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Monday 24 June 2024

Our people are so lied to

By Noctis Draven



Our people are so lied to... Our corrupt leaders have us living like absolute dog shit, eating the worst slop that riddles us with cancers and sickness. We get less, we pay more, live in the most dangerous areas where crime, illegals and degeneracy runs rampant and they have us so brainwashed that we are thankful for it and they literally have us believing we are the country with the best and cheapest standard of living. With our homelessness and crime and trash food and high prices we say, "Wow, thank God I'm an American, I live in the best country in the world."

I look at China, Russia, countries we are told to pity but in reality it's us, the US that should be pitied. We have the lowest test scores academically, highest gun violence, high crime, homelessness, drug addiction, open borders, political corruption that would make Ukraine look like saints, controlled by Israel ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ, over taxed, over worked, fat, obese, sick, dependent on pharmaceutical companies, porn addicted, lgbtq, pedophilia rampant, satanic ideology, hatred for the family unit, highest housing and rent prices, etc, etc. But still, after all that we STILL think we are winning? That we are superior? By what measure? What delusion do we exists in? The bastards here have us actually thankful for slop and squalor!! Do you remember when America was the dream? When we were the path to prosperity and freedom? Now look at us... and look at the others... The answer to all of this by are clinically retarded leaders is not to actually fix these issues, no... their solution is to make war... Homeless in America, go to war. Taxes too high? Go to war. Open borders? Go to war. Horrible quality of food? Go to war. Inflation, home prices too high, cost of living too high? Go to war. Taxes too high? Go to war. It's their answer for EVERYTHING!!! It would be comical if not so God damn tragic. It's Stockholm syndrome on a national level and its very, very sad.