness accounts and Hollywood fictions that don’t prove a thing.[7] Circular statements like the following one is what Holocaust fanatics such as Deborah Lipstadt consider as sufficient proof:

It is not necessary to ask how, technically, such a mass murder was possible. It was technically possible because it took place. This is the obligatory starting point of any historical investigation on this subject. It was our duty to simply remind you of this truth: there is not, nor can there be, any debate about the existence of gas chambers.[8]

But beware, Ms. Lipstadt, with the advent of artificial intelligence, this kind of “overwhelming” evidence may no longer be enough. For example, if you ask infoChatbot the following questions, as Catholic intellectual Dr. E. Michael Jones did, you get the following answers:

How many Jews died in Auschwitz?

The chatbot answered: “It is estimated that at least 1.1 million people died in Auschwitz, the majority of whom were Jews.

Were the Jews murdered in Auschwitz cremated?

Yes, the bodies of those murdered at Auschwitz were cremated.

How many crematoria were there in Auschwitz?

There was a total of four crematoria in Auschwitz.

How long does it take for a crematorium to cremate a body?

It usually takes between two and three hours to cremate a body in a crematorium.

Is it possible to cremate 1.1 million bodies using only four crematoria in four years?”


How many years would it take?”

It would take over 78 years to cremate 1.1 million bodies using only four crematoria.[9]

Let’s leave it up to Ms. Lipstadt to work through the infoChatbot quagmire while we get back to our topic: The Jewish plot to enslave humanity. So, what is the master plan that is used by the Jewish Globo-Zionists to achieve their goal of hegemonic domination? There are several, as we shall see below, but one is more important than the others.


The Pentateuch or the Hebrew Bible called the Torah, which is composed of the five books, Genesis, Exile, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy is not the master plan as such, but it is placed first because it contains a recurring theme in political Judaism: the world belongs to the Jews and all non-Jews on the planet are at the mercy and whim of Jewish interests. The following passage from chapter 7 of Deuteronomy is pretty chilling, to say the least:

For you are a people sacred to the LORD, your god; he has chosen you from all the nations on the face of the earth to be a people peculiarly his own.

You shall consume all the nations which the LORD, your god, will deliver up to you.

Rout them utterly until they are annihilated.

He will deliver their kings into your hand, that you may make their names perish from under the heavens.

No man will be able to stand up against you, till you have put an end to them.

The Torah, in other words, is the foundation on which all the following expressions of political Judaism are built. “Its central ideology is summed up in Yahweh, the national god of the Israelites, who, through the Mosaic covenant, promised his people dominion over the nations on condition that they be separated,” notes the French historian and essayist Laurent Guyénot in his book Our God Is Your God Too, But He Has Chosen Us.[10]

The Torah is thus one of the blueprints that the Jewish race uses to enslave humanity. The playbook of the Open Society of George Soros, born Schwartz, for example, is in fact derived from the Torah, more specifically from Deuteronomy 20-10 and 20-11:

When you go near a city to fight against it, then proclaim an offer of peace to it. And it shall be that if they accept your offer of peace, and open to you, then all the people who are found in it shall be placed under tribute to you, and serve you.[11]

As noted by Doctor of Philosophy Lucien Cerise,

the phraseology of openness is in fact designed to disarm human communities by making them feel guilty about being closed. In 2007, the German government and the Council of Europe launched a project called Days of Tolerance in Ukraine’s intercultural cities, designed to open Ukrainians’ minds and prepare them to welcome non-European immigrants. Opening doors and making doors open are principles of social engineering, destroying a system not by piercing its defences, but by making them open, with its consent and abusing its trust after having usurped the identity of the victim or saviour.[12]


This compilation of continuously updated comments is the common Jewish law, the religious-legal code, which serves as the unifying force and the spiritual rallying point of the Jewish people. The Talmud gave birth to the universally adaptable Jew, providing him with “an invisible framework for the governance of man” says Jewish historian Max Dimont.[13] The philosophy of this book is the primary foundation of political Judaism today and the virtual guidebook for the Jewish goal of a global imperium.

Simply put, the Talmud can be viewed as “a group evolutionary strategy used by Jews in their competition for social, political, and cultural dominance with non-Jews,” notes evolutionary psychologist Dr. Kevin MacDonald in his landmark book, The Culture of Critique. An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements.[14]

In his work, Zionism and Apartheid (1975), Russian writer Valery Skurlatov asserts that “both Judaism and Zionism have the same socio-economic class basis — and thus a common purpose — world domination. Judaism contains in coded form the strategy, universal in class-oriented societies, of the ‘chosen people.’ Only ‘their own’ are initiated into this secret strategy.”[15]

It was the Spanish-born Rabbi Moses ben Maimon (1135-1204), now remembered as Maimonides and as Ramban who, in the 12th century,

helped institutionalize the Talmud as the driving force behind worldwide Jewish thinking. No serious student of the New World Order can dispute the fact that what the Talmud and other pivotal writing put forth is precisely the concept that is brought into being today as a consequence of global Jewish power in the hands of the Rothschild Empire. While the Rothschild Empire initially opposed establishing a Jewish state, once they recognized the benefit of a strategically placed Jewish state in Palestine as a base for global machinations, they became Zionism’s greatest patrons. As such, Edmond Rothschild is hailed as “the Father of Israel” and honoured on Israeli currency today.[16]

Isaac Luria’s Cabala

According to a concept in the Cabala of Isaac Luria called tikkun olam or “repair of the world” in Hebrew, the creation of the Tree of Life, the Kabbalistic symbol of the universe, was an accident that produced a great disorder that only the Jewish people have the power to repair by hastening the coming of their Messiah to the Holy Land through social, political, and military actions.[17]

In the 16th century, this religious belief, which originated in the 13th century, became part of the Jewish orthodoxy. Thus, since that time, a number of Jewish elites have been working tirelessly from morning to night, directly or indirectly, with the help of their non-Jewish vassals, for the realization of this messianic utopia born in the fertile imagination of a handful of Jewish mystics such as Moses Nahmanide, Abraham Abulafia, Solomon Molcho, David Reubeni, Isaac Luria, Sabbataï Tsevi, and Jacob Frank.[18]

Jewish oligarch Jacques Attali, the multifaceted eminence grise of several French presidents, repeatedly condemned for plagiarism[19] is an ardent follower of the Lurianic Cabala and of tikkun olam:

Why should the world be repaired? God is there for that, if the world needs repairing, it is because God has decided not to do it anymore, so this opens up dizzying perspectives and one must have read and understood something in Luria at least to be able to reflect on this subject, so it refers to the responsibility of the human condition, and in the forefront of human responsibility, to Jewish responsibility. We are alone, and Auschwitz confirmed it to us, for all those who did not want to hear it, the repair of the world is us and nobody else. I think that this mission refers fundamentally to the Jewish expectation that “we are here to repair the world.”[20]

Jewish billionaire and busy warmonger Bernard-Henri Lévy (BHL) also swears by tikkun olam:

No more saving the world. Never mind starting it again. But just to repair it, the way one repairs broken vases. The word “repair” is very beautiful. It is modest. It is wise. But it is also dizzying. It was Isaac Luria’s, of course.[21]

And Jewish vaccine promoter Peter Hotez is also convinced that he is doing his part to repair the world. In his essay Science Tikkun: Repairing the World through the Science of Neglected Diseases, Science Diplomacy, and Public Engagement, Hotez claims, as noted by Karl Hamaers the author of Covert Covid Culprits. An Inquest Chronicle, that

one of the ways the world is broken is in the human immune system, and that one of the ways Jews are going to fix that for the benefit of the rest of us Gentiles is through vaccines.[22]

But don’t be fooled by appearances. Under the guise of holy intentions, writes Karl Haemers, “Mr. Hofez is part of a vast cabal bent on protecting the pharmaceutical industry and the global public health infrastructure from scrutiny.”[23] As for Bernard-Henri Lévy, who has always publicly asserted that his fight is part of a universalist approach to human rights, he admitted in a speech given during a Jewish convention that as a “representative of the tribe of Israel,” he had committed himself to the overthrow of Khadafi “under the banner” of his “loyalty to Zionism and Israel,” adding that it was “as a Jew” that he had “taken part in this political adventure.”[24] Always ahead of his time, Jacques Attali’s way of repairing the world is to promote universalism and planetary race-mixing for everyone except Jews.[25] When Jews such Hofez, BHL, and Attali “repair the world,” they are repairing it to better suit themselves and their Jewish agenda.

Sabbateï Tsevi’s Cabala

But if the tikkun olam of J. Attali, BHL, and Hofez seems rather positive and innocent on the surface, since it is simply a matter of metaphorically gluing back together the broken pieces of the vase of the universe, there is also a dark side to the Cabala, that of the Jewish cabalist Sabbataï Tsevi (1626-1676) the enfant terrible of the Cabala. In his version of things, instead of repairing broken vessels by gluing them back together, one must destroy the vessels that are judged to be defective by the parties involved.[26]

This is the principle of redemption through sin preached by the disgraced Weinstein who believes that he can save humanity in his own particular way by taking on the burden of sexual assault. According to sources close to the famously fallen producer (now redeemed by the wave of a magic wand), he has indeed resigned himself to being punished as a martyr for social change. “Weinstein could be seen as a disciple of Sabbataï Tsevi who declared himself the Messiah in 1666,” quips the Jewish philosopher and jazz musician Gilad Atzmon, “and the transition from all-round sinner to new messianic figure was certainly swift for serial sexual predator Weinstein. But this should not surprise us. The fact that Weinstein sees himself as a martyr for social change is perfectly in keeping with tikkun olam, the misguided Jewish belief that it is up to Jews to fix the world.”[27]

The Sabbataist doctrine was also preached by the Canadian Jewish singer Leonard Cohen (1934-2016) in his last album released in October 2016. In that record’s eponymous song, You Want It Darker, Cohen declares his belief in the doctrine of Sabbataï Tsevi, a manic-depressive who thought he was the Messiah of the Jews. During one of his manic phases, Tsevi proclaimed the abolition of God’s commandments and his belief in Satan, “the one who allows what is forbidden.” In his sick mind, sin becomes virtue and the normal becomes abnormal. What was at first only a serious mental pathology became the central dogma of globalism and its off-shoot Zionism: in order to do good, to purify oneself from the impure, one must first do evil.[28]

Jacob Frank’s Cabala

The Sabbataist antinomianism would later be taken up by Tsevi’s disciple Jacob Frank (1726–1791), who declared that the end of time and the destruction of all laws will not be complete until depravity has spread to the whole of society: “I have not come to elevate, I have come to destroy and bring down all things until everything is swallowed up so deep that it cannot sink any lower… There is no ascension without first descending.”[29]

There is a familiar nihilistic aspect to the Sabbato-Frankist conception of things that one cannot fail to recognize in today’s Western society, where things such as blasphemous desacralizations à la Charlie Hebdo, pedophilia, zoophilia, transgenderism, homosexuality, adultery, feminism, abortion on demand, and pornography are encouraged, even exalted. In this clean slate policy, all traditional values and religions are annihilated, paving the way for atheism and the secular, anticlerical tendencies embodied in Freemasonry, liberalism, and Jacobinism [communism]. This is what Leonard Cohen metaphorically declares in the line of his song that he repeats like a mantra, “You want it darker we kill the flame.”

Thus, to rebuild back better on the ruins of the impure, one must destroy the kellipot, those impure barks of the Tree of Life that stand in the way of the redemption of humanity: territorial borders, nations, patriotism, identity, order, law, family, marriage, patriarchy, biological sex, the ethnic and racial diversity that nature has created, morality and religion, government, property, and inheritance rights, economic, social, and cultural protectionism, everything, absolutely everything.

A strategy of birth in pain and chaos that will essentially result in the resurrection of the Hebrew world not only on the ruins of the order established on the principles of Christian civilization, as Mgr. Henri Delassus rightly claimed, at a time when Christianity was dominant,[30] but on the ruins of all non-Jewish races, religions, and civilizations.

It is these ideas from the Torah, the Talmud, and the Cabala that animate the Likud party, the Tsahal army, as well as the Jewish media, academics, banks, financiers, corporations, and the tens of thousands of synagogues, Jewish associations, foundations, and think tanks spread out in a spider web fashion all over the world. These ideas are the blueprints or protocols that the Jewish race follows to impose its will on the world and to enslave humanity. As stated by the greatly beloved Sephardic rabbi of Israel, Ovadia Yosef, who passed away in 2013,

goyim [non-Jews] were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world—only to serve the people of Israel.

In Israel, death has no dominion over them… With Gentiles, it will be like any person—they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money.

This is his servant… That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.

Why are Gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat… That is why Gentiles were created.

— Weekly Saturday night sermon in October 2010.[31]

These are not just empty words. This great Jewish sage is simply following a passage from the Hebrew Bible found in the book of Isaiah (61:5-6). Until his death in 2013, Ovadia Yosef, who was for thirty years a highly respected religious authority and listened to by Israeli leaders, including the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, was the embodiment par excellence of the ideas that prevail today in Israel and the Jewish Diaspora.[32] When Yosef died in 2003, 800,000 Israelis attended his funeral, the largest in Israel’s history. In its October 7, 2013, issue, The Times of Israel called Yosef a “giant of Jewish thought.”

To recap: Globalism and its off-shoot Zionism is basically a multifaceted mystico-political project whose stated aim is the redemption of mankind but whose secret aim is the enslavement of mankind. The real goal of the Globo-Zionists is a “Jewish utopia” where all the wealth of the world will be held by the Jews and all the nations of the earth will be subservient to them and their “God.”[33] In other words, globalism and its off-shoot Zionism is not only about a Jewish state, it is about a Jewish-Based World Order. As prominent Jewish writer, Israel Shamir, says,

Palestine is not the ultimate goal of the Jews, the world is. Palestine is just the place for world state headquarters. The Jews intend to turn Jerusalem into the supreme capital of the world, and its rebuilt temple into the focal point of the earth […] .[34]

Should we be concerned about the hegemonic, revolutionary, even tyrannical, and genocidal character of globalism and its off-shoot Zionism? To watch the “most moral army in the world,” of the “only democracy in the Middle East,” unabashedly torture, rape, and exterminate the Palestinian children, women, and the elderly of Gaza, without a shred of human remorse, in front of the entire planet, and with the consent of the Jewish-controlled Western governments, it’s high time to ask some serious questions.

Please, Mr. Bernard-Henry Levy, reassure us on this matter, it turns out that your tribe when captured by their ill will for power “can become great murderers, among the greatest known in modern history.”[35],[36]


[1] Richard Wrangham, The Goodness Paradox: The Strange Relationship Between Virtue and Violence in Human Evolution, Pantheon, 2019, p. 166-167.

[2] David Rockefeller, Memoirs, Random House, 2002, p. 405.

[3] Ron Unz, “Israel/Gaza: The Masks Come Off in American Society,” The Unz Review, May 6, 2024.

[4] Robert Faurisson, “Raul Hilberg Now Explains that the Genocide of the Jews Was Carried Out by Telepathy,” Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust, Sept. 1, 1988.

[5] Charles E. Weber, “Encyclopedic Work on Zündel Holocaust Trial’ an ‘Absolute Necessity,” The Unz Review, Mar/Apr 1995.

[6] Ron Unz, American Pravda: Holocaust Denial. Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement, The Unz Review, August 27, 2018.

[7] Germar Rudolph, The Holocaust Lectures. Controversial Issues Cross-Examined, Holocaust Handbooks, vol. 15, Castle Hill Publishers, 2017.

[8] Le Monde, February 21, 1979.

[9] E. Michael Jones, “Why It’s Easier to Talk to a Robot Than to a Jew. How Artificial Intelligence destroyed the Holocaust,” The Unz Review, May 21, 2023.

[10] Laurent Guyénot, Our God is Your god too, but He has chosen us. Essays on Jewish Power, AFNIL, 2020, p.1.

[11] Lucien Cerise, Ukraine. La guerre hybride de l’OTAN, Cultures & Racines, 2022, p. 259.

[12] Ibid.

[13] Michael Collins Piper, The New Babylon. Those Who Reign Supreme. A Panoramic Overview of the Historical, Religious, and Economic Origins of the New World Order, American Free Press, 2015, p. 63.

[14] Kevin MacDonald, The Culture of Critique. An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political movements, Kindle, 2021.

[15] Michael Collins Piper, work cited, p. 61.

[16] Ibid., p. 56.

[17] Tikkun olam, WikipediaThe Free Encyclopedia.

[18] Youssef Hindi, Occident et Islam. Tome I : Sources et genèse messianiques du sionisme de l’Europe médiévale au choc des civilisations, Sigest, 2015.

[19] « Les plus grands génies du plagiat », GQ, June 11, 2013.

[20] Jacques Attali – économiste, Delphine Horvilleur – rabbin de la communauté MJLF, « Le judaïsme, une religion de la distinction : peuple élu, peuple électeur », Akadem, le campus numérique juif, 2012 (vidéo).

[21] Tikkun olam, WikipediaThe Free Encyclopedia.

[22] Karl Hamaers, Covert Covid Culprits. An Inquest Chronicle, The Barnes Review, 2022, pp.170-177.

[23] Ibid.

[24] OUMMA TV, BHL : « Je suis le représentant de la tribu d’Israël », Agora Vox, June 4, 2012.

[25] Laurent Obertone, La France interdite : La Vérité sur l’immigration, Ring, 2018, p. 372.

[26] Gershom Gerhard Scholem, Sabbatai Tsevi: The Mystical Messiah, 1626–1676, R. J. Zwi Werblowsky (translator), Princeton University Press, 1976.

[27] Gilad Atzmon, “Harvey Weinstein, Sabbatai Zevi and Tikun Olam,”, November 1, 2017.

[28] Ibid.

[29] Cited by Youssef Hindi, book cited, p.82.

[30] Mgr Henri Delassus, La Conjuration antichrétienne : Le Temple maçonnique voulant s’élever sur les ruines de l’Église catholique, Éditions Saint-Rémi, 2018, new edition.

[31] Lazar Berman, “5 of Ovadia Yosef’s Most Controversial Quotations,” The Times of Israel, October 9, 2013.

[32] Youssef Hindi, Occident et Islambook cited, p. 227.

[33] Michael Higger Ph.D., The Jewish Utopia, The Lord Baltimore Press, 1932.

[34] Israel Shamir, Cabala of Power, self-published, 2009, pp. 88-89.

[35] Steve Plocker, “Stalin’s Jews,” Yediot Aharonot, December 26, 2006.

[36] Michael Higger, work cited.

Neil Oliver: Lockdown Letters!

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DEEP STATE EXPLAINED: Templar Report 15th May 2024


Monday 13 May 2024

Mass deportations" has become the new slogan constantly repeated by the collective 'far-right' The Reality

In a recent Tweet former MEP Nick Griffin offered a glimmer of reality to some of the right wing promises from some populist parties over mass deportations.. In his tweet Mr Griffin stated below. 

 "Mass deportations" has become the new slogan constantly repeated by the collective 'far-right'.

It is, of course, only possible if they acquire & hold state power. And if the general population was willing & able to fight & win a civil war, and then to withstand coloured revolution efforts & a NATO bombing campaign like against Serbia. It is, in a word, IMPOSSIBLE. "Mass deportations" is a slogan, used either as a comfort blanket or as a way of pretending to be based & edgy, while appealing for donations to "help my work". Sorry folks, but it's not 'work', it's a fantasy for fools. You all need to grow up, drop this tooth-fairy 'political' fakery, and start building a movement that can fight for the rights and proper status of our people when we are the largest minority in a land of minorities. We will need to negotiate with the 'Others', and at times to face down various enemies - including at times our own elites. We need positions of strength from which to do so, and they do not come from wish-list sloganeering. Programmes for putting things right in an unattainable world are worse than useless. We need men, not policy papers. The future is already baked in, face it like men, don't hide under the blanket like frightened children.

Saturday 11 May 2024

The Tyrannical Australian Government Threatens Gab Social Medai For Refusing To Censor


This morning Gab received a notice from the Australian government threatening 

us with a fine of $500,000 for refusing to censor a video of the tragic attack at the Assyrian Christ The Good Shepherd Church in western Sydney. The video was posted by a Gab user and followed with a heartfelt message from Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel, who was wounded in the attack. It’s worth mentioning that Meta and X, upon receiving similar requests from the Australian government, promptly complied by removing and censoring the video, while Gab alone remained steadfast in our opposition to censorship of the video.

As a platform committed to free speech principles, Gab refused to comply with the censorship demands of the Australian government. We believe that the right to free speech is fundamental and are determined to stand up against any attempts to suppress it. If you would like to support us in our efforts to combat this attack on free speech from the Australian government you can make a donation here or upgrade to GabPRO hereDealing with foreign government censorship demands takes up our precious time and resources, but it is worth it.

The footage of the attack at the Assyrian Christ The Good Shepherd Church that the Australian government wants us to remove is undeniably distressing to watch, as it captures the sheer brutality and senselessness of the violence that unfolded. While it may be challenging for some viewers to bear witness to such a tragic event, it is crucial to recognize that this video serves a vital purpose in informing the public about the reality of this horrific incident. Furthermore, the video’s inclusion of a heartfelt testimony from Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel, who was a victim in the attack, adds an essential layer of context and humanizes the impact of this devastating event. As a result, the footage is undeniably newsworthy and in the public interest, shedding light on the tragic consequences of violence and the resilience of those who have been directly affected by it.

The Australian government’s threat to Gab is a clear violation of our users’ freedom of speech. The notice states that “Failure to comply with the Notice may result in enforcement action, including the commencement of civil penalty proceedings for a civil penalty order of up to a maximum penalty of $782,500 (AUD) for a single contravention by a body corporate.” This is equivalent to $500,000 in USD.

Gab’s Response: We refuse to succumb to the pressure of the Australian government and will not censor the video posted by our user. We stand by our commitment to free speech and support the Assyrian Christ The Good Shepherd Church in their time of need. We encourage our users to share their thoughts, prayers, and support for Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel and the entire congregation affected by this tragedy.

Gab was founded in 2016 as an alternative to mainstream social media platforms that are known for their overly censorious and biased policies against conservative viewpoints. We believe in providing a platform where users can express themselves freely within the bounds of American law. Our leadership style is characterized by vocal advocacy for free speech and a staunch opposition to Silicon Valley’s monopolistic control over online discourse.

We urge our users to stand with Gab in our fight for free speech and support for the Assyrian Christ The Good Shepherd Church. Share your thoughts, prayers, and support for Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel and the congregation on Gab, and help us spread the word about this important issue. Together, we can demonstrate that the power of free speech is stronger than any government’s attempt to suppress it. Let’s stand united in our commitment to protect and preserve free speech online for everyone.

Andrew Torba
Christ is King

Wednesday 8 May 2024

The Wartime Church

 The recent incidents at Jesus Dwelling Place Church in North Braddock, Pennsylvania, and the Assyrian Christ The Good Shepherd Church in western Sydney serve as stark reminders that Christians are at war whether we acknowledge it or not. The attempted shooting of Pastor Glenn Germany and the stabbing of Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel underscore the need for self-defense training and a strategic plan for our churches. We must recognize that we are living in a time of war – a war against our faith, our values, and our way of life. To effectively navigate this tumultuous period, it is essential for pastors and churches to adopt a wartime mindset, as opposed to a peace time one that many currently hold.

Do I need to remind you of what has been happening over the past year?

How “Christ is King” has been labeled “antisemitic?”

Or how Resurrection Sunday was mocked by the Biden White House with a declaration of “trans visibility?”

Or how about our elected representatives passing “hate speech” legislation that effectively outlaws parts of the Bible?

Not to mention how quickly we forget the horrific massacre of six Christians including three young children at a Nashville school.

Being winsome and “nice” won’t cut it anymore, Christian.

It’s time to get serious.

The time for complacency is over and we must equip ourselves with the knowledge and skills necessary to protect our churches and communities from potential threats. A wartime church is characterized by a heightened sense of urgency, vigilance, and preparedness. It is a church that recognizes the spiritual battle being waged against it and actively works to protect its members and uphold the values of the faith. In 1 Peter 5:8, we are warned to “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” This verse underscores the importance of remaining vigilant and prepared in the face of both spiritual and physical attacks.

In contrast, a peace time church is characterized by a sense of complacency and a lack of urgency. It is a church that may be more focused on personal growth and individual spirituality, rather than the broader spiritual battle being waged against it. While there is certainly value in personal growth and spiritual development, a peace time church may be ill-prepared to face the challenges and threats that come with a wartime environment.

In the case of Pastor Germany, it was the swift and courageous actions of church members that prevented a potential tragedy. Their response highlights the importance of fostering a sense of community and preparedness within our churches. By God’s sovereign grace a miracle happened and the gun malfunctioned. This gave congregants and Pastor Germany enough time to react and subdue the suspect.

The incident in Sydney similarly underscores the need for Christians to be vigilant and prepared for potential attacks. Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel, who has a global online following, was wounded along with at least three others when a man lunged at him with a knife during an evening service. Praise God for those who swiftly took action to stop the attack.

In a wartime church, the pastor serves as a spiritual warrior, leading his congregation into battle against the forces of darkness. This is exemplified in Ephesians 6:10-12, which states, “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

To transition to a wartime church, it is essential for pastors and church leaders to adopt a proactive and strategic approach to spiritual warfare and physical threats. This includes:

Developing a comprehensive security plan: Ensuring that churches have the necessary security measures in place to protect their congregations and property from potential threats.

Training in self-defense and emergency response: Equipping church members with the knowledge and skills necessary to protect themselves and their fellow believers in the event of an attack.

Fostering a sense of community and preparedness: Encouraging open communication and collaboration among church members, as well as promoting a culture of vigilance and preparedness.

Emphasizing the importance of spiritual warfare: Preaching messages that highlight the ongoing battle against the forces of darkness and the need for Christians to remain vigilant and steadfast in their faith.

The war against Christianity is not a hypothetical threat, but a very real and present danger. As Christians it is our responsibility to prepare ourselves and our churches for the challenges that lie ahead. By adopting a wartime mindset and implementing a strategic plan for spiritual warfare, we can ensure that our churches remain strong, resilient, and steadfast in the face of adversity. Let us remain committed to advancing the Kingdom of God by discipling the nations to uphold the values and principles of our faith, and may God grant us the wisdom, courage, and strength to prevail in this ongoing battle.

Christ is King.
Andrew Torba

Tuesday 7 May 2024

Neil Oliver Interviews David Krayden

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Col. Douglas Macgregor : Do Israel + Ukraine = WWIII?

The Evil Decline of Britain’s Dystopian Estates


 a film to show you all about the decline of Britain's Council Estates.
An example of how the UK Welfare State (which BFP would scrap) is negatively impacting the decent, Working Class.


Credit: @JimmyTheGiant (Youtube -