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Sunday 16 June 2024

America is going to fall

by DravenNoctis 

America is going to fall, it will cease to exist I believe in our lifetimes.

America the land, the place and even the people will exist, but it will be nothing as it is or was. I don't have to list the issues, there are too many and you all have heard and seen them before. The real virus and problem with America oddly enough does not come from Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Mexico, immigration, crime, political corruption, lgbtq, decline in culture, education spiraling, inflation, taxes, politicians, etc, etc. The problem is Americans, the everyday rank and file American citizen. I have noticed in my life that Americans simply do not care about anything at all beyond surface level gossip and daily lives drama. I have lost count of how many times in my own life I have come across Americans and tried to simply start a conversation about events politically, geopolitical, or just anything of depth. It will clear a room in an instant. They become silent, disassociate, uninterested and many times flat out become angry. Instead, they enjoy talking about sex, movies, TV shows, work, kids, family or friend gossip, celebrities, video games, sports, just any distraction and with a complete avoidance of anything even remotely resembling depth. As nuclear war is closer than even the cold war, as WW3 looms the people could care less. I used to think it was because they felt powerless, so why bother caring when you can't do anything. For that, I'd even understand and sympathize, I feel the same many days. But no, it's not that, the people literally don't care, they don't even know what's going on to dismiss it. The ones who do care are just as lost. They think voting will save us. So many people who consider themselves informed say, "All we can do is vote Trump or RFK or (insert name,) and pray it gets better." Placing their entire lives, livelihoods, future, family etc in a simple vote... The truth is, no one will save us, there is no politician that wants to and even if they did the system is so far corrupt and gone that they wouldn't be able to. I'm not sure why Americans look at the last seventy years of voting and ignore the fact that despite whoever wins, what letter they have next to their name, things get worse. I can hear the anger now, "Well it would have been better under Obama but the damn Republicans!", or, "it would have been better under Trump but the damn Democrats!" Yes I've heard it all, hell I've even said the same things myself in the past. But what's that say about our system if that's true? Is that not admitting that our system is flawed, pointless, beyond corruption that regardless of whom wins we're all just helpless because they will do as they please? So again, my point stands, what good is voting? Who will save us if no one can or wants to? How many votes do you have to cast before you realize that it's just... not... working...