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Wednesday 5 June 2024

Could US Army Beat the Russians? Col Doug Macgregor Reveals Truth

A great comment by a ordinary Russian on the video stated below .

As a Russian - can I ask very simple question - why US army needs to beat us?) Why - is my favorite question - it is quite useful to dig for root causes... Why US puts everything on the line and risks nuke war? Why made coup and changed president in Ukraine? Why manipulated with Ukrainian elections/ elite to try to get NATO missiles in Ukraine - right on our boarder? Why surrounded Russia with NATO bases - allegedly not targeted against us? I mean as Russians we are used to regular attempts to invade us - few times each century - so I suspect there is yet another one looming... I have four children and I want everyone to live in peace - but I can assure you that we know how to fight and how to make our enemies pay dearly for trying to kill our families