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Saturday 15 June 2024

Americans and Westerners are surging to support and defend Russia.

by @DravenNoctis
 I have been thinking a great deal on why myself and countless other Americans and westerners are surging to support and defend Russia. I am a fair person, I always look inward to a fault. I have been asking myself for over a year. Do I hate America? Am I such a scumbag that I truly get joy out of speaking against my home and I'm willing to back a country across the ocean?

I think I have finally figured out where our love for Russia comes from. To understand this you must first understand the state of our own countries. Starting from the top, the political class is completely corrupt. Either owned by Israel and or various lobbyists and in it simply to further the globalist agenda and get rich while selling out their own people and home. Below them is the legal system and law enforcement. I absolutely do not back the blue any longer. After the stolen election of 2020 where I watched police guard counting stations as they clearly faked votes and after I watched police enforce draconian covid restrictions I realized these men and women will do whatever they are told so long as they get paid. The very men and women the Republicans and MAGA types would passionately defend are the same ones the that oppressed us throughout 2019 to present. So then we are onto the lower and more local levels. The judicial system is corrupt, one only need look at soft on crime judges and the Trump sham trials. Culturally we are in decline, academically learning to hate yourself if you're white, being lgbtq, open borders, economy sinking, crime rampant and the only thing we even export now is terrible art, movies, music and Satanic LGBTQ ideology. The point is, the system in America, the, "beast," so to speak is literally TOO big to beat. We know deep down we don't choose our leaders, that voting is useless. We also know the people are too divided, complacent and beat down to rally, unite and overthrow the tyranny as is our history. So we are helpless, always praying some politician will come from nowhere to save us and all it requires from us is a vote. Our last saving grace is Trump, but as is obvious Trump can't even save himself from the attacks and even IF he does win, he's got only four years to turn all of this around? So, myself and others look to Russia, a land and people still strong, still moral and retaining a system, culture and heritage. Far more so than us at least. Russians trust their leaders, and governments. Of course it's not perfect, this is common sense, but it's far better than what currently exists in the west and we all feel it. Russia is the polar opposite of everything America is and everything we used to be. So in the way an old man looks at a young man in admiration, thinking to himself, "That used to be me, my time is come and gone, but him, he has a chance, and I'm rooting for him." This is how myself and others view Russia, we realize and accept that we are finished, beaten and in decline. So we look to Russia, a kind of hero to the world, and maybe, just maybe Russia will oneday save us, or inspire us to do it ourselves.