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Monday 17 June 2024

The War Conference in Switzerland has just ended, a charade

The ruling cabal of evil genocidal Zionist neocons never deviate from their well rutted lanes of Talmudic doge pretend one thing while doing just the opposite; we naïve and innocent goyims never seem to learn their subterfuge time and again. Sad.

Michelle Mente

The War Conference in Switzerland has just ended, a charade, a show to pretend that the Collective West is looking for a peaceful solution when it is not, it’s a show where Russia was not even invited, China did not attend.
Obviously one more path to a world war led by a pack of bloodthirsty lunatics. Their demands are an insult.
“Last week Russian President Vladimir Putin announced conditions acceptable to Russia for the start of peace talks with Ukraine. These conditions, for the umpteenth time, take into consideration the real situation on the battlefield.
President Putin’s statement came a day before the start of the Western “peace conference” in Switzerland in which Russia had not been invited to participate. In the same statement Vladimir Putin said that Russia was ready at the time of the peace talks in Turkey to withdraw from its positions in Kherson and Zaporozhye. The negotiations failed, however, and now, after the two regions along with the Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republics chose to join Russia, such a proposal is no longer imaginable.
The conditions proposed by Vladimir Putin are as follows:
1. Ukraine’s renunciation of the regions claimed by Russia (LPR, DPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson);
2. Immediate withdrawal of Kiev’s armed forces outside the borders of the new Russian regions;
3. Kiev’s renunciation of NATO joining.”