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Thursday 20 October 2011

Wind Farms: A “It's Nice Little Earner” For Some

Wind Farms: A “Nice Little Earner” For Some

By Clive Wakely. The message that onshore wind farms are not just overrated, but a blot on the landscape, has clearly not filtered through to the Government, leading some to question whether politicians and “decision makers” have shares in the foreign companies involved in the manufacture, installation and maintenance of such facilities.

According to Government experts Britain needs 4,500 more giant turbines if the Government’s climate change targets in respect of alleged “sustainable development” are to be achieved.

That this figure is based on Britain’s current level of population, meaning it takes no account of further (largely immigration related) growth, ensures that it is a moving target.

We have previously reported on this site how the Government plans to “liberalize” planning legislation – making it easier for developers to get wind farm and other projects through the planning maze; a change in emphasis that will require protestors (that is, local people) to prove the detrimental consequences of development rather than the developers having to establish the benefits.

The principle reason why the Government now proposes a change in emphasis in local planning policy is to shift local planning decision making in favour of the developer; many big Government projects (such as Heathrow’s Terminal Five) having suffered grievous delays arising from the “unhelpful” objections of concerned local people.

Now the Government has determined that wind farms are necessary for economic growth and that the objections of local people are to be frustrated at every turn; such is the state of “democracy” in Britain.

Consequently it is no surprise that the proposed planning policy changes are being criticized by groups concerned with the protection of both the countryside and our national heritage, groups such as the National Trust.

The Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) is also reportedly upset.

The CPRE being a liberal organization; one conscious of the link between overpopulation and environmental degradation; yet one unable or, rather, unwilling, to acknowledge the only too obvious correlation between immigration, population growth and overpopulation.

However it is quite right when it asserts: “One would assume the default ‘yes to development’ applies to wind farms as it does with all kinds of development like roads and housing.”

It is also reported that some Tory MPs, particularly those representing marginal suburban and rural constituencies (often home to influential and vocal anti-wind farm protest groups), are also “concerned”.

Whether they are concerned for the countryside or for their parliamentary survival, is a matter very much open to debate.

The same draft national planning framework will require that local authorities should identify “suitable areas for regeneration”, thus making it easier to get planning permission for wind farms in particular.

Coincidentally(?) a separate “independent” analysis recently published by the Government’s Department of Energy and Climate Change, surprisingly(?) supports the Government assertion that planning reforms are essential to “deliver the infrastructure we need to reduce our carbon emissions”.

To be precise the renewable energy strategy states that onshore wind power will need to supply up to 13GW of Britain’s energy by 2020; which is good news for foreign wind turbine manufacturers and their British shareholders.

In response the Renewable Energy Foundation, a charity collating and publishing data on the energy sector, said the target would result in the construction of around 4,500 new wind turbines.

Presently Britain has 2,000 wind turbines, which is around 2000 too many for a growing number of people.

A spokesman for the charity is reported as claiming that the new Government planning proposals have been specifically formulated to make it easier for developers to build turbines against the wishes of local people.

The spokesman said: “The UK’s planning system prevents development where the damage of the proposal exceeds the benefits,

“It would be very foolish to distort the planning process as a quick fix for a broken energy policy or, worse still, to produce unsustainable flash-in-the-pan economic growth.”

This accusation has naturally been denied by a spokesman for the Department for Communities and Local Government, who retorted: “It is wrong to suggest the presumption in favour of sustainable development is a green light for wind turbines, or any other type of development.”

Meanwhile, up in Yorkshire, a thousand-year-old church near Selby is planning to host an event to raise awareness of plans to build two unsightly wind farms in the area.

St. Mary’s, in the village of Birkin, is widely recognized as one of the oldest Norman churches in Britain.

Local residents fear that if the proposal for the two wind farms is approved that they will spoil the views and atmosphere of the area.

A spokesman for the local anti-wind farm campaign explained: “When you approach the church you are travelling through open countryside. If these wind farms get built it will spoil the view every way you look”.

To raise public awareness it is intended to fly a large balloon over the village this weekend at 410 feet – which residents claim will be the height of the proposed two-dozen wind turbines.

As far as we can determine there are no plans by West Oxfordshire District Council to approve any wind farms within view of Witney, where Tory Prime Minister David Cameron has his large luxury “constituency” home.


Wednesday 19 October 2011

EU Parliament Committing “Treachery and Theft” Against Taxpayers

EU Parliament Committing “Treachery and Theft” Against Taxpayers

The European Parliament has committed “treachery and theft” against taxpayers across Europe by putting the interests of illegal immigrants before native Europeans, Andrew Brons MEP has said.

Speaking during a debate on access to healthcare by “migrants in an irregular situation” in the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs subcommittee of the European Parliament yesterday, Mr Brons said even the wording of the debate was a “verbal monstrosity.

“I am, at best, sceptical about the need for euphemisms. However, the use of euphemisms in Politics is usually motivated by a desire to control thinking and avoid free thought,” Mr Brons said.

“The term ‘irregular migrants’ was bad enough but ‘migrants in an irregular situation’ is a verbal monstrosity.

“If you want to use a euphemism and avoid the use of the word ‘illegal’ (and I don’t) then why do you not simply refer to them as ‘unauthorised immigrants.’

“Providing health care to those who have not contributed to it and are not even legally present in the country concerned, is self-evidently in their interest and sounds a generous thing to do, so perhaps we should all be in favour of it?” he asked.

“However, this would involve a misuse of the word ‘generous’. Generosity is exercised when a person gives something at his or her own expense – when the person takes money from his own pocket and donates it to a worthy (or even unworthy) cause.

“If we have spare resources at any particular time – a doctor without a patient (or even the prospect of a patient) to treat or even to patronise with unwanted advice, then there could be little objection to the illegal or irregular immigrant receiving the benefit,” Mr Brons continued.

“However, usually the demand for health care resources exceeds the supply and even people who have contributed through their taxes to the cost of care are forced to go without.

“Others have to join waiting lists that reduce their chances of recovery.

“In the United Kingdom, we hear every so often that a particular effective treatment is routinely withheld because it is too expensive.

“This week it was treatment for skin cancer. This means that the cost of treating every non-contributing patient is the extra contributing patient being left on a waiting list or refused treatment altogether,” he said.

“If a patient in a queue for health care were to voluntarily forgo treatment so that an illegal or irregular migrant might be treated instead, that would indeed be an act of generosity.

“However, for well-paid MEPs, who can afford private health care but who don’t have to afford it because we receive two-thirds of our private health care subsidised, to tell contributing patients that they must make way for non-contributing patients to receive treatment, is not an act of generosity, it is an act of treachery and an act of theft.

“However, I have a suggestion,” Mr Brons added. “It is that MEPs in favour of free health care, should establish a fund financed from their own net incomes to pay for this care. Now that would be real generosity but I suspect that we shall not see much of it.”


BBC; the Truth without Fear or Favour?

BBC; the Truth without Fear or Favour? PDF Print E-mail
Written by Albion
October 2011

It is hard to pinpoint an exact moment in time when the BBC ceased to be the world flagship for the dissemination of true, balanced and unbiased news reporting on local and world events.

The subtle changes in its presentation of programmes did not occur overnight but slowly over maybe a number of decades but it might have coincided with the government using its National broadcaster as a conduit for a post war ideology, that being Multi-Culturism using much of its programming as the conduit using subliminal indoctrination throughout its programming of ‘soaps’ to Children’s broadcasting, particularly News, Talks and Current Affairs using non indigenous presenters in abundance, out of proportion to the English population.

It became a tool to perpetuate an ideology. It was the magicians three ball and cup trick.

One might ask the question why did this event not just take place in the UK but has been blindingly apparent throughout the whole of Europe?

One has to assume that this order for political and social change came from a Central Committee, and so it did, Brussels the seat of the emerging federation of European nation states, has caused the most momentous change in the demography of the land mass of Europe triggering the social unease throughout most of Europe. In truth it was neither a Federation nor a Union but the formation of an oligarchic illegal government by stealth.

In 1939 when war was declared the BBC closed all regional radio stations and replaced them with one channel, The Home Service. The reason for this was to prevent the Germans from using local radio stations for direction finding.

Most of the transmissions were endless record programmes. Indeed it was so boring that early wartime programming was criticised as being old fashioned, staid and boring; with a seemingly endless cycle of gramophone records, variety on gramophone records, Sandy Macpherson on the BBC organ, and first aid instructions.

Indeed it was so dull that it was blamed by the Government for driving audiences to Lord Haw-haw on Radio Hamburg! The wartime BBC was given a completely new task of moral boosting.

To combat this criticism the Home Service was supplemented by a special programmes ‘For the Forces’ on existing Medium wavelengths in a more informal programmes the weekly fare being Workers playtime. Round the Horne, ITMA, Desert Island Discs, Hi Gang, Radio Doctor, Vera Lynn’s Sincerely Yours, and Band Wagon and in the 50’s and 60’s, Paul Temple, Dick Barton Special Agent, Mrs Dales Diary, The Archers, Adventures of PC 49 and Journey into space

Blackamoors were starkly noticeable by their absence as the race to build a single European nation had yet to have taken any effect. The presenters had no regional accents but spoke with what was referred to as an Oxbridge or boarding school accent.

Apart from the daily programming for the workers the impression was given that the BBC was still an elitist organization and apart from the daily fare for the masses, much of the programming was for the well educated.

During the war its propaganda department was the Ministry Of Information. Its presentation changed rapidly after the emergence of a number of Pirate Radio stations which saw the wholesale disaffection of their younger listeners. They attempted to close these stations down by threat of legal action, bullying and outright intimidation.

This was the defining moment when this monopolistic entity saw its stranglehold on Broadcasting about to be taken away. No-one saw it coming.

It had always been the arm of government as is the purpose of all National radio and TV stations worldwide. At that time Great Britain as a nation could have been viewed as fiercely Nationalistic and its Empire was its crown and sceptre. Britons were totally ignorant that its eventual incorporation into European federation by the Neo Marxists was the prize. And the BBC was just another tool to achieve this.

Sixty years on and its programme output is unrecognizable to those born before the war. Gratuitous sex and violence for adults and children, token dusky presenters from all parts of the third world employed wholly and solely to visually celebrate this nation destroying Marxist ideology.

What happened? Frankly it was because blatant political appointments were being made within critical BBC senior management positions rather than employing people with experience of theatre and stage, political appointees chosen to slavishly follow the government all encompassing blind obsession with the ‘Cultural Mix’ boasting equality for all but in reality equality for none. By now the Jewish entertainment entrepreneurs like Bernard Delfont, Lew and Leslie Grade disappeared from the scene.

Much of the BBC’s output today appears to cater to the lowest common denominator and most importantly is even more mindful of the ‘Racial Mix’, its purpose is to continually remind you as a Briton you cannot lay claim to this country anymore its open to all and is why we have a preponderance of Negro or mixed race presenters, reporters and actors even if the dusky actors presence has no relevance to the story whatsoever.

Typical was Brian True-May’s run in with the BBC’s political watchdogs placed in various departments similar to the Soviets within Sports, universities, Broadcasting etc. Not an isolated incident but did benefit from the glare of publicity.

Times have changed, we have broadcasters that are predominantly based around an easily defined racial community such as Asian Star FM in Slough celebrating our Multi-Culti hell-hole while the riot ridden streets burn as if to celebrate our close connection with the Third World Sub Saharans and second generation young resentful Caribbean’s mixed with ‘Half Castes’ or Cross breeds and Wiggers.

Not quite untouchables but youths with no identity no hope and in many cases no father; they are the Multi Cultural collateral damage that has been done to this country for the sake of a Marxist political ideology and the whole of Europe is paying the same price while a silk suited grinning Barrossa pontificates in the Presidium with edicts that will affect all our futures.

Subterfuge by disempowerment of self rule by the nation states of Europe and Great Britain’s by Socialist leaders signing illegal ‘Treaties’ one after another, in our case adding more misery to woe being co-signed by our ‘Ruling Monarch’. Each “Treaty” removing all vestiges of Nationality that make a county a nation state, currency, constitutions, borders, etc. The Marxist plan for a Grand Design for Europe will be styled on the old Soviet regime and in time will be known as the European Union of Socialist States and Regions or EUSSR.

Why ‘ello, ‘ello who is this new member about to decide on England’s future?

Why dear me if it’s not Croatia or is it Georgia?

Will you be sitting next to Malta, Lithuania, Slovakia, Estonia, Czechoslovakia, Latvia, Bulgaria, Greece, Poland or Romania?

How many of your people would like to reside in the UK?

We have a wonderful system of monetary benefits, health care, housing, employment and a fine infrastructure that discriminates positively in favour of new arrivals like yourselves and will hopefully guarantee you permanent residence in our little overcrowded island.

What we cannot guarantee though is a fair day’s pay for a fair days work but on the upside we do discriminate in favour of new arrivals like yourself by displacing an English worker to accommodate you.

Your little country is going broke? Worry not; our tax payers can bail you out for the sake of the continuing cohesiveness of the European Socialist State.

I have tried to make sense of this nonsense and have had to search my nightmares for inspiration. Proof of breaching its charter to entertain inform with a balanced, unbiased journalism can be seen daily in the farcical storyline situations in its programming using non English actors, again out of all proportion to the population numbers, you will note I do not use the word ‘British’ although that collective name could be used to describe the black population residing in Great Britain, as that word cannot be used to describe an ethnic grouping, it has no meaning. Some might even say the BBC’s subterfuge is on par with the now defunct News of the World.

I am convinced the BBC is an enemy of Great Britain and laws made in Brussels also prevent all the other Radio stations from speaking the truth of the damage being done to our people, our country and thus our children’s future. For example here is a letter by a reader to the BBC

A ‘British’ reader named Reza V believes the BBC has breached its charter by broadcasting such biased propaganda, and wrote this letter to the organization to complain:
I was shocked by the dishonesty, one-sidedness and far-left political bias of your programme: Geert Wilders: Europe’s Most Dangerous Man? BBC Two, 7:00PM Mon, 14 Feb 2011

The bile dripping BBC Banshees declared Geert Wilders, though unqualified third-party accusations, conspiracy theory and without any evidence whatsoever insinuated at various points throughout the programme that Mr Wilders was:
A Fascist, a Nazi, a Zionist extremist, an Israeli spy, a conspiracy theorist, a convicted criminal, guilty of a hate speech, mentally unbalanced, a control freak, dubiously dishonest with something to hide, Europe’s most dangerous man and Far Right,
Your program made regular use of sinister background music to drive home your intended message.

I would like to add this case was an exception, but it is not. Nick Griffins ruthless inquisition on BBC Question Time was a “Witch hunt” pure and simple. The cry from the ‘correct cultural mix’ rabble was baying for blood!

Tuesday 18 October 2011

UK and the EU: Civitas Think Tank Admits That Nationalists Were Right

Britain and the EU: Civitas Think Tank Admits That Nationalists Were Right All Along

In a confession that nationalists were right all along, the influential Civitas think tank has called for Britain to leave the European Union.

In a statement issued to mark the release of a new study paper, Time to Say No, Civitas said that Britain’s continued membership of the EU “holds back [the UK’s] economic recovery.”

The statement said that “Britain must plan exit strategy from failing EU, but should keep trade links” — exactly as nationalists have argued all along.

“As Europe’s leaders gamble their nations’ finances on saving the Euro, a new Civitas report reveals that the European Union is damaging Britain’s economic recovery and sapping job growth. Time to Say No, by Ian Milne, shows that a break with the EU need not represent a drastic break with Europe itself,” the statement continued.

“Instead, it will permit a pragmatic reform of trade and immigration relations. Existing international institutions can achieve this without the current burdens of bureaucracy in the EU. It will also revive democracy at home.”

The report argues that the British must rejoin the 95% of the global population that remain in countries outside the EU, such as the British Commonwealth nations. These countries have far better prospects for growth in the 21st century than many of the tired economies of mainland Europe.

“The EU is in long-term structural demographic and economic decline. It also costs a fortune to belong to. UK withdrawal would result in the British people rejoining the 95 per cent of the world’s population who live in self-governing states and successfully trade with each other-and with the EU-multilaterally,” the new report said.

The report sets out a timetable for an orderly withdrawal from the European Union which begins in June 2014, following a national referendum on membership of the EU.

“After receiving the mandate to return to full sovereignty, the British Government would gradually reduce its contributions to the EU budget over a 24-month period. Milne proposes the temporary creation of a Ministry of EU Transitional Arrangements (META) to manage the process from beginning to end, ensuring that government departments are equipped to take over EU functions,” the report continues.

“From June 2014, disputes between the European Court of Justice and British law would be mediated using an international dispute settlement procedure. At the end of the withdrawal process in 2016, British laws based on EU regulations would remain in place but could be repealed at the will of Parliament.”

According to the Civitas plan, by June 2016, the UK would:

* cease all involvement in the Common Agricultural and Fisheries Policies

* regain control of immigration policy and be able to secure its borders on its own terms

* cease to be regulated by EU trading regulations but continue trading with the EU-26 using rules already set down in WTO, UN, NATO, OECD agreements and other relevant treaties [pp. 20-21]

Milne sets out a number of alternative arrangements that would allow Britain to continue to co-operate in trade with the EU but on a more equal footing. They include:

* The ‘Norwegian option’. Under this proposal, Britain remains a member of the European Economic Area (EEA), which provides for an internal European market but does require adherence to some labour laws, consumer protection and health and safety legislation. Crucially, EEA members make a substantially smaller contribution to European organisations than full EU members:

In 2009 this was seven times smaller, per capita, than the UK gross contribution to “Brussels,” the report says.

Norway is the 7th most prosperous country per head in the world.

* The ‘Swiss option’. Switzerland is a member of EFTA but remains outside both the EEA and the EU. By making only bi-lateral trade agreements, it retains full control over all regulations covered by Swiss-EU FTAs, which can be cancelled at any time. Britain could do the same. This is not an inferior trading relationship but merely one that avoids giving excessive powers to Brussels:

Switzerland [exports to the EU] about three times more goods per capita than the UK.

Switzerland is the 17th most prosperous country per head (the UK ranks 37th).

* Unilateral Free Trade and renewed focus on the Commonwealth. Milne explains there is nothing holding Britain back from establishing an ordinary and productive trading relationship with the EU without an explicit treaty:

“On withdrawal, the EU would continue to trade with the UK. EU-26′s biggest single customer worldwide is the UK, and EU-26 sells far more to the UK than it imports from the UK. Under Articles 3, 8 and 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, the EU is constitutionally obliged to negotiate ‘free and fair trade’ with non-EU countries,” the report adds.

A looser framework would allow Britain to take the forward-looking approach of establishing closer trade relationships with the Commonwealth:

“In 2050, viewed from the UK, the rest of the Commonwealth will constitute a market nine times greater than that of Continental EU.”

As a result, there is nothing to fear, but a lot to gain, from re-establishing British sovereignty over the United Kingdom, the Civitas statement said.


Who and what is behind the Occupy Wall Street Campaign?

Who is behind the Occupy Wall Street Campaign? PDF Print E-mail
Written by Green Arrow

occupylondon2-01_120_x_185By now, even the most dopiest of our fellow British Citizens will have been awoken to the fact that the Occupy Wall Street campaign has spread to over 100 countries and now arrived in London - which many knowledgeable people consider to be the heart of the NWO/Banksters evil empire.

Now it is true, that the original campaign in Wall Street was kicked off by marxists but it also seemed that those original organisers had been supplanted by individuals and organisations that were genuinely patriotic and sickened by the excess of the Banksters but now I am not so sure.

Now it seems that the reds have recognised the anger of the worlds people against these creatures who are intent on enslaving the world and moulding it into something that most people cannot even conceive of.

Lenin knew that he did not need to have the political support of the masses to win control, all he needed was the dissatisfaction of those masses and they certainly are dissatisfied and angry.

Now whist it is good to see that there are some people in the UK that are aware of the evil of the Banksters, I believe that those people are in the minority at these demonstrations and that the majority of the protesters seem to be made up of a mishmash of Anarchists, Marxists, Trotskyists, Stalinsts and every other ist under the sun, who have managed to harness the concern and fears of decent people.


Now by all accounts, the patriotic American Tea Party seem to be gaining control over the protests in America and that is encouraging news and patriotic parties and organisations in the UK should try to do the same with what is happening outside the London Stock Exchange - we must not let the reds gain the upper hand because at the end of the day, communism is just as evil as what the world bankers have planned for us.

Well take it away in the comment section and make Corsham really work. Thank you for the video Bertie.

For constant updates on what is happening around the world and live data feeds and comments please go here.

Monday 17 October 2011

David Cameron’s curious Love affair with Homosexuals

David Cameron’s curious Love affair with Homosexuals PDF Print E-mail
Written by Tim Heydon
October 2011

barrackcameron_120_x_100Cameron thinks that Homosexuality is ‘Normal’

What is it with David Cameron and homosexuality? He is really pushing it, isn’t he? Cameron has said that being homosexual is ‘normal’.

Most people though continue to think that being homosexual is to be ‘queer,’ ie not normal at all. Homosexuality might be normal in the sense that it is normally to be found in a given population. But then you could say the same about any number of sexual aberrations, including paedophilia. (Homosexuals and paedophiles claim they can’t help it. So should paedophiles get the same favourable treatment claimed by homosexuals on that basis? Watch this space…)

Cameron Backs the Right of Homosexuals to Adopt

Cameron has also backed the right of gays to adopt. If you believe that homosexuality is normal and to be treated on a par with heterosexuality, that is indeed a natural position to take. But homosexuality plainly isn’t normal, at least in the sense that most people understand the word. It clearly involves a fundamentally disordered psychosexual wiring.

Feelings of Repulsion are Normal

Whether Cameron likes it or not, the feelings of repulsion that most people have towards homosexual behaviour (If not homosexuals) most of the time are always going to exist, whatever people like him might say. That’s because while no doubt socially reinforced at times, it seems axiomatic that they are not ‘learned’ and so merely ‘bigoted’ but fundamentally instinctive and as much a part of what it is to be human as breathing. Heterosexuals can’t help their repulsion any more than homosexuals say they can’t help themselves and claim favourable treatment on that basis.

Heteros can’t help their Repulsion.

Axiomatic because if most people didn’t have the feelings of repulsion that they normally do feel towards homosexual behaviour most of the time, we would surely all be at it.

This would be inefficient in the business of getting and raising of children. So nature has arranged for these feelings of repulsion to arise in the human animal when homosexual activity looms in order to dissuade us from engaging in this time and energy – wasting activity.

To allow the bringing up of children in an atmosphere where the ‘parents’ behaviour is viewed with so much distaste and always will be – overtly or covertly, even at some level by most of those who profess otherwise - this is genuine child abuse. So too is the strong possibility that such an upbringing will militate against a human’s primary purpose as an animal: to propagate its genes by having offspring of its own.

Cutting Aid to 93 countries which discriminate against Homosexuals?

Then we heard that those countries which ‘persecute’ homosexuals will have their foreign aid subventions curtailed. There are 93 countries in which homosexuality is punished, in many of them for islamic reasons. From Wikipedia we learnEminent scholars of Islam, such as Sheikh ul-Islam Imam Malik, and Imam Shafi amongst others, ruled that Islam disallowed homosexuality and ordained capital punishment for a person guilty of it.[1] Homosexual activity is a crime and forbidden in most Muslim-majority countries’.

In seven of them homosexual acts can attract the death penalty: Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Nigeria and Mauritania.

Is Cameron seriously going to get up the noses of all 93 never mind the 7?? Not that the oil-rich Saudis or the UAE are going to miss our aid money - it is quite possible in view of Cameron’s largess with our cash that we are giving it to them. No, we need the Saudis more than they need us. In any case, we should mind our own business when it comes to the internal affairs of other countries - and keep our aid money to ourselves.

Gay Marriage - A Step too Far

At the Conservative Party conference, Cameron announced that he backed Homosexual ‘marriages’. It’s ‘because I am a Conservative’, he said.

That should interest many in the Tory Party. If backing Gay ‘marriages’ is part of Conservative Party Doctrine, perhaps these people should continue to ‘consider their position’ as the phrase has it.

They want to Destroy Marriage. And Cameron is helping them. How ‘Conservative’ is that?

One of the superficially strange aspects of present-day Britain is the way in which some of those who seek to destroy marriage, seeing it as an arena of male ‘oppression’, the means by which traditional values incommensurate with cultural Marxism are passed from generation to generation and a barrier between the individual and the power of the state, are nevertheless eager for homosexuals to have the ability to acquire the legal status of marriage for their relationships as if it were something to be prized.

This apparently schizophrenic attitude is in fact all of a piece. On the one hand there is the leftist ideology of statism and ‘equality’ of treatment which is hostile to marriage for the reasons noted above. On the other is the use of the law to undermine the institutions of society in line with this ideology to impose equality by attempting to abolish or ignore the facts of life, such as the differences between men and women. Marriage is to be weakened by obliterating its fundamental character: as a contract between a man and woman for the getting and raising of children with all the responsibilities and costs which that involves even when, as with Paul MacCartney’s recent wedding, there is no real chance of children.

The Overriding Consideration is Love? No, it’s Sex

It is argued by many who advocate homosexual ‘marriage’, including Christian leaders, that the overriding consideration ought to be love. If two people love each other, it is said, it doesn’t then matter if they are same-sex or not. This argument is fallacious. It is not love which is the determining factor for those who advocate homosexual ‘marriage’ in the search for equality: It is sex. If it were love, why should not (say) brothers & sisters, parents and children or two heterosexual but same sex friends who love each other but not in a sexual way and who live together, ‘marry’ and acquire the legal benefits of the married state?

If it’s Sex, why just Homosexuality?

So it is sex that is the determining factor. But again, if it is, why should it focus in the way that it does on homosexuality? Why should not (for example) an incestuous relationship between a son and his sister or sexual relations between either of them and a parent not then be dignified by ‘marriage’?

The philosopher Peter Singer, highly influential on left / liberal thinking, has argued for the equality of human beings and animals (‘All Animals are Equal’. Animal Rights and Obligations, New Jersey 1989 pp 148-162).

He has urged the correctness of humans engaging in sexual relations with chimpanzees. So, continuing to pursue this line of thought, why not then ‘marriage’ between a man and his sheep? Or between a woman and her Labrador? And so on. After all, such relationships would arguably be no more and in some cases possibly less unnatural and repulsive to ordinary humans than homosexual relationships.

If it is then said that that the determining factor ought to be not sex or love but both sex and love, ie sexual love, the question arises, ‘Why?’ Why should sexual love be thought of as something special and to be favoured over the non–sexual loving relationships already mentioned? There can be no reasonable answer to that.

In any case the ready response of those who indulge in perverse sexual relationships other than homosexuality might say that they do indeed love their ‘partners’. And that this is true even in cases of bestiality. If animals seem actually to enjoy these relationships (and some of them give every indication that they do), what possible argument can there be against them?

The Slippery Slope to the Pits

We see how once the principle of exclusively male / female marriage is broken on the grounds of the pernicious doctrine of equality at all costs, an extremely slippery slope presents itself which is likely to end in the total debasement of relationships where human worth is levelled down to that of animals, thus destroying not just sexual morality but civilised living itself.

Homosexual legal arrangements can never be the moral equivalents of heterosexual marriages because they lack the fundamental moral basis of marriage noted above. Heterosexual marriage which exists primarily for the continuance of society brings together difference and makes a whole which is greater than its parts. ‘Marriage’ between two partners of the same sex brings no such benefits and is apt only to weaken society. It is a perverse travesty of the real thing

Who is Cameron trying to Impress ?

A Headline in the Daily Mail of 23 September 2011 read, ‘Most Britons still oppose gay marriage.’ The story, quoting results from the Office of National Statistics went on, ‘And they oppose the adoption of children by same sex partner’ more than half the population is against gay marriages and more than two third are opposed to gay adoption.

People rightly sympathise with Homosexuals and see their condition as an unfortunate affliction but there are limits to their sympathy.

So who is Cameron trying to impress? It can’t be the people of the country (what do they matter). No, it can only be the people who really matter; the Guardianistas in the Political Class; those who control the BBC and the other instruments of ‘opinion formation’ ie oppression of the people.

Or does Cameron have other considerations also?

Sunday 16 October 2011

It Should Be the Public Interest, Not the Corporate World’s, That Matters

It’s the Public Interest, Not the Corporate World’s, That Matters

By Clive Wakely.

The European Union’s bias in favour purveyors and against the public interest with respect of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is yet another reason why this country needs to quit that globalist steppingstone to world government.

Who can doubt that the EU’s policy with regards to environmental protection, public health, informed consumer choice and transparency, favours the international biotech industry?

This is something which is not surprising, considering the extent of lobbying undertaken at the behest of the producers by politicians (including diplomats) and the sums of money said to change hands.

Money, as they say, makes the world go round. “Brown envelopes” (or the globalist equivalent) makes the world go round that little bit faster, regardless of the consequences for either mankind or the environment.

Over the past few months, there has been increased conflict within the EU between those who seek to promote GMOs (on humanitarian grounds, you understand – we can’t let the Third World starve) and those who are determined that the precautionary principle be rigorous applied.

This site recently reported on both the anti-GMO pronouncements of one senior Polish politician and the European Court’s sensational (but commonsense) ruling requiring that GMO-contaminated honey be labelled as such.

As the GMO issue rises in prominence, it has required legislators to take a stand on the issue. Either they accept the international biotech industry’s line (that GMOs are good for mankind), or they side with commonsense and the anti-GMO lobby.

Generally speaking, up until now, the EU has favoured the corporate (largely American) interest over (European) public interest, justifying their decisions on the basis of advice proffered by “independent” leaned and expert bodies—which are often funded by the international biotech industry corporations whose products are under evaluation.

The EU, apparently, sees no conflict of interest between those they engage to carry out GMO product evaluation and those elements of the international biotech industry that provide the funding. There have been a number of cases where scientists and laboratories who have expressed themselves in favour of GMO implementation, have been subsequently exposed as being in receipt of biotech industry funding.

It is also often claimed that the evaluation process lacks transparency (now that is something rare in the EU!) and as a result, the basis of all deliberations and findings are unverifiable.

Ultimately it is the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) that is responsible for taking a stance on potential GMO risks insofar as they relate to public health and the environment.

This body has always found in favour of the GMOs it has evaluated. This is perhaps not surprising when investigations and research have raised doubts concerning this body’s impartiality.

The EFSA’s current GMO licensing procedures actually frustrate (some prefer to use the word “prevents”) truly independent scientific community from verifying their conclusions.

Most alarming of all is that the EFSA has itself declared that it is incapable of evaluating the long-term environmental impact of GMOs.

How this licensing body can give the green light to a product on the basis that it appears to be safe, while simultaneously admitting that it has no idea as to what the long term impact may be, is as baffling as it is irresponsible.

This has proved good news for the international biotech industry, not least because of its previous declared refusal to accept culpability for any “unintended consequences” arising from the use of its products – a declaration that Washington, apparently, endorses.

Perhaps an even bigger indictment of the EFSA is its refusal, on occasion, to respond to appeals by national authorities to consider specific risks pertaining to GMOs.

However it is not all bad news.

In response to growing public anxiety over GMOs, a recent EU regulation gave member states the right to prohibit or limit their cultivation and dissemination.

Unfortunately this is a right that will undoubtedly be influenced by the strength of the relationship between legislators in individual EU-states and the pro-GMO lobby, as recently demonstrated in Bulgaria, where American diplomats were said to be involved.

As GMO pollution recognizes no national boundaries – GM pollen, after all, goes where the wind carries it – it is clear that there has to be a coherent and uniformly enforced EU-wide policy towards GMOs.

Until such times as the international biotech industry can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that their products are at least environmentally neutral and pose no threat to public health, then they should not be licensed to be grown within the EU.

The first duty of all EU legislators is to the people they represent, particularly where public health is concerned.

To place corporate interest before public interest is not only a breach of trust but an act demonstrating the perpetrators’ unfitness for public office.

The covert and overt lobbying of the international biotech industry within the EU should be outlawed. Those out to enrich themselves at a potential cost to both the environment and public health, should be removed from public office.


Saturday 15 October 2011

The Sad Tale of the Gay Witches

The Sad Tale of the Gay Witches

By Southwest Nationalist.

Hysteria continues as an early learning consultant, Anne O’Connor, who advises authorities on equality and diversity, decides witches wearing black could lead to racism.

It sends a hidden message, giving children a negative attitude about dark colours, which may well lead to racism apparently.

Instead of black, witches should now wear pink. She didn’t think that one through, may well cause negative perceptions of the gay community perhaps?

Cutesy fairies, traditionally clad in whites and paler colours, should now wear darker clothes.

Get this as well, when a teacher is asked their favourite colour, in the interests of good race relations they should be prepared to be economical with the truth – aka lie – and answer black or brown. Best not tell the truth if their favourite colour is white, the PC Gestapo will be there in a shot.

Also gone should be white paper, children need a range of paper and crayons that reflect the diversity of the human race.

What next? Shall we start adding colouring to their milk so that it is black, or give them brown apples in case they feel unable to identify with green? Come on, this is so crazy it would be laughable if it wasn’t our kids being forced to endure it.

Seemingly it is all part of some “anti-bias” approach to young children, involving staff ‘helping’ them to avoid racial bias which can manifest from the age of 2, and which staff have then have to ‘help’ them unlearn.

Sounds exactly like brainwashing to me.

It’s bad enough there is such hysteria and insane dogma to begin with, but attempting to inflict the madness upon our children is a step too far, made even worse by the fact that authorities seemingly listen to such twaddle.

Our kids should not be pawns in some maniac crusade of political correctness and social engineering, they shouldn’t be brainwashed into being the neurotic, equality obsessed standard bearers of a crazed ideology.

It’s these so called experts, obsessed with seeing race in everything, who need re-educating, not the children.

We’re turning into some sterile and barren mass in the quest to become equal, a smothering insanity which aims to stifle all free thought and all difference.

It’s not equality anyway, it cannot be true racial equality in the way its proponents would have us believe if it insists on promoting one colour over another.

Equality carried to its logical conclusion would leave nothing but shades of grey, but the so called equality being forced upon Britain is simply an inequality where all other colours than white must be shown in a positive light.

Society truly has gone insane.


The Demise of the Good Father

from British Freedom

The Demise of the Good Father

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The Demise of the Good Father

By Rebecca Bynum

Until very recently, the role of father was one of great respect in our culture and the image of the good father was a source of societal integration or at least one of widespread social agreement. Mass entertainment, including movies and television, generally supported the idea that to aspire to being a good father, was something noble as well as commonplace and accessible. The father was loved, trusted and revered. The image of the good father was everywhere.

On television we had Father Knows Best, My Three Sons, Make Room For Daddy, Leave It To Beaver, Bonanza and so on. In movies the quintessential good father was often played by Gregory Peck (The Yearling [photo above], To Kill a Mockingbird), but the good father was also found in Westerns (Van Heflin in Shane, Jimmy Stewart in Shenandoah). This began to change during the sixties when, in situation comedies on television, the father of the family became the butt of jokes (Archie Bunker) and this trend has continued ever since with a brief revival of the good father in the 1980s with The Cosby Show. All the while, the image of the bad father was becoming more commonplace (Married with Children) even if it was quite shocking at first (Christopher Walken in At Close Range).

Ed O’Neill as Al Bundy in Married with Children

Today, fathers, like priests, are automatically suspect. Casey Anthony was able to make an allegation of sexual abuse against her father (with no substantiating evidence) and was believed, at least to some extent, by the jury during her murder trial because suspicion of fathers is at an all time high. From Oprah Winfrey’s repressed memories to Kathryn Harrison’s The Kiss to crime dramas in which the innocent-seeming father is often revealed to be the villain, all these images combine to undermine our trust in fathers. Underneath all this is the loss of faith in the ultimate Father, God, and a loss of trust in God’s fatherly nature which was once taken as self-evident. God-knowing souls throughout the ages have repeatedly confirmed that God is not simply like a father, but acts consistently as a father, a good father, even a perfect father in the lives of the faithful.

Common religious understanding allows that the Heavenly Father bids his children to come to him and provides everything needful for us to do so in complete freedom. I think it is safe to say that coercion has no part in our understanding of the divine plan; and in fact, the existence of forced conformity in any belief system may be seen as evidence of its falsity. In truth, we are free at every stage to accept or reject the Father’s leading, in all or in part, to roam away or to return. Every moral decision we make either advances or retards our progress. Human beings may indulge in acts of coercion or forcing conformity on their brethren, but the divine being never does this. The good father respects the free will of his children for the value of our love for him lies in the very freedom of its bestowal. Love is reduced to nothing if it is not freely given.

It is fashionable today to cite the very fact of our freedom as proof of God’s malevolence. (And if God is malevolent, then it becomes incumbent on us to reject him.) The thinking goes that if God loved us, he would not allow the natural outworking that often results from our own free choosing – cruelty, violence, destruction and death. The fact that God allows evil to temporarily flourish, does not mean he creates evil unless our philosophy rejects the idea of free will. For in order to save us from ourselves, the Father would be forced to remove our free will which is the very purpose of our creation, the very thing which makes us valuable and which makes life valuable to us. The fact that God allows the temporary manifestation of evil as the natural result of human freedom, does not mean God is evil.

The question then becomes, would there be value inherent in the life of a will-less computer-minded robot whose value is found only in its function as a cog in the wheel of divine will? An example of this thinking is found in Islam where a man’s value is measured by his conformity to, and function within, the Islamic system. The individual human being has no intrinsic value in himself = the individual is sacrficed to the system. In Islam, Allah may be described as a king or a judge, but he cannot be described as a father, much less a good father.

Faith is rightly defined as trust in God. Implicit in this is not only the idea that God is good, but that God is knowable. One cannot develop trust in an unknowable being. Faith may also be defined as having the belief in one’s own ability to know God. If a person doesn’t believe he can know God, he can have no relationship with God and can therefore never develop faith in God. In Islam God is defined as thoroughly transcendent and unknowable, therefore Islam itself cannot properly be defined as a “faith” in the Western sense of the word.

Faith is the knowledge that God is a father who is properly trusted by his children to lead them from darkness to light, from unknowing animal fear to the peace and security which comes with accepting divine love and trusting in the Father’s goodness, and trusting that his truth, beauty and goodness may be known through experience. Speaking of faith, reason and the Islamic position that God is unknowable, Pope Benedict XVI said:

“In all honesty, one must observe that in the late Middle Ages we find trends in theology which would sunder this synthesis between the Greek spirit and the Christian spirit. In contrast with the so-called intellectualism of Augustine and Thomas, there arose with Duns Scotus a voluntarism which, in its later developments, led to the claim that we can only know God’s voluntas ordinata. Beyond this is the realm of God’s freedom, in virtue of which he could have done the opposite of everything he has actually done. This gives rise to positions which clearly approach those of Ibn Hazn and might even lead to the image of a capricious God, who is not even bound to truth and goodness. God’s transcendence and otherness are so exalted that our reason, our sense of the true and good, are no longer an authentic mirror of God, whose deepest possibilities remain eternally unattainable and hidden behind his actual decisions. As opposed to this, the faith of the Church has always insisted that between God and us, between his eternal Creator Spirit and our created reason there exists a real analogy, in which – as the Fourth Lateran Council in 1215 stated – unlikeness remains infinitely greater than likeness, yet not to the point of abolishing analogy and its language. God does not become more divine when we push him away from us in a sheer, impenetrable voluntarism; rather, the truly divine God is the God who has revealed himself as logos and, as logos, has acted and continues to act lovingly on our behalf. Certainly, love, as Saint Paul says, “transcends” knowledge and is thereby capable of perceiving more than thought alone (cf. Eph 3:19); nonetheless it continues to be love of the God who is Logos. Consequently, Christian worship is, again to quote Paul, “worship in harmony with the eternal Word and with our reason.” (cf. Rom 12:1) [1].

By constructing an impenetrable wall between man and God, Islam does not increase the divinity of God, but rather dissevers God from his nature (Truth, Beauty and Goodness) and from the reality of man’s experience of God, thus enabling the substitution of the dead law of Islam for the individual experience of God’s love and the individual discovery of his will as greater than our own.

That image of the good father has been a major source of societal integration in the West and yet that image has all but disappeared in the modern world. With what, then, will it be replaced?


[1] Speech at the University of Regensburg Germany, September 12, 2006.


Rebecca Bynum is an American writer, political analyst and researcher. She currently serves as publisher and senior managing editor for New English Review, and as secretary of the World Encounter Institute. She was formerly a board member and news editor of Jihad Watch.

Friday 14 October 2011

The Art of Deception

The Art of Deception PDF Print E-mail
Written by The Pilgrim
October 2011

deception_lumen_120_x_125We are surrounded by deception. It can take various forms. Dishonesty is one form, another is concealing facts. When the murder of British citizens by immigrants is reported only in local or maybe regional newspapers, then that is a form of deception. It is only when such murders are reported nationally that the British people begin to realise the grim truth.

Sometimes deception can be innocent. This occurred to me when I read about a BBC radio bulletin from 1926. It was a carefully rehearsed spoof news broadcast, which claimed that Britain was in the grip of a Bolshevik revolution. Nevertheless, many people thought it was a genuine news report.

A similar situation arose in the USA in 1938, when a radio dramatisation of the novel The War of the Worlds by the British author H G Wells took the form of a simulated news bulletin. The result was widespread panic, followed by a mixture of relief and anger when people realised it was all a spoof.

H G Wells had a flair for deception. He discovered that many people would believe a story to be true if it were written in a matter-of-fact way. Perhaps his most mischievous example of this was the short story The Sea Raiders. Take a moment to read it; it isn’t very long. In case marine biology is not your strong point, a cephalopod is any creature of a class which includes octopi and squid, and a cachalot is a sperm whale.

If you find this impressive, remember that it is entirely innocent. Wells did not have some grand plan for brainwashing people into believing in non-existent sea monsters. Unfortunately many people nowadays do have grand plans, and we need to be on our guard.

The 1995 film Toy Story was an innocent frolic, and introduced millions of people to the wonders of computer animation. However computer animation is a powerful weapon in the war of ideas.

Surprising as it may seem, the murder of British student Meredith Kercher was reported as far afield as Taiwan, where one television company went so far as to make a short animated film about it. Take a look. The animation begins at around the twenty second mark.

Did you spot the mistakes? The first scene shows Amanda Knox enjoying a drink with Raffaele Sollecito and Rudy Guede in the apartment she shared with Meredith Kercher. If we overlook the facts that Knox and Sollecito deny having been in the apartment on the evening of the murder and that Sollecito denies ever having known Rudy Guede, then the fact remains that they are shown sitting on a three-seater sofa, whereas the apartment had only a two-seater sofa.

Try watching it a second time, but first take a look at this detailed plan of the apartment.

The next scene is in Meredith’s bedroom, and shows an alleged altercation leading to the murder. The room is shown incorrectly, and that’s putting it mildly. For example, the door is shown in the centre of the wall, and adjacent to a wardrobe. The door was actually in the corner of the room, and the wardrobe was in the opposite corner.

The third scene is in the bedroom of Filomena Romanelli, which is also shown incorrectly. The fourth scene shows Sollecito and Guede breaking the window of Filomena’s bedroom from the outside, and this is so inaccurate as to make me wonder if the people who made the film did any research whatever. The house in question (number 7 Via della Pergola) is set into a steep hillside, and the window is a long way above ground level. Also, the doors to the left hand side and the bay window to the right hand side are imaginary.

I have no doubt however that a lot of Taiwanese people who saw this film when it was first broadcast believed that it depicted what actually happened on that fateful night. I am not suggesting that the people who made this film deliberately intended to misrepresent what happened, but that is not really the point. The point is that computer animation can be used to misrepresent actual events, and that can easily be misused for propaganda purposes. Suppose for example that this animated film had shown Guede as a white man instead of a black man.

On a positive note, computer animation is not the hardest skill to master, and the software can be purchased easily at no great cost. Maybe it is time that people in the nationalist community began to look into the possibilities afforded by computer animation. In the right hands it can be used to educate and inspire, rather than to deceive.