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Wednesday 13 October 2010

Nick Griffin MEP warns over wind turbine fires

Nick Griffin MEP warns over wind turbine fires

OCTOBER 2010: NICK Griffin has pledged to raise the issue of 'self-combusting' wind turbines at his Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) Committee, after being contacted by environmentalists concerned at  the increasing number of incidents.

 The MEP was canvassed after a campaigning website published numerous graphic illustrations of burning wind turbines.
"These burning wind factory photos certainly bring home the dangerous and unpredictable nature of these huge turbines," Nick told his website this morning.
"I shall certainly be highlighting the issue in my campaign material as these monstrosities are spreading across my North West of England constituency at a rate of knots.
"I shall be raising the issue at Environmental Committee, which is sadly dominated by windpower enthusiasts, in the hope that some question marks at least may be raised as to the suitability of wind turbines as a reliable source of energy.
"There have been over 150 of such wind turbine fires which are caused by a failure in transmission. To date no gear oil has been invented to withstand the pressures produced within these units," he said.
One spectacular wind turbine fire occurred in a 200ft structure at the Wind Factory by the Nissan car plant on Wearside (right).
The fire was so fierce that all three 75-ft long fibreglass blades dropped off and thick black smoke could be seen for miles around.
Almost 200 people dialled 999 to alert emergency crews as flames engulfed the turbine.
Police closed both the A1231 and the A19 for an hour-and-a-quarter amid worries that parts of the metal tower could fall on to the busy roads.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

BNP Yorkshire and the Humber region MEP and his team out in the constituency

MEP and his team out in the constituency


11TH OCTOBER 2010: Andrew Brons was joined by members of his Euro staff this weekend during a series of stalls across the Yorkshire and the Humber region.
Andrew was in Richmond with Euro worker Adam Walker and a group of volunteers from Yorkshire and the North East, whilst PA and constituency officer Chris Beverley attended a stall held in Middleton in Leeds.
A large number of signatures were collected against the war in Afghanistan and both stalls were very well received.

 Richmond (top right)
Middleton (bottom right)

Manchesters BNP’s Derek Adams Releases Bombshell Halal Slaughter Video

BNP’s Derek Adams Releases Bombshell Halal Slaughter Video

The British National Party’s Manchester super activist Derek Adams has released a video which shows in graphic detail the process behind halal ritual slaughter and shows why this barbaric method of killing animals needs to be outlawed.
The video, which contains a strong age warning for the graphic scenes it contains, can be seen below. However, if you have weak stomach or feel disinclined to view such material, you are urged not to watch it.
In the video, Mr Adams describes exactly how the ritual slaughter process is carried out, comparing it to the humane stunning method which is the civilised way of the West.
All along, the video illustrates each step with a clear video record. Mr Adams ends the video with an appeal for consumers to boycott the major stores which are using halal meat without the public’s knowledge or consent.
“Imagine if Muslim people were sold meat in the belief that it was halal, when it was not,” Mr Adams said.
“Imagine the uproar that would follow. However, we have been sold halal meat while being assured that it was not.
“The BNP is the only party which will outlaw halal ritual slaughter, because we seek to preserve British values, he said.
“And one of these British values is compassion towards animals.”
The full video may be seen below. Viewer discretion is advised.

Taxpayers’ Alliance Calls for EHCR Race Gestapo to be Scrapped

Taxpayers’ Alliance Calls for Race Gestapo to be Scrapped

The Taxpayers’ Alliance has joined the growing list of socially responsible organisations which have called for the disbandment of the £70 million per year Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC).
In a demining letter sent to Tory Equalities Minister Theresa May, the Taxpayers’ Alliance said that the “EHRC’s targets are arbitrary and unreasonable, driven by a peculiarly activist equality agenda that itself threatens to undermine the important gains made by women and minority groups over recent decades.
“The insistence that the organisation knows what is appropriate for every employer in the country is misguided and obstructive to businesses still struggling following the recession,” the letter continued.
“The [EHRC] has proved unable to manage its finances responsibly. The Comptroller and Auditor General at the National Audit Office (NAO) reported this year that there were a number of irregularities in their accounts.
“The Commission paid well over £300,000 to re-engage staff from the former Commission for Racial Equality as consultants without the authority of the Government Equalities Office or the Treasury,” the letter said.
“They also breached agreed remits for pay increases, of 4.65 per cent for the last six months of 2007-08 and 4.45 per cent for 2008-09, with average increases of 6.81 per cent for the last six months of 2007-08 and 4.8 per cent for the twelve month period of 2008-09.
“That breach was equivalent to £508,000. This fits with a general pattern of generous rewards for staff. Trevor Phillips, Chair, received a salary of £112,000 in 2008-09 and perks like an official car and driver.
“Dr. Nicola Brewer, former Chief Executive, received a salary of £185,000 in 2008-09.
“The NAO concluded that ‘the Commission was not able to obtain any assurances over how [the] recipients had used some £62,800 of grants.’ In addition to that, the EHRC found they had spent £739,421 on seven contracts for more than £50,000 without the authorisation it is required to obtain from your office,” the Taxpayer Alliance letter told Ms May.
“That was just from a sample – the NAO note that the EHRC ‘cannot be certain’ that ‘represents all the breaches.’ The NAO also found further weaknesses in how the EHRC managed procurement expenditure,” the letter continued.
“They said that ‘the scale of these systemic weaknesses reflects a culture of inadequate forward planning in the Commission, a lack of focus on compliance with procedures and insufficient review and oversight of expenditure by the senior management of the organisation.’ They think that a ‘number of the weaknesses outlined above are deep seated and longstanding.”
The Taxpayers’ Alliance letter also stated what every British National Party supporter knows well, namely that the EHRC is not an equalities organisation but actually just a political front.
“The EHRC also engages in political campaigns at taxpayers’ expense. For example, their ‘human rights strategy and programme of action’ for 2009-12 set out ‘no regression in law from the levels of human rights protection and mechanisms for enforcement under the Human Rights Act and other ratified human rights treaties’ as something they aim to achieve,” the letter said.
“That is a political objective, and while the public may want some law to deal with human rights, research suggests a majority think that ‘too many people take advantage of the Human Rights Act.’ It is clearly inappropriate for those people to see their money spent supporting a cause they do not believe in.
“With so much inappropriate spending the EHRC is ripe for abolition. Genuine discrimination should be tackled by the courts. The saving would be a valuable contribution to the reductions in spending the Government need to make to deliver on their pledge of greater fiscal responsibility,” the Taxpayers’ Alliance letter, signed by Directors Matthew Sinclair and Douglas Murray concluded.

Monday 11 October 2010

Indian Immigration and the EU: UK Conservatives Hoisted on Own Petard

Indian Immigration and the EU: Tories Hoisted on Own Petard

The Conservative Party’s pretence of “capping” non-EU immigration has been exposed as yet another hoax by the news that the EU has negotiated a trade deal in terms of which thousands of Indians will gain access to work opportunities here, no matter what UK immigration rules say.
The European Union’s "free trade agreement" with India, which is due to be signed in less than two month’s time, will give Indian IT workers, engineers and managers instant immigration passage into Europe.
Tory Foreign Secretary William Hague is already on record as supporting the agreement, as is his Liberal Democrat colleague Vince Cable.
The dilemma facing the Tories is now to persuade their supporters, who are increasingly demoralised as election promise after election promise has been thrown out the window, of how continued membership of the EU can be reconciled with the promise to lower the number of non-EU immigrants.
The European Commission has set a 20-day deadline for comments from EU member states on the agreement which has already been finalised with the Indian government.
In terms of the deal, India has insisted on what it has called “increased mobility” (but actually means unfettered immigration access) for Indians into Europe in return for “reduced tariffs on European products” and the lifting of some restrictions on businesses bidding for public contracts.
The latter move is designed, for example, to keep confidential government files (such as medical records, personal files and so on) in EU member states, rather than letting it be removed to call centres in India.
Britain will, by virtue of its EU membership, be obligated to adhere to this free trade agreement which will utterly destroy the last pretence David Cameron has been able to maintain on the issue of “capped” immigration levels.
The choice is as obvious as it was with the Lisbon Treaty: either accept it, or leave the EU.
Will Mr Cameron choose to lie once again to the voters on the topic? Given his past record, it seems likely.

Sunday 10 October 2010

A moral from Aesop fables to you Electors

A moral from Aesop fables,

 The Dog and the Hare Hound having started a Hare on the hillside pursued her for some distance, at one time biting her with his teeth as if he would take her life, and at another fawning upon her, as if in play with another dog. The Hare said to him, "I wish you would act sincerely by me, and show yourself in your true colors. If you are a friend, why do you bite me so hard? If an enemy, why do you fawn on me?' -"No one can be a friend if you know not whether to trust or distrust him."- 
so it is with the 3 main parties, they fawn on you at election times and then bite hard once elected!

The Bible a greatly abused book in the UK Today

A greatly abused book
Written by The Pilgrim   at The British resistance
I am a Christian.  I have read The Bible in full, and I try to live my life in accordance with what it teaches.  What I do not do is distort the teachings of the Good Book to suit my own political leanings.  There are however many people in Britain today who are happy to do just that.  They are to be found in the mainstream political parties and also – I regret to say – in the major church denominations, and in some cases even at the highest level.
For example I recently read an item about immigration on a church website, in which it talked about people in The Bible who led a nomadic existence, and said that it is wrong to persecute such people.  While I would of course agree that we should not persecute people who live a nomadic existence, it is only fair to point out that immigrants are for the most part not nomads.  How many of them lived a nomadic lifestyle before they came to Britain?  How many of them live a nomadic lifestyle in this country?
Of course we do have nomads in this country – we tend to call them travellers – and it is common for such people to persecute just about everyone they meet.  I once read a report in a newspaper about a man who lived near to a traveller camp, and whose house had been raided 250 times.  I am not aware that any of Britain’s church leaders have ever spoken out on this issue, but then maybe we shouldn’t expect miracles in this day and age.
Another favourite tactic of the anti-British lobby among our church leaders is to cite the law of Moses as recorded in Exodus: “Do not ill-treat an alien or oppress him” (Exodus 22, verse 21).  This is such an important rule that it is repeated in the next chapter.  There are two problems with this.  The first is that Christians do not live under the law of Moses.  Both Jesus and Saint Paul made it clear that while some of these laws still applied to Christians, not all of them did.  The law of Moses requires the death penalty to be handed down for a large number of offences, many of which would today strike us as trivial – such as dabbling in sorcery.  The second problem is that an exhortation not to abuse immigrants cannot realistically be construed as an exhortation to allow immigrants to settle among us for as long as they want.
The Bible commentator John Blanchard has rightly stated that The Bible is not a lucky dip.  You should not just open it, read a passage at random, and hope it will somehow be relevant to your situation in life.  It is a book which should be read carefully so as to be understood.  People, be they politicians or church leaders, who flick through The Bible trying to find passages which can be thrown out in support of a particular dogma are at best poor examples of Christians.
As I write, one of the big news stories in Britain is that the government wants to reduce the amount of financial assistance available to families, be they working families in receipt of child benefits, or families who are entirely dependent on handouts.  I could condemn this, and broadly I do.  I could also refer the reader to Psalm 127, which praises the virtue of having a large family.  Now of course you could argue that this passage does not actually say that the government should reward this virtue with lavish payouts, and you would be right.  It is relevant to the debate, but it does not by any means put an end to the debate.
This is I hope the first of many essays I will be posting on this site on the subject of British politics seen from a Christian perspective.

footnote from Horwich Nationalists,
I strongly recommend that all should read The Book of Romans in the Bible, an epistle of St Paul; it will open your eyes into the state of the modern society.
Also I believe that Christians MUST take a more active role in combating the forces of evil that now pervade the Political establishment, on the grounds that the filth of their atheist multi cultural and Marxist social experiments are putting the souls of millions in jeopardy. IT IS OUR RESPONSIBILITY! To win back the souls of this once great nation from the clutches of these dark forces that now pervade our society, by shedding the light of the Gospel on the darkness on the false philosophies of the political correct , that declare freedom tolerance but in fact create the slavery of our people and the intolerance of our Christian faith

Christmas Shopping Warning about Bolton Market only Halal Meat for Sale

Author horwich Nationalist
Horwich Nationalist must warn Horwichers who are considering buying meat and poultry for Christmas on Bolton Market, that
A report via the Bolton Patriot BNP Blog , reports that only the cruelly slaughtered Islamic Halal meat can now be purchased at the Bolton market.

This has come as quite a shock as the once popular Bolton Market has been a popular for generations with Horwich and Bolton families for purchasing Christmas supplies of meat and poultry. In a way it defiles the main Christmas meal of Christians by having to eat a meat that has been ritually slaughtered in order to appease the Arabian Moon God Allah. and not Jehovah the Only god of the Jews and Christians, the father of our lord Jesus Christ the only true and one God of all creation.

Even for the minority of foolish Atheists the thought of eating meats that has been so cruelly killed by being allowed to be slowly bled to death in a medieval and barbaric manner must be a cause of concern.

And a matter of concern to us is that it seems that none of the local media or Government or appeasing C of E Bishops the  RSPCA and other trendy liberal groups have made it public to the majority of the unaware citizens of Horwich and Bolton that are being allowed to purchase such cruelly slaughtered Animals and that is done in appallingly unhygienic conditions. 

Well just don't believe me see for your self the difference between how we in the west do it and then see how your Islamic appeasing PC riddled Politicians and Church of England Bishops and Trendy Liberals are allowing it now to be done. in the name of multi culturalism. 
Warning images are very graphic The reality of Halal

White Working Class Communities... Where Are They?

White Working class
Communities... Where Are They?
Written by BC1959   
  October 2010
russgreenfencesmOn their many pictorial Journals around the region, members of Team Black Country BNP have over the years, regularly informed not only locals, but people nation wide, about the demise of the region that spawned the Industrial Revolution, and reminded them of the dozens of important names of innovators and inventors that drove our economy.
Pictured here, is former Councilor Russ Green, pictured by yours truly. The levelled site with steel fence around it, was once the centre of a housing estate, with traditional people, families, and ways of life engrained within. The houses were built in the early thirties, and replaced Victorian homes that had until that time, outside loos, coal sheds, single-glazed windows, and no hot running water.
After years of fighting for a minimum wage, better living and working conditions, it all started to look very good indeed around Britain. The economy was booming in Wales, the North, and the West Midlands. Record numbers of people were in work, and Britain had three of the most envied institutions on planet Earth:
1 - Industrial power, including ship building
2 - The Combined Armed Forces.
3 - The National Health Service.
Communities were made up of people who knew each other, went to school with each other, and worked with each other, in many cases, the work was manual, and pushed the wealth of the nation through taxes, exports, and vast amounts of gas and oil revenues. Communities were the bedrock of tradition, and national life. This, and all of the above, have simply vanished in a haze of ''Socially Engineered'' chess moves, desined to bring Britain into line with Marxist thinking. Marxism itself is not something that comes to the minds of ordinary people. Marxism is hateful, and uses softer, subtle techniques to brow-beat people into submission. Industrious nations, led by patriotic politicians would mean that life could have carried on as normal, and advanced in a more natural and intellectual way, but this could not be allowed to carry on.
Public houses were a hive of activity, and every community had them. Local train stations were also a part of the community, as were larger families and full employment, which in turn led to each community being literally self-sufficient and sefl funding. Look around you now, if you are lucky enough to still have any, all all of the above, then you are a rarity, and must protect what you have. In much of Britain now, we see poverty, debt ridden people, families, and businesses. We see mass immigration, crime, and what protection do we have? None.
Imagine going back, let's say to 1945. OK, the government of the day, decide to implement a strategy of ethnic-cleansing, law making that takes the side of perverts, criminals, and foreign belief systems and alien political agendas. By 1946, there are mass demonstrations, clashes with the police, the army are called in, but many know each other, and recently fought to keep Britain independent, but the whole country is under military rule to ensure order and stability. Soon, the 1945/6 government know they have done too much, and the people of that time do not allow it, and they return to normal, and a more patriotic political class emerge.
Now let's look at the above, but from 1997. We know as nationalists, that we can trace our demise further than that, but let's keep it simple. The government have destroyed communities. Nothing has opposed it. The government then implement a policy of Ethnic Cleansing, then make laws to ensure the indigenous people are potential criminals. Nothing has been done to stop it. The government, and it's behind the scenes ''Horse Whipserers'' decided to take our industrial might away, and get us into even more debt. Nothing has been done to oppose it. Perverts are given a license to pervert, have under age sex with whom they want, and a charter has given them more powers to ensure they are ''not called nasty names'', and thus normal people can be jailed for hate crimes.
The government know they have done too much, but have stuck their noses in the air, put two fingers up to us all, and a more vicious, perverted and hateful class of anti-Patriotic political prostitutes and rent boys have emerged. Nothing has been done to oppose it. At least that's what the dark forces behind it have wanted us to think. Communities need to be made, protected, and engineered to be self-sufficient, if we are to tool ourselves with more than just the political will to stop all this. The photo above with Russ Green, is two years old, and the land is still unused. How many more communities will be destroyed before we are all essentially ''an island''?
Communities... where are they? They are in each one of us, and whether we have to make them virtual for now, with the British National Party ready to oppose it, as it has done for the last two decades, we have one large community... it's called the NATIONALIST COMMUNITY of Great Britain. Join it, fund it, be active in it, but for our children's sake, do something soon.

Saturday 9 October 2010

The Medias Emperor’s New Clothes: Mr Jabbar Was Not and will never be British

The Emperor’s New Clothes: Mr Jabbar Was Not British

The Islamic Army of Great Britain leader Abdul Jabbar — killed last month in a US drone attack in Pakistan — is not and never will be British, despite the efforts of the controlled media to lie to the public that he was.
The Telegraph, the Sun, the Guardian and Reuters all described Mr Jabbar as a “Briton,” with the Sun even going so far as to call him a “bragging Brummie” because he lived in Birmingham and boasted of how he was going to recruit “hundreds” of Islamists to the new Muslim terrorism group.
In each of the newspapers, and many other media, much speculation was made on what would motivate a “Briton” to become involved in such radical activities as wanting to bring a “holy war” to Britain.
Because the media is obsessed with multiculturalism and denial of the ethnic basis of nationhood, the British National Party must take on the role of the boy in the fable of the emperor’s new clothes and speak the truth when no-one else will.
Mr Jabbar was not, never could be, and never will be ethnically British.
He might very well have been in possession of a UK passport, but that would only confer upon him civic status.
A British passport makes Mr Jabbar as British as a Chinese passport would make Nick Griffin into a Chinaman. This is the reality which the liberal media would deny at any cost.
According to the media reports, Mr Jabbar “was a British citizen who has a British wife” and had been chosen as the leader of a new group, to be called the Islamic Army of Great Britain.
Apparently this decision had been made during a meeting in the North Waziristan region of Pakistan three months ago, “attended by 300 militants and monitored by intelligence agencies.”
The new group was set up to organise synchronised terrorist attacks in the UK, France and Germany.
Also killed in the US drone strike in Pakistan were a number of people described as “German militants,” all apparently plotting mass terror attacks in Europe styled on the Mumbai incident of two years ago.
Once again, a closer inspection of the facts revealed that these “German militants” were in fact a collection of Yemenis, Afghanis and Pakistanis who had acquired German passports due to the insane immigration policies practised by the German authorities.
The BNP alone declares that the ethnic British are those people who can claim indigenous status in terms of internationally recognised conventions, and is unashamed to stand up for their rights.
Newspaper editors, understand this well: Abdul Jabbar was, and never will be British.