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Saturday 24 September 2011

Tommy Robinson's Video Diary Comments for September 2011


Monday 19 September 2011

It’s not racist when they say it

It’s not racist when they say it PDF Print E-mail
Written by The Pilgrim

racistsign_160_x_214The Bible condemns hypocrisy. In fact the words hypocrite and hypocrisy occur fourteen times in Matthew’s Gospel alone. Sadly though, the message does not always get through to our enemies.

Take the Stalinist trade unions for example. It has just been announced that Britain’s first free school for Muslims has been approved. Free schools are state-funded schools which are exempt from the national curriculum and also free from local authority interference. They are not permitted to be exclusive – except regarding gender - but may select up to fifty percent of pupils on such grounds as religious affiliation.

While there is doubtless a lot to be said for the idea of free schools, this particular free school has caused some controversy. Simon Jones, national executive member for the anti-British National Union of Teachers, has been quoted as saying: “It will further undermine much of the progress towards community cohesion. We are on our way to a completely segregated schooling system. It is going to develop potential social problems in the future.

A similar view has been expressed by Councillor David Foster, the leader of the Liberal Democrats in that borough and a Methodist local preacher: “In my view we shouldn't have any religious schools of any faith. One of the problems in Blackburn is the segregation of communities.

Of course these views are not racist, because they were not made by patriots. I am sure that readers of this site will appreciate that subtlety. While I am not opposed to Muslims being taught apart from British children, I would prefer it if they were taught in a non-Muslim school. There have been instances in recent years of British teenagers being bullied by Muslim teenagers in non-segregated schools, made worse in many cases by a failure of the school staff to take appropriate action.

Nevertheless, allowing Muslims to have their own school is not necessarily a step in the right direction. Such a school will be only as good as what is taught there. For example, will pupils be given lessons in how to avoid prosecution for homicide? Or perhaps they will be given lessons in how to avoid being prosecuted for rape? One thing I am confident about is that this school will become a Muslim ghetto. It will not be allowed to exclude non-Muslim boys, but can you see any non-Muslim families trying to get their sons into such a school? Would you?

A related news item is that the noted Jewish scientist Lord Winston has spoken out about the dangers posed by immigrants in the NHS. He claims that he is not racist for speaking out, and of course we all agree. As a supporter of the Labour Party, he cannot be a racist, can he? Of course if either Andrew Brons or Richard Barnbrook had dared to say the same thing (and they may have done) then it would either be not reported in the press, or else reported in a negative light.

While we can admire Lord Winston for highlighting the problem, we cannot commend his failure to address the root cause of the problem. He maintains that “the solution ultimately is to negotiate better with Europe”. He is wrong. The solution ultimately is to tell the EU to stuff itself, and then jail the traitorous politicians who surrendered our sovereignty.

Saturday 17 September 2011

Sunday 18th September - The Lawful Bank on VBR

Sunday 18th September - The Lawful Bank PDF Print E-mail
Written by Green Arrow


Right you have another chance to listen to the speech by Roger Hayes giving details of how the Lawful Bank will work, which will be played in the British Resistance Paltalk room this Sunday at 8 p.m.

You will also learn from people who have already signed up with the new bank just what you get in your Welcome Pack.

Last time the turn out to listen to this revolutionary concept was disappointing. Let us see how many of you turn up this time.

Babies, Benefits and Third World Colonisation

Babies, Benefits and Colonisation

By Southwest Nationalist.

Well, it took someone born in Lahore to say it – probably the only way to escape the accusations of racism that would pour in thick and fast if anyone else spoke out – but Baroness Shreela Flather has stated a truth that we’ve all known, and many of us have warned about, for years.

Some foreigners – and she singles out Pakistanis and Bangladeshis – are having more children because it brings them benefits and a bigger house.

“The minority communities in this country, particularly the Pakistanis and the Bangladeshis, have a very large number of children and the attraction is the large number of benefits that follow the child….Nobody likes to accept that, nobody likes to talk about it because it is supposed to be very politically incorrect”.

Just one rephrase, nobody is allowed to talk about that, cries of racism are what would greet our words. It’s not that people don’t like to, it’s that the PC system has stifled all debate.

You’ll put them in a tricky position though, a peer born in Lahore mentioning Pakistanis and Bangladeshis. They’ll probably just bury it without a mention, the racism card would be a tough one to play.

Many of us have been saying it for years though, we have seen huge families subsidised by the British taxpayer, watched as in effect we pay for our own colonisation.

The perfect system was created for immigrants to have children like it was going out of fashion, where they would be rewarded for this, and by God have many taken advantage of Britain’s stupidity.

It is by no coincidence that we see birth rates falling among the indigenous, yet going through the roof for certain minority groups – we’ve handed them every incentive.

Britain has, quite simply, encouraged peoples from the world over to settle here, and once here has given them every encouragement to raise huge families.

We hand reward after reward to our colonisers, and we are forbidden from saying a thing about it because to do so would be racist.

As for doing anything about it, well, racist too, there’s the EHRC and human rights waiting in the wings.

Who can really blame the immigrants, it is the idiocy of those who subverted the system into a politically correct monolith pandering to every minority need which has led us to here.

A moronic system which functions to impose diversity and the decline of the indigenous, that’s exactly what we have in the UK.

Thinking that foreign cultures would suddenly adapt to British ways and have miniscule families, especially when there are financial incentives to breed like rabbits, is symptomatic of the ludicrous idea of integration which has been foisted on us.

It is not by accident that the system was created whereby we were forced to allow millions into Britain, and then we handed them every incentive to raise huge families, it was a deliberate move and part of the attempts to create a multicultural society.

We witnessed a perfect storm of immigration, encouragement to immigrants to have large families, and it being taboo for the British people to speak of it.

Those conditions did not occur by accident, nor do they remain in place by accident.

Benefits and babies are another arm in the colonisation of the UK, we’re paying the costs incurred along the way to our own demise as a people.

Thursday 15 September 2011

The Muslim-British Race War – Encouraged by the British State

The Muslim-British Race War – Encouraged by the State PDF Print E-mail
Written by Mister Fox

Islamic  woman protester with black flag

The British authorities are in league with Muslims against their own people.

The constant appeasement of Muslims encourages them to do what they like. Birmingham police and Broad Street Marshalls allow Muslim taxi drivers to park in bus lanes, block double-yellow lines, make three-point turns and U turns in the middle of busy and over the central reservations on Broad Street with impunity. Members of the public constantly complain but the police ignore law abiding citizens and cover-up for Muslim law breakers.

They do not just keep small things like that from the public: they suppress serious activities like the news of terrorist training camps near Birmingham. The editors of the Birmingham's three local papers also kept it from the public.

In Birmingham and London trainees learnt hand-to-hand combat and survival skills. For further training they were sent for military training in Yemen and Afghanistan. After the London bombings, The Times reported that “a dozen members” of British Muslim group Al-Muhajiroun “have taken part in suicide bombings or have become close to Al-Qaeda and its support network.”

In January 2007 the group's leader Omar Bakri revealed that Islamist extremists were infiltrating the police and other public sector organisations. The Daily Mail exposed eight members of al-Qaeda in the police.

RAF Nimrod planes have picked-up Birmingham accents in Afghanistan and Taliban fighters. One Taliban fighter had an Aston Villa tattoo. (1) There is no excuse for the political, academic and media elites allowing a race war to develop in Britain.

As far back as 4 May 2003, The Sunday Telegraph’s Alasdair Palmer wrote: “Britain has become the headquarters of choice for extremist Islamic preachers, who now have a network of organisations dedicated to sowing pure hatred: hatred of the West, of democracy, and of the values of tolerance and freedom — the very values that give them the freedom to operate here: ‘Your task against the infidel,’ says one video, ‘is to kill their children, take their women, destroy their homes.’”

What is behind the security services allowing Muslim extremists to weapon train and develop networks here? Here is a clue: former Italian President Francesco Cossiga admitted in the Italian paper Corriere della Sera in 2008, that in the 1970s, the Italian government allowed Arab terrorist groups freedom of movement in the country in exchange for immunity from attacks.

The government of Prime Minister Aldo Moro reached a “secret non-belligerence pact between the Italian state and Palestinian resistance organisations, including terrorist groups. Moro designed the terms of the agreement with Arab terrorists, Cossiga said. “The terms of the agreement were that the Palestinian organisations could even maintain armed bases of operation in the country, and they had freedom of entry and exit without being subject to normal police controls, because they were ‘handled’ by the secret services.”

The security services have operated a similar deal in Britain. On 22 August 1998, the newspaper Al Sharq Al Awsat quoted Omar Bakri: “I work here in accordance with the covenant of peace which I made with the British government when I got Asylum.”

This covenant allowed Muslim extremists to plan attacks abroad and develop terror networks here. In 1999 it was reported that each year approximately 2,000 Muslims were trained about Holy War at camps in Britain run by Al-Muhajiroun. The police, security services and the Home Secretary Theresa May are still operating this Covenant with Muslim extremists and potential terrorists as we will see towards the end of this essay when we look at the recent ceremony for the victims of 9/11 outside the American Embassy in Grosvenor Square.

In Blackpool the police refuse to warn parents about Muslims who groom and rape their daughters so parents are unable to protect their daughters. Everywhere you look in small things as well as large, you see the police and other authorities siding with Muslims against the British people. The evils and injustices done to innocent British people by our rulers are some of the worst inhuman history yet they blame us if anything goes wrong because they will not accept responsibility themselves. (2)

Even during growing and obvious hostility between Muslims and Britons the Government imports more Muslims to augment their street armies: U.K. Muslim Population Grows 10 Times Faster Than the Rest of the Nation. The Muslim population in the U.K. has grown by more than 500,000 to 2.4 million in four short years. Muslims multiplied 10 times faster than the rest of the Nation, the research by the Office for National Statistics reveals. These figures were up to 2008 so I suspect in 2011 you could almost double this. Here is some figures from 20045 The total number of Muslims in Great Britain: 2004: 1,087,000 2005: 2,017,000

A ludicrous aspect is that we have our money misappropriated to pay for our own destruction. On 12th September The Telegraph reported:

“The “coping classes” increasingly are struggling with the responsibility of looking after two generations, the equality watchdog says.

This is in a 700-page report that forms the first comprehensive survey of disadvantage and discrimination across Britain. “While the country today is more tolerant than in 1970, society is still not fair for many people, it says. The economic crisis and the Government’s proposed spending cuts threaten to make inequality worse, it says. The report, How Fair is Britain?
Unemployment among ethnic minorities costs the economy almost £8.6 billion a year in benefits and lost revenue from taxes. Half of Muslim men and three quarters of Muslim women are unemployed.

The country has a strong sense of tolerance and fair play. However, racism and religious prejudice are increasing, while hostility towards immigration has grown.”

That is a clear statement of official bias in favour of Muslims. You see the Elites have brought this situation about but rather than face their own culpability use the connative term “racism” and “religious prejudice” which only apply to Whites to make us scapegoats. Are they saying invading Libya, Afghanistan and Iraq is not religious prejudice and racism?

On 7 July 2005 52 victims of Third World immigration were blown up in London. There have been other outrages since, like the one on 29 June 2007, in London when two carbombs were planted but disabled before they could be detonated. The first was left near the Tiger Tiger nightclub in Haymarket at about 1:30 am. and another in nearby Cockspur Street.

The first was reported to the police by an ambulance crew attending an incident at Tiger Tiger when they noticed suspicious fumes; around an hour later, the second was found when the car was given a ticket for parking, and then an hour later, transported to the car pound at Park Lane where staff smelt a strong smell of petrol. When they heard about the first bomb attempt they reported the vehicle to police. A link established to the attempt at Glasgow International Airport. Bilal Abdullah was arrested and sentenced to 32 years in prison for conspiracy to commit murder in both incidents. The important point is they should not be here to murder and maim us as we should not be invading their countries for the now. There was an attempt to behead a Muslim soldier for serving in the British army.

The Sunday Times of June 11, 2006 reported that Rear Admiral Chris Parry, one of Britain’s most senior military strategists warned that western civilisation faces a threat on a par with the barbarian invasions that destroyed the Roman empire.

He said future migrations would be comparable to the Goths and Vandals while north African “Barbary” pirates could be attacking yachts and beaches in the Mediterranean within 10 years.
Europe, including Britain, could be undermined by large immigrant groups with little allegiance to their host countries—a “reverse colonisation”. These groups would stay connected to their homelands by the internet and cheap flight.

Enoch told Southall Chamber of Commerce on 4th November 1971: “Yet it is more truly when he looks into the eyes of Asia that the Englishman comes face to face with those who will dispute with him possession of his native land.”

These Muslims are right in their grouse that our corrupt leaders are waging a war against their homelands and people; but we are right in our grouse that they are importing Muslims into our homelands to destroy our way of life, our countries and us as a people. It will take proper international organisation one day to return them to their homelands, and for us to stop bombing them in theirs. For Cameron to send the RAF out to bomb Arab civilians including women and children is despicable; but to invite aggrieved Muslims from these countries when they are full of hatred for us is sick. We must make it clear to Muslims that we mean them no harm it is our now rulers who are waging war on them but we can not co-exist together in the our countries.

A memorial service for the 67 British victims of the 9/11 terror attack was held in the US Embassy gardens with the families of the victims. It was televised and when it began there was loud shouting through megaphones from the Muslims Against Crusades who the police had allowed to disrupt the ceremony and it was clearly heard by the guests and broadcast to the world. The US flag was burnt in “honour" of the "Martyrs of 9/11" across the road from the American Embassy while the political police stood watching.

Some of the drips in attendance were: Prince Charles and Camilla, David Cameron, the Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, Labour leader Ed Miliband, U.S. ambassador to the UK Louis Susman and London mayor Boris Johnson and his wife who were attacked by Muslims on their way to the ceremony. The chants which were clear to these appeasers will not make an impression on their minds as they are living in a fantasy: Prince Charles will continue promoting Muslim causes including saying that the world needs to follow Islam for peace and Cameron will make no attempt to stop immigration even if the EU would let him which they will not. Western elites have brought race war into our countries and bear the responsibility and the guilt. (3)
These promoters of the idea that Islam is a religion of peace stood and listened as the two-minute silence was disrupted by Muslim protesters chanting and waving placards as well as burning the flag. Tellingly, the police moved on a group of English Defence League protesters, who had gathered to oppose the demonstration, to make way for the MAC supporters. Then the political police stood and watched as the American flag was burned. Once again we have been humiliated in front of the world.

The EDL attempt to prevent this insult to American and British victims of 9/11 was prevented by the police and resulted in two good members being stabbed, running battles on Oxford Street, Hyde Park-Speakers Corner, Edgeware Road, and around the American Embassy.

A disgusting senior police officer read the riot Act to decent British people then allowed Muslims to humiliate us in front of the world. I have more respect for malaria than that four-eyed tit. It is time to withhold the portion of council tax that funds this police oppression of legitimate British activities like paying respects to the dead of 9/11.(4) It is clear that the police are being used against us, and it is disappointing that they obey these orders.

The police moved the EDL along so the Muslims could protest and burn the American flag. But even more sinister, Home Secretary Theresa May who allowed the Muslims to protest against the ceremony routinely bans EDL protests against Muslim extremists. So Theresa May you encourage Muslim extremism on our streets? They were wearing war clothing but you know that don't you?

The government are culpable because they have regular security briefings from the Security Services, MI5, MI6 and Special Branch so they knowingly allowed Muslim extremists to humiliate us and insult our American allies. The police favourtism to Muslim extremists and oppression of honourable British people trying to pay their respects to the victims of 9/11 would have been on Home Office instructions through briefings

There were two EDL supporters stabbed later by Muslim extremists but the media routinely suppress that sort of thing. We must pretend how wonderful and successful multi-racialism is. In July 2010, totalitarian MP for Stourbridge Margot James urged Home Office ministers Nick Herbert MP (police) and James Brokenshire MP (crime prevention) to strengthen the law giving police powers to ban rallies likely to pose a risk to public order. She was referring to EDL demos not Notting Hill Carnival or Muslim demos.

The Muslim demonstraters wore terrorists headgear and brandished the Muslim black flag of war. These were street soldiers, a war party, and the police took their side against honourable British people.

The media are also withholding news of EDL leader Tommy Robinson's hunger strike in Bedford prison. (5)The prison where John Bunyan languished 350 years ago. These corrupt and inadequate fools we have running this Britain have turned this country into a third-world shithole and, even worse, in many areas a warzone. Welcome to Enoch's racial civil war courtesy of our New World Order Western elites.


Click here for the reference notes relating to this article

"New World Order" researcher Alan Watt discusses the history of social engineering from the early twentieth century

"New World Order" researcher Alan Watt discusses the history of social engineering from the early twentieth century up to today, and how the wealthy elites who fund these projects are creating a dysfunctional society in order to lower the birth rate, destroy the nuclear family unit, and consolidate their power in a global government system unanswerable to the general population.

UK and EUTaxpayers Might Have To Bail Out European Central Bank, Andrew Brons Warns

EU Taxpayers Might Have To Bail Out European Central Bank, Andrew Brons Warns

Taxpayers across the European Union might be forced to bail out the European Central Bank (ECB) if that body proceeds with its plans to buy Spanish and Italian government bonds, Andrew Brons MEP has warned.

Speaking during a European Parliamentary debate on the economic crisis in the eurozone, Mr Brons said that a common interest rate “cannot be appropriate for economies in very different states of health.

“Interest rates are too high for Southern European countries that are in recession, because they have been raised to curb inflationary pressures in Germany,” Mr Brons said.

“This has exacerbated the recession, which has led to falling government revenues and increased government debt.

“Furthermore, the percentage return (or ‘coupon’) on sovereign bonds has had to be higher because of diminished confidence and fear of default.

“The ECB was already buying small countries’ sovereign debt and has recently started to buy Spanish and Italian bonds to instil confidence.

“Whilst this might postpone any crisis, there is a real danger that the ECB will purchase bonds the market value of which will eventually fall, as has already occurred with bonds issued by Greece Ireland and Portugal.

“Even an institution as well funded as the ECB cannot survive a massive fall in the assets of its balance sheet, without a huge re-capitalisation by the taxpayers of the Euro-zone and possibly from outside the Euro-zone,” Mr Brons warned.

* On 12 September, the ECB announced that it had purchased €14 billion of Italian and Spanish government bonds during the previous week. The announcement provoked the resignation of the German representative on the ECB’s Executive Board, Jürgen Stark.

Mr Stark’s resignation was followed by a speech by German Bundesbank president Jens Weidmann who said that the ECB had “burdened itself with considerable risks” after buying the Italian and Spanish bonds.

So far, the ECB has purchased €143 billion worth of sovereign bonds from crisis-ridden countries, placing its shareholders at a huge risk should those nations default (which appears increasingly likely to happen).


Wednesday 14 September 2011

The secret immigration policy the Politicians tried to hide

The secret immigration policy they tried to hide

By Linda Kaucher

While political reporters for the most part ignore the EU, British domestic policy is actually formulated to fit not just with internal EU directives, but, importantly, with the EU's external international trade agenda.

This broader policy affects people's lives here, particularly their employment and that of their children and grandchildren in the future. Yet information on this broader picture, the parts of EU trade policy that will affect people most, is kept from them.

A very relevant and major feature of EU trade policy is the concession that allows transnational corporations to bring workers into the EU. In tradespeak this is called 'Mode 4'.

The World Trade Organisation (WTO) defines four modes for cross-border trade in services: via internet (Mode 1); where the customer crosses borders e.g. tourism and the international student market (Mode 2); where a company establishes in another country (Mode 3); and by moving workers across borders (Mode 4).

Moving workers from a lower to a higher socio-economic country is a very profitable business for the transnational corporations that are in a position to benefit, on a par with moving production and service work to cheaper labour areas of the world.

With the WTO Doha deal apparently abandoned, the EU has been negotiating a set of bilateral and regional trade deals with much of the world. These deals are more secretive than WTO negotiations, with the contents of negotiations kept private until those negotiations are completed.

But investigative work has revealed the urgency of the situation.

The EU is including Mode 4 concessions in all of the deals it is currently negotiating. In fact Mode 4 is the carrot, to obtain, in exchange, investment opportunity access into trading partner countries for transnational financial services corporations, which are for the most part based in London.

Actually these corporations benefit from both sides of the deals. They get the investment opportunities but also cheap labour brought in, and, as this 'reserve army of labour' undermines the power of organised labour, strengthening the power of capital in its balance of power with labour.

Although these are EU deals, the UK is the main and willing target for the Mode 4 concessions. Thus it is UK workers who will pay the price.

A very important trade deal in this regard is the EU/India Free Trade Agreement (FTA) that has been under negotiation for four years. It has been discovered that Mode 4 concessions are the one thing that the Indian government is demanding. In addition, leaked documentation shows that the liberalised UK will be taking the bulk of the EU's Mode 4 commitment.

In fact Trade Commission staff have admitted that the EU/India FTA is, in effect , 85% a UK deal. That's the percentage of the gains which will accrue to the UK (well, the international financial firms based in London, anyway) while the UK (UK workers, this time) will get that percentage of the pain.

Financial services investment opportunities overseas will not produce jobs here. But workers will be displaced via Mode 4, especially in a time of cuts. Transnational firms will be able to offer cheap onshore outsourcing, using cheaper temporary migrant labour and will also be able to supply labour into other firms allowing them to offload all employer responsibilities.

Within the supposedly 'capped' UK points based system for labour migration, the government has ensured that the categories relevant to trade commitments have no numerical limits. There are no such limits on the 'intra-corporate transferees (ICTs) category in Tier 2 or on the 'international agreements' category in Tier 5. Neither is there any resident labour market test, which would stipulate that jobs have to be offered here first.

In fact both these restrictions are disallowed at the international trade level in respect of Mode 4.

Under the current points based system, skilled workers are currently being brought in and paid the minimum wage, which is then made up to a low industry norm with tax-free expenses and with no national insurance payable. Thus the UK government is even now encouraging the use of a cheap labour supply that not only displaces workers here but also damages the national economy in a variety of ways. Wages are repatriated overseas, the earn/spend cycle needed for recovery is broken, workers become unemployed and the welfare bill increases, the employment future for young people is further curtailed, and skills transfer are lost for the future.

As trade agreements, with Mode 4 included, are committed to hard international trade law, they become effectively permanent. This is why this handing of control of UK labour migration to transnational corporations will affect not only present but future generations. Any attempt by any future government to pull back on these commitments will potentially invoke corporate legal action to recover all anticipated profits that may be negatively affected by the government action.

International financial services corporations based in London are proactive in directing UK input to EU trade policy via their lobbying mechanism 'thecityuk' and in Brussels through the European Services Forum, the mechanism that influences EU institutions directly.

'Thecityuk' is made up of International Financial Services London (IFSL) and the Corporation of London and the UK Trade and Industry (UKTI) section of the Business, Innovation and Skills Department is closely connected. 'Thecityuk''s secretive Liberalisation of Trade in Services (LOTIS) Committee ensures that UKTI bureaucrats take financial services' own directives into EU trade policy like carrier pigeons. And UK governments ensure that domestic regulation is formulated to fit with this.

The Labour party has not told the UK public about this EU/India agreement and the centrality of the Mode 4 concessions even though Peter Mandelson initiated all the current agreements. Neither has the Conservative/Liberal coalition, even when David Cameron and Vince Cable led a specific 'trade' delegation to India in 2010. Greens MP Caroline Lucas spent years as an MEP and a member of the European parliament's International Trade Committee (INTA) but has declined to warn UK workers what they are being signed up to, and similarly Ukip, which has two members on the INTA but actually supports the concept of temporary labour from outside the EU being brought in by transnational corporations.

The House of Commons select committee tasked with overseeing the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills has failed to bring the Department's role in moving workers into the country into focus and has accepted the silence of the secretary of state, Cable, on this.

Who will tell the UK public about these irreversible commitments on their behalf?

There is a small light at the end of the tunnel. The Railways, Maritime and Transport (RMT) union is going to argue to the TUC's September Congress that it should campaign to alert the UK public to the implications of the EU/India trade deal and of Mode 4. Yet, as the TUC has so far been part of the cover-up, it remains to be seen first if this motion is passed, and then what the TUC does with it.

Linda Kaucher is a researcher on international trade. With Masters degrees in Journalism and in Human Geography, from Australia and the London School of Economics, and a broad background as an educator, she campaigns to take the lid off trade secrecy. She has written articles for the Morning Star and submissions to government consultations. She was invited by the EU Trade Commission to make a presentation to its civil society dialogue on services trade.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

The Tower Hamlets Factor

The Tower Hamlets Factor

Since 1997, the then Labour government opened the floodgates hoping that by doing so they would secure their power in many parts of London. Paradoxically, the master became servant when servants grew up in numbers and when the Labour Party expelled an Asian politician the said politician won the election in Tower Hamlets. Who calls the tune now? Does the Labour Party call the tune? I wonder if many Labour politicians were left scratching their heads and asking themselves ‘how could this happen?’

This can be seen not only in London, but also in other English cities (or should I say former English cities, taking on-board comments made by John Cleese?) With Demographic changes, there are political changes. This is to be expected. Look at the partition of Yugoslavia. What has been the argument about who owns Kosovo? This is bound to happen in Britain, especially because they have been building ghettos that usually have their own language, their own customs and their own values.

One day, we might find ourselves having to decide who own Birmingham, Leicester, Manchester, Liverpool and parts of London like Towers Hamlets and Barking and Dagenham or even London as a whole. Sometime ago we learnt that a delegation of the Church of England was told that certain areas of Birmingham were ‘off limits because they were Muslim areas’ and even Christian female Police officers went patrolling wearing headscarves ‘not to offend the local community’.

I have always believed that numbers matter and that when the time comes there could be a British Diaspora. Looking a birth rate numbers plus the numbers of those coming into the country, the writing is on the wall. Huge political changes are on the way. This is why it is so urgent to talk about British Identity. Somebody talked about the minimal incidence of Normans, Vikings, Romans and others in the genetic pool of Britain. He was talking about a few thousands new individuals. We are now talking about millions of individuals and this is the equivalent of many times the Normans, the Vikings, the Romans and others put together.

Nevertheless, when we look a numbers, genetics is not the main concern. The main concern is identity and political power. Faces will change but so will laws, customs and values. Our everyday lives have changed dramatically. The ‘London Experience’ of 1989 is radically different from the ‘London Experience’ of 2011.

Cameron the Great Dictator

Cameron the Dictator

Who does David Cameron think he is? Following hot on the heels of war-crimes liar “Adolf” Blair, it is now becoming more than obvious that Cameron, too, thinks he is a Supreme Dictator who can scoff at the constitution, dismiss democracy as a nuisance to his private plans, ignore the British voters completely and insist that the words which issue from his mouth must instantly become the New Law of the Land.

On Wednesday 7 September, Herr Cameron and the utterly unelected Supreme President of Europe Herman Goering – I’m sorry, I mean Herman Van Rompuy; wrong name, same politics – held a sinister plotting meeting at 10 Downing Street in order to secure their beloved European Axis from the threat of democratic voting by the electorate.

The Axis leaders are evidently petrified of the idea that the British people be allowed a referendum about staying in, or quitting, the European Union. Obviously, the greatest threat to Europe and its Reich Commisars is a population’s freedom to vote, because there is a chance the result will not be to the liking of the Reich. (“Reich” being merely the German word for “Empire”, it seems to be the most suitable, factual and realistic term to apply to the European Union in the form into which it has mutated since inception.)

This Axis conference was mainly engendered by the rapidly increasing numbers of formerly meekly obedient Conservative SS officers – sorry again, I mean Tory MPs (“SS”, of course, stands for “Sordid Sychophants”) – who are now dimly realizing that Britain’s continuing membership of the European Union is likely to be the absolute ruination of our once independent, once self-governed, once prosperous and once democratic country where the voters were allowed to choose who made their laws.

In response to some 80 Tory Members of Parliament who have urged Herr Cameron to do the decent (and legal) thing by holding the long-promised national referendum on whether or not Britain should be part of the European Super State, the Fuehrer (German for “Leader”: an apt title for Cameron) instructed his spineless underlings that – and I quote – “There is no case for such a vote… I don’t see the case for an in-out referendum on Europe. We are IN Europe!” (reference: Daily Mail 8/9/11).

The Leader has spoken! The entire voting population of Britain must accept that a European referendum is against the Great Dictator’s will – and, like all other Supreme Dictators in history who banned proper democratic voting by their people (including the ones in the Middle East that Britain’s equally undemocratic government has hypocritically assisted in deposing and executing) his orders must be obeyed without question at all times… Where, I wonder, have the British People heard this said before? (Quote: “Whatever you do, don’t mention the war”—Basil Fawlty).