As Britain Tops Jobless League, New Figures Show Whites Losing out to Immigrants, Chinese and Indians
The growing anti-white nature of the British state has been revealed with a series of statistics which show that despite increasing unemployment in Britain, immigrants, Chinese and Indians are still being given preference in employment opportunities.
This rate is the highest of the six largest EU economies, the CPS said.
According to its figures, the UK has a total of 11.5 percent of households where no adults are working, compared to 10.5 percent in France, 9.2 percent in Germany and 6 percent in the Netherlands.
A 10 percent drop in the number of workless households would add around 1 percent to Gross Domestic Product, the CPS said.
Remarkably, the CPS report also called for the “reduction of low skilled immigration” to prevent an increase in unemployment.
The news coincided with a report in the Financial Times which said that at least 139,000 immigrants had beaten the “jobs crunch” while the number of “Britons in work had dropped by 654,000.”
According to the FT report, “migrant workers have continued to flow into the country during the recession while Britons lose their jobs.”
The FT continued: “The findings echo official figures two months ago that the number of foreign-born workers had risen by 114,000 in a year, bringing the full number in the economy to 3.85 million.
“Some 100,000 of the migrants who have arrived in the past two years come from outside the EU.
It is not only in the unskilled job market where white people are being replaced.
According to the recently released “How fair is Britain?” report from the Equalities and Human Rights Commission, Chinese and Indian men are nearly twice as likely as white British men to find professional, middle-class jobs.
The EHRC report says that “People from some ethnic groups are more likely to be in higher skilled, professional occupations than others.
“For example, Chinese and Indian men are nearly twice as likely as white British men to be in professional jobs.”
According to the report, just 14 percent of white men are in professional jobs, compared with 27 percent of Chinese and 25 percent of Indian men.
All in all, the picture which emerges is clear: white native British people are falling behind under the Labour-Tory-Lib Dem plan to ensure that our nation is colonised and taken over by the Third World.
Only the British National Party stands between you and this tragic disaster. Isn’t it about time you did something about it and helped the BNP?