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Sunday 1 May 2011

Daily Telegraph, An attempt to smear by association

Mr & Mrs Andrew Brons MEP

An attempt to smear by association

April 2011:
Earlier this week, Andrew Brons wrote the following letter to the editor of the Daily Telegraph. As of this morning, the letter still hadn’t been published.
Andrew wrote:
“The use of the word extremist in two quite different contexts, by no less a figure than your deputy political editor, deserves comment, if nothing else.
“In an article on the AV campaign (25th April) reference was made to, “extremist parties, such as the BNP”. It would be curmudgeonly to point out that extremist is a noun and that it is the job of adjectives (extreme in this case) to describe the following noun, so I shall not do so. In this context the word extremist is used to mean, disapproved of greatly by the Political Class and its journals but without any suggestion that the party named is involved in violence, other than as a victim of it. It therefore tells us everything about the writer and nothing about the person or party described.
In an article on London, as a hub of Al Qaeda (26th April), the word extremist is used to denote those who plot acts of terrorism against civilians and attacks on British servicemen in Afghanistan.
The use of the same word to describe two quite different phenomena is, at best, a sign of slovenly thinking and, at worst, an attempt to engage in smear by association.
Yours faithfully
Andrew Brons”

Saturday 30 April 2011

Royal Mail Democratic Fraud or Organized Political Maffia?

Royal Mail Fraud or Organized Political Maffia?

Royal Mail Fraud or Organized Political Maffia?

Once again, Royal Mail – that has become a Royal Disaster in the hands of the Trade Unions – is failing to comply with its democratic obligations of delivering party political leaflets. I think Trade Unions in this country have no reason to complain. The Trade Unions have led us into the mess we are in by putting Marxist ideology before country.
In 1997,  the Trade Unions, that have been the bankers of the Labour Party, saw their opportunity when they backed Tony Blair because they believed that Tony Blair would be their servant. New Labour used them to fill up its own coffers by transferring money that was supposed to be used to develop the Trade Union Movement.
The money was made to appear as state funding for education when in fact most of the money was redirected to the coffers of New Labour as ‘Trade Union Contributions’. This fraudulent activity that went on during thirteen years of a Labour administration continues today. Conveniently, the Labour government passed legislation to ‘control the monies donated to and spent by’ political parties in political campaigning.
Why is this happening? Because very conveniently the actions of the apparatchiks are not considered party political even when the Trade Unions, the UAF and Searchlight are obviously party political. Huge amounts of money are spent and don’t seem to be controlled by Electoral Regulations.
Funnily enough, when you look at organizations like the UAF (organized violent thugs that do the dirty work for the Labour Party) and Searchlight (an organization that should be put under close observation by the Metropolitan Police for their use of private data that surely should be regulated under the terms of the Data Protection Act) get away with murder because they are well funded and protected with taxpayers’ money.
At a time when the ruling Coalition is implementing cuts in the public sector, funding for the satellites of the Labour Party and its acolytes continues and has not been affected. Even at local authorities level, the apparatchiks salaries are paid without a working day because ‘they are Trade Union representatives’.
Never mind if the rest of the people are losing their jobs. The bosses – or shall I say the Padroni (a term used by the Maffia) – get richer and richer.
When you look at how things work, the apparatchiks are everywhere. They control the BBC, the so called National Union of Journalists, the State Administration and public services in general, including Royal Mail and even the Police Services. A telephone call is enough to send Police Officers into a frenzy harassing and arresting individuals for political ends.

A New Europe Arises from The Ashes of the EU

A New Europe Arises

Published on April , 2011   at

Rise of Populist Parties Pushes Europe to the Right

A True Finns’ supporter on election night. The success of the right-wing populist party has shocked many in the European Union.
The success of the True Finns in last week’s Finnish elections has shocked Brussels. They are just one of a number of right-wing populist parties currently flourishing in Europe. Their rise could threaten the euro bailout. By SPIEGEL Staff.
Timo Soini, 48, is standing in front of “Hesburger,” a fast food restaurant in the western part of Helsinki. It is shortly before 10 a.m., and he is waiting patiently for the restaurant to finally open its doors. Soini, the chairman of the right-wing populist Perussuomalaiset, or “True Finns” party, has been giving interviews for almost three hours. There are more than 250 new text messages on his mobile phone. Now he’s hungry.
It is the morning after an election that brought what the papers have called a “revolution” to Finland. Almost one in five voters voted for Soini’s party on Sunday, April 17, and now it looks like it is about to become part of the new government. A political earthquake is happening in Helsinki, one that could have reverberations throughout Europe.
Until now, the small country in the far northeastern corner of the continent was seen as a model member of the European Union. It was known for its successful export-oriented companies, liberal social policies and the best-performing school students in the Western industrialized world. It is ironic that it is here in Finland — a part of Europe that always seemed eminently European — that a movement is now coming to power that inveighs against immigrants and abortions, considers Brussels to be the “heart of darkness” and rejects all financial assistance for what it calls “wasteful countries,” like Greece, Ireland and Portugal. “We were too soft on Europe,” says Soini, adding that Finland should not be made to “pay for the mistakes of others.”
The election result from Europe’s far north has alarmed the political establishment in Brussels. If Soini’s party becomes part of the new government, there will be more at stake than Helsinki’s traditional pro-European stance. The entire program to rescue the euro could be in jeopardy, because it has to be approved unanimously by the entire European Union. That includes both the anticipated aid for Portugal, the additional billions for the euro bailout fund and the planned reform of the fund. Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt calls the Finnish election results a “reason for concern,” while Hans-Dietrich Genscher, the former head of Germany’s pro-business Free Democratic Party (FDP) and former German foreign minister, warns: “The outcome of the elections is a warning sign.”
Gaining Ground Across the EU
As a wave of skepticism about Europe sweeps across the continent, the political elites in the continent’s capitals are reacting precipitously and inconsistently. To neutralize the populist movements and score political points at home, European leaders are seeking conflict with one another, arguing about such issues as accepting North African refugees or participation in the Libya mission. Markus Ferber, a member of the European Parliament for Germany’s conservative Christian Social Union (CSU), warns that solidarity among European countries is waning, a situation he calls “extremely dangerous.”
The successes of right-wing populists could indeed exacerbate the smoldering euro crisis. Tensions between the wealthy countries in the north, who are contributing most to the bailouts, and the ailing debtor nations in the periphery already threaten to destroy the monetary union. If a European version of the American Tea Party movement develops, it could very well become the kiss of death for the euro.
The risk is substantial, as euroskeptics gain ground across the EU. In Denmark, the xenophobic Danish People’s Party has supported a center-right minority government for almost 10 years. In the Netherlands, Prime Minister Mark Rutte is dependent on the goodwill of right-wing populist politician Geert Wilders, who, with his tirades against Islam and the EU, captured 15.5 percent of the vote in the country’s last parliamentary election. In Sweden, the nationalist, anti-European Sweden Democrats crossed the 4-percent threshold to gain seats in the parliament, the Riksdag, and in Italy Umberto Bossi’s xenophobic Lega Nord, or Northern League, is even part of the government. Although the party is primarily active in the north of Italy, it is the third-strongest party on the national level.
Only in the core European countries of Germany and France has opposition to the EU long been restricted to marginal groups. In both Berlin and Paris, a strong commitment to Europe has traditionally been considered part of the national interest and was something that transcended party lines.
Appeal for Ordinary People
But that too could change, especially now that the True Finns have demonstrated in Helsinki how to achieve double-digit election results with nationalistic posturing. In Germany, the euroskeptics are trying to take over the pro-business Free Democratic Party (FDP), and in France the nationalist right is eyeing the country’s highest office.
Marine Le Pen, daughter of National Front founder Jean-Marie Le Pen, is in the process of putting the fear of God into the country’s traditional parties. She wants to shed the image of a racist, extreme party established by her father. As a politician, she appeals to middle-class and blue-collar workers, because she is young and wears jeans, and seems less aloof than the traditional elites that dominate politics in France.
Le Pen wants a strong social welfare state and fewer immigrants from Islamic countries, and she is adamantly against the European Union. She argues that France should withdraw from the euro and reintroduce the franc because the euro, as she says, is already on its way out. If Le Pen had her way, Europe would soon have trade barriers again and a “moderate protectionism” to secure jobs.
Her party’s showing in regional elections last March speaks for itself. The National Front achieved 15 percent in the first round of voting, even though it was not even on the ballot in the entire country. President Nicolas Sarkozy’s party, the UMP, only managed to capture two percentage points more than the National Front.
According to opinion polls, Le Pen could even beat Sarkozy in next year’s presidential election, which would result in a runoff between her and the expected Socialist candidate, Dominique Strauss-Kahn. In addition to being an embarrassment for the French political establishment, it would be a warning sign for the EU, which is becoming more and more unpopular among its citizens.
German Movement Against Euro Rescue
Enthusiasm for the EU has also declined in Germany. An anti-Brussels movement called “Liberal Awakening” has developed within the FDP, once a strong advocate of European unity. Its leader is Frank Schäffler, a boyish-looking former insurance agent who is a member of the German parliament. “We see ourselves as a grassroots movement,” he says. “We are infiltrating the FDP from below.”
There was already criticism of the euro in Germany, mainly from the political right, before the European single currency replaced the deutschmark in citizens’ pocketbooks. But Schäffler wants nothing to do with that line of argument. His criticism of the euro and the government’s crisis management stems from classic liberal convictions about the constitutional state and democracy. He wants the German parliament, the Bundestag, to be making decisions about government finances, and he cites the European treaties that forbid an EU member from taking on the debts of other countries.
But the first year of overcoming the euro crisis has produced precisely the opposite outcome, Schäffler complains. “We have pledged two-thirds of the federal government’s tax revenues to cover the national debts of other countries — without the Bundestag being required to approve the issuance of loan guarantees and without a firm basis in the European treaties.”
Schäffler was long viewed as a maverick that the party leadership could easily dismiss as a troublemaker. But now his support is growing. Traffic to his website has quadrupled recently, and gone are the days of his being marginalized in the Bundestag.
Part 2: FDP Rebels Could Cause Problems for Merkel
Like Schäffler, fellow FDP member Wolfgang Gerhardt, a former party chairman who supports a unified Europe, has also come to believe that it is “simply outrageous that the German government’s representatives in Brussels make commitments without so much as consulting the members of the German parliament.”
Schäffler plans to make his move at an upcoming FDP convention in the northern city of Rostock. He and 11 other Bundestag members have drafted a motion that contradicts government policy in almost every respect. Schäffler and his fellow combatants are demanding that banks and other private-sector lenders be involved in the euro rescue program, and that member states that do not satisfy the monetary union’s stability requirements be given the option to withdraw. Schäffler also wants the German government to pressure the European Central Bank to stop buying up the bonds of debt-stricken countries in the future.
Schäffler’s foray could create problems for Chancellor Angela Merkel. If members of her center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and its Bavarian sister party, the CSU, join the FDP renegades, the CDU/CSU and the FDP (who together make up Merkel’s coalition government) will lack the necessary majority in the Bundestag to approve the new euro crisis fund, the European Stability Mechanism (ESM). One CDU member of parliament, the budget policy expert Klaus-Peter Willsch, has already joined the ranks of the FDP rebels.
Schäffler already feels strong enough to demand changes from FDP leaders. “It isn’t enough just to replace the party leadership,” says Schäffler. “The FDP also has to score points in the cabinet with new appointments. If we want to implement liberal objectives in tax policy or in the euro rescue program, we have to appoint the finance minister.”
Helping to Shape Policy
Although it is not very likely that anti-euro politicians like Schäffler or Le Pen will soon be shaping government policy in their countries, they have already changed the political climate in Europe.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy, for example, is reacting to his political competition on the right when he pursues certain populist policies, such as deporting Roma to Romania or having a train carrying Tunisian refugees stopped at the Italian border.
The German chancellor has also proved to be open to views critical of the euro. Partly because of resistance from the FDP, Merkel had the European bailout funds amended several times, and additional corrections are in the works. To curb discontent within the coalition partners’ respective parliamentary groups, the German government wants to demand more of a say for national parliaments at the upcoming negotiations over the ESM.
From Helsinki to Rome to The Hague, the anti-Brussels parties can make the dubious claim of already helping shape policy on the continent today. Out of fear of right-wing populists, European leaders are behaving like right-wing populists themselves — and driving Europe further and further apart as a result.
Split over Europe
This could also happen in Helsinki, where the three parties that are trying to form a government have different positions when it comes to Europe. While Euro rebel Soini wants to change the conditions of aid for Portugal and the euro rescue fund, the leader of the conservative National Coalition Party, Jyrki Katainen, supports the European agreements. “The changes cannot be very significant,” says the designated prime minister. The aid package for Portugal, says Katainen, is in Finland’s interest and is “essential” for economic stability. “The Finnish government’s position must be to solve problems and not create new ones.”
What remains unclear, however, is the extent to which Katainen can rely on the Social Democrats, which, as the second-largest party, will also be part of the new government. Former Prime Minister Paavo Lipponen, a Social Democrat, helped make Finland the model European country it is today.
His successor as party chairman, Jutta Urpilainen, has a different agenda, which could still become a serious threat to all of Europe. Urpilainen seems determined to take a leaf out of the right-wing populists’ book, especially following the recent election result.
When it comes to the conditions for the euro rescue, she says, the Social Democrats are “more closely aligned with the True Finns than with the conservatives.”
Translated from the German by Christopher Sultan

Friday 29 April 2011

Money for War but Not towards a Living Wage In Bolton Or Horwich

Money for War but Not towards a Living Wage

The ConDem Government has recently announced that they will be increasing the National Minimum Wage later this year. However, before anyone puts the flags out, it’s only going up by a few pence.
At the moment, the main rate for workers aged 21 and over is £5.93, the 18-20 rate is £4.92, the 16-17 rate for workers above school leaving age but under 18 is £3.64 and the apprentice rate (for apprentices under 19 or 19 or over and in the first year of their apprenticeship) is £2.50.
At the beginning of October, the main rate will increase to £6.08, the 18-20 rate will increase to £4.98, the 16-17 rate will increase to £3.68 and the apprentice rate will increase to £2.60.
Although it hardly represents a living wage, Solidarity Trade Union has welcomed these proposed increases as “a step in the right direction”.
Pat Harrington of the Nationalist Trade Union Solidarity said:
“When the minimum wage was first introduced in April 1999, the adult rate was £3.60 an hour. That was twelve years ago, yet we’re still paying grown adults at a miserly rate. However, at least the rate is going up. It’s not much, but at least it’s a step in the right direction.
“However, what’s baffling me is why the increase isn’t much, much, more.
“After all, Britain can afford military adventures in Iraq, Afghanistan and now Libya. And on a recent visit to Pakistan, David Cameron announced that Britain would be giving up to £650 million in foreign aid to help with education. We’re also prepared to bail out Portugal.
“Yet at the same time, we can’t afford to pay our own people a living wage. Something doesn’t add up here.”
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The difference between the 1957 and the 2011 British society:

The difference between the 1957 and the 2011 British society:

A few examples to show the difference between the 1957 and the 2011 British society:

Scenario #1: Johnny and Mark get into a fight after school.

1957 - Crowd gathers. Mark wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up buddies.

2011 - Police called, SWAT team arrives, arrests Johnny and Mark… Charge them with assault, both expelled even though Johnny started it.

Scenario #2: Jeffrey will not be still in class, disrupts other students.

1957 - Jeffrey sent to office and given a good caning by the Headmaster… Returns to class, sits still and does not disrupt class again.

2011 - Jeffrey given huge doses of Ritalin… Becomes a zombie. Tested for ADHD. School gets extra money from state because Jeffrey has a disability.

Scenario #3: Billy breaks a window in his neighbor’s car and his Dad gives him a bloody good hiding with his belt.

1957 - Billy is more careful next time, grows up normal, goes to college, and becomes a successful businessman.

2011 - Billy’s dad is arrested for child abuse… Billy removed to foster care and joins a gang… Govt psychologist then tells Billy’s sister that she remembers being abused herself and their dad goes to prison… Billy’s Mom has affair with psychologist.

Scenario #4: Mark the Teacher gets a headache and takes some aspirin to school.

1957 - Mark shares aspirin with Headmaster in the smoking room.

2011 - Police called, Mark expelled from school for drug violations… Car searched for drugs and weapons.

Scenario #5: Ahmed fails high school English course.

1957 - Ahmed studies harder, passes English, then goes to college, and returns to Middle east to become successful business man

2011 - Ahmed's cause is taken up by state. Newspaper articles appear nationally explaining that teaching English as a requirement for graduation is racist. unions and civil liberty files class action lawsuit against state school system and Ahmed's English teacher… English banned from core curriculum… Ahmed given diploma anyway… but ends up mowing lawns as an illegal immigrant and planning terrorist attacks for a living because he cannot speak English.

Scenario #6: Johnny takes apart leftover fireworks for Royal celebration, puts them in a model airplane paint bottle, blows up a red ant bed.

1957 - Ants die.

2011 - MI5 and police Security, called. Johnny charged with domestic terrorism, MI5 investigates parents, siblings removed from home… computers confiscated. Johnny’s Dad goes on a terror watch list and is never allowed to fly again.

Scenario #7: Johnny falls while running during playtime and scrapes his knee. He is found crying by his teacher, Mary… Mary hugs him to comfort him.

1957 - In a short time, Johnny feels better and goes on playing.

2011 - Mary is accused of being a sexual predator and loses her job. She faces 3 years in Prison… Johnny undergoes 5 years of therapy and later commits suicide .

Thursday 28 April 2011

Thorium as a Power Source has potential to overcome the energy crisis

Thorium has potential to overcome the energy crisis

April 2011: 
This week at the European Parliament in Brussels, I certainly scored some points for common sense in a debate in my Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee (ENVI).

 Firstly I called the European Union's biofuel policy an utter disaster. Then man-made global warming as 'non-existent', and followed this up by branding wind factories as 'Mickey Mouse technology' which wouldn't solve the world's energy crisis.
This blast of reality left the committee’s chairman Jo Leinen, an MEP for the German Social Democratic Party, and other members of ENVI lost for words. That's because they seldom hear a dissenting voice in the chamber.
This is what I had to say on the EU’s biofuels policy, which has replaced food crops with an energy-negative ethanol industry.
“This has made a lot of money for big business, but it’s forced up world food prices and is starving hundreds of thousands of people in the Third World to death.”
I then went on to criticise the European Union’s folly of blowing $100 billion on fighting the discredited pseudo science of global warming that voters regard as jst another 'a rip-off tax'.
"Just a few years ago, the global warming alarmists were telling us that we’d never see snow again in Britain. No wonder the public, who have more sense than most MEPs, reject this childish big lie."
I also made this contribution to a discussion on the energy crisis :
"There might be a solution to the world’s energy crisis, because China is proposing the use of thorium molten salt nuclear reactors.
"These are extraordinarily safe. The technology is well established. Thorium is as cheap as it is plentiful, but Europe’s thorium programmes have been destroyed by shortsighted government cuts in the UK and lobbying from the uranium lobby in France."
I finished by condemning the European Commission's ignorance of peak oil and lack of interest in the potential of thorium to overcome the energy crisis.

Wednesday 27 April 2011

European Union moving towards the Horrific ideology of the old Soviet Union

European Union moving towards the ideology of the old Soviet Union

: The conversion of the European Union into a unitary superstate took a further step forward with the adoption by the European Parliament at the last Plenary Session in Strasbourg of a report laying out a plan to set up Europe-wide EU-funded political parties.

 The rules for setting up such parties only allow ones which endorse a programme of Political Correctness, thus specifically excluding Nationalists.
The report, drafted by Greek neo-Tory MEP Marietta Giannokou, calls for the current alliances of national parties in the European Parliament to be recognised as parties able to fight elections in their own right. Thus Labour could fight Euro-elections as the Party of European Socialists and the Tories as the Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists.
A group of Euro-federalist MEPs, led by British Liberal Democrat Andrew Duff, want to go further. They are proposing  a new "pan-European" Euro-constituency, represented by 25 MEPs. Citizens of EU member states would therefore have two votes - one for their domestic MEP, and one from the transnational list.
National authorities would report the results to a new EU electoral authority that would have to be created to oversee the EU-wide elections. The 25 MEPs elected from the transnational lists would join the 751 MEPs chosen from national ones, meaning a rise in the overall number of MEPs to 776.
These further  proposals have been backed by the European Parliament's Constitutional Affairs Committee, and now go on to be scrutinised by the Parliament as a whole, during the plenary session in June.
What is sinister about all this, apart from its generally Euro-federalist tone, is that to be officially recognised as Euro-wide parties, and therefore to benefit from the existing handout of 0.8 million Euro a year EU funding  and in the future to benefit from the Giannokou proposals and indeed to stand at all for the proposed new Europe-wide constituency, parties have to fulfil a number of requirements.
Some existing recognition requirements are not unreasonable, such as having representation, via their member parties, in at least a quarter of all EU member states, either by obtaining at least 3% of the vote in the most recent European Parliament elections, or simply by having national or regional representatives in these countries. Giannokou proposes that this be replaced by having an elected MEP in at least a quarter of all member states, which at a stroke excludes countries where parties have wide support up to and including national MPs but not currently an MEP.
More sinister is a requirement that all Euro-parties must observe the founding principles of the EU. This doesn’t – yet! – mean they have to be Euro-federalists to stand at all. It is unclear if nationalist parties opposed to the EU’s existence would be excluded by this alone. However the EU “founding principles” are defined in Article 1a of the Treaty of Maastricht (which turned the Common Market Britain voted to join into the European Union) as amended by the Treaty of Lisbon thus:
"The Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy,
equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging
to minorities. These values are common to the Member States in a society in which pluralism,
non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality between women and men
Whilst obviously nationalist MEPs would have no problem with values of respect for freedom, democracy and the rule of law – to all of which the EU itself is in fact a major threat – 'minority rights', 'tolerance' and 'equality' etc are PC-speak for supporting immigration and other socially undesirable phenomena to which we are in principle opposed.
It can and no doubt will be argued in the Euro-Courts that, if these new proposals pass into EU law – which now they are backed by the Euro-Parliament is likely – Nationalist parties such as ours, the French FN, Vlaams Belang, Jobbik and the rest voted for by tens of millions across Europe, by their very nature are excluded from taking part in Euro-elections or receiving EU funding.
So that, in the European Union as in the old Soviet Union, only those endorsing the Official Ideology can stand in the official elections. So much for the EU’s 'freedom and democracy'.

Monday 25 April 2011

Chairmans Update Build the Nationalist Alternative Media Open your Eyes to Mass Media LIES!


Build the Nationalist alternative media
Open your eyes to mass media lies

Fellow Patriot,
voffrontpage The Voice of Freedom (Number 122) is out now. This special edition is twenty pages long and features a four-page spread about our May election campaigns and many exclusive stories not available online.
Inside you will find:

  • An in-depth blow-by-blow breakdown of the epic victory against Trevor Phillips and his tax-payer funded PC army.

  • News of the record number of British National Party councillors elected un-opposed this year

  • An Editorial on the war in Libya

  • Reports on the scourge of unemployment in our communities

  • Our lively and sometimes controversial letters column where ordinary Nationalists just like you get to debate and express their views

  • and more... vofcentrepages1 Subscribe and get yours hot off the press! It is packed with hidden and censored news that the mainstream media refuses to print.
    The Voice of Freedom is not censored by the Political Class and brings you all the facts. It has a hard-hitting, no-nonsense style. It brings you the truth before you hear the establishment media lies.
    Make sure you subscribe today.
    vofcentrepages2 The Voice of Freedom is not to be missed. A full year's UK subscription is only £13.15, postage and packaging included.
    Subscribing to Voice of Freedom will make you better informed about matters in the news as well as key developments within the British National Party.
    Stay informed and support our alternative Nationalist press with the Voice of Freedom. Subscribe now:

    Thank you in advance, Nick Griffin
    Chairman Nick Griffin MEP
    Member of the European Parliament

    P.S. Make sure you keep in touch with the Nationalist struggle. Subscribe to Voice of Freedom online or by ringing 0844 809 4581. Remember if our operators are busy please call back.

  • Sunday 24 April 2011



    David_StarkeyAccording to Dr David Starkey, the TV historian and author, the state of education in Britain is dire, not because of bad teachers but because the lack of discipline in classes and schools mean that even the very best of teachers would not be able to get through to the pupils.  Despite massive salaries being paid to qualified teachers, to head teachers and super heads; and despite the immense amount of money spent on resources and computers, all is failing because of a lack of attention to the obvious - the children cannot, or will not listen, because the teachers, really, have no authority to make them.  And they have no authority, or little authority, because both the schools and the law will not give them any.  
    This is not rocket-science of course: our Victorian great-grandmothers could have told us all of this: that teaching and learning and children do not flourish where freedom, over-equality and a total free-for-all prevails.  What does flourish is mayhem.  The children think it is great: that they can muck about, jump on desks, assault staff and not learn anything at all.  But then they would: they are children after all.  What amazes us all is not that the children are quite happy with this, at least quite a few of them some of the time; but that the governors, the full-time teachers and the heads and super-heads can put up with it and pretend that it is really not as bad as that.  But Dr David Starchy thinks otherwise.
    At one point he refused to teach.  Correction: at one point he refused to attempt to teach.  He added that what struck him about teaching and learning in schools is that you spend hardly any time teaching the subject.
    “You are like a lion tamer dealing with savage beasts.  The saddest thing is that you totally fail to get through.  The children are destroyed by this process. It is unkind to students and to teachers.  The idea was if you get a group of wonderful teachers and then the kids will respond and do wonderful things.  This is not possible without the right structure and ethos in the school.”  Amen to that!  But he is only stating the obvious.
    Why is it that politicians, leaders and Church leaders cannot see, or do not want to see the obvious? Why is it that we are all involved to some extent in a conspiracy of silence not to state the obvious because, my goodness, it needs stating?  How long can the debacle of modern “education” go on before we realise that it is costing us plenty and we are getting nothing or little out of it; indeed we are storing-up trouble for the future.  My experience is in schools and to some extent in post-16 education. I can confirm all of Dr Starkey’s pertinent observations.  It has been going on since the ending of corporal punishment in 1986.  Hardly surprising, really, but so few seem to wish to couple the cause and effect together, despite all the emphasis on cause-and-effect in modern science.  It is just not politically expedient or rather politically correct.
    So long as the teachers and the teaching super-heads draw their salaries it does not matter if no teaching goes on at all.  When will the tax-paying public begin to realise that schools are in danger of becoming one big tax-mulching scheme for the benefit not of education and the pupils but the staff who keep these zoos and adopt “survival techniques” for the animals which live in them!
    for more articles on modern britan and the Christian Faith please visit

    One Law for Them and Another for Us British

    One Law for Them and Another for Us

    Muslims chanting ‘BNP burn in hell’ and waving placards stating ‘The Koran will destroy man-made law’ and ‘Islam will dominate the world’ demonstrated outside a mosque on St. Helen’s Road, Swansea, on Good Friday.
    Muslims from an organisation called the ‘Ummah of Muhammad’ distributed leaflets intended to incite the 1,000 Muslims attending the Swansea mosque yesterday. Police boxed in the marchers outside the Rowlands Exchange & Mart store; however, it is understood that no Muslims were arrested by Swansea police for incitement.
    This is, of course, in sharp contrast with the politically motivated arrests of two British National Party candidates by Swansea police in a night raid by ten plain-clothes police officers in unmarked cars who ransacked their home, seizing computers, mobile phones, satnav equipment, election material and personal belongings.
    As reported earlier on this site, Sion Owens, a British National Party candidate in the current Welsh Assembly election, was one of thousands of people internationally who is alleged to have burned a book, in his garden, last 11th September, on the anniversary of the 9/11 Islamic terrorist atrocities which caused the deaths of nearly 3,000 innocent victims. Joanne Shannon, the British National Party candidate for Swansea East in the Welsh Assembly election, was also arrested once police realised she too was a British National Party candidate.
    Although Swansea police were forced to withdraw charges against Sion Owens, their reckless and irresponsible action directly placed both Sion Owens’ and Joanne Shannon’s lives in danger, not least as a result of an Islamic ‘fatwa’ being issued against them.
    Ironically, the ‘protective measures’ now needed to be put in place by Superintendent Phil Davies of Swansea police – in recognition of the real and serious threat the police have caused to be created with the issue of an Islamic fatwa in Swansea – completely failed even to warn Sion and Joanne of the demonstration by fanatical Muslims in St. Helen’s Road on Good Friday, in order for them to take steps to avoid the area.
    Instead, they learned of the events from people in Swansea city centre who happened to witness them, rather than from the police protection patrols. It is Superintendent Phil Davies’ complicity with the media smear campaign against the British National Party election campaign, by journalist Mark Townsend of the left-wing Guardian newspaper, which directly led to this situation in the first place. So much for democracy.

    As we up our intensity and activity towards election day, the enemies of Nationalism are also upping their illegal activity in a vain hope of disrupting and intimidating the dedicated British National Party activists.
    Today in Abergavenny our tabletop stall has been disrupted and our activists accosted by the deputy leader of the local council. Our people have refused to move and are carrying on their lawful political campaigning. The council officials have now brought the police in to try and have our people removed.
    At the same time, at our tabletop stall in Bridgend, one of our Assembly candidates has been assaulted, and eggs have been thrown at our activists. The police have been called, and again our dedicated team is still on the street.
    “We will not be intimidated on our own streets in our own towns,” said Brian Mahoney, the Wales Regional Organiser.
    “We are, in fact, stepping up our campaign in the face of this concerted attack, and I appeal to every Nationalist in the country to come to Wales for the last week of action. This election will go right down to the wire, and much will depend on our mobilising our support in the last week.”
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