Mass Immigration And The New Tower Of Babel
FROM REVOLUTION HARRYPieter Bruegel's 16th century painting of the Tower of Babel |
This article will attempt to shine a different light on the reasons behind mass immigration and multiculturalism. As relatively long as the article is it still can do little more than give an overview of what is a difficult and sensitive subject. One thing's for sure, as with most other things, the official reasoning as to why they have been enforced on a largely unwilling public is a long way from the actual truth.
If we are to get a better understanding about why such things as mass immigration and multiculturalism are occurring we have to realise one fundamental thing. That is that there is a clear and identifiable agenda to create a one-world government and religious system sustained and supported by a global currency and financial system. This world government is an essential component of what its proponents often refer to as a New World Order. In it, the world is to be completely restructured and national boundaries and sovereignty are, at best, to become secondary if not obliterated all together. This new paradigm is often sugar coated as 'planetary citizenship' in the 'global village' but the reality will be anything but.
This New World Order has both a temporal and a spiritual dimension to it. The temporal or political aspect is best described as a form of 21st century feudalism where a self styled 'elite' few intend to extend their current control over the individual nations of the world into a global system of enslavement over all of humanity. This 'elite' consider themselves to be 'philosopher Kings' who know what's best for the rest us, who they consider to be human cattle in need of management and control. It's strongly suspected that the main vehicle for this temporal control is to be a reformed United Nations operating through regional governments such as the European Union. Those who are the very ones responsible for the innumerable problems in the world are now in the process of offering the solutions. Solutions that ultimately serve Their needs and interests rather than that of the rest of humanity.
There are numerous articles and scores of quotes that confirm this agenda, far too many to mention here. One example that seems to sum up the political aspect of the agenda, would be from American Congressman Larry P. McDonald. In 1976 he said that:
"..the drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining super-capitalism and Communism [my note: the Third Way or Communitarianism] under the same tent, all under their control…."
The Rockefellers are a key family among the ruling elite. Their wealth comes predominantly from oil and banking and they are some way towards the top of the pyramidical power structure of this planet. A prominent member of that family, David Rockefeller, in an address to a meeting of the globalist think tank, The Trilateral Commission (which he helped to found), in June, 1991 said:
"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
Perhaps more ominously we have a quote from the banker, adviser to Franklin D. Roosevelt and freemason, James Paul Warburg. In a statement before the US Senate on 17 February 1950 he said:
“We shall have World Government, whether we like it or not. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”
Gordon Brown gives masonic handshake to fellow mason George W. Bush |
It's impossible to sum up the scale and scope of this agenda in a short paragraph, or even an article on a blog. Nor is it possible to express the levels of evil involved, not only in the desired outcome but also in how it is being pursued. The central fact that must be remembered though is that the end game is a global government that will subjugate us all. If you are in any doubt as to the veracity of this, the evidence is there in abundance should you take the time and trouble to search it out.
If you do make the effort it should eventually become clear that it is the 'spiritual' dimension that is the most important part of the agenda and it is deeply steeped in the occult. Dig deep enough and you'll find that, as strange and bizarre as it may seem, the real string pullers and decision makers in both this country and the rest of the world are pagan occultists who worship either Lucifer or Satan or both.
Lucifer and Satan
Whilst some claim that Lucifer and Satan are one and the same entity, others claim that they are both separate. It's possible that the confusion arises because in pagan occultism they are often seen as two sides of the same entity, one light or good and the other dark or evil. It doesn't matter which one you serve because they are both, ultimately, part of the same system. Adepts attempt to balance these opposing 'energies' which essentially results in the sanction of evil. In reality this makes the system itself evil as no amount of, so called, good can recompense for the evil that is practiced.
Helena Blavatsky was the founder of an occult organisation called the Theosophical society and is often referred to as the 'Mother of the New Age' movement. She was also particularly influential on the United Nations as we'll see later. In her book, 'The Secret Doctrine' she states:
"Lucifer is divine and terrestrial Light, 'the Holy Ghost' and 'Satan' at one and the same time."
Later on in the book she writes:
"Stand in awe of him, and sin not, speak his name with trembling.… It is Satan who is the god of our planet and the only god ..."
This is just a small example of the many quotes about Satan and Lucifer that can be attributed to Blavatsky, or the later head of the Theosophical society, Alice Bailey, or indeed many other Theosophists. It really can't be emphasised enough the influence that this society has had politically, particularly through the UN and spiritually, particularly on the New Age movement.
There's plenty of evidence that shows that the ruling 'elites' of this world do indeed worship Lucifer and/or Satan and we shall look at more of it throughout the article.
This system of control operates in a pyramidical, feudal, fashion with perhaps a relative few at they very top aware of the true agenda. Throughout this article, when referring to this cabal, I shall often use the capitalised words 'Them', 'Their' or 'They'. This is because many of the issues discussed in it are ultimately the result of Their actions whether they appear to be so or not (h/t James).
This article will attempt to show that the massive levels of immigration we have witnessed in recent times, along with such things as state enforced multiculturalism and political correctness, are integral policies of Them. This Satanic and Luciferian 'elite' who think it is their destiny and right to rule the world. These policies are ultimately designed to destroy the native peoples of the West as part of the process of creating this proposed world government. A New World Order that will see all of humanity enslaved by Them. I make no apologies for the use of the word Satanic in reference to these issues because, ultimately, this is the root of the driving force behind them. Apart from anything else, it is Satanic in both its aims and the methods being used to attain them. These methods include lies, deception and manipulation as well as war, false flag terrorism, economic enslavement and much more besides.
The European Union: The New Tower of Babel?
Official European Union poster |
We get a hint as to who is ultimately behind the EU when we look at the story surrounding the creation of its flag.
"On December 8, 1955, on the Catholic 'Feast of The Immaculate Conception of Mary Our Co-redeemer,' the European Ministers’ delegates officially adopted the European flag, twelve stars on a blue background. It was designed by Arsene Heitz who, today, is an octogenarian artist in Strasbourg.
Recently Heitz revealed to a French magazine the reason for his inspiration. According to the artist, he thought of the twelve stars in a circle on a blue background, exactly the way it is represented in traditional iconography of this image of the Immaculate Conception. A devotee of the Virgin Mary, Heitz never misses praying a daily Rosary. Heitz noticed the words of the Apocalypse, “And there appeared a great wonder in Heaven; a woman clothed with sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars,” Revelation 12:1. As a devout Catholic, he applies this to Mary, whom Catholics worship.
The European Union’s flag consists of twelve stars, inspired by the halo of twelve stars that appear around the Madonna in Catholic pictures of her. And, that is how a profoundly religious symbol came to be the official European Union flag."
Statue of the Virgin Mary in the transept of the cathedral of Strasbourg, France. |
"The political leaders who founded the ECSC were overwhelmingly Catholic: Robert Schuman was intensely loyal to the faith and affirmed publicly that papal encyclicals 'define Catholic doctrine and bind in conscience'. Konrad Adenauer and Alcide de Gaspari [both devout Catholics] were also particularly important. The coal and steel plan was drawn up by an official, Jean Monnet, who became the first man to hold the office which is now called President of the Commission. He was not a committed Catholic but the essential architecture for the institutions was already being advocated by Schuman before Monnet came to him with his own project."
As if to express the importance of this involvement we find that Schuman, Adenauer and de Gaspari are all in the process of beatification.
One final observation was that the treaty creating the 'European Economic Community (EEC) is also known as the 'Treaty of Rome'. It was signed in Rome in 1957. It can easily be seen why there are those who say that the EU is merely the creation of a new Holy Roman Empire.
Surrounding the image of the tower we can see the traditional yellow five pointed stars of the EU flag. The striking thing in this instance was that the stars were in the form of inverted pentagrams as opposed to their standard depiction. This would have undoubtedly been intentional. In the occult world the inverted pentagram has long been a symbol of evil and of the Baphomet, which in turn is just another name for Satan. The slogan on the poster was 'Europe: Many Tongues, One Voice'. The subtle message being conveyed here was the EU's and by extension the broader New World Order's, desire to completely remove all individuality, with all power concentrated in one person. All things considered it seems that the person They have in mind is the Pope.
EU parliament, Strasbourg |
"The realisation of the aims of the project was supported with the implementation of European Language Portfolio in order to enhance the process of the development of a model European citizen."
Other occult symbols associated with the EU include a statue of a woman riding a bull, outside its office in Brussels. This is a symbol that has been repeated on several coins and stamps over the years. The woman is said to be the pagan goddess Europa and according to tradition the bull is the god Zeus in disguise. In the story Europa climbs on the back of the bull who then plunges into the sea and rapes her. Zeus then takes Europa to Crete where he reveals his true identity. Zeus is really just another name for Satan. In the Bible we read that it is Pergamum where 'Satan has his throne'. This would have been the Great Altar of Pergamon which was dedicated to the god Zeus. Understanding the true nature of the European Union it seems quite apt for it to be symbolised as Europe itself being raped and seduced by Satan.
Europa riding the bull Zeus (Satan) |
The Biblical story of the Tower of Babel can be briefly summarised as follows. The tower was built in ancient Babylon which was founded by the tyrant King and dictator Nimrod. Babylon is considered to be the root source of all the Satanic and occult 'mysteries'. Nimrod rebelled against God the creator and sought to eliminate belief in Him. One of his methods was to increase the level of tyranny (central control by the state) so as the people would both have to and learn to, depend on him and his power. Even back then the ruling elite, in the form of Nimrod and his wife Semiramis, knew that if a person was enslaved spiritually then he or she could be totally controlled. This also became the prototype of the 'deification' of Royalty and the bloodline control of all wealth and property.
Nimrod |
The parallels between the building of the Tower and the Luciferian doctrine can be seen in the Bible verse Isiah 14:14, where Lucifer says:
"I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High."
What the symbolism of the EU parliament building and poster is conveying is that those who are ultimately responsible for the creation of the EU are continuing the philosophy of Nimrod and trying to finish what he had begun. A New World Order with a false uniting of humanity, ultimately in service to Lucifer. According to Biblical accounts God thwarted this Satanic plan by giving the workers different languages and scattering them around the globe. This one act undermined the Satanic/Luciferian agenda for several thousand years. It may be tempting to perceive this current attempt to unite humanity as a good thing but it's imperative to see that the driving force behind it is the same old Satanic/Luciferian agenda being pursued by generational occultists in service to great evil.
Nimrod was considered to be the 'High Priest of the Babylonian Mysteries'. This title, also sometimes called the 'Pontifex Maximus', eventually came to be conferred on Julius Caesar. This office was held by the Roman Emperors up until 376 when the Gratian refused it. Subsequently it passed to the Bishop of Rome, Damasus, in 376. To this day one of the Pope's many titles is that of Pontifex Maximus, which suggests he is also the current 'High Priest of the Babylonian Mysteries.'
An introduction to the pagan nature of the Catholic church can be found in the videos here, here and here. A look at some of the pagan symbology associated with the church can be found here.
Satan: Prince Of This World
William Guy Carr |
Of course, as we've seen, this agenda is more commonly known today as the New World Order, but there can be little doubt that much of what Carr suspected back in the late fifties has been proven to be quite correct. When we look at the higher levels of Freemasonry and other occult secret societies, the belief system of the Theosophists (who have had such a powerful influence over the New Age movement), the occult nature of the UN and even the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic church, we see evidence of the worship of the sun or Lucifer. Today, the agenda nears its completion and the majority of humanity is utterly unaware of what is truly going on.
Carr did an incredible amount of research and his conclusion was that the aim of this occult oligarchy was to destroy all political systems and religions during a final cataclysm (instigated by them) in order that their Luciferian ideology could be imposed on all of humanity. There are some parts of his manuscript I confess to being unsure of, but having said that, it's clear that Carr was an impressive researcher with a perceptive mind. Since it was written, in 1959, much more has come to light that could possibly have changed Carr's views on a few things, but his central thesis is largely correct. We do indeed face an enemy that, crazy as it seems, reveres and worships Satan, Lucifer or both.
Carr theorised that the controlling cabal was called the 'High Priests of the Luciferian Creed', which in turn controlled another important organisation he referred to as the 'Synagogue of Satan'. It's impossible to prove this claim. Although it's clear that some sort of occult organisation does indeed control matters we can't be sure of the name they use. However the 'Synagogue of Satan' is a reference to whom Jesus, in the Bible, says are those 'which say they are Jews and are not, but do lie'.
The Synagogue Of Satan
When looking at this agenda it can certainly appear, from some perspectives, as if it's 'Jewish' in some way, or at least run by elite Jews for their benefit. Many have certainly been taken in by this. My own conclusions are that the main power centre for this Luciferian elite is almost certainly the Vatican, but that doesn't mean I think the world government plan is for the benefit of all Catholics (or gentiles), quite the reverse. Nobody studying the New World Order can fail to see a 'Jewish' element (although many who see it as a solely Jewish plot fail to see the significant 'gentile' contribution) but it's my contention that these are either members of the Synagogue of Satan or are one of their many manipulated dupes. Indeed the involvement of the blood line royalty and aristocracy, particularly of Europe, is also self evident. In all these cases the reality is that it is the ordinary person whether they be Jew, Catholic or even Muslim or Hindu that are the victims of this agenda. The 'elites' have very different beliefs, allegiances, interests and objectives than most people imagine.
The reason I mention this is that, because this article looks at the issue of mass immigration and how it fits into the New World Order agenda and because some of the quotes used are by Jews, it could leave some to reach the all too predictable conclusion that the article itself was written to attack them. This, in turn, would invite the standard, knee-jerk, accusations of anti-semite.
The cover of Pike's book complete with Lucifer sun symbol, 'order out of chaos' motto and double headed (light/dark) phoenix rising out of the flames. |
"... that the 'human cattle' were to be integrated into a mass of mongrelised humanity and enslaved body, mind and soul."
The term 'human cattle' epitomises the Luciferian occult doctrine which is that an elite few at top of the pyramid of control have secret knowledge that gives them power over the masses below.
Pike's Luciferianism is confirmed in his book Morals and Dogma (said to be issued to all those freemasons who reach the 32nd degree), where he writes:
"The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian Doctrine….the true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer."
"Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the son of the morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with it's splendours intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish souls? Doubt it not!"
This really is the ultimate truth behind mass immigration. The ruling oligarchy of Lucifer worshipping Satanists wish to destroy all nations, all races, all cultures and all religions and 'mongrelise' us all so as to more easily enslave us 'mind, body and soul' in a world government controlled by them.
The Destruction Of The Native European Peoples And The Creation Of The 'Eurasian-Negroid' Slave Race
Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi is credited with being the founder of the first popular movement for a United Europe. In the early 1920s he joined a Masonic lodge in Vienna. Later, in 1925, he wrote a book called 'Practical Idealism' in which he clearly described the genocidal roots of the European Union. In it he said:
"The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals."
The cover of his book appears to betray Coudenhove-Kalergi's true allegiance. It contained an image of a cross in a circle, often referred to as a 'sun cross' or 'sun wheel', which in turn is symbolic of Lucifer.
Cover of Coudenhove-Kalergi's book complete with 'cross in a circle' sun wheel symbolic of Lucifer |
When the President of the European Council Herman Von Rompuy, in November 2010, declared that, 'the time of the homogeneous nation-state is over', we can see the arrogance of this genocidal policy being pursued by the European 'elite'.
Manley P Hall was yet another 33rd degree Freemason and Luciferian. In his book 'The Lost Keys of Freemasonry' we again see the Luciferianism of freemasonry:
"When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands, and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy."
Hall gives us the perfect description of the Luciferian plan to subjugate the world in his book 'Lectures on Ancient Philosophy' (published by the Philosophical Research Society of Los Angeles in 1970).
“The New Atlantis [which he considered to be America] sets forth an ideal government of the earth. It foretells that day when in the midst of men there shall rise up a vast institution composed of the philosophic elect — an order of illumined men banded together for the purpose of investigating the laws of life and the mysteries of the universe … The age of boundaries is closing, and we are approaching a nobler era when nations shall be no more; when the lines of race and caste shall be wiped out; when the whole earth shall be under one order, one government, one administrative body."
The 'illumined, philosophic elite' he refers to would no doubt include the likes of 'royalty' such as Prince Charles and masonic politicians such as Tony Blair and Gordon Brown. It is likely that the 'vast institution' that 'shall rise up' is the United Nations. We can see why William Carr insisted that:
"The Luciferian philosophy requires that the human race be integrated absolutely so that [all races] be mixed into one vast conglomeration of humanity without any distinctive features, cultures, racial traits or other peculiarities".
He described this person of the future as the UNESCO man.
But this 'mongrelising' of the masses is but one part of the enslavement agenda. Bertrand Russell, in his book 'The Impact of Science on Society' (1953) p49-50, gave a clear indication of the long term goals of the Satanic 'elite':
"Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different species. A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organised insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton."
Satanist and freemason Aleister Crowley wearing hat with Luciferian sun symbol |
"We should have no compunction in utilising the natural qualities of the bulk of mankind. We do not insist on trying to train sheep to hunt foxes or lecture on history; we look after their physical well being and enjoy their wool and mutton. In this way we shall have a contented class of slaves who will accept the conditions of existence as they really are, and enjoy life with the quiet wisdom of the cattle.”
The researcher and writer Henry Makow reviewed a book called 'A Brief History of the Future' by the 'high-level technocrat' Jacques Attali. The aim of the book was 'to look at developments in the next fifty years'. Among the usual New World Order goals of destroying the family unit, increased surveillance and artificial reproduction we find the following.
"Great Britain will become a major host country, especially for citizens of Central European countries. The latter will in their turn welcome Ukrainian workers, themselves replaced by Russians, themselves replaced by vast Chinese populations."
Makow observed that resistant countries will learn that a population inflow 'is the condition of their survival'. He then goes on to quote Attali as writing:
"Ever more numerous masses will hurl themselves at the gates of the West. They already number hundreds of thousands every month; that figure will increase to millions, then tens of millions".
Makow notes that 'America will be the most popular destination'. Attali continues:
"… in twenty years, the Hispanic and African-American populations will almost constitute a majority in the United States."
Confirmation of a pre-planned and intentional creation of a humanity consisting of rootless slaves to the system is found when he says:
"… more and more people will leave one country for another; there will soon be more than ten million of them switching countries every year. Our main incentive will be money, but many will leave because they are disgusted by their homeland… They [will] no longer want to depend on a country whose tax system, legislation, and even culture they reject. And also to disappear completely, to live another life. The world will thus be increasingly filled with people who have become anonymous of their own free will; it will be like a carnival where everyone - ultimate freedom! - will have chosen a new identity for himself."
Israel Shamir, a leading Russian Israeli writer, is a champion of the 'one man, one vote' solution that would unite Palestine and Israel in one democratic state. He, quite correctly sees things differently. In his insightful and thought provoking article (which is highly recommended reading) 'Winnie the Pooh on Immigration and Race' he writes:
"This is exactly what the predators want: a broken, atomised, insecure population in a state of perpetual cold civil war with itself. They do not gather and discuss. They do not organise and plan. They huddle unhappily in front of the television. And who are the Masters of Discourse who determine the content of the television programming? They are the servants of the predators, of course."
In the above quote for 'predators' read the Luciferian 'elite'.
Nobody rises to the position of Supreme Commander of NATO without being very much of the elitist and globalist mindset. American General Wesley Clark formerly held that position and during his tenure, in an interview with CNN on April 24th, he made the following revealing statement:
“There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states. That’s a 19th century idea and we are trying to transition into the 21st century, and we are going to do it with multi-ethnic states.”
There you have it in a nutshell. They make the decisions and you don't get a say. This is just one small example of how the real controllers of this planet treat the rest of us like cattle to be herded and managed. This decision, when taken, was most definitely not done with our interests in mind. This is being done because it is in Their interests to have a multi-ethnic (mongrelised) Europe so as to more easily control and enslave us all.
Arnold Toynbee |
"We are at present working discreetly with all our might to wrest this mysterious force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local nation states of the world. All the time we are denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands."
This is the real agenda, the destruction of nation states and the peoples who created them. All in the service of the New World Order plan to create a global government.
Henry Makow, who was referred to above, is himself Jewish, but he's acutely aware of the agenda of those 'who say they are Jews but are not'. In an article called 'Is Plan For Racial Strife Another Hoax' he refutes the claim that an infamous quote by Israel Cohen, in the book 'A Racial Program for the 20th Century', is a hoax. The quote itself is important because it perfectly details much of what has happened since the book itself was written in 1920. It says:
"We must realise that our [Communist] party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mould them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavour to instil in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause."
As Makow says, it clearly describes events that have subsequently taken place. Communism has always been a tool of the Luciferian elitists so 'the cause' he's referring to is really Their agenda operating through what William Guy Carr calls the Workers Revolutionary Movement.
As indicated earlier, there are some quotes that appear to indicate that the main instigators and potential beneficiaries of this indescribably evil and genocidal process are Jewish. I don't doubt that there are some Jewish people who do indeed think this is all part of some master plan that will see them as rulers of the world and that the destruction of the 'white race' is necessary to bring this about. However, as mentioned before, this is deceptive and on further inspection it is obvious that this is merely one element of the 'bigger picture' that is the 'New World Order'. When seen in this context it is all too obvious that there are many more gentiles involved than Jews. Ordinary Jews are used as a convenient shield for the agenda with the useful cover that is the cry of anti-Semitism should anyone complain too loudly. The 'elite' Jews that are involved are more likely to be Sabbateans or Talmudists.
This article explains the situation concisely.
"The tradition of anti-Jewish Jews has gone on since Babylon. The (crypto-Frankist Sabbatean) Labor Zionists serve the Jesuits and thus hate Judaism and all other racially Jewish people , i.e. those that don’t covertly serve Rome. See John 19:15: “But they cried out, Away with him, away with him, crucify him. Pilate saith unto them, Shall I crucify your King? The chief priest answered, We have no king but Caesar [note: the modern day Caesar or Pontifex Maximus, is the Pope]”.
These were and are false Jews (religiously speaking) and of the Babylonian Mystery religion in fact. The centre of the occultism of Babylon shifted to Rome and has had servants in Jerusalem who have betrayed the Jewish people both in Israel two millennium ago, then in Europe under instruction from Rome through till the end of the Second World War (in reality the latter part of the Pope’s Second Thirty Years War).
As Catholicism hijacked Christianity, so too have Talmudism and Kabbalism usurped Judaism and in different measures produced Occult tendencies ranging through the various shades of Orthodox Judaism (so-called) and on to Frankist Sabbateanism. The Papal Caesar and Rome are the King and Queen that the Babylonian Brotherhood’s Jerusalem branch serves."
In the context of this article it should be remembered that the Talmud is most often referred to as the Babylonian Talmud. A reference to the source of its contents being the Babylonian captivity of the Jews.
It's quite likely that Barbara Lerner Spectre is unaware of the true Luciferian agenda. In a TV interview she stated that:
"Europe has not yet learned to be multicultural. And I think we (Jews) are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It's a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive."
Europe would, of course, survive only too well without the 'leading role' of the likes of Spectre.
Dr. Noel Ignatiev |
“The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists.”
So it seems that if you oppose this genocide in any way you will be labelled a 'white supremacist.' Dr. Ignatiev also made the incredibly racist and wholly inaccurate statement:
“The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race.”
He then gets even worse when he adds:
“Make no mistake about it, we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as the white race is destroyed, not deconstructed, but destroyed.”
As one commenter asked, what 'social construct' will remain? A black one? An Hispanic one? Muslim? Asian? What about Jewish?" I suspect 'the social construct that will be left' will reflect what William Guy Carr said was the Luciferian aim. That is to 'reduce mankind to one indistinguishable chaotic mess' and therefore all the more easily enslaved 'mind body and soul'.
Dr. Ignatiev is himself Jewish which led another commenter to ask the following question. Can anyone imagine a gentile at an Israeli university founding a magazine devoted to abolishing the Jewish race? It's clear that Dr. Ignatiev believes it is self-evident that whites (English, French, German etc) in their homelands should be abolished.
Calling for the genocide of the 'white race' is bad enough but the fact that Ignatiev is Jewish again only serves to increase the divide and rule tactics of the Luciferian elite by making it appear that the mass immigration agenda is being pursued by Jews and for the benefit of only Jews.
In 'Satan, Prince of This World' Carr discusses the life of Albert Pike and notes that he was selected by the 'Illuminati' (high ranking members of the secret society networks) Professors due to his exceptional brilliance and then indoctrinated into one form or another of internationalism. Thus, from a very early age, he, like so many others before and after, have knowingly or not served the Luciferian world government agenda. We can only imagine the pernicious influence the likes of Ignatiev has on his students and how many he's indoctrinated into similar beliefs. We can also wonder if Ignatiev himself was similarly indoctrinated during his formative years.
This hatred of 'white' people that has been carefully nurtured by the Satanic elite can be found in many places. On June 4th, 2006, on a TV news programme called Dateline London, Gavin Essler was interviewing Ugandan Asian refugee and journalist Yasmin Alibhai-Brown. He asked her:
"What's wrong with white guys, by the way?"
To which she replied:
"I don't like them. I want them to be the lost species in 100 years".
We can be certain that she would not still be a working journalist and TV regular if she had said she didn't like 'black' guys and wanted them to be a lost species in 100 years. The 'white' guys she refers to are the English people who gave her a place of refuge when she and many others were forced out of Uganda by the tyrant Idi Amin.
Tragically this is far from an isolated example. There is widespread racism amongst ethnic minorities that is directed at 'white' people. A situation that has been carefully nurtured, encouraged and exploited by the New World Order protagonists. Kamau Kambon is a 'black activist and bookstore owner (Blacknificent Books and More) and a former visiting professor of African American Studies at North Carolina State University'. He made the following remarks during a 'Black Media Forum on the Image of Black Americans in Mainstream Media' at Howard University on October 14th and broadcast by the C-SPAN television network.
“And then finally I want to say that we need one idea, and we’re not thinking about a solution to the problem … And the one idea is, how we are going to exterminate White people because that in my estimation is the only conclusion I have come to. We have to exterminate White people off the face of the planet to solve this problem … [We need to] get very serious and not be diverted from coming up with a solution to the problem and the problem on the planet is White people.”
To understand the true horror of what is being suggested here, try substituting the word 'white' for 'black'. Does he not realise that ordinary 'white people' have been every bit as much the victims of the Satanic elite as any other ethnic minority? Arguably more so when you consider the suffering and loss of life in Their manufactured wars. Does he really think the problems of the planet are down to one racial grouping's skin colour? All races have a history of violence, bloodshed and suppression. We need only look at the death and destruction resulting from Mao's 'Cultural Revolution', the Muslim slaughter of Hindus in the genocide that is known by the name the 'Hindu Kush', or the awful massacres in Rwanda, for just a few examples of evidence of this.
In 2009 we heard from Andrew Neather, a former adviser to Tony Blair, Jack Straw and David Blunkett, that as soon as they came to power the Labour government deliberately relaxed immigration controls. Neather claimed that this was an intentional plan to make the UK "truly multicultural" and to "rub the right's nose in diversity" so as to "render their arguments out of date". Taken on its own this policy was wicked enough and was done without any sort of electoral mandate but really it has to be seen in the context of the broader Luciferian, New World Order, agenda. The Labour party has long been in the control of the ruling 'elite' with perhaps the main vehicle for this being the Fabian Society.
The Fabians And The Occult 'Elite'
The 'wolf in sheep's clothing' logo of the Fabian Society that betrays their true intent and character |
Many Fabians were also members of occult secret societies. George Bernard Shaw’s mistress, Florence Farr, was a witch in the Satanist Aleister Crowley's Order of the Golden Dawn, itself closely associated with the Theosophical society. When Helena Blavatsky passed away in 1891, leadership of the Theosophical society passed to Annie Besant. As well as being a Freemason she was also a member of the Fabians and as such became close friends with many of its leaders such as H.G. Wells, Aldous and Julian Huxley and Bertrand Russell. The writer Edith Nesbit was a member of the Order of the Golden Dawn as well as being a co-founder of the Fabians.
Many members of the present day Labour party, including Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, are also members of the Fabians. Both of these former Prime Ministers are clearly puppets of the ruling 'elite' being also Bilderbergers and high ranking Freemasons. In addition, many other members of the Labour hierarchy, as well as being Fabians, are of the far left of the political spectrum. We can find many 'ex' Communists, Marxists and Trotskyists, including Peter Mandelson, the Millibands, Alan Johnson, Alistair Darling and John Reid to name but a few.
As we've seen, these are all part of what William Guy Carr calls the 'Workers Revolutionary Movement' which in turn is controlled by the 'occult 'elite'. He cites a quote by Dimitri Manuilsky, secretary general of the Communist International from 1946 to 1953 and President of the United Nations Security Council in 1948 and 1949. He was discussing Britain in a speech he made to the delegates of the 18th Congress of the Communist party international in Moscow in 1938, when he said:
"Britain is the rock upon which the waves of revolution have so far dashed themselves in vain. Britain and her people must be destroyed before we can reach our ultimate objectives"
The False Left/Right Political Paradigm
Cameron and Clegg stand beneath the masonic (Luciferian) rising sun symbol above the door to 10 Downing St, indicating the real power behind British politics |
Coudenhove-Kalergi hinted at the illusory nature of politics in his book, Adel. On page 31 he wrote:
“Nowadays, democracy is nothing more than a facade for plutocracy. Because the nations no longer tolerate naked plutocracy, their masters allow them nominal power, while retaining factual power in the hands of the plutocrats.
In republican as well as monarchical democracies the statesmen are but puppets and the capitalists are their string-pullers.
The capitalists dictate national policy guidelines and control the electorate by manufacturing public opinion, controlling the ministers through their financial and social connections.”"
Of course for capitalists we should read bankers in the sense that it is they who control the flow of money which is the main method of control. As if to emphasise this former Chancellor of Exchequer, Reginald McKenna was referring to the power of the bankers when he said:
"I am afraid the ordinary citizen will not like to be told that the banks can and do create money. And they who create and issue money and credit, direct the policies of government and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the people."
I'd suggest it would be misleading to think that it was the bankers themselves who wielded the ultimate power. They are merely the operatives in service to those above them who own and control the banks.
The lie told to us by the puppet politicians of the controlling Luciferian cabal is that it is either the natural movements of peoples, necessary for our economic benefit or even recompense for the crimes of 'white people' against other ethnic minorities in times past. The levels of immigration are certainly not natural, they have been actively encouraged in a variety of ways. Neither have they been to our economic benefit. Amongst other things wages have been driven down and services greatly over stretched. The only ones to truly benefit economically have been the elite, super rich, few who were already incredibly wealthy. The last claim, which is that we, as in all 'white people', owe some sort of debt to ethnic minorities, which can only be paid by agreeing to very high levels of immigration, is a complete and utter fallacy. It should be noted that highlighting this and other hypocrisies surrounding the issues of mass immigration and multiculturalism is not at all 'racist'. We are all victims of the globalist agenda, both ethnic minority and native Briton. In fact being truthful and honest about these issues is the best way to avoid the worst consequences of the divide and rule policies being operated by Them.
The Anti 'White' Agenda
The waves of immigration seen since the Second World War have been accompanied by such things as political correctness and campaigns for 'equality' that are little more than deceptive ways of undermining the native populations. Tactics such as these come straight from the Cultural Marxists of the Frankfurt School and are intended to subvert, destabilise and demoralise. One of the methods used is the manipulation of language. We can see evidence of this when the word 'white' is used as opposed to native English, Scots, French or German. This is partly an attempt to manipulate discussions on any issues surrounding race or immigration into an easily polarised (divide and rule) black and white (Hegelian) dialectic. It's also part of a process of de-humanising people, to some degree, by denying them their ethnic roots and culture. They are more easily denigrated, dismissed, discriminated against or even violently attacked if thought of as merely 'white' rather than English, Scots etc or 'black' rather than someone hailing from Nigeria or Jamaica or indeed India or Pakistan.
Other problems with the claim, that all 'white' people owe ethnic minorities a debt of some sort, were dealt with in a previous article 'Left Wing Dupes'. It was discussed how the 'left' have been manipulated into willingly pursuing and defending the destructive policies of the Luciferian elite (the 'right' are also manipulated in different ways, but I'd argue perhaps not to the same extent as those on the 'left'). The claim doesn't bear any scrutiny. The truth is that the forefathers of the majority of (white) British people were little more than slaves or serfs (vassals) themselves for centuries. Even after huge numbers were forced off the land (through hunger, desperation and despair) into the often terrible conditions of the Industrial revolution, the reality was that they were still very much the serfs or slaves they'd always been. Most worked long hours, for six days a week and lived in appalling conditions. These conditions caused a Reverend J. R. Stephens to observe that:
"… it was a settled custom of the male and to a great extent of the female, workers in factories to be in bed from 9, 10 or 11 o’clock on Sunday [morning], because they were tired out by the labour of the week. Sunday was the only day on which they could rest their wearied frames. It would generally be found that, the longer the time of work, the smaller the wages. He would rather be a slave in South Carolina, than a factory operative in England.”
Slavery didn't originate with 'whites' nor did it end after it was outlawed in 'white' countries. For example, Muslims began buying and selling large numbers of African slaves 600 years before Europeans did and continued to do so until at least 100 years after. The prevalence of 'white' slavery is also rarely if ever discussed. Between one and one and a half million white European sailors and residents of coastal villages were enslaved by the (Islamic) Barbary pirates. This included many from Britain itself, particularly in Devon and Cornwall. These and other aspects of slavery are rarely, if ever, discussed or debated because it doesn't fit the anti-white agenda. Neither does the fact that it was black (African) tribal leaders who, during military conquests of other tribes or states, captured and enslaved their fellow black Africans then sold them in the slave markets to the highest bidder. With slavery being such a lucrative business wars were often launched with the sole purpose of enslavement in mind. Another source came from within the enslaving societies themselves. Just as Britain disposed of it's convicts, heretics, debtors and ne'er do wells by sending them to the colonies so did the African tribal leaders by selling them as slaves.
The Crown (Temple) Or City Of London
Both the slave trade and the Empire were funded by the (Crown) bankers in the City of London. This 'square mile' operates as a state within a state (UK) with its own Lord Mayor and police force. The Crown, or Crown Temple, has been the real power in Britain since at least 1215. In turn the Crown itself comes under the control of the Vatican and as such plays a prominent role in many other aspects of the New World Order, global government, agenda..
King John, having been in dispute with the Papacy for several years, finally negotiated terms for a reconciliation. The 'papal terms terms for submission were accepted in the presence of the papal legate Pandulph in 1213 at the Templar Church at Dover'. King John then broke the terms of this charter when he signed the Magna Carta in 1215, the result of which was that control of the English monarchy and entire British Crown now belonged to the Pope. This situation was neatly summed up in this article.
"There is no mystery behind the current abomination of Babylon for those who discern His Truth:
And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. . . . . -Revelation 17:5
God has reserved His judgment for the great idolatress, Rome, the chief seat of all idolatry, that rules over many nations with whom the kings have committed to the worship of her idols (see Revelation 17:1-4). The Pope and His purported Church; sitting on the Temple throne at the Vatican; ruling the nations of the earth through the Crown Temple of ungodly deities are the Rule and Order of Babylon; the Crown of godlessness and the Code of commerce.
One may call the Rule of the world today by many names: The New World Order (a Bush family favourite), the Third Way (spoken by Tony Blair and Bill Clinton), the Illuminati, Triad, Triangle, Trinity, Masonry, the United Nations, the EU, the US, or many dozens of other names. However, they all point to one origin and one beginning. We have traced this in history to the Crown Temple, the Temple Church circa 1200. Because the Pope created the Order of the Temple Knights (the Grand Wizards of deception) and established their mighty Temple Church in the sovereign City of London, it is the Pope and his Roman Capitols who control the world."
The symbol of the City of London is a serpent/dragon creature holding a shield with the Knights Templar flag of a red cross on a white background. Indeed this has been the flag of England since just after the signing of the Magna Carta when the Papacy took control of it. The Templars were and still are subservient to the pope. Of course the serpent/dragon is also symbolic of Lucifer/Satan. In the Book of Revelation 12:9 we read:
“And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”
There has long been an identification with serpent/dragon worship and that of the sun. On page 227 of his book 'The Two Babylons' the author Alexander Hislop states:
Communism As Anti-Fascism
What the so called 'anti-fascists' (who act more like fascists themselves much of the time) of the 'left' don't realise is that, with their protests against anyone who speaks out about mass immigration or the many problems associated with multiculturalism, they are being used by the real fascists and are unwittingly supporting their aims. The protesters of the UAF are destined to be enslaved by the New World Order elite every bit as much as those of the EDL. A common thread with organisations such as Unite Against Fascism, Antifa, Hope Not Hate etc is that they are all funded and controlled by the left. Usually the Labour Party or Trade Union movement, both of whom are themselves are controlled by, higher, globalist forces. Interestingly the logo for the Hope Not Hate organisation is a (Luciferian) sun symbol (why use that?) which gives you some idea of who really controls it. Ironically the swastika of the Nazi's is also an ancient sun symbol. One other observation is the name of the British newspaper published by the Communist party is the 'Morning Star'. A descriptive term often used for Lucifer.
Searchlight is the parent organisation behind many of these off-shoots. Its founder, Gerry Gable, once ran for the Communist Party of Great Britain. It should never be forgotten that Communism and Fascism are really two sides of the same totalitarian coin. On the one side we have the national socialists and on the other the international socialists. Both are as bad as one another but for some reason, despite being responsible for many more deaths than Fascism, the Communist/left/international Socialists/Marxists seem to be often portrayed as well intentioned good guys whose hearts are in the right place but who sometimes don't quite get things right.
Divide And Rule: The UAF And The EDL
Anti-Immigration And Multiculturalism Is Not Racism
"Mass immigration is ruinous because it squeezes the local population, and life becomes worse for everybody but the wealthiest strata. It is a simple matter of less territory per person, and that is bad. This observation calls for no racial explanations. Why then do some anti-immigration groups regurgitate racialist slogans?
It is a triumph of the Masters of Discourse [the 'perception managers' aka 'brainwashers']. They have succeeded in convincing nearly everyone that anti-immigration is racism. The anti-immigration policy makers simply accepted this silly notion. Perhaps it is easier to go along with such a subjective argument than to fight it. The most committed groups integrated the racialists, not willing to abandon their primary mission for artificial divisions. Objection to immigration is not due to 'belief in racial superiority' or to 'racial hate', it is a perfectly normal defensive reaction of the working classes (and of those members of upper strata who feel compassion and empathy for them).
Now we can better understand the nature of the self-styled ‘anti-racist’ groups: Antifa, Searchlight, Expo and similar bodies. They are storm troopers for the Predator. They crush local solidarity groups. They act as a solvent, disintegrating traditional society…. People are impressionable, and they can’t withstand a massive attack of mass media."
He also makes an observation that those on the 'left' should consider.
"If you are told ‘you are racist’ because you object to mass immigration, respond with ‘you are uprooting poison’ [or] 'you are the Predators’ tool', or 'you are on the side of landlords and moneylenders', and it will be true."
I'd add you are on the side, knowingly or otherwise, of the Satanists and Luciferians who wish to enslave mankind and that would be true as well. Shamir also claimed that racism is an invention created by the 'Masters of Discourse'. He added:
"... it is a tempting sin to speak ill of others"
This is true whether it be French 'frogs', English 'rosbif', or Irish 'paddy's'. Shamir continues:
"...[but] there is a fine but clear difference between the light witty bitchiness of Oscar Wilde and spit-dropping drivel."
It is this difference that those behind the political correctness agenda purposely fail to distinguish. The creation of racism offences was one of the key recommendations of the Frankfurt School cultural Marxists that sought to undermine and destroy Western society. They were also the source of the dogma that is political correctness which is being used to similar effect.
Several years ago I was racially abused by a gang of Asian males. Reflecting afterwards I realised I wasn't in the least bit offended by them screaming 'white b****rd' at me. Why would being called 'white' bother me in the slightest. If anything it was the 'spit-dropping' way it was said. That is, it was the abuse itself that was the problem and the threat of violence that was implied by it. Why then should ethnic minorities be encouraged to consider that someone calling them 'black' is the very worst thing that could happen? Wouldn't we all be better off if instead we were encouraged to ignore and shrug off such comments? To encourage anyone called 'black' to think, why on earth should I be bothered about someone calling me that. The real problem arises if the 'abuse' is done in a vitriolic or threatening manner but that is true of any abuse regardless of how it is framed or who the target is. The reason that a sensible approach such as this is never considered is because the 'elite' wish to exploit racial tensions for Their own benefit so it's in Their best interests to create as much of it as possible. They want to encourage 'black' people to perpetually consider themselves as being victims and at the same time for 'white' people to assume the role of guilty oppressors.
The Truth About Communism
As regards Communism it's worth reflecting on the words of R.E. McMaster writing in the international investment newsletter, 'The Reaper':
“The goal of international communism is not to destroy Western international debt capitalism. The goal of international communism is to enslave mankind at the behest of Western international debt capitalism.”
Researcher Anthony J. Hilder put it similarly when he said:
“Communism is not [and never was] a creation of the masses to overthrow the Banking establishment, but rather a creation of the Banking establishment to overthrow and enslave the people.”
Oswald Spengler was even more direct:
“There is no proletarian, not even a Communist movement, that has not operated in the interests of money, and for the time being permitted by money - and that without the idealists among its leaders having the slightest suspicion of the fact.”
Stalin in masonic 'hidden hand' pose |
The Hegelian dialectic (controlled conflict) is widely used in the furtherance of the New World Order objective. This explains perfectly why the puppet politicians of the state are eager to label all native Britons 'whites' and are happy to squeeze as many ethnic minorities as possible into the 'black' category. We can begin to see why we have the absurd situation where the National Black Police Association, that was formerly run by an Iranian, claims that 'black' does not refer to 'skin colour' and that membership is open to all minority groups.
The Global Citizen Is The New Babylonian
In the article 'UN and the Occult Agenda' we looked at former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations and 'father of global education' Robert Muller. A man who, according to New Man Magazine, 1995, seeks to:
"…steer our children towards global citizenship, earth-centred beliefs, socialist values and collective mindset which is becoming a requirement for the 21st century workforce."
Muller was the author of the World Core Curriculum which has had an extremely significant influence on the education of the world's children. In the preface to the book it says:
The Lucis Trust logo as a stylised rising sun |
Bailey was the third head of the Theosophical society whose founder was the previously mentioned Helena Blavatsky. As we discovered earlier she openly proclaimed Lucifer and Satan as being 'the god of our planet' and our 'saviour'.
As part of her role as the head of the Theosophists she published a magazine called Lucifer. This was continued after her death by the second head of the Society, Annie Besant.
Bailey, along with her 32nd degree freemason husband Foster, created the Lucifer publishing company to further disseminate both her own work and that of Blavatsky's. This later changed into the Lucis Trust and in addition it now also prints and disseminates UN material. It is now 'recognised by the United Nations as a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), and is represented at [its] regular briefing sessions.'
This is just the 'tip of the iceberg' where occultism and the UN is concerned, but we can see that those within the UN that deem it necessary that the world has a standardised, global, educational policy for all children are heavily influenced by worshippers of Lucifer and Satan. As said earlier, the influence of Theosophy and by extension the writings of both Blavatsky and Bailey, cannot be underestimated. Not only on the United Nations and the burgeoning New Age movement but also on the wider New World Order agenda itself. In regards to this, Alice Bailey made a very revealing statement:
"The New World Order must be appropriate to a world which has passed through a destructive crisis and to a humanity which is badly shattered by the experience... [It] must lay the foundation for a future world order which will be possible only after a time of recovery, of reconstruction, and of rebuilding."
The 'crisis' is being fomented as we speak with its culmination likely to include a major conflict in the Middle East or worse, a worldwide economic collapse and subsequent food and fuel shortages. All steps along the way towards the new, global, Tower of Babel.
The New Human (Slave) Race
Bailey also said:
"…the present world order (which is today largely disorder) can be so modified and changed that a new world and a new race of men can gradually come into being."
This 'new race' is the very same 'mongrelised' humanity with the appearance of the ancient Egyptians that the Luciferian occultists such as Pike, Coudenhove and Palmer Hall spoke of. The 'new human' that is part of this 'new race' is not just characterised by the colour of its skin, it is also meant to be reprogrammed to think in a completely different way.
Lady GaGa makes the 'Eye of Horus (Lucifer)' symbol |
Why Mass Immigration Into 'White' Nations
Many have speculated on the reasons why it's 'white' people that are, seemingly, the main targets of this genocidal policy. There are several suggestions and perhaps all of them contain some truth. Some claim that the reason 'white' people are being targetted is because of:
Others say that just as the 'white race' comprises the majority of those within the Luciferian elite so does it also contain its greatest enemy. Others appear to confirm this theory by saying that it is because we have always proved to be too rebellious and difficult to control. The history of Britain, for example, is heavily censored and controlled and if the truth was revealed then perhaps that level of resistance would be more widely known. Still more claim that, in the case of the British, it's because Christianity (perhaps more specifically true Christianity (as opposed to the counterfeit Catholic version) which to some extent could be described as Protestantism), so loathed by those who revere Satan and Lucifer, took such deep root in their hearts, minds and very souls.
When considering that the spiritual dimension of the New World Order agenda is the most important, there may be more to this idea than it seems. As stated before, there are many who point the finger at the Vatican as being the key player behind the scenes. Indeed my own research into these matters tends to confirm this. As we've seen, these claims are given more credence by the Roman Catholic involvement in the creation of the EU.
In some respects then, what is happening now can be seen as a continuation of the counter reformation led by the Catholic order known as the Jesuits. It's worth remembering that every one of the prominent reformers of the Reformation identified the pope as the antichrist and the Catholic church as the 'woman riding the beast', as mentioned in Biblical prophecy. Archbishop Cranmer denounced the Pope as 'Christ's enemy and antichrist'. Interestingly, in his book 'Catholicism and Fundamentalism', the Catholic apologist Karl Keating writes:
"Babylon is a code word for Rome. It is used that way six times in the last book of the Bible and in extra-biblical works such as 'Sibylling Oracles'… and Esdras."
Researcher and lecturer Walter Veith said the following:
Martin Luther "Already I feel greater liberty in my heart; for at last I know that the pope is antichrist, and that his throne is that of Satan himself." |
In this respect a quote from American political figure Lyndon LaRouche seems pertinent.
"I refer specifically to Philo’s commentaries on the notion of Creation in the first chapter of Genesis (verse 26), to the effect that man is distinct from and set apart from the animals and above them, by virtue of being in the image of God. Not image in the ordinary sense, but by having this power of creative reason. That notion of man as being in the image of God defines all men as spiritually equal as sovereign individual persons before the Creator and, among all right-thinking men, among each other. That does not mean that men are equal in their development, but it means they are equal in their species nature.
On the contrary side, on the opposing side, to which Gen. [Albert] Pike adhered, we have the oligarchical view, which rejects the notion of man as in the image of God, and views man as more or less inherently utterly detestable, utterly depraved by his nature [and therefore worthy of subjugation]."
I was reminded of the above and of the absurdity of placing the blame for slavery on all 'white' people, when I recently read a poem by William Wordsworth. It was entitled, 'To Thomas Clarkson on the Final Passing of the Bill for the Abolition of the Slave Trade, March 1807.' I was intrigued as to who Thomas Clarkson was and what his role was in the passing of the bill. His story was a fascinating one. As a young man at Cambridge he entered in to an essay competition, the topic of which was, 'is it lawful to enslave the unconsenting [sic]?' Clarkson won the competition and had what he described as a spiritual revelation from God. This was, that if what he'd written in the essay was true then some person should do something about it. Clarkson's father was a Reverend and he himself was ordained a Deacon and was described as devout. His sense of calling and the revelation he received led him to devote the rest of his life to trying to abolish the slave trade. Clarkson was typical of the early abolitionists in that almost all of them belonged to varying denominations of Christianity. Perhaps it is the Christian spirit of doing the right thing, come what may and which is exemplified in the life of Thomas Clarkson, that is part of what the Luciferian elite are so keen to destroy.
The 'Ecumenical' One World Religion
Again, this is a complex issue but we should remember that the original Tower of Babel was in part an attempt at a unified religious system. We can then see that mass immigration and multiculturalism are, to some degree, a part of the drive to unite the world's religions. The religious system of the New World Order will be one where the religions of the world unite around, what is said to be, their common roots. This ecumenical drive is, of course, being led by the Papacy. At an 'Interfaith Meeting' in 1999 the Pope presided over an assembly of Buddhist monks, Zoroastrian priests, Catholic cardinals, Hindu gurus, American Indian shamen, Jewish rabbis and Muslim Muftis. Associated press reported that:
Pope John Paul II kisses a koran. A book which, amongst other things, denies the divinity of Jesus. |
Multiculturalism Was Meant To Fail
As we've seen with Andrew Neather's revelations, there was a clear intent to spread 'multiculturalism' by the Labour party. For years anyone who criticised it was vigorously denounced with the usual and predictable slurs of racist, xenophobe or fascist as discussed earlier. Yet in recent months several European leaders including British Prime Minister David Cameron have made speeches pronouncing multiculturalism a failure. Whilst this may have appeared to some to be altruistic behaviour by the politicians involved, it was actually all part of the broader agenda and it should be no surprise that the same message is being played out across the EU. What people don't realise is that they always knew it would fail. It was always meant to fail. It was only ever going to be a short transition to the next step which will be integration, all in the name of peace, unity, community cohesion, reducing 'racism' or some other flowery, fluffy, feel good buzzword their research groups have shown to be effective.
Olympic Games in London, 2012. They are being promoted with the slogan, The World In One City' but this is yet more subtle brainwashing and manipulation by the Satanic elite as They slowly move towards the desired end game. That is the complete suppression and eventual elimination of the white British as part of Albert Pike's 'mongrelising' of the masses and the creation of a slave race incapable of any sort of resistance. However uncomfortable some may feel about discussing these issues, it's essential that they are and their true importance conveyed.
There is absolutely nothing particularly moral about multiculturalism. It is a state enforced creation that has been inflicted on a mostly unwilling people. As we've seen both it and mass immigration are integral parts of the Luciferian and Satanic world government agenda that is intended to result in the mental, physical and spiritual enslavement of the whole of humanity. When you research this subject in greater detail and see it in its true light, what becomes apparent is that this deeply evil enterprise requires the destruction of the 'white' nations of the world. This can't be described as anything other than genocide.
Some may scoff at describing what is happening in Britain today as genocidal. However, the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG) defines genocide as:
"... deliberately inflicting on [a] group conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part."
There's no doubt that what is happening to Britain and England in particular, can be classed as genocide. As researcher and writer Tony Shell says:
"... the English are a native people - an indigenous (aboriginal) people of the British Isles."
English children at the turn of the 19th century |
He summed this up in a quote from his book 'The Blood of the Isles', published in 2006:
"We are an ancient people, and though the Isles have been the target of invasion and opposed settlement from abroad ever since Julius Caesar first stepped on to the shingle shores of Kent, these have barely scratched the topsoil of our deep-rooted ancestry. However we may feel about ourselves and about each other, we are genetically rooted in a Celtic past. The Irish, the Welsh and the Scots know this, but the English sometimes think otherwise. But, just a little way beneath the surface, the strands of ancestry weave us all together as the children of a common past".
The English, Scots, Welsh and other European peoples are very bit as much worthy of protection as any other ethnic group around the world and it's a curious form of reverse racism that pretends otherwise.
I often wonder what the residents of Kingston Jamaica, for example, would say if they were told that it was necessary to have massive levels of immigration that would result in them being an ethnic minority in their city. How would they respond if the new ethnic majority were, let's say, Pakistani muslims and Kingston now had more mosques than churches. In turn, how would the residents of Islamabad react if they, as a result of the lies and deceit of their political elite, were soon to be ethnic minorities in their major cities with largely Christian Nigerians being the new majority. My guess is that it wouldn't be welcomed as some fantastic new multicultural utopia and would be fiercely resisted.
The new Zambians? |
The 'We Are All One Consciousness' Deception
Just as the left has been manipulated so too have a considerable number in the so called 'truth movement'. There are many, myself included, who consider David Icke to be an agent, conscious or otherwise, of the Satanic 'elite'. Interestingly, his 'solution' to the New World Order agenda is for us all to realise that we are 'all one consciousness' and that 'everything is an illusion'. A concept that, arguably, has its modern roots in the teachings of the Catholic Jesuit priest, who was often called the 'father of the New Age movement, Pierre Teilhard De Chardin. This 'illusion' happens to include nations, races and cultures. The subtle deception at play here is that in order to defeat the New World Order we have to realise that nation states and racial and cultural distinctions are not only unimportant they are actually illusory. Of course the destruction of nations and national identities just happen to be key New World Order goals.
Luciferic 'sun in triangle' image taken from Zeitgeist The Movie |
The 'solutions' proposed by David Icke, Zeitgeist and others ensure that, not only do large numbers of the 'truth movement' inadvertently further the New World Order agenda, but that they also actively deride and see as their enemy anyone who does seek to protect or defend their nation or national identity. What those behind the New World Order desire is complete conformity so as to more easily control the human race. As with the 'left' there are many in the truth movement who haven't considered the full implications of the complete loss of their national identity. What should also be noted is that the racial destruction of the European peoples is just the first step. Do we really want to eliminate all races on the earth? If not then why support the destruction of those peoples denigrated as 'white'? It should be remembered that this long term genocidal process is irreversible. The survival of those ethnic groups collectively referred to as the 'white race' such as the English, French, German, Scottish, Danish or Welsh is really the prerequisite for the survival of all the races on this earth.
Nation States Are The True Diversity Of The World
The Satanic 'elite' make great claims about 'celebrating diversity' when in reality all They are really doing is highlighting differences with a view to eliminating them. They have forced together disparate and largely incompatible groups with a view to fomenting division, problems, instability and even violence in order to create the conditions necessary to advance their New World Order agenda. True diversity is all the wonderful cultures and races that have developed over centuries. The same ones that need to be destroyed for this New World Order.
The best defence against it are sovereign, independent, nations, co-operating freely where required. Their fear is that if just one country slips out of their control it will serve as an example to the rest of true freedom and independence from the global enslavement agenda. These agents of deception claim that 'races are a false construct' that are meant to 'divide us'. This is clever psychological manipulation. Races aren't a 'false construct' and neither do they inevitably cause 'division'. It is the Satanic elite that manipulate and create false conflict and it is them we need to do away with not the cultural heritage that is the creation of the wonderfully diverse peoples of the earth.
The Psychological Manipulation Of Humanity
This sort of psychological manipulation is a very good example of what we are constantly subjected to and of which all of us should be aware. It's often referred to as 'perception management' but that is really just a polite way of saying brainwashing. It really is something that we should all investigate thoroughly. Merely being aware of the existence of brainwashing and the techniques used, greatly diminishes its effectiveness. This issue is highlighted in another quote from the Fabian Bertrand Russell. In his book 'The Impact of Science on Society', published in 1952, Russell discusses the subject of mass psychology and gives us an insight into the thought processes of the elite.
"What is essential in mass psychology is the art of persuasion. If you compare a speech of Hitler’s with a speech of (say) Edmund Burke, you will see what strides have been made in the art since the eighteenth century. What went wrong formerly was that people had read in books that man is a rational animal and framed their arguments on this hypothesis. We now know that limelight and a brass band do more to persuade than can be done by the most elegant train of syllogisms. It may be hoped that in time anybody will be able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young and is provided by the State with money and equipment.
This subject [mass psychology] will make great strides when it is taken up by scientists under a scientific dictatorship. Anaxagoras maintained that snow is black, but no one believed him. The social psychologists of the future will have a number of classes of school children on whom they will try different methods of producing an unshakeable conviction that snow is black. Various results will soon be arrived at. First, that the influence of home is obstructive. Second, that not much can be done unless indoctrination begins before the age of ten. Third, that verses set to music and repeatedly intoned are very effective. Fourth, that the opinion that snow is white must be held to show a morbid taste for eccentricity. But I anticipate. It is for future scientists to make these maxims precise and discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black, and how much less it would cost to make them believe it is dark grey.”
Although the desire to indoctrinate and brainwash remains the same, the techniques used to do it have developed enormously since the 1950's. Possibly the greatest development in this regard has been the television. Edward Bernays has been described as the 'father of public relations'. In his book 'Propaganda', written in 1928, he said the following:
"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. ...We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. ...In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons...who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind."
In the essay ‘Brainwashing: How the British Use the Media for Mass Psychological Warfare’ media ‘expert’ Hal Becker is quoted as saying:
“The media is the most powerful weapon and ‘agent of change’ in the fight to establish a ‘one-worldist’, 'neo-Malthusian' order that will transcend and obliterate the concept of the nation-state.”
How the demonisation works is illustrated in the following section taken from an essay on the Hidden Evil website. In it (Anthony) Sutton and (Patrick) Wood warned:
"Anyone in the U.S. who promotes unwelcome news for the elite receives some unwelcome attention in return. This attention includes the use of experts, mainstream media and anti-hate organisations for well-coordinated character assassination. According to author Perloff, a document released by the House Committee on Un-American Activities, on September 23, 1956 entitled, Propaganda and the Alert Citizen outlined the tactics reportedly used by the Establishment to discredit opposition.
Quoting from this document, Perloff wrote:
'The tactic used had a prototype in a directive issued by the Communist Party... It read: When certain obstructionists become too irritating, label them, after suitable build-ups, as Fascist or Nazi or anti-Semitic, and use the prestige of anti-Fascist and tolerance organisations to discredit them. ... In the public mind constantly associate those who oppose us with those names which already have a bad smell.'”
For an example of how the ruling 'elites' view us this short excerpt of an interview with Aldous Huxley is enlightening. In it he discusses the techniques for the 'chemical control' of humanity. There are many who think that the future world government system will be something akin to Orwell's 1984. The reality is that it is much more likely to be closer to Huxley's vision in his book 'Brave New World' where 'the slaves ... do not have to be coerced because they love their servitude'.
The Stigmatisation Of Nationalism
Establishment stooge Nick Griffin whose role it is to associate all forms of nationalism with Nazism or fascism |
There was also another benefit of having the BNP identified with nationalism and then disparaged in such a way. Many of the issues they raise are ignored or not discussed because to do otherwise would give ‘aid to the fascists’ or something similar. The irony here is that to not discuss these things gives 'aid' to the real fascists, the Satanic oligarchy. Again very clever mind control tactics employed by them. Even if you raise concerns about issues such as multiculturalism or mass immigration you run the risk of being labelled a BNP ‘fellow traveller’ and indirectly tagged with the slurs mentioned above. Genuine public debate on these important issues is therefore severely restricted and controlled, if allowed at all.
Incidentally the other key role performed by Nick Griffin is to continually destabilise the party by engineering damaging splits and dissent within it. This serves to prevent any organised opposition to the real fascists plan for Their New World Order. Any keen observer of the BNP in recent years can see it is a role he has played only too well.
This is just one more example of the 'divide and rule' policy being pursued by the controlling elites. As those behind the globalising 'New World Order' agenda slowly but surely transfer power upwards to an unaccountable 'elite' few, the Balkanising effects of mass immigration and multiculturalism make any concerted resistance almost impossible. The government becomes a sort of conflict manager enabling the real controllers to skilfully play different ethnic groups off against each other in whatever way furthers their agenda.
The 'liberal left', under the hidden guidance of the Satanic oligarchy, enthusiastically sought and continues to seek, to suppress any nationalistic, cultural, or ethnic solidarity among the native British, particularly the English. This is supposedly done because the abolition of 'nationalism' will somehow mean the end of war and conflict and inaugurate world peace. Nationalism is really an extension of tribalism and it is ridiculous to think that tribalism can be eliminated, apart from it being essentially unnecessary. Only a ruthless totalitarian government could hope to do so and only the New World Order 'elite' and a few deluded Marxists and Nazis desire that. The irony is that other ethic groups aren't being made to dissolve their tribal feelings and loyalties. Quite the reverse, they are encouraged and even funded with grants through numerous ethnic only organisations. What those on the liberal left fail to see is the real agenda behind those who fund and control these things from behind the scenes.
'Tribalism' doesn't necessarily lead to conflict. A good nationalist always seeks to cooperate with other countries to each others mutual benefit. Besides even if the whole world had the same green skin colour, the green people north of the river could still be manipulated into conflict with the green people on the south side if it was in the interests of the ruling oligarchs. It is They that are the problem. It's being increasingly revealed that many, if not all, of the conflicts throughout history, including the major World Wars, can be traced back to Their manipulations and machinations.
The forefathers of the same ruling 'elite' that are today behind the New World Order and it's agenda for global enslavement. As stated earlier, nationalism is actually the best defence against these tyrants. What they fear the most is that a country will escape their influence and be seen to be able to thrive and succeed, as it surely could and thereby serving as an example to other countries around the world. As with a large proportion of the 'truth movement', the liberal left have been manipulated into thinking that nationalism is the problem and by their promotion of global solutions they are, inadvertently, assisting the real fascist agenda.
The 'Mongrelisation' Of The West
'Pampered white liberal' Andrew Marr |
"...widespread and vigorous miscegenation (race mixing)' [and the] vigorous use of state power to coerce and repress [those who resists mass immigration and multiculturism]"
I would assume he did this whilst being completely unaware of the Satanic agenda he's helping to further.
Of course miscegenation is the very thing the Luciferian cabal desire in their bid to 'mongrelise' humanity and create the 'new race of humans' similar in their appearance to the Ancient Egyptians. This is always dressed up as being the very noblest of ideals; the unity and oneness of man without discrimination, complete equality etc. The reality is that it is another Tower of Babel where this new race, devoid of all previous cultural and racial distinctions, is designed to serve an elite few in thrall to their sun god Lucifer. These self styled 'philosopher kings', think many years in advance and what we are witnessing now is only the beginning of a long process. Make no mistake, there is an all-out psychological propaganda war designed to promote miscegenation wherever possible, particularly in the media, entertainment, sports and education systems. Every Pavlovian trick is being used to make miscegenation appear cool, trendy, fashionable and even desirable.
People may scoff at the idea that we can be unconsciously reprogrammed to do these things but it happens all the time. In 1920 Edward Bernays was approached by the American Tobacco Corporation who wanted to encourage more women to smoke. Up until that point smoking was very much a male pursuit that few women partook in. From his research Bernays determined that women viewed the cigarette as a phallic symbol and associated it with power and dominance, hence their lack of interest. In order to 'reprogram' them Bernays decided to create a 'publicity' event during a New York Easter parade. He coached a group of young women to dramatically light up their cigarettes making sure they were conspicuous and that several reporters were present to record the 'event. Bernays explained how this was a 'declaration of independence' on behalf of the women and an expression of 'female solidarity'. This shocking behaviour (for the time) ensured a media frenzy the end result of which was that women had successfully been reprogrammed. No longer did they view the cigarette as a phallic symbol, it was now a 'torch of freedom'. The use of cigarettes by women steadily increased from that day, all thanks to an American tobacco company and some clever brainwashing, perception management and mind control on behalf of Bernays.
The techniques used in modern times are now far more sophisticated and the medium of choice and the one that is the most effective, is the television. Gerry Hines, a Programme Organiser for the BBC, was quoted in Race Today as saying:
"Newspapers have to sell in order to live, so does commercial TV. That leaves the BBC as the only truly public service medium in this country disseminating information, entertainment, and in the case of race relations, propaganda. We are unashamed to admit it, is what we are doing."
This isn't the benign, altruistic endeavour it appears to be. It's the first steps in the subtle genocide of the English and British that will end in their eventual biological destruction. Nobody should dictate to another whom they should and shouldn't marry but that's a far cry from the pernicious attempts at mind control and brainwashing that has been and continues to be, waged on this issue.
President Tubman of Liberia is reported to have said that:
“... we are opposed to integration. It is a bad thing and we condemn it. Why should we destroy our identity? We love our black skins and we are proud of our heritage. Our country is open to all people of African descent".
Should he be condemned as a racist and forced to have quotas for Asians, Arabs and Europeans that would see those of African descent become a minority? Should there then be a secret and sustained attempt to promote the idea of miscegenation, by any means possible, in order to change the biological characteristics of those very same Africans? This isn't about miscegenation per se, it's about deliberately setting out to promote the idea with the sole intent of altering the genetics of the target ethnic group that is perceived to be an obstacle to your plan to enslave and subjugate humanity.
As an aside, it's worth observing that if the leader of European country ever expressed a desire to keep the racial heritage of their country pure, there would be a massive outcry led by the liberal left.
Marr cheers because the elite controlled government pass a Race Relations Act that he says:
"... will impose the will of the state on millions…"
Again completely oblivious (I assume) as to who truly controls that state and what their intent is. Like Gerry Hines, he also works for the BBC which is the major conduit in this country for the mind control, brainwashing and propaganda we briefly looked at earlier. When considering Andrew Marr and the scores of 'left wing' journalists like him, I'm reminded of another quote from the essay, 'Brainwashing: How the British Use the Media for Mass Psychological Warfare:'
"[The Club of Rome] can also call on the capabilities of a mass psychological warfare machine, also run by the British and their assets, which extends into key phases of media production, and includes writers and psychiatrists who help shape the content, and the pollsters who fine-tune and analyse the impact on targeted populations. Beyond this interacting network, there are millions of participants involved in the production, distribution, and transmission of media messages, whose thinking, in turn, has been shaped by the content of the media product, and who are, effectively, self-brainwashed by the culture within which they live."
The 'Only Whites Are Racist' Myth
Most of the things that Marr and others consider to be 'racist' do not involve violence towards other ethnic minorities but are merely the expression of the natural feelings of belonging to a particular ethnic group. Feelings that are encouraged amongst other ethnic groups but, according to Marr, require 'stamping hard on' to 'kill them off' when done by any native Briton. The idea that only 'whites' can be racist is a carefully manipulated lie. Other racial or ethnic groupings are every bit as 'racist' as 'whites', some possibly more so. In fact in some of the last figures published by the government, statistics showed that 'whites' were far more likely to be victims of racial violence than ethnic minorities. Although presented in a deceptive manner typical of all British government's, a careful analysis showed that in 1999 the 'white' population were approximately 90% of the population and yet made up 60% of the victims. Put another way, ethnic minorities, despite being only 10% of the population, committed 60% of the crimes, whilst 'whites being 90% of the population committed, at most, 40%. It is probably very likely that a significant number of the racial violence aimed at ethnic minorities were perpetrated by a different ethnic minority.
These figures shouldn't be a surprise considering that ethnic minorities, particularly children in the education (indoctrination) system, are constantly being told that all 'whites' are responsible for such things as the Empire and the slave trade. The finger of blame is never pointed at the true source of these evils, the worshippers of Lucifer and/or Satan that have suppressed and enslaved us all. Neither is it pointed at other ethnic groups that are equally culpable.
British male deemed 'privileged and powerful' solely due to his skin colour |
The relentless 'Cultural Marxist' propaganda war inevitably results in staggeringly wrong statements such as the following by left wing comedian and Beeboid, Jo Brand. In an interview on BBC Radio Five Live she said:
" can't be racist towards white people".
She claims this is because all white people, somehow, have political power. As we've seen, the idea we have a democracy in this country is wishful thinking at best. We have a ruling 'elite' that operates in its interest and certainly not in the interests of the native British peoples of this nation. The ruling 'elite' may have power but the inhabitants of the numerous sprawling council estates up and down this country don't. Sadly the attitude and thinking expressed by Brand is fairly typical of a sizeable section of the media, if not the 'liberal' establishment, in this country. This brings to mind some further quotes by Hal Becker, who was mentioned earlier.
"It can also call on the capabilities of a mass psychological warfare machine, also run by the British and their assets, which extends into key phases of media production, and includes writers and psychiatrists who help shape the content, and the pollsters who fine-tune and analyze the impact on targetted populations. Beyond this interacting network, there are millions of participants involved in the production, distribution, and transmission of media messages, whose thinking, in turn, has been shaped by the content of the media product, and who are, effectively, self-brainwashed by the culture within which they live.
It shouldn't be a surprise that the end result of all this psychological control is, of course the New World Order's world government."
If the quotas favour ethnic minorities, for example ethnic Indian doctors, there is never a clamour to reduce their numbers in favour of more white or even African doctors. These absurdities exist because they were never about 'equality' in the first place. They were always about disenfranchising the majority native British as part of the process of their destruction as a distinct ethnic and cultural group. It has to be remembered that these things are not being done for the benefit of ethnic minorities who are just being used as pawns in the Satanic New World Order game which will eventually subjugate us all.
In conclusion, mass immigration and multiculturalism are key elements of the world government agenda that the self styled 'philosophic elites' of the world are slowly working towards. This carefully veiled false utopia will in essence be a new feudal system overseen by a cabal of Lucifer worshippers that will result in the enslavement of humanity mind, body and soul.
The idea that Commonwealth countries gained complete independence and escaped the clutches of the British Empire is somewhat misleading. All that really happened was that agents of the ruling 'elite' were put into positions of power in Commonwealth countries and are kept there by the similar manipulations of the democratic process that we suffer from here in Britain. The countries of the Commonwealth are no more free or democratic than we are here in Britain and are still ultimately controlled from here by the Crown. As in Britain, Freemasonry and the secret society networks are an essential part of the control structure. Much of the so-called 'foreign aid' budget is used to grease the wheels of this process.
If the nest of vipers that is the Crown in the City of London, the Royal and aristocratic parasites that feed off it and the puppet politicians who dance to their tune, could be defeated here in Britain we would almost certainly be in a position to help the rest of the Commonwealth to throw off their chains. Nothing would relieve the issue of immigration more than this, nor better relieve poverty. In fact freed from the asset stripping and debt enslavement of the banks (who serve as a proxy for the ruling 'elite') many so called 'Third World' countries could thrive and prosper. Indeed I would guess this would then serve as a catalyst for many ethnic minorities wishing to return to their native countries, if for no other reason than the weather would be better. A reduction in the numbers of ethnic minorities here in Britain can only be a good thing. This would allow those British, who wish to do so, to continue their centuries old culture and way of life by living in communities of their choice. Those other British who prefer to live in multi-ethnic and multi-cultural communities would also be free to do so. This wouldn't require laws to pass it would just happen naturally if and when the State stopped trying to socially engineer and 'change' us all.
the most overcrowded country in Europe with double the population density level of Germany and quadruple that of France. England is also among the highest in the world for major countries, ranking third behind Bangladesh and South Korea. A situation that will only get worse if immigration continues.
Defenders of mass immigration say we need the skilled workers for our own economy. Leaving aside the spurious economic claims (including the said necessity for constant economic growth, which is only really necessary because of our iniquitous banking system) and the fact that this situation has largely been intentionally engineered, what they are saying is that we needn't worry about enticing skilled workers, including doctors and nurses, from developing countries because our economic needs have to come first. It really is incredible that those on the 'left' can defend such a thing but it perhaps serves as an example of the strength of the 'perception management' (by what Israel Shamir describes as the 'Masters of Discourse) we are subjected to. Sidney Webb, founder of the Fabian Society, which proposes and works towards a socialist world government, hinted at how the real controllers of society operate when he said:
“To play those millions of minds, to watch them slowly respond to an unseen stimulus, to guide their aspirations without their knowledge – all this whether in high capacities or in humble, is a big and endless game of chess, of ever extraordinary excitement.”
It's my contention that on the issues of mass immigration and multiculturalism, perhaps more than any other, we are being 'played' by the Sidney Webb's of today.
If any ethnic minority did want to return to their roots a grant, along with an apology from all those who contributed to this 'brain drain' from the Third World, would seem to be the least that could be done. A less populated Britain would eliminate the increasing pressure to build on limited green belt land. Even better would be the chance to have more green spaces in the (unhealthy) concrete jungles that are our major cities. People are not meant to be living like battery chickens surrounded by the noise and pollution that is the common characteristic of British cities. Surely more green corridors, urban farms, parks and gardens would be better than ever increasing numbers of high rise blocks of flats that pack us in like sardines?
The raft of organisations dedicated to 'diversity' and 'tolerance' and the promotion of political correctness are no more than 'elite' funded social re-engineering tools. Their roots are in the Cultural Marxism that seeks to destroy us all in the process of creating a global 'communitarian' monoculture. In highlighting our 'differences' and making this seem to be the root cause of the world's problems, the goal is to erase them all together. When we are all 'one' and 'united' the Satanic elite will be close to their goal of a hive-minded slave race who are unaware (due to the 'dumbing down' of the education system and other methods) of the extent of their slavery. The promotion of 'diversity', 'tolerance', 'anti-racism' and multiculturalism' is intended to destroy all of the wonderful and precious ethnic and cultural identities of the peoples of the world, with those in 'white' nations being just the first. It literally breaks my heart to see what is happening in Britain today. Even more so when you fully realise the true reasons behind it.
There is nothing particularly moral about mass immigration and multiculturalism. In fact the point of this essay is that they are quite the reverse. They are the conscious misuse of ethnic minorities to bring about the genocide of the peoples of Britain and Europe in order to enslave us all, left, right, 'black', 'white', UAF or EDL. As Israel Shamir pointers out the vast majority of immigrants 'do not want to act as the bridgehead of an invasion.' Enforcing mass immigration and multiculturalism on an unwilling population is every bit as 'fascist' as the 'fascism' the likes of the UAF claim to resist. Despite the evidence provided here about the true reasons behind mass immigration and multiculturalism, there will inevitably be some who still wish to support these things. If they do they should remember that it is their choice and it is not something they can impose on other people.
As stated earlier, at least in the early stages, this is the oldest trick in the book, 'divide and rule'. Whatever your feelings on this subject it's imperative that we avoid falling into this trap. It's worth repeating that our 'enemies' are not each other they are the same as they have ever been. We all need to focus our attention on the Satanic elite and their minions and their plans for a New World Order. Our differences can be much more easily resolved when we are free of Their brainwashing and manipulations.
This isn't some plea for false unity though. There'll be plenty of that in days to come as They seek to create ever more chaos and confusion in order to get us to 'unite' into 'oneness'. A psychological attempt to manipulate us into their new global system. This is about recognising the self evident fact that as races and even ethnic groupings, we have our differences. At the same time we are all members of humanity and these differences needn't be the cause of strife and conflict. All too often they are exploited and manipulated in order to serve the interests of the ruling 'elite'. That's who our real enemies are, not each other.
Resisting all this, peacefully and nonviolently, is the moral right of all those who don't wish to see the destruction of their race, ethnicity and culture and their subsequent subjugation in the new Tower of Babel that is the Luciferian/Satanic New World Order.