Will Labour’s Phil Woolas Lose His Seat?
Labour MP for Oldham East and Saddleworth, Phil Woolas, could possibly lose his parliamentary seat if an ongoing court case goes against him — and would that not be a fine day, reports British National Party candidate and Euro assistant Chris Beverley.“It is alleged that this constituted a breach of the Representation of the Peoples Act 1983, and for the first time in 99 years, Woolas found himself embroiled in a specially-convened election court case that would rule on an MP’s right to be a sitting MP,” Mr Beverley wrote.
“This court has the power to bar Woolas from office and order a by-election to take place should it find him guilty.
“The furore surrounds claims made against the Lib Dem Elwyn Watkins, who was alleged to have received foreign donations, garnered support from Muslim extremists and been involved in vote-fixing.
“It is ironic to hear such claims coming from the Labour Party considering their own track-record in this area, but this vile party obviously deemed it necessary to make such claims in order to shore up the votes of a sufficient proportion of the English population within this constituency.
“Let us also not forget that the constituency where this all took place is Oldham and Saddleworth, where the BNP has a fairly entrenched voter base. In a close contest, it makes a degree of political sense for enemy parties to try and tease away a few BNP voters, something which would rarely be attempted in areas of low BNP support.
“The case is now over and a ruling is expected to be reached in October.
“I found this case interesting and amusing for a number of reasons. “Interesting because it is important to learn from such cases to better prepare oneself for what can go in a political leaflet and what cannot. I go to great lengths to avoid putting anything into print that could backfire on me or the party, as I do not believe that spending large amounts of time fighting avoidable court cases is the most productive way to spend one’s time.
“It is also interesting in that it demonstrates once again that desperate politicians are willing to play the race card where they feel this is necessary.
“We are used to the Tories doing this, but the fact that Labour are also happy to do so, in this case the former Labour Government’s Immigration minister no less, shows the incomprehensibly hypocritical depths at which the ruling political class are content to operate.
“Between them the Tories and Labour have done more harm to our country over the past 60 years than would have been imaginable to most people in this country in the early post-war period.
“They have created a society in which the indigenous population are second class citizens and are discriminated against in a whole host of ways, many of which are so deeply entrenched in people’s automatic everyday behaviour that this seems to many to be the natural state of affairs (this is worth an article in itself, which I may one day write!)
“There is nothing worse than the parties that have created this situation attempting to appeal to what were referred to in the above case as ‘Sun reader’ types, and making noises about immigration or Islamism.
“I said the case also amused me, and indeed it did, as I enjoy the spectacle of our enemies falling out with one another, especially when this is done in a courtroom.
“It would also amuse me greatly to see Woolas lose his seat over this affair, though I do not know how likely this is.
2As a general rule, Establishment politicians who cynically exploit people’s genuine concern over the excesses of mass immigration — whilst deep down knowing that they have no intention whatsoever of addressing the causes of these concerns — are the very lowest form of politician, far lower, in my opinion, than those who actually believe in the benefits of mass immigration (stay with me here) and are happy to say so openly.
“Here’s to hoping the election court makes history and casts Woolas out of Parliament,” Mr Beverley concluded.