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Thursday, 14 October 2010

I believe that Peak Oil is the most critical threat faced by our civilisation," that is what Nick Griffin said in a letter to Italian MEP Vittorio Prodi.

Ritengo che il picco del petrolio, sia la minaccia più critica affrontata dalla nostra civiltà

OCTOBER 2010: "I believe that Peak Oil is the most critical threat faced by our civilisation," that is what Nick Griffin said in a letter to Italian MEP Vittorio Prodi.

 Prodi (right) is also on Nick's Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) Committee and despite being a member of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) Group, he shares Nick's concerns over Peak Oil.
The British National Party MEP for the North West region of England wrote:
"Dear Mr Prodi
Re. Amendment 170. Cancun. Peak Oil.
I was delighted to see your Amendment 170 on the Cancun resolution. Having raised the issue of Peak Oil in committee several times in the last year (I planned to yesterday during the exchange of views with Mrs Heddegarde, but was not called to speak) I was beginning to think that everyone else was blind to this issue. It is a shame that the Amendment was rejected, but at least it received significant support.
I believe that Peak Oil is the most critical threat faced by our civilisation. I have been studying this issue intensively for more than 5 years and have good contacts to experts in this field who would be very pleased to provide information to anyone who wants and needs to know more. Please be assured of my wholehearted support for any further attempts to put this crucial issue on the agenda.
Yours sincerely
Nick Griffin MEP"
The letter was then translated into Italian by Nick's Parliamentary Assistant Alberto Paoletti.
"Gentile Onorevole,
Mi ha fatto davvero piacere vedere il Suo emendamento 170 sulla risoluzione Cancun.
L'anno scorso, dopo aver sollevato la questione del picco del petrolio in svariate occasioni in commissione, stavo cominciando a pensare che tutti gli altri fossero ciechi rispetto a questo problema.
A tal proposito, mi ero riproposto di intervenire ieri durante lo scambio di opinioni con la sig.ra Heddegarde ma, purtroppo, non sono stato chiamato a parlare.
E' un peccato che l'emendamento sia stato respinto, ma quantomeno ha ricevuto un importante sostegno.
Ritengo che il picco del petrolio, sia la minaccia più critica affrontata dalla nostra civiltà.
Ho studiato a fondo questo problema per più di 5 anni, sviluppando rilevanti contatti con gli esperti in questo campo, i quali sarebbe piu' che lieti di fornire approfondimenti, a Lei o a chiunque ne avesse bisogno.
La prego infine di contare sul mio pieno appoggio, per qualsiasi ulteriore tentativo di mettere questo tema cruciale all'ordine del giorno.
Cordiali saluti
Nick Griffin"