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Thursday 27 June 2024

Europe's Population Crisis Is About To Explode


Few people have brought the issues facing us, and how the powerful forces behind the scenes plan to destroy many of us, like she has done here. Please share this with friends, family and on social media platforms. Truth today may be survival tomorrow.

UK British Farmers Rowland O'Connor explains control by starvation of the British People

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Neil Oliver: Buckle up - more psyops are coming your way!

…waking up to the threat put me on the staircase of disbelief, one step at a time…’ To help support this podcast & get extra, exclusive videos every week sign up to Neil Oliver
on Website: Shop - check out my t-shirts, mugs & other channel merchandise: Instagram - NeilOliverLoveLetter: Podcasts: Season 1: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The British Isles Season 2: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The World Available on all the usual providers

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Gang of immigrants with 'imitation' AK-47 rifle and Eritrean flag takeover busy Teesside beauty spot

 Gang of immigrants with 'imitation' AK-47 rifle and Eritrean flag takeover busy Teesside beauty spot 'Roseberry Topping' on Sunday and police just give words of advice

This video being circulated on social media shows the group with the flag and what is believed to be an imitation AK-47 rifle at the busy Teesside beauty spot on Sunday Cleveland Police confirmed that “words of advice” were given to the group, and the item confiscated A force spokesperson said: Around 1pm today, Cleveland Police attended Roseberry Topping after reports of men believed to be in possession of a weapon It is believed that a video showing the group was also circulated online Officers spoke with a group of men and confirmed that the weapon was an imitation firearm This has been confiscated by police and words of advice have been given

Monday 24 June 2024

Our people are so lied to

By Noctis Draven



Our people are so lied to... Our corrupt leaders have us living like absolute dog shit, eating the worst slop that riddles us with cancers and sickness. We get less, we pay more, live in the most dangerous areas where crime, illegals and degeneracy runs rampant and they have us so brainwashed that we are thankful for it and they literally have us believing we are the country with the best and cheapest standard of living. With our homelessness and crime and trash food and high prices we say, "Wow, thank God I'm an American, I live in the best country in the world."

I look at China, Russia, countries we are told to pity but in reality it's us, the US that should be pitied. We have the lowest test scores academically, highest gun violence, high crime, homelessness, drug addiction, open borders, political corruption that would make Ukraine look like saints, controlled by Israel 🇮🇱, over taxed, over worked, fat, obese, sick, dependent on pharmaceutical companies, porn addicted, lgbtq, pedophilia rampant, satanic ideology, hatred for the family unit, highest housing and rent prices, etc, etc. But still, after all that we STILL think we are winning? That we are superior? By what measure? What delusion do we exists in? The bastards here have us actually thankful for slop and squalor!! Do you remember when America was the dream? When we were the path to prosperity and freedom? Now look at us... and look at the others... The answer to all of this by are clinically retarded leaders is not to actually fix these issues, no... their solution is to make war... Homeless in America, go to war. Taxes too high? Go to war. Open borders? Go to war. Horrible quality of food? Go to war. Inflation, home prices too high, cost of living too high? Go to war. Taxes too high? Go to war. It's their answer for EVERYTHING!!! It would be comical if not so God damn tragic. It's Stockholm syndrome on a national level and its very, very sad.

No Way Financial System Survives - Bill Holter USA Watchdog interview

There is much more in the 51-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with financial writer and precious metals expert Bill Holter for 6.22.24.

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By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Financial writer and precious metals broker Bill Holter has been documenting all the unpayable debt that has been building up in the financial system like cancer.  The latest black hole of default is coming from a big bank in Japan.  Norinchukin Bank is selling $63 billion in Treasuries and other sovereign bonds to stay afloat.  Then there is recent news announced by the FDIC that 63 US banks (the names are being kept secret) have more than $500 billion in losses, and let’s not forget about the trillions in losses sitting on the books of European banks ready to suck the world into a black debt hole.  This is just a few of many on a long list of destabilizing problems that can tank the entire over-indebted financial system.  Holter warns, “The list is so long, it could be a banking problem.  It could be a derivatives problem.  It could be a derivatives problem in the stock market, the bond market and you could see a failure to deliver in silver.  Some type of warfare could crash the system.  You could see warfare in Ukraine, Israel or Tiawan.  The system is so unstable, at this point, it could be anything that could bring it down.  Unpayable debt is not just a US problem.  This is all over the world.  Central banks are having to issue huge amounts of debt because we are in the exponential decay phase.  We are exactly where Richard Russell said we would be 20 years ago.  It’s inflate or die, and the only way to inflate is to create more money supply.”

Add to that the $10 trillion in debt the US Government has to roll over by the end of the year.  Meanwhile, the US government piles on $1 trillion in new debt every 100 days.  What could go wrong?

Holter said the last time he was on USAW that there was a little less than a 50% chance we would even have an election.  Now, he predicts it is more likely there will be no 2024 Presidential Election.  Holter says, “There is no way the system, as it is now, survives.  It’s mathematically impossible.  So, if it is mathematically impossible, are they going to blow smoke . . . up until the day it blows up?  Or are they going to do something to blow it up and then say our programs and policies were working except for XYZ this or whatever.  They have to kick the table over.  They cannot allow the table to fall over on its own because then there is going to be finger pointing.  To avoid the finger pointing, they have got to kick the table over.”

Holter also thinks gold is going to exponential numbers to back all the debt the USA has.  If you go with the 8,030 tons of gold the government claims is in Fort Knox, you will need a dollar price of gold at “$125,000 per ounce for 100% gold backing of the dollar.”

Holter also says, “The dollar is being pushed out of the global financial system. . . . Demand for dollars is shrinking at a time when borrowing demand is rising.”  This is a going to be a disaster for America and anyone holding dollars in the future.

In closing, Holter says, “The financial collapse that is coming will be worse than anything we have ever experienced.  This is going to be far worse than the Great Depression simply because society itself is far worse. . . . Back in the Great Depression, you had neighbors helping neighbors.  Today you will have neighbors picking on other neighbors like vultures.”

There is much more in the 51-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with financial writer and precious metals expert Bill Holter for 6.22.24.

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Sunday 23 June 2024

Labour MP's chased out of their seats A labour Government is NOT certain

Labour party infighting is ramping up As three are chased out of the area they are campaigning in Please consider helping my channel stay above water by donating here

Saturday 22 June 2024


Nick Griffin and Jim Saleam and some bloke discuss the reality of the 'far-right' successes in Europe, and the truth about Gaza.

Thursday 20 June 2024

Neil Oliver: How Banks Took Over Empires, and the Truth About WWII, Brexit and Covid

Neil Oliver (‪@Neil-Oliver‬) is a Scottish broadcaster, host of the podcast Neil Oliver's Love Letter to the World and The Neil Oliver Show on GB News in the UK. Watch more here: Subscribe to the new Tucker Carlson Network channel for more exclusive content: Follow Tucker on X: Text “TUCKER” to 44055 for exclusive updates. Chapters: 00:00 Neil Oliver 01:07 Conspiracy theorist 10:07 The Great Sorting (COVID) 18:29 What does Democracy really mean? 29:49 Being slandered by the Left is a badge of honor 42:48 The corruption of the media in the UK 48:48 The Scottish hate speech law 1:01:54 Trump and Brexit 1:12:38 Are we heading towards revolution? 1:29:48 Has the American Republic fallen? 1:35:02 The banks 1:48:05 The hero's journey

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Neil Oliver Interviews William Keyte 2

the Constitution is a powerful weapon in the coming fight!’ To help support this podcast & get extra, exclusive content every week sign up to Neil Oliver on Neil Oliver Website: Neil Oliver Shop - check out my t-shirts, mugs & other channel merchandise: Neil Oliver Instagram - NeilOliverLoveLetter: Neil Oliver Podcasts: Season 1: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The British Isles Season 2: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The World Available on all the usual providers William Keyte’s website and resources,

Monday 17 June 2024

The War Conference in Switzerland has just ended, a charade

The ruling cabal of evil genocidal Zionist neocons never deviate from their well rutted lanes of Talmudic doge pretend one thing while doing just the opposite; we naïve and innocent goyims never seem to learn their subterfuge time and again. Sad.

Michelle Mente

The War Conference in Switzerland has just ended, a charade, a show to pretend that the Collective West is looking for a peaceful solution when it is not, it’s a show where Russia was not even invited, China did not attend.
Obviously one more path to a world war led by a pack of bloodthirsty lunatics. Their demands are an insult.
“Last week Russian President Vladimir Putin announced conditions acceptable to Russia for the start of peace talks with Ukraine. These conditions, for the umpteenth time, take into consideration the real situation on the battlefield.
President Putin’s statement came a day before the start of the Western “peace conference” in Switzerland in which Russia had not been invited to participate. In the same statement Vladimir Putin said that Russia was ready at the time of the peace talks in Turkey to withdraw from its positions in Kherson and Zaporozhye. The negotiations failed, however, and now, after the two regions along with the Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republics chose to join Russia, such a proposal is no longer imaginable.
The conditions proposed by Vladimir Putin are as follows:
1. Ukraine’s renunciation of the regions claimed by Russia (LPR, DPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson);
2. Immediate withdrawal of Kiev’s armed forces outside the borders of the new Russian regions;
3. Kiev’s renunciation of NATO joining.”