Home Secretary Theresa May
Wednesday October 10,2012
By Martyn Brown
LABOUR fostered a policy of mass immigration to the UK in a deliberate attempt to keep British wages down, Theresa May said yesterday.
She said the plan failed because for every 100 non- European working age immigrants 23 fewer British-born workers found jobs.
Tearing Labour’s record to shreds Mrs May vowed to slash net migration from 216,000 to tens of thousands within two years. She told the Tory conference:
“It takes time to establish the social bonds that make a community
be as rapid or on the same scale as we saw under Labour.
“Uncontrolled, mass immigration undermines social cohesion. And in some places, it overburdens our infrastructure
Uncontrolled, mass immigration undermines social cohesion |
Theresa May |
“It’s behind more than a third of the demand for all new housing in the UK. And the pressure it places on schools is
clear. We see it in London, where almost half of all primary school children speak English as a second language.
"And we must be honest about the fact that, in some cases, uncontrolled mass immigration can displace local workers and undercut wages.”
Mrs May, wearing her trademark leopard print kitten heels, said independent advisers found “every 100 non-European working age immigrants were associated with 23 fewer British-born people in work”.
According to Ed Miliband’s policy chief Jon Cruddas, Labour used migration “to introduce a covert 21st century
incomes policy”, she said.
She added: “That’s right, Labour – the party of the working man and woman – admit that they deliberately used
immigration to keep down British wages.”