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Wednesday 30 November 2016

BE WARNED! The Traitor at the Gate

BE WARNED! May will promise a hard Brexit after a General Election , use the Fear of Labour at the expense of UKIP to gain a large majority . Then BETRAY THE BRITISH PEOPLE AGAIN!

"A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious.But it cannot survive treason from within.
An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly against the city. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.
For the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to his victim, and he wears their face and their garments and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared Cicero.

Saturday 26 November 2016

Introducing The Common Law Nations Alliance

The Common Law is at the root of all Common Law nations and their constitutions.

Common Law nations include the United Kingdom of Great Britain, Ireland, the United States of America, Canada, India, Australia, New Zealand and many more (see here for a list of jurisdictions across the world).

But please note, that, whilst non Common Law might not be interwoven into the constitions of non-Common Law nations, it can be applied everywhere, so this website is relevant to all nations and all people.

Common Law is God's Law through the true Christ, implemented by man's common sense and reason. It is the only expression of the true Law we have in the wolrd today. And it is currently in the process of being set aside in favour of corporate international dictatorship, arbitrary man-made law and the law of false teachings.

The aim of The Common Law Nations Alliance is to unify the Common Law nations under the banner of the Common Law.

That means The Common Law Nations Alliance is about taking a major step towards asserting true government, with God through Christ as overall Sovereign.

The Common Law Nations Alliance also aims to unify all men and women who believe in, and follow, the true Jesus Christ.

We are therefore about preparing for what the New Testament calls The Eon, which is the 490 year period known as the 'kingdom of God'.

The kingdom of God can be defined as 'God's rulership through Christ from the heavens over the nations'.

The beginning of the kingdom of God is known as 'the Epiphaneia', which marks the end of the 'the Age of Evil'.

The fruits of 'the Age of Evil' are now all around us. We can see them in extensive corporate-run internationalism with usury at its core, the crushing of individual rights, government funding of international terrorism, multiculturalism, social engineering, genetic engineering, geo-engineering, relentless attacks on Christianity and much more

The Common Law Nations Alliance stands for... SEE HERE...

Friday 25 November 2016


 When you cosnider the EU from the perspective of our Common Law and our constitution, we have never been in the EU.
Here is the article -
We have never been in the eu!

Saturday 19 November 2016

Geert Wilders reaction to Leftists pro EU penal sentence demanded by the Public Prosecutor: a penalty of 5,000 euros.

 Geert Wilders reaction to Leftists pro EU  penal sentence demanded by the Public Prosecutor: a penalty of 5,000 euros.


Geert Wilders

I just heard the penal sentence demanded by the Public Prosecutor: a penalty of 5,000 euros.

Speaking about one of the biggest problems of our country – the problem with Moroccans – is now punishable according to the elite. And, hence, we are slowly but surely losing our freedom of speech. Even asking a question is no longer allowed. Even though millions of people agree. And Moroccans have suddenly become a race. So if you say something about Moroccans, you are now a racist. Nobody understands that. It is utter madness. Only meant to shut you and me up.

While in other countries the people send the elite home, here they want to silence an opposition leader. The Netherlands is running the risk of becoming a dictatorship. It looks like turkey. The differences between The Netherlands and Turkey are getting smaller. The opposition is silenced.

I was elected by nearly a million people. That number will be even higher on March 15th next year. And it is my duty to talk about the problems, even when the politically-correct elite led by Prime Minister Rutte prefers not to mention them. Because looking away and remaining silent is not an option.

I have to say it like it is.
What is the use of political cowards who no longer dare to speak the truth? Who are silent about the problems in our country? Who pander to the government? Who cowardly look the other way?
Nothing at all! Putting one’s head in the sand is cowardness.
And if you must keep quiet about problems, because simply asking a question has become punishable, the problems will only grow bigger. Then, The Netherlands will become a dictatorship of fearful and cowardly politicians.

I will never accept that. I will continue to fight for a free and safe Netherlands. That is why Islamic terrorists have been trying to kill me for 12 years. Today, these terrorists rejoice. Wilders is going to be punished. The Public Prosecutor has made himself their ally today.

But I will not allow anyone to shut me up!
No terrorist will be able to silence me!
No prosecutor in a black gown or cowardly prime minister will get me on my knees!
I shall therefore not care about their penal demand at all. They can do whatever they want. It will only make me stronger. I will only get more motivated.

And you can support me with this.
By continuing to fight with me for the preservation of freedom of expression. For the maintenance of a safe and free Netherlands.
Our country.


Friday 11 November 2016

Nigel Farage to lead mass march on Supreme Court on day of Article 50 appeal

I trust you all will make the effort in standing up to the establishment.
Nigel Farage to lead mass march on Supreme Court on day of Article 50 appeal
It is set to begin in Trafalgar Square and culminate in Parliament Square, in front of the Supreme Court building.
A spokesman said the demonstration would be a "reminder about what we voted for, so there is no slippage on the single market".
The demonstration may increase fears in some quarters about political pressure on the judiciary after several leading Brexit campaigners hit out at the trio of High Court judges last week.
The judges were also the subject of critical front pages, with one paper describing them as "Enemies of the People".
Theresa May spoke out about the case last night, telling reporters: "I believe in and value the independence of our judiciary. I also value the freedom of our press. I think these both underpin our democracy and they are important."
The Daily Telegraph reports that Leave.EU is also crowdfunding £100,000 to pay for barristers to represent Brexit campaigners in the case.
Yesterday acting Ukip leader Mr Faragewarned that any attempt to "cheat" the British people over Brexit would result in an unprecedented backlash.
"We may have seen Bob Geldof and 40,000 people in Parliament Square moaning about Brexit," he told the Andrew Marr show.
"But believe you me, if people in this country think that they're going to be cheated, they're going to be betrayed, then we will see political anger the likes of which none of us in our lifetimes have ever witnessed in this country