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Wednesday 31 October 2012

Anatomy of a self-fulfulling prophecy

Anatomy of a self-fulfulling prophecy

Once you have one revolution, everything after that must measure up by being revolutionary too.
This means you can no longer have incremental change or small victories. It’s not a new type of screw-top lid; it’s the screw-top lid that will revolutionize life on earth.
It may even bring world peace.
Over the past 2,400 years, we’ve seen a lot of revolutions. Most of history is made in un-doing them. They all tend to be about the same: the relatively insignificant change that in a social or emotional context “changes the world.”
Way back in the 1960s, there was a culture revolution staffed by hippies. They were here to tell us the insignificant: if we love each other, take lots of drugs, and accept just about any act as moral, we will live in a new world. It will be better, they said.
Theirs was a self-fulfilling prophecy, but they did not know it. To them, the world of peace and happiness could be had by acting as if that state had been achieved. Little did they know that an end result must have a cause other than itself, or the “end result” becomes a method toward an unknown end.
They didn’t think about that, or wonder what that end might be.
Always one for being iconoclastic, or deliberately and forcedly weird, The Beatles released Yellow Submarine in 1969. It accompanied a movie by the same name, in which psychedelic travelers tried to find a new paradise by escaping the Blue Meanies (analogue for police) into a groovy new state of mind. If it sounds like a child’s cartoon, it is. It just projects adult drama into that simplistic setting.
The original trigger for it was a song in which the vocalist describes an idyllic life in a yellow submarine, separated from humanity and hiding in the sea. Dream analysts may find the symbolism of hiding in the unconscious mind (water) interesting. Others will see the more likely explanation.
The Beatles, like all other revolutionaries, had impure hearts. They wanted revolutionary change, but were conflicted in themselves and harbored great doubts. The word “harbored” is appropriate: they nourished these doubts at the teats of their spirits.
Where the song and video are a self-fulfilling prophecy is that they predict a negative world, and create it by pulling back from reality as it is and forming an even less coherent worldview. The problem, as The Beatles saw it, was people projecting their needs onto the world selfishly. Thus, The Beatles did the same thing.
That the two fantasies were putatively different was really irrelevant. Both were the same method: project, then create the situation you envisioned, which doesn’t work out so well in actuality.
The difference is that the world before The Beatles, while imperfect, was attempting to find clarity in a balance between human mental urges and the complex web of interrelations that make reality interesting.
Now a half-century later The Beatles are ironic prophets. We all live in yellow submarines. Our communities are gated, our homes are air-tight and connected to the world through water and air filters. We live through bright colors and symbols in our text messages, Facebook and official documents.
Psychologically, we might as well be in air-tight submarines. We have identified the world as hostile, and withdrawn from it, resulting in its decay while we seal ourselves away.
Like most revolutions, this one knew what it hated, and was so busy hating it that it replicated it, but in a less competent form. Perhaps the source of human misery is human delusion, and no amount of revolutionary submergence can change that.

Saturday 27 October 2012




Saturday 20 October 2012

Gay Nazis strike again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Homosexual campaigners are once again targeting Christians in there campaign to promote their perversion,  two stories in the daily mail this week prove this. the 1st
Homosexual persecution 1 
Homosexual persecution 2  
the 2nd case is real case of real wickedness in which a lesbian deliberately tried to entrap a Christian co worker by posting entrapping comments on his face book page and then reporting it to his employers, in what can only be concluded as a deliberate attempt to cause mischief!   one can only ask the question , How come they never target moslem B&B or premises, is likely a good kicking or worse would ensue? 
just shows how peaceful Christians are an easy target for the exhibitionist homosexual. 
And as there poster we are forced to look at says, Some people are gay,get over it, then I would say to them a great many more people are Christian and are sick of you! Get over that!

Sunday 14 October 2012

Injustice acts like Bacterial illness

Injustice acts like bacteria

Some men just want to see the world burn,” a popular movie tells us. What Hollywood thought was an impressive character insight can only be in Hollyworld acted out by dramatists.
In real life, it’s more common than we think. In fact, most people in this society are possessed with a desire to see the whole thing go up in flames.
Whether communist or capitalist, the nature of modern society as being egalitarian (not materialist, as many would allege, although that flows naturally from being egalitarian) shapes people to be competitive and, by the conditions of their victory, destructive.
Our previous models of bad behavior in society have focused on external causes (poverty) or social causes (marginalization) and have assumed that a relatively small and dedicated group commit the antisocial acts in our society.
While there’s truth to that, and in fact it’s probably a relatively small group that do, there’s also a huge population of opportunists who do things that are not illegal, but are most likely immoral. That is, they ruin good things, spread discontent, sabotage others and destroy the self-esteem of any they encounter.
The worst part is that they enjoy it. Are these people sociopaths or psychopaths? No, they’re normal and rational. They’ve understood a few things about modern society: first, since everyone is equal, we are all replaceable and must compete constantly to be relevant at all — or we get dragged beneath the wheel. Second, since society itself is essentially oppositional to us, we only win when it loses. Finally, since we are obligated to go through this demeaning process, the only true victory is for us not only to not care about the outcome, but to take our revenge on others for endorsing the system that forces us through this.
Just sit with that awhile, and compare it to the people you’ve known, and all the normal people you’ve witnessed doing spiteful, petty, mean, vengeful and vindictive things.
The hidden fact here is that our society is so maddeningly hell-bent on forcing us into its activities, and forcing us to compete not on our abilities but on our time and participation, that we hate it. We don’t have an outlet for that hatred. So we take it out on the things around us.
You can see this most clearly in politics. Many people want the world to burn. They want our society to fail, to be destroyed, and then as if by magic something better arises, and there’s a logical gap here where they assume it will turn out to be the type of society they desire. There is usually evidence to the contrary.
All liberals are motivated by this kind of hatred. Liberalism is another word for anti-majoritarianism, or the philosophy of opposing whatever already works for most people. It’s a way of making excuses for their own lack of performance, and it has some legitimacy in its genesis since our society is moribund and annoying. Where it lacks legitimacy is in its methods, which are inevitably calculated to sound good while wrecking everything the majority enjoys.
Liberals are usually debunked with a single realization: the people they see who are living “the good life” started down that path not because they enjoy it, but to avoid being dragged down by the dysfunction of the rest. Few people actually love money, but everyone loves independence from the herd, and the only way to get it is to get rich. Filthy rich.
It’s arguable that the first generation to really suffer the post-war corporate-regulatory employment which is now the norm, the Baby Boomers, were the most destructive generation ever. The policies they favor systematically destroy productive communities and replace them with “well-intentioned” liberal wastelands. The Baby Boomers, forever a “Me generation,” decided to take everything for themselves, and scorch and salt the earth so no one else could possibly have the same experience they did. It’s not that they worked harder; they worked meaner.
When you look at your political options, you will find a lot of people preaching to you that the world must burn. They have no positive ideas; they know what they hate, and they want to destroy everything they can so that they can make their ideal world. But even they don’t believe that. The core of their motivation is emotional, and it is vengefulness.
Injustice breeds like bacteria. You can’t un-do it by destroying everything, because you end up killing off the functional and then letting the bacteria take over. You can only systematically remove the bad, and uplift the good, and fix society from the inside out. This is not as emotionally satisfying as cheering on the destruction.
However, it’s worth remembering that injustice is not personal. Injustice to you hurts, it really does. Injustice is also created by destruction. When you smash a society, you smash the good people along with the bad. The creatures and plants who burn along with the police stations also suffer.
And then you create a new generation with an injury from injustice, and they’ll pass on the virus as well. They will know only their pain, and only their desire to destroy, and so every generation humanity will shave a little bit more off of its potential and replace it with a darkened hatred and pointless bitterness.

Saturday 13 October 2012

Nationalism, defender of the Faith and Nation

Nationalism, defender of the Faith and Nation

victoriaandalbert 140 x 112Wikipedia tells us Nationalism is a political ideology that involves a strong identification of a group of individuals with a NATION.
There are two main perspectives on the origins and basis of Nationalism, one is the Primordialist perspective that describes Nationalism as a reflection of the ancient and perceived evolutionary tendency of humans to organise into distinct groupings based on an affinity of birth; the other is the modernist perspective that describes Nationalism as a recent phenomenon that “requires the structural conditions of modern society” which I can only assume is Gobblygook or BBC-Speak for Multiculturalism.
I maintain that one certainly cannot separate Nationalism from its first perspective Primordialist, or you could be mistaken or worse unknowingly embrace a bastardised form of Nationalism called Civic Nationalism.
Emotions aside, we must understand who we are politically.  What we do know without any doubt is who our political enemy is.  It is that form of government or group whose political ideology is opposed to the ideals of identification with their own people, or in other words is Anti-Nation or who wish to divest a nation of its identity or separate it from its distinct ethnic grouping, or the deliberate blurring of any Primordialist association with ancient loyalties.
When feelings of Nationalism are removed it leaves an empty shell, remove a nation’s identity and you remove the last vestiges of a nation. Multi-Culturalism is the perfect tool to destroy any sense of Nationalism so by definition Multi-Culturalism is Anti-Nation.
The Liberal champions of Multi-Culturalism never reveal that community cohesion was never a problem prior to Multi-Culturalism being forced on a tightly knit homogenous nation without their consent.
Nationalism as we understand it today is a recent phenomenon.  Prior to 1948 the strong identification with our ethnic group was tacit, whether it was from a Modernist or Primodialist aspect.  When both world wars commenced it was the people’s loyalist’s instincts, for Loyalist read Nationalist instincts that the government called on to encourage young men and women to defend and die for their country.
It was only when basic human rights, freedom of speech and the destruction and scattering of an ethnic group that Nationalism emerged in the way it is understood today.  If the threat to our ethnic solidarity was our only enemy we could fight the enemy but what we are seeing at present in the UK is very worrying indeed.
I should again stress at this point one must be careful of identifying with Civic Nationalism which defines the nation as an association of people who identify themselves as belonging to the nation, who have equal and shared political rights, and allegiance to similar political procedures.  I repudiate Civic Nationalism as according to the principles of Civic Nationalism the nation is not based on common ethnic ancestry, but is a political entity whose core identity is not.
In other words it is accepted that a British passport will suffice as identifying a person who can claim identification based on an affinity of birth, which is blatantly ridiculous.
To cement my argument on what is True Nationalism I quote Pierre van der Berghe in The Ethnic Phenomenon (1981) where he emphasizes the role of ethnicity and kinship involving family biological ties to members of an ethnic group as being an important element of national identity.  Van der Berghe states the sense of family attachments among related people as creating durable, intense, emotional, and cooperative attachments that he claims are utilised within ethnic groups.
Van der Berghe also identifies genetic-relatedness as being a basis for the durable attachments of family groups, as genetic ties cannot be removed and they are passed on from generation to generation.  Van der Berge identifies common descent as the basis for the establishment of boundaries of ethnic groups, as most people do not join ethnic groups but are born into them, so Civic Nationalism is a non-starter.
As an aside, the sense of strong family attachments also includes Negros, Arabs and Pygmies.  You will be relieved to know there is no exemption clause for Britons.
Mark Twain wrote “it is prohibition that makes anything precious”.  In contemporary Great Britain basic rights of freedom of speech are being stifled under the guise of race-hate crimes that might cause personal offence which in turn might cause alarm, distress or harass the recipient, Oh and thought crimes.  Name calling in school might also come under this umbrella.  Prohibition in the UK at present involves prohibition on what you can or cannot say and Government sanctioned restrictions on the right of free association.
I am going to mention George Orwell here because his writings are very pertinent to the England we see today.  His powerful dystopian novel 1984 warning of a future world where the state machine exerts complete control over social life might describe the direction Great Britain is taking today.  John Podhoretz an American neo-conservative columnist for the New York Post, the editor of Commentary magazine, the author of several books on politics, and a former presidential speechwriter claimed that if Orwell were alive today, he’d be standing with the neo-conservatives and AGAINST the Left.
Orwell described himself a Democratic Socialist which is a political philosophy and social movement that rejects centralised, elitist or authoritarian means of transitioning from capitalism to socialism.  Democratic socialism advocates for the immediate creation of decentralised economic democracy from the grassroots level, undertaken by and for the working class itself.
I repeat, Prohibition in the UK at present involves what you can or cannot say and as Orwell noted “freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear” but ordinary people also have a right to this freedom.  Try telling the authorities you do not agree with nation wrecking using Multi-Culti as a tool.
Orwell would have readily recognised the Great Britain of today that is undergoing the painful birth of a totalitarian and authoritarian society, he wrote about it.
Orwell also wrote if you want a vision of the future imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever.  We haven’t quite got to that stage in this country, we do have only a hand over our mouths at the moment and woe betides the person who innocently utters forbidden spoken words.
Orwell also wrote “every war when it comes, or before it comes, is represented not as a war but as an act of self-defence against a homicidal maniac”.
Nevertheless it is the victor who writes the rules and judges over its former enemies, that is how it has always been.

German Patriot Defence LawyerSylvia Stolz was sentenced to 3 and-a-half years in prison

German Patriot Defence LawyerSylvia Stolz was sentenced to 3 and-a-half years in prison and disbarred for 5 years.

Below Sylvia's comments to the court.
She says the Court is perverting and repressing the truth with the cudgel of "Holocaust," making a mockery of justice. Her trial has made clear the criminal absurdity of prosecuting "Holocaust Denial." How can one deny something that never existed? She says these entire proceedings began as a show trial in a kangaroo court and never progressed beyond that point. The main proceedings were projected with smoke and mirrors and the official fairy tale of "Holocaust" was enforced by undisguised force. She observes that the political intent of the Court is the ultimate eradication of the German Nation and its replacement by a mongrelized and deculturated population of mindless consumers.
Sylvia says she is confident that she has succeeded in exposing this Court to the whole world as an agent that is hostile to the German Nation. By openly and flagrantly violating the law, this Court flees before the truth. Incessantly, like turning a prayer wheel, it has rejected her every evidentiary motion with the cynical pretext of "abuse of courtprocedure." ..... She has hope and faith that the German Nation will someday bring this treacherous Court to justice.
Sylvia describes how the Defense was forced to accept the contents of the indictment, and this caused the Court's desired verdict to be the inevitable consequence. In the absence of material evidence, the Court relied on its infantile rulings that "Abuse of Procedure = Criminal Act." Thanks to this judicial sleight of hand, there was no assumption of innocence and the Court did not have to prove guilt.
Sylvia asks: to what is Grossmann referring when he mentions "domestic and foreign" court verdicts? Could he be referring to the Nuremberg show trials? The Allied Military Tribunal was nothing but a postwar Talmudic Inquisition conducted by Germany's enemies. It featured witnesses with "built-in credibility" and Jewish testimony that could never be questioned or authenticated.
She asks: what would people like Grossmann do without the official obligatory fairy tale of "Holocaust?" Her trial has again demonstrated that world political powers are players in the "Holocaust" game (or "Holocaust Industry" as Prof. Norman Finkelstein calls it, he should know, since both of his parents were interned at Auschwitz during the War.) This explains why objective historical research is still suppressed, sixty-three years after the end of the War. As an example of ongoing intellectual repression in Germany Sylvia refers to the "Hermann Case" in which a popular commentator was fired for referring to such positive aspects of National Socialism as its family policy and the construction of Autobahns.
Sylvia demonstrates that the Court's procedural system is very, very simple. It consists of disallowing all evidentiary motions as "abuse of Court procedure," which is a criminal act. She says that the District Attorney's closing tirade was beneath all legal criticism, nothing but purest slander and abuse.....Then Sylviashows how powerful interests profit greatly by inculcating a negative self-image into German society, with their incessant propaganda and brainwashing. If Germans were as evil as Grossmann depicts them, they would long ago have skinned him alive.
She points out that under the present Talmudic Inquisition, anyone who calls attention to the destructive nature of Judaism can be punished. Glenz tells the Court Reporter to write that remark down as well. Sylvia observes that today, no one is allowed to say anything the least bit derogatory about Jews, and yet the necessary first step toward changing and improving conditions in Germany is recognizing the cause of our malaise. She says that Horst Mahler's writings provide the proof for this, and she will stand by this assertion. Glenz orders the Reporter: "Put that in too!"
Sylvia continues and remarks that Germany now stands under the yoke of world Judaism. Glenz threatens: "We are going to cut off your final address if..." But Sylvia ignores him and says that following World War II, the real criminals took over the world. Glenz growls "I'm warning you!" but Sylviaagain urges the public to consider the causes of Germany's plight and continue gathering and considering the material evidence. She tells the Court that National Socialism is not dead, regardless of how much Grossmann and his ilk wish it were dead. She says that National Socialism represents what is good and enduring in the German spirit. Idealism and patriotism are rigidly suppressed at this time but they cannot be suppressed forever.
Turning toward Grossmann and the Court, she asks:
"Is he German? Or is he perhaps related to that Moshe Grossmann who for four years following the end of World War II continued torturing and murdering German slaves in the East, as the Jewish author John Sack reports in his book An Eye for an Eye?"
Then she turns to the Bench and asks:
"What about you — are you Germans?" "German" stands for honor and steadfastness! Think of Deutsche Treue! Nobody can call what is going on in this court as "honorable." In this court, the only "justice" is inspired by the Talmud!"
Sylvia expresses her faith that history will take its inevitable course and "the truth will win out." She says that since the trial began she has been prepared for her preordained conviction — she told them at the beginning that she knew her verdict was handed down, even before her indictment. To the Bench she says
"And you, my high-and-mighty judges, will never again experience inner peace... Your depiction of National Socialism as a criminal system will see to that. You are willing accomplices to the brainwashing and degradation of the German people.... Adolf Hitler accurately recognized the Jewish problem, the malevolent power of the Jews in certain respects... Yes, I share the values of National Socialism!"
Sylvia replies,
"If my actions bring a little more light into this dark hour for Germany, then I will gladly go to prison! It does not bother me that I am officially ridiculed and insulted by this despicable court and atrocious government... My high and mighty judges, you are convicting yourselves, not me."

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Labour 'used migrants to keep wages low' | UK News | - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express

Labour 'used migrants to keep wages low' | UK News | - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express


Home Secretary Theresa May
Home Secretary Theresa May
Wednesday October 10,2012

By Martyn Brown

LABOUR fostered a policy of mass immigration to the UK in a deliberate attempt to keep British wages down, Theresa May said yesterday.
The Home Secretary said Tony Blair and Gordon Brown’s open-door to immigration was part of a “covert” 21st century incomes policy.

She said the plan failed because for every 100 non- European working age immigrants 23 fewer British-born workers found jobs.

Tearing Labour’s record to shreds Mrs May vowed to slash net migration from 216,000 to tens of thousands within two years. She told the Tory conference:

“It takes time to establish the social bonds that make a community, and that’s why immigration can never again
be as rapid or on the same scale as we saw under Labour.

“Uncontrolled, mass immigration undermines social cohesion. And in some places, it overburdens our infrastructure
Uncontrolled, mass immigration undermines social cohesion
Theresa May
and public services.

“It’s behind more than a third of the demand for all new housing in the UK. And the pressure it places on schools is
clear. We see it in London, where almost half of all primary school children speak English as a second language.

"And we must be honest about the fact that, in some cases, uncontrolled mass immigration can displace local workers and undercut wages.”

Mrs May, wearing her trademark leopard print kitten heels, said independent advisers found “every 100 non-European working age immigrants were associated with 23 fewer British-born people in work”.
 According to Ed Miliband’s policy chief Jon Cruddas, Labour used migration “to introduce a covert 21st century
incomes policy”, she said.

She added: “That’s right, Labour – the party of the working man and woman – admit that they deliberately used
immigration to keep down British wages.”

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Pluralism finally separates the majority from the anti-majoritarians

Pluralism finally separates the majority from the anti-majoritarians

Watching the great Western experiment with democracy wind down, it now becomes clear how pluralism — the idea that we all agree to disagree, and have many groups disagreeing peacefully with each other in the name of a collage of diverse and interesting viewpoints — has run down and ultimately left us with two groups: the majority, and the anti-majoritarians.
In simple terms, the majority are those indigenous or native to a nation, and who need no “ideology” other than their own culture and interest in perpetuating themselves. The anti-majoritarians are those who don’t fit in, or want to fit in but on their own terms, and so wish to dissolve this majority and replace it with the pluralistic herd.
At first, they pitch this to us as the idea that many groups of different interests exist simultaneously. The majority likes this because it means they get to keep being themselves, only society adds some exciting layers. In reality, every layer represents a displacement, and the end result of the displacement is the creation of a permanent Other who hate the majority for being well-adjusted.
This other takes a negative form, meaning it is defined by what it is not. It is not of a culture, or heritage. It is not of a values system. It is not of a group — it is an anarchistic mass of individuals. But it even destroys that notion. Anarchy does not provide what it ultimately wants, which is for society to be forced to accept it and, as part of that, be forced to subsidize it.
With the Obama election the pluralist anti-majoritarians promised us that race relations would improve, we’d be “post-racial,” and in our new enlightenment we’d live in peace. Once in power, they did nothing but race to replace the majority with imported citizens, a new elite of government and private non-profit liberal ideologues, and new neurotic generations of kids raised on government propaganda in schools.
This event was seen as the culmination of the promise of the work of many generations, starting back a decade after our nation was formed. These groups saw the majority as bad, and exclusive, and so agitated for the inclusion of at first those close to the majority, all the way out to those totally alien to them. This liberal horde has agitated for successive additions to and dilution of the majority.
And now, with the Obama II election, the agenda has become clear. All those who want to think they’re dispossessed, which usually means those with either too much money and nothing to do, or too little money and no will to change their behaviors thus a need for government subsidy, are gathering with him. Their goal is simple: crush the majority once and for all.
All of the West is watching this election. It is a symbolic choice, more than anything. It comes down to a binary measurement: do we want something more like conservatism, or more like liberalism? All those who claim that the two parties are the same are missing the point, since these two similar parties each suggest which direction things will go after the election. The momentum will increase and that which is 10% conservative or liberal today will be 50% of the same four years later, just as it was with Obama.
Whoever wins will carry a mandate to expand upon the relatively mild policies discussed during election time, and to go farther toward the ideal that each side represents — much as elections in Europe do. The conservatives stand for the policies that benefit the majority, and the liberals stand for everyone else and the crushing of the majority. Whose side are you on?

Monday 1 October 2012

NWO vs Russia Today

Russia Today


Putingun 140 x 126I have put this article off for too long and The Dark Passenger within me will not let me rest until I write it, so here goes.  The links to the information I require to write it are cluttering my browser, I have fired up my 60's play list set to random(kicked off with The Fields of Athenry), the Corsham Crusader has the bridge and so I have no excuses to put it off any longer.
I will try to keep the article short but hopefully still provide you with enough information to go and do your own research.

Recently, I wrote that the Zionist controlled media around the world have been vitriolic in their attacks on Russia but research as revealed that the Zionist World is not just smearing Russia with words but also acting behind the scenes to destabilise Russia.
Before I give those of you who do not know the reasons for these attacks on Russia, first let me give you a couple of examples of what I mean about the Zionist Media attacks.

In February of this year, the rag Daily Mail ridiculed the Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin because he pledged to give cash incentives to mothers who have a third child to help encourage more white births.  For the record Russia has a population of just 142 million living in the largest geographical country in the world.
Now those of you in middle age or older will remember how in the 60's, the British People were sold the lie that the world was overpopulated and that it was selfish to have more than one child.  True British families were discouraged from having children by forcing the mothers of future young Brits out to work just to keep a roof over their heads, marriage discouraged, tax relief for married men removed.  Obstacle after obstacle was put in the way of working families having children, so that in the end only the more affluent or very poor could have more than one child.

This "culling" of the British People was no accident, it was all part of the plan for the extermination of the white race in the United Kingdom.  The Zionist filth of the New World Order then used the "excuse" of a declining and ageing population to flood Our Country with the dross of the world, supposedly to care and pay taxes to support our elderly some time down the road.  Lies, all lies.  Just all part of the plan to remove the greatest threat to the globalists plans to control the world - the white race and especially the British whose courage and intelligence helped shape the free world that the scum Zionists would now destroy.

And so in the rag Mail, you read that comments like these have been posted on Russian forums and other social networking sites in Russia:

One woman, Inna, said: 'So, now we have to make love non-stop? In the USSR they said there was no sex in the country. In the Russian Federation it’s have sex then take the money.'

Another wrote sarcastically: 'Putin is like a God. He will restore the birthrate and save Russia. Oh Prometheus!'

A third added: 'If a woman doesn’t want to give birth, nothing will change it, no matter where he puts his money.'
Of course the last thing that the Zionists want is more white people in the world and so they are saying that the only solution to Russia's declining population is to flood it with immigrants in the same way that they have flooded Western Europe, to the point, where nearly all major cities in the United Kingdom and on mainland Europe are now the breeding grounds of the unwanted, unloved and uninvited invaders and colonisers who are slowly but surely displacing the white population whose land this really is.
But who is leading the campaign to destabilise Russia, none other than the bitch from hell.  The American President in waiting, Hilary Clinton, who has stated publicly that the United States State Department is "tweeting" in the Russian language to the an audience in Russian encouraging anti-Russian government marches, thereby playing a direct role in interfering in the internal affairs of a sovereign nation and its elections.  Why would she be doing this?
The United States wants to weaken Russia in any capacity regardless of who the head of state would be. The fact that Vladimir Putin in his earlier term as President of the Russian Federation made statements challenging the uni-polar world, one power dictating terms to the rest of humanity and so forth, hardly endeared him to Western policy makers, particularly those who would like to see NATO expansion progress into the South Caucasus and into the Ukraine and so forth. It’s very important to note that the first two official colored revolutions, those in Georgian and Ukraine were followed immediately by an intensification of the integration of those two countries into arrangements with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Beginning to get the picture?  But before I continue with Russia Today, I must digress briefly to point you to this article from La Stampa who are writing about the current situation in Greece.  I have run the article through a translator and converted to a tiny url for you.  Click on the translating option if it does not show.  Just in case here is the relevant text which also reveals how the European Union is important to Zionists who see an expanded EU as a precursor to their One World Government from which no nation will be allowed to escape or determine its own future.
UN Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that "the United States are affected by the efforts made by Greece and demonstrate understanding and appreciation for the great sacrifices that the Hellenic people are doing in the face of reforms undertaken by the government needed to keep Athens in the euro area.
Roll on the floor bloody laughing.  These Zionist puppets, like the bitch Clinton are not "affected", they care nothing for the suffering Greeks - or any other people if it comes to that.  All they care about is personal wealth and power and so the concerns, suffering and the Greek protests are ignored and although I do not know if there is a Hell, if there is, then I hope scum like Clinton burn in it for eternity.  Just in case there is not, should we triumph, then we must make their life on earth become hell as a punishment for their crimes against humanity.  Now let us get back on track with the Russian article.

Then there is the issue of Multiculturalism and Russia's attitude towards this muck word and idea.  The West hates the fact that Russia under President Putin recognises it for what it is.  A destroyer of Nations.  Putin expressed his astonishment that “neighborhoods and entire cities where generations of immigrants are living on welfare…do not speak the language of the host country.” before winding up the Zionists even further with this: “This civilizational identity is based on preservation of Russian cultural dominance, which is not only carried by ethnic Russians, but all carriers of this identity regardless of nationality".

In others attacks on Russia in the press, the ageing whore Madonna, who belongs to a Jewish sect and has betrayed her race and proven her loyalty to Zionism by adopting/buying up two black children and taking a young black as her toyboy (he must really want the money bad), has attacked Russia for their stance on homosexuality, where they recognise the rights of homosexuals but not their rights to promote what they and normal people would consider a perversion.  For that attack she was put firmly back in her box by the Russian Deputy prime minister who quite correctly referred to her as a "moralising slut".

Madonna, who is a personal friend of the revolting Clintons has recently come out in her support for the moslem false President of the USA by demanding of American voters that they vote for "the black Muslim in the White House" before going on to say:'So y'all better vote for fucking Obama, okay? For better or for worse, all right, we have a black Muslim in the White House, okay? Now that is some shit. That’s some amazing shite".

Then there is the fact that unlike the Zionist dominated world that is becoming increasingly in debt to the Rothschilds and their global network of banks like the IMF that they run, Russia has not only being paying of her debts and should be debt free by 2016.  Whilst doing this, Russia is also writing off the debts of counties, some really rich in natural resources to them!  Incredible is it not and something that the New World Order wants to put an end to.
It is worthy of note that Russia continues to repay its debts to foreign countries at the time when it writes off the debts of foreign countries to Russia. It would be enough to remember how Germany made Russia pay $30 billion of debt, including $6 billion to the former GDR. One can witness the same situation with all of Russia's allies on the left block.
So by now you should have a clearer picture of why the Zionists have the knives out for Mother Russia, but if you think things will change when Ed Miliband, the hand picked next Prime Minister of our dying Country, takes over from Cameron, when it is Labours turn to govern in our revolving dictatorship form of government, think again.

The Jewish Milibands who are virulently anti-Russian, as was their grandfather Shimon Miliband, who worked for Trotsky and was responsible for the elimination of millions of white Russians when he worked for the communists before entering our country illegally.  I believe that the decendants of illegal immigrants should also be deported and that applies to the vile, crawling Millipede brothers.

But Russia is not Serbia that the Zionists can bomb into submission, they are brave resourceful people and certainly know how to give other nations a black eye when it comes to protecting their motherland.  Remind me never to invade them during the winter.  Then again the lunatic American military might think that the Russians would never think anyone would be dull enough to try that again and so if the Zionists do ever have a pop at Russia expect it to be in the middle of winter.

Upsetting of course to the Zionists is the fact that President Putin is not frightened to name those responsible for the seeds of disorder that is sprouting across the world, including Syria.
Our partners just can't stop,” Putin said at a meeting with representatives of one of Russia's regions. “They have already created chaos in many territories, and now they are continuing the same policy in other countries, including Syria."

Commenting on the "Arab Spring" and the ongoing Syrian conflict, he said: "Our position is to help carry out changes for the better in all countries but not to try to force on them – especially by armed force -"
Way to go Russia.  I particularly liked Mr Putin's words: "The strong countries are trying to push their rules and their moral code on weak countries, without taking into account the history, traditions and religion of a particular country."  Tell the truth and you cannot go far wrong. 

Now I could go on about Jewish Russian Oligarchs and the trouble they are causing around the world but I have run out of time sorry, so that will have to wait for another time or until my Dark Passenger forces me to write about them.

Very quickly now.  If you want the truth on TV, then forget the Zionist controlled BBC and Sky News, set your news channel to Russia Today for the real truth of what is happening in the world.  Likewise bookmark the Russia Today site on the internet and check it daily for the real news and the facts behind the stories.

Finally, thank you to the two new £4 a month subscribers to our site (taking us back up to 9) who signed up yesterday and also those who made a few small donations.

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Wednesday 26 September 2012

Shocking! A US Presidential candidate tells some home truths! | Melanie Phillips

Shocking! A US Presidential candidate tells some home truths! | Melanie Phillips

Mitt Romney has made some remarks at a fund-raising dinner which have apparently shocked America and the entire western world to the core. His campaign is said to be reeling in disarray. Readers of this blog will know that I am no fan of Romney. So what did he say to create this furore?
He said:
‘There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that’s an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what...These are people who pay no income tax.’
Almost half the American people receive government hand-outs and pay no income tax? That’s truly shocking. For sure, Romney should not have lumped the truly vulnerable and deserving with the increasing number of those who could work but are somehow not participating in the growing jobs market. Dependency culture is a complex phenomenon and needs a sensitive tuning fork rather than a tin ear. But even so, the general point that too much of America is being sucked into state dependency – and that by increasing their number Obama is effectively gerrymandering the election -- remains a powerful one.
He said that the Palestinians have
‘no interest whatsoever in establishing peace, and that the pathway to peace is almost unthinkable to accomplish... I look at the Palestinians not wanting to see peace anyway, for political purposes, committed to the destruction and elimination of Israel, and these thorny issues, and I say there's just no way.’
Absolutely correct. Both the Hamas and Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah make it crystal clear over and over again that they want to destroy Israel as a Jewish state. That’s truly shocking.
He said:
‘If I were Iran, if I were Iran—a crazed fanatic, I'd say let's get a little fissile material to Hezbollah, have them carry it to Chicago or some other place, and then if anything goes wrong, or America starts acting up, we'll just say, "Guess what? Unless you stand down, why, we're going to let off a dirty bomb." I mean this is where we have—where America could be held up and blackmailed by Iran, by the mullahs, by crazy people. So we really don't have any option but to keep Iran from having a nuclear weapon.’
Absolutely correct. While other ‘dirty’ bombs are all-too possible from chemical or biological materials, the prospect of a portable Iranian nuclear device in the hands of Hezbollah is clearly one potentially nightmarish outcome for America if Iran is not stopped from developing nuclear weapons. That’s truly shocking.
He said:
‘The president’s foreign policy, in my opinion, is formed in part by a perception he has that his magnetism, and his charm, and his persuasiveness is so compelling that he can sit down with people like Putin and Chávez and Ahmadinejad, and that they'll find that we're such wonderful people that they'll go on with us, and they'll stop doing bad things. And it's an extraordinarily naive perception.’
Absolutely correct. The outcome has been, as we have seen from the chaotic empowerment of Islamist fanatics in Libya and Egypt by Obama and other western leaders resulting in the recent murder of the US ambassador to Libya and other mission staff—to which the Obama administration responded with yet more kow-towing to the fanatics -- that America’s Commander-in-Chief has put America and the entire free or would-be free world in even greater danger. And that’s truly shocking.
The most shocking thing of all, however, is that the mainstream US media don’t think any of these things is shocking. What they think is shocking is that Romney told the truth about them.
They don’t think it’s shocking that Obama’s disastrous foreign policy has empowered the mortal enemies of the west and weakened both America and the free world. They think it’s a shocking gaffe that Romney has said so. How dare he!
They don’t think it’s shocking that the Obama administration has bent over backwards to sanitise and effectively condone genocidal Palestinian rejectionism of Israel. How could they? They themselves to a greater or lesser extent endorse this racist Palestinian programme of ethnically cleansing the Jewish people from their own rightful and historic homeland, and never publish the elementary truth that the actual cause of the Middle East impasse is not the absence of a Palestine state but the Arab and Islamic aim of eliminating Israel. So they find it a shocking gaffe that Romney has actually called this for what it is. How dare he!
They don’t think it shocking that nearly half of US citizens are dependent on state hand-outs while worklessness is increasing among those eligible for work and while the US has developed a $16 trillion national debt. How could they? For some of them it has become an article of faith that the poor are powerless to affect their own circumstances; for others, it is an equivalent article of faith that a politician must always suck up to all voters and never tell any of them any hard truths that might jeopardise their vote.  So they find it a shocking gaffe that Romney has done just that. How dare he?
The really shocking thing is that the laughably cartoonish spin put on these remarks by the far-left Mother Jones website is accepted as the obviously correct position by the US mainstream media (but not necessarily by the American public, which does not see life through the same warped prism – another fact the US media would find too shocking to believe).
This is the same media, let’s not forget, which effectively put Obama into the White House in the first place by systematically refusing to publish the overwhelming evidence of his extremist background, friends and attitudes, not to mention the glaring untruths, evasions and unprecedented lacunae in what was published about him. As a result America elected its first far-left, anti-west, Black Power fellow- traveller to the White House – thanks in large measure to the American mainstream media, which today is similarly intent on airbrushing his disastrous record out of the picture and instead demonising his opponent.
Romney has not one opponent in this presidential election, but two: Barack Obama and the American media which carries his bags for him.
Now that really is shocking.