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Wednesday 27 April 2011

European Union moving towards the Horrific ideology of the old Soviet Union

European Union moving towards the ideology of the old Soviet Union

: The conversion of the European Union into a unitary superstate took a further step forward with the adoption by the European Parliament at the last Plenary Session in Strasbourg of a report laying out a plan to set up Europe-wide EU-funded political parties.

 The rules for setting up such parties only allow ones which endorse a programme of Political Correctness, thus specifically excluding Nationalists.
The report, drafted by Greek neo-Tory MEP Marietta Giannokou, calls for the current alliances of national parties in the European Parliament to be recognised as parties able to fight elections in their own right. Thus Labour could fight Euro-elections as the Party of European Socialists and the Tories as the Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists.
A group of Euro-federalist MEPs, led by British Liberal Democrat Andrew Duff, want to go further. They are proposing  a new "pan-European" Euro-constituency, represented by 25 MEPs. Citizens of EU member states would therefore have two votes - one for their domestic MEP, and one from the transnational list.
National authorities would report the results to a new EU electoral authority that would have to be created to oversee the EU-wide elections. The 25 MEPs elected from the transnational lists would join the 751 MEPs chosen from national ones, meaning a rise in the overall number of MEPs to 776.
These further  proposals have been backed by the European Parliament's Constitutional Affairs Committee, and now go on to be scrutinised by the Parliament as a whole, during the plenary session in June.
What is sinister about all this, apart from its generally Euro-federalist tone, is that to be officially recognised as Euro-wide parties, and therefore to benefit from the existing handout of 0.8 million Euro a year EU funding  and in the future to benefit from the Giannokou proposals and indeed to stand at all for the proposed new Europe-wide constituency, parties have to fulfil a number of requirements.
Some existing recognition requirements are not unreasonable, such as having representation, via their member parties, in at least a quarter of all EU member states, either by obtaining at least 3% of the vote in the most recent European Parliament elections, or simply by having national or regional representatives in these countries. Giannokou proposes that this be replaced by having an elected MEP in at least a quarter of all member states, which at a stroke excludes countries where parties have wide support up to and including national MPs but not currently an MEP.
More sinister is a requirement that all Euro-parties must observe the founding principles of the EU. This doesn’t – yet! – mean they have to be Euro-federalists to stand at all. It is unclear if nationalist parties opposed to the EU’s existence would be excluded by this alone. However the EU “founding principles” are defined in Article 1a of the Treaty of Maastricht (which turned the Common Market Britain voted to join into the European Union) as amended by the Treaty of Lisbon thus:
"The Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy,
equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging
to minorities. These values are common to the Member States in a society in which pluralism,
non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality between women and men
Whilst obviously nationalist MEPs would have no problem with values of respect for freedom, democracy and the rule of law – to all of which the EU itself is in fact a major threat – 'minority rights', 'tolerance' and 'equality' etc are PC-speak for supporting immigration and other socially undesirable phenomena to which we are in principle opposed.
It can and no doubt will be argued in the Euro-Courts that, if these new proposals pass into EU law – which now they are backed by the Euro-Parliament is likely – Nationalist parties such as ours, the French FN, Vlaams Belang, Jobbik and the rest voted for by tens of millions across Europe, by their very nature are excluded from taking part in Euro-elections or receiving EU funding.
So that, in the European Union as in the old Soviet Union, only those endorsing the Official Ideology can stand in the official elections. So much for the EU’s 'freedom and democracy'.