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Sunday 25 April 2010

Nu Labours Harman wants you the British extinct in the next 50 years

Let's have a 'Fairer' Society by Getting Rid of British People

Not on your Nelly Harman!
One of Green Arrow and friends roving reporters Mister Fox; passed me an interesting clip today which many of you will no doubt be left speechless by once you have viewed it, so here it is and thank you Mister Fox.
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The clip shows briefly, Harriet Harman revealing that the sole intention of "Gordon's Plan to change the voting system", is to stop the BNP being elected. (As if we didn't know).
But surely anywhere other than perhaps Zimbabwe, an electoral change which seeks to exclude parts of the populace from gaining power would be illegal wouldn't it?
Not only that, but surely anywhere apart from Zanu-Britain and Zimbawe, it would be non-conducive, possibly unconstitutional, definitely immoral, and certainly only something a scum-sucking dictating son of a bitch Marxist would do, and of course it would be completely 'un-British' wouldn't it?
That said, I guess if you had a scum-sucking Marxist government and scum-sucking vile despicable and disgusting Marxists leading British politics, then you would surely end up with scum in government who hated the British people, who hate democracy, who hate Christianity, who hate white people, and who hate the BNP, and well......I wonder what and who else they hate?
Everything other than what they prescribe as being Zanu-British I guess.
They'll hate people like me too I suppose, because the last thing a scum-sucking Marxist like these lot want is to be revealed for the scum-sucking lying Marxists they are.
Whilst I'm on about scum-sucking liars, thieves, Marxists, dictators and other ugly things, I thought it appropriate to bring news of a fall out at the unelected top of Labour.
This coincides with a fall out at the top of the unelected Conservative party too with Cameron's decision to plant Marxists, aliens and immigrants at the top of politics instead of anyone else by any other name who may actually have the country's interests at heart above their own or have a clue about politics, as he excludes anyone who disagrees with his vapid ideological approach to politics, loves Britain, can point to an Englishman, and holds any British Conservative values.
They are not the 'type' of people Cameron wants, he wants Marxists and anyone will do as long as they think like him.
talking of people who think like him,  Mandelson and Harman have apparently been fighting over the likely future without a Labour Govt, and instead trying to work out how to kill the rest of Britain off whilst under the thumb of a hung parliament.
Two Miserable Marxists
It was while I was reading the article as I tried to hold my sides together, that I couldn't help thinking how miserable these two Marxists looked. I recalled watching Harman through clenched fingers yesterday in the warm up to Mr Griffin's appearance on the special edition of Newnight with Jeremy Paxman, and I noticed a rather strange behaviour from her and from the Conservative lady Theresa May, as they struggled with the possible concept of having to work together. "Oh no"! May cried,.....'we worked with them on the education debate but we don't see eye to eye'.
Harman was equally distained by the idea as she alluded: "What this country needs is a........".
I have to say I went to make another cuppa at that point as I'd really had enough of beating myself up.
But as made my cuppa, I wondered whether either of them considered they might not actually be elected?
Strange thoughts crossed my mind as I considered whether they had considered the impossible outcome that they had not considered, that the electorate may have chose to not consider them.
Why surely if these two have already put aside the British people then surely only a complete moron or Marxist (same thing), could possible place a cross next to any of these lot I thought.
I mean it would be like voting for the executioner with the sharpest axe!
Very quickly I righted my thinking when I concluded that you don't actually need to be elected in this country to have political control, and that Peter Mandelson is proof of it.
What you need is a big mouth to get control in this country but in a nice way, you have to look good when you use it, and you have to get yourself on telly like these do.
Maybe Mr Griffin should have been amongst them to add a bit of rational thinking I thought, but heck there's no chance of that cos this is the BBC!
So, firstly we have the parties fighting amongst each other, and secondly we have them telling us how there'll be a change to the electoral system to keep the BNP and the British people out of power. What a complete mockery of democracy that is!
Then we have these Marxists being interviewed as if they are the only choice people can make, and by constant media coverage they become more prone to making giant gaffs when giving revelations which show their sole argument to restore 'fairness', a proper democracy, and a representative government, is to exclude the British people from the process.
Why do they hate us so much, is it because we tell the truth and reveal their lies?
Well what other reason could it be if not that?
I mean here's another truth for instance, but it could just be my opinion. Make your own mind up but this is mine. I think Harriet Harman is an ugly cow with an ugly mind an ugly mouth an ugly dress sense and an ugly political ideology.
My evidence is above and on other articles written by myself and others, and I see no need to ask who is available to save the British people because I already know who that is. It's a man called Mr Nick Griffin who the media won't show unless it is to ask him stupid questions, and it's the man who all the political parties FEAR! Yes FEAR! For if they did not fear him then they would not be looking to change the system to exclude him and they would permit him airtime to talk about our destruction as opposed to completing the endless question: "Who are the British people", with the same answer everytime...."us".
Further evidence of Harman's ugliness is here and I suggest she sees a dressmaker about her garb, and sees Mr Nick Griffin about a decent politic in which she could join in if she dropped the idea that Marxism will always be in charge of British politics. That could only ever come true, if people like me start to believe we don't exist and continue to vote for the LibLabCon Party, which in my case will never happen.
Who on this planet would wear a 6 inch Stiletto on their
LAPEL unless they were completely off their rocker!?

Nu Labour allows Asylum Seekers to Stay

Hundreds of Thousands of ‘Asylum Seekers’ Remain Permanently in Britain Due to the Labour/Tory PartyApril 23, 2010 - By merciaoriginal post at
Despite the Tweedledee and Tweedledum parties each claiming to be ‘tough’ on immigration, in actuality, between the two, they have granted amnesty to hundreds and thousands of so-called asylum seekers.
The Tories would have the gullible believe that they have clean hands where immigration is concerned and that the present crisis is largely due to Labour’s lack of control, yet it was former Tory leader Michael Howard who, when home secretary, rewarded thousands of ‘asylum seekers’ with residential status.
Howard, whose family originates from Eastern Europe, quietly increased the number of ‘asylum seekers’ granted exceptional leave to remain — from 2,000 in 1991, to 14,000 in 1993.
Later, in 1996, he once again demonstrated Tory duplicity by giving permission for thousands of overseas students and marriage applicants to remain in Britain.
Boris Johnson, the Tory mayor of London, is alleged to want a change in the current residence rule so as to confer a right of residence to all ‘asylum seekers’ who can establish that they have been in the country for at least five years.
Furthermore, it was the Tories who amended immigration and asylum legislation to give failed ‘asylum seekers’ the legal right to remain in Britain pending appeal against removal — legislation at the very root of the asylum-seeker scandal.
As for Labour, it is public knowledge that they have, since being elected to office in 1997, deliberately facilitated mass immigration in a cynical bid to import Labour voters, a covert policy that defecates on the sacrifice of all those Britons who gave their lives in the last war to defend us from foreign invasion and colonisation.
Yet it was ‘former’ Communist Jack Straw, the son of an Eastern European immigrant, who whilst insisting that there was no question of an amnesty, gave the green light for some 30,000 failed ‘asylum seekers’ to be allowed to stay in Britain.
This was every bit as bad a day for this country as it clearly was a good one for Labour’s crumbling electoral base.
Not to be outdone, Labour home secretary and former leader of “Looney Left” Sheffield Council, David Blunkett, is on record as giving permission for 15,000 ‘asylum seeker’ families to remain in 2003.
Since then experts estimate that the Labour regime has given residential status to around 160,000 illegal migrants, many of whom can reasonably be considered as natural Labour “welfare-state” Party supporters.
The British National Party says that our nation’s asylum policy should be in line with international law. This means that people have the right to seek asylum in the first neighbouring safe country to the one they are fleeing.
People who have crossed 20 safe countries to reach Britain are acting in contravention of asylum rules. The BNP argues that there are, therefore, no legal asylum seekers in Britain.

The Marxist Nu Labour attack on Christians Continues

Not him, he's the Pope
Whilst our Marxist govt, David Cameron and Clegg trip over themselves to destroy England and Christianity with their vile and disgusting Marxist beliefs that are unless you are ethnic, gay, Islamic or hell bent on wrecking democracy and the Christian church, then you must obviously (sic) be vile and disgusting.

They the marxists would do well to consider that these vile and disgusting 'Christian' beliefs held by at minimum one third the world's population, were the same beliefs which gave their own vile and disgusting beliefs room to breathe in our world.

Without Christianity it is very likely that the world we see now would be a far different place, and I doubt any of us would be here to shout down the other in our so called - democracy.
I was therefore rattled to find that our foreign office. A place which speaks for this nation. Should parade Britain on the world stage as a debauched society of vile and disgusting Marxist scum as opposed to representing the views of the British people in its dealings with head of the Catholic Church and great Pontiff, Pope Benedict XVI, in its suggestions that when he pays a visit here to his flock in September.

That he the Pope should be asked to "open an abortion clinic", "bless a gay marriage", take a hard line on child abuse, "launch a Benedict-branded condom", "sack dodgy bishops", and "launch a helpline for abused children".

Personally, I couldn't give a damm for the foreign office or for David Miliband who authorised these Marxist insults to the Pope, as I'm quite content to know that good manners and respect for Christian beliefs, is something only good people do.

Yet I wondered what the British people would think of vile Marxist traitors like Miliband and the shower of Marxists in the LibLabCon, who are parading themselves as being representative of the British people like me, or would they instead think these insults are proper from a government and a political elite which poses itself as British?
Who speaks for Britain - is it Christianity or is it Karl Marx?
For if it is NOT Christianity, then Christians best wake up to the fact that people like we have in the LibLabCon, are plainly trying their very best to persuade them otherwise as they all seek their votes in this election.
Christians (and moral respectable people with no faith), had best get used to the practice of Sharia Law becoming the norm in Britain once Marxists have decimated all things Christian.
Gays, & ethnic immigrants and other innocent people who remain fixed in their notions that the LibLabCon actually represents their beliefs rather than seeking to use them for their own global ends, had best get used to a future for them and their own children, which is wholly exclusive of all things good, and inclusive of all things vile and disgusting, as the global Marxists begin to take their aim through Islam, at them too.
First they came for the BNP then they came for the Christians, then they came for Gays and blacks and then they came for me. Finally they came for Islam and then there were only Marxists, who all happened just by sheer chance to be left in power in the LibLabCon Party under the reign of Satan.
We strongly recomend the book below, for further reference read the works of Larry Abraham & gerry Allen aslo

British National Party Manifesto

Democracy, Freedom, Culture and Identity: The BNP’s Election Manifesto 2010 Is Launched

April 23, 2010 - By BNP News
The British National Party has entered the 2010 general election with one of the most comprehensive and detailed manifestos in its history and will be campaigning on a number of issues which set it apart from all other political parties, Nick Grffin MEP has announced.
“These issues are the conflict in Afghanistan, the immigration invasion of our country, the threat to our security posed by Islamism and the danger of the European Union to our sovereignty,” Mr Griffin wrote in the introduction to the manifesto which was released today.
“The BNP is also the only party to map out realistic and sensible budget cuts which will bring the deficit under control — without cutting front line public services to the British people.
“In addition, the reader will find unique and innovative policies within this document which range from a solution for the housing crisis to restoring British industry, and from building our nation’s IT infrastructure to constitutional reform to guarantee our people’s liberties and freedom,” he said.
The manifesto’s key pledges are:
Defending Britain: BNP Defence Policy
• The BNP will end the involvement of British troops in the Afghanistan war
• The BNP will not allow British forces to become involved in a war against Iran
• The BNP will withdraw our troops from Germany
• The BNP will renegotiate our presence in NATO
• The BNP will raise Defence spending by one percent over the rate of inflation for the next five years
• The BNP will institute a Community Award Scheme for young people
Immigration: An Unparalleled Crisis Which Only the BNP Can Solve
• At current immigration and birth rates, indigenous British people are set to become a minority well within 50 years. This will result in the extinction of the British people, culture, heritage and identity.
• The BNP will take all steps necessary to halt and reverse this process. These steps will include a halt to all further immigration, the deportation of all illegal immigrants, a halt to the “asylum” swindle and the promotion of the already existing voluntary repatriation scheme.
• The BNP recognises the right of legally settled and law-abiding minorities to remain in the UK and enjoy the full protection of the law, on the understanding that the indigenous population of Britain has the right to remain the majority population of our nation.
• The BNP will deport all foreigners convicted of crimes in Britain, regardless of their immigration status.
• The BNP will review all citizenship grants awarded since Labour entered government in 1997, based on that party’s admission that they orchestrated mass immigration to change forcibly Britain’s demographics and to gerrymander elections.
• The BNP will repeal the Race Relations Act and all other far leftist social engineering projects, such as the Equalities and Human Rights Commission aimed at enforcing multiculturalism.
• The BNP will regain sovereign control of our borders by increasing funding to the UK Border Agency.
Environmental Protection and the “Climate Change” Theory
• The BNP demands an end to the destruction of Britain’s green belt, caused primarily by housing demand fuelled through mass immigration.
• The BNP will launch a “polluter pays” policy in the fight against environmental damage.
• The BNP will encourage the use of existing “brown sites” for all new building or industrial developments.
• The BNP rejects the “climate change” theory which holds that all western nations need to be stripped of their manufacturing base and pay untold billions to the Third World to build up their industries.
Leaving the European Union
• The BNP loves Europe but hates the EU.
• The BNP demands an immediate withdrawal from the European Union, which is an organisation dedicated to usurping British sovereignty and to destroying our nationhood and national identity.
• The BNP will end the annual multibillion cash haemorrhage Britain pays out to the EU in membership fees and regulatory costs. This money will be spent on building infrastructure in Britain and alleviating poverty and unemployment at home.
Counter Jihad: Confronting the Islamic Colonisation of Britain
• The BNP is implacably opposed to the Labour/Tory regime’s mass immigration policies which, if left unchecked, will see Britain and most of Europe colonised by Islam within a few decades.
• The BNP believes that the historical record shows that Islam is by its very nature incompatible with modern secular western democracy.
• The BNP will ban the burka, ritual slaughter and the building of further mosques in Britain.
• The BNP believes that there should be absolutely no further immigration from any Muslim countries, as it presents one of the most deadly threats yet to the survival of our nation.
• We propose the immediate deportation of all radical Islamist preachers, those proven to have attended any of their inflammatory sermons, and any other members of their community who object to these reasonable security measures.
• The BNP is the only party to identify correctly the twin causes of Islamist terrorism in Britain: (a) mass immigration and (b) a biased British foreign policy which serves to incite Muslims living in Britain.
Renationalising the Welfare State
• The BNP will halt the handout of benefits, housing, education and pensions to foreigners who have not paid into the system.
• The BNP will ensure that the National Health Service is used to serve British people and not used as an International Health Service.
• The BNP will provide education and training for the unemployed to enable them to get back into work.
• The BNP will institute a workfare-not-welfare policy for those who refuse to get back to work.
Freedom for All: The Restoration of Our Civil Liberties
• The BNP will repeal all legislation enacted by successive Labour and Tory regimes which have usurped the British people’s basic civil liberties.
• The BNP will circumvent the erosion of our liberties by the old gang parties under the guise of “fighting terrorism” by dealing with the root causes of Islamist extremism in Britain, namely mass immigration and Britain’s biased foreign policy.
• The BNP will repeal all laws aimed at restricting freedom of speech, including those relating to race relations and religion.
• The BNP rejects ID cards as an undesirable manifestation of the surveillance society.
• The BNP will repeal the 1998 Human Rights Act and withdraw from the European Convention on Human Rights, both of which are exploited to abuse Britain’s hospitality by the world’s scroungers.
• By withdrawing from the EU, the BNP will not permit British courts to be subservient to international bodies or courts which override the law of the British parliament.
Constitutional Change: Protecting and Enhancing Our Heritage
• The BNP will devolve all powers properly capable of exercise to local level and revived county council government.
• The BNP will create an English parliament in Westminster.
• The BNP will create a pan-British parliament to oversee those policy areas currently determined by Westminster and invite the Irish Republic to join as an equal partner.
• The BNP will reform the House of Lords to include non-party political experts and individuals chosen on the grounds of talent and service.
• The BNP will introduce citizens’ initiative referenda to force government to adhere to the will of the voters on specific subjects.
• The BNP will introduce a new Bill of Rights which will guarantee certain basic civil liberties.
• The BNP will enact legislation forbidding interference in the electoral process by third parties not partaking in an election.
• The BNP will restrict the use of postal voting only to those incapable of getting to the polling station on election day.
Democracy and the Media
• The BNP will enact legislation which will hold journalists and their media outlets criminally liable for knowingly publishing falsehoods.
• The BNP will create a media complaints body which will have the power to grant slandered persons or institutions the right of reply with equal prominence plus financial compensation in serious cases.
Culture, Traditions and Civil Society
• The BNP will take steps to promote the traditional British concepts of civility and courteousness by ensuring that they are taught in schools.
• The BNP will oppose the intrusion of non-British and alien cultural influences which undermine our traditional value systems.
• The BNP will encourage the teaching of British history, culture and traditions in schools.
• The BNP will seek to promote the traditional high-street shopping environment over the out-of-town shopping centre.
• The BNP will ensure that National Lottery funding is spent on projects which enhance British culture, rather than degrade it.
• The BNP will introduce formal bank holidays for all of our nations’ patron saints.
• The BNP will take legislative steps to protect Britain’s pubs, which will include tax concessions, smoking rooms under strict supervision and a lowering of tax on alcohol served in public houses.
Time to Get Tough on Crime and Criminals
• The BNP will end the culture where criminals’ rights are placed above those of victims of crime.
• The BNP will abolish political correctness from the police service in favour of real crime fighting.
• The BNP will review the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE) in order to remove unnecessary bureaucracy from the police service’s duties.
• The BNP will reintroduce capital punishment for drug dealers, child murderers, multiple murderers, murderers of policemen on duty and terrorists where guilt is proven beyond all doubt.
• The BNP will reintroduce the right of householders to defend themselves and their property using whatever means they deem necessary.
• The BNP will establish a penal station for extremely dangerous/violent repeat criminals (including rapists) on the British island of South Georgia.
A Healthy Nation: Public Health and the NHS
• The BNP will end the scandalous situation of NHS underfunding by reallocating money from the foreign aid budget. The reported NHS deficit is £620 million and the current foreign aid budget is £9.1 billion.
• The BNP will increase spending on front line staff while cutting back bureaucracy in the NHS.
• The BNP will end the £2 billion per year “health tourism” scandal.
• The BNP will give priority to employing British people at affordable wages in the NHS and halt the recruitment of Third World-origin staff who are needed in their own nations.
• The BNP will cut waiting times and service difficulties by relieving the immigration burden upon the NHS.
Education for a British Future
• The BNP will reverse the budget cuts on education and prioritise this sector as vital to the rebuilding of our nation.
• The BNP will bring back traditional syllabi and teaching methods to replace the current and obviously failed systems currently being used.
• The BNP will bring back streaming and grammar schools.
• The BNP will bring back academic and sporting competition at all levels of education.
• The BNP will offer free university education to deserving students who have completed their period of Community Service.
Transport: Getting Britain Moving Again
• The BNP will make rail travel affordable once again by reversing the disastrous privatisation process which has grossly inflated ticket prices.
• The BNP will reduce traffic congestion by bringing the immigration invasion under control.
• The BNP will invest in a high speed 200 mph magnetic levitation inter-city rail network.
• The BNP will seek to decrease the price of fuel which is already comprised of at least 63 percent government tax.
• The BNP will charge foreign trucks for the right to use Britain’s road network, as other European nations already do.
• The BNP will encourage and support the development of alternative transportation technologies to ultimately replace the internal combustion engine.
Agriculture: Food and Fisheries
• The BNP will promote British agriculture by gradually phasing out the EU’s CAP subsidies and replacing them with a viable UK system.
• The BNP will forbid the development and importation of genetically modified produce.
• The BNP will encourage the regeneration of the family farm as the core structure of Britain’s agricultural sector.
• The BNP will investigate the need for a massive soil reinvigoration scheme.
• The BNP will outlaw non-stunned ritual slaughter of animals.
• The BNP will bring back our nation’s traditional 200 mile coastal fishing exclusivity zone.
Energy: Fuelling the Nation’s Growth
• The BNP is committed to research into renewable and quasi-renewable energy sources and transmission systems, such as wave power, hydrogen fuel, and nuclear energy.
• The BNP rejects the notion that our nation’s nuclear power stations should be owned by foreign investors.
• The BNP opposes the punitive taxation mandated by the other parties’ adherence to the global warming theory and the “carbon credit” racket.
• The BNP will stop the building of wind turbines which are inefficient and blight the landscape.
• The BNP will investigate clean-burning coal-fired power plants as another method of dealing with increased energy demands.
Foreign Policy: Putting British Interests First
• The BNP will realign British foreign policy to put our nation’s interests first.
• The BNP will undertake not to interfere with the sovereignty of any other nation, and those in the Middle East in particular.
• The BNP would only deploy British armed forces in a conflict in which Britain’s interests were directly involved.
• The BNP will end the foreign aid swindle and reallocate the money saved to help British people.
Housing: Sheltering the Nation
• The BNP will allow local authorities to borrow on the open market to provide housing in their locality.
• The BNP will abolish the Homes and Community and Regional Development agencies and transfer regeneration and housing functions to local councils.
• The BNP will place each local council under a legal duty to build a number of homes set to a percentage of the waiting list total each year. These would only be available to British citizens.
• The BNP will introduce a “local connection test” for any applicant seeking social housing in terms of which they would need to demonstrate a positive and historical link to the area.
• The BNP will create a national infrastructure bank to promote regeneration and national infrastructure renewal.
• The BNP will relieve part of the housing crisis by halting and reversing the immigration invasion.
The Economy: Putting Britain Back on the Road to Recovery
• A BNP government would tackle the national debt problem by cutting expenditure on all projects which do not serve British interests.
• These expenditures which will be cut include the annual costs of £18 billion spent on “global warming,” the £13 billion spent on immigration, the £4 billion spent on asylum, the £15 billion spent on EU membership, the £9.1 billion spent on foreign aid, the billions spent fighting illegal and immoral foreign wars, and the billions spent on “politically correct” social engineering projects.
• The BNP undertakes not to reduce front-line public services while billions of pounds continue to flow out of the country to foreign interests. British people must benefit first from British tax income.
• The BNP aims to relieve the tax burden by raising the personal non-taxable allowance to £12,500.
• The BNP will encourage the family unit by reintroducing the married man’s allowance by as much as £2,500, depending upon the presence of children.
• The BNP will raise the inheritance tax level to £1 million.
• The BNP will work for a reduction in council tax through the slashing of all politically correct council functions and “diversity” schemes.
• The BNP would take some of these savings and invest them in rebuilding British industry and skills through an active protectionist policy as many other European nations already do.
• The BNP will rebuild Britain’s skills base — lost through decades of deindustrialisation caused by successive Tory and Labour regimes — by offering generous subsidies to students who study engineering and science and to institutions offering such education.
• The BNP will ensure that globalist corporations pay their fair share of the tax burden. We will close down the legal loopholes which allow tax evasion through Transfer Pricing and the outsourcing of jobs to foreign nations.
• The BNP will therefore introduce legislation to ensure that a foreign acquisition of any significantly-sized British company is judged to be in the public and national interest before it can proceed.
• The BNP will pass legislation to separate utility (high street) banks from the investment banking sector to prevent a repeat of the credit crisis.
• The BNP will oppose the privatisation of natural monopolies such as Royal Mail.
Creating Local Economies
• The BNP would support local economies by creating a national network of autonomous credit unions.
• The BNP would investigate the viability of voluntary local currencies as a means of assisting local economies.
Pensions: Looking After Our Old People
• The BNP aims to increase the state pension to £150 per week within the duration of the first Parliament.
• The BNP will link the state pension to earnings which will ensure that pensioner incomes keep pace with the cost of living.
• The BNP will reduce the current annual allowance for tax relief on pension contributions from the present amount of approximately £230,000 to £75,000.
• A solution to the public sector pensions crisis must be found through a national conference with all the players — employers and workers’ representatives.
• Part of the solution lies in raising the age of retirement to 68 over a period of years.
• The BNP will enact legislation to ensure that pensions are eligible only to Britons and those who have fully paid into the system.
• The BNP will vigorously oppose the UK taxpayer being called upon to subsidise any pension underfunding crisis elsewhere in the EU.
IT and the Digital Revolution: The BNP’s Vision
• The BNP will reinvigorate the IT sector in Britain with massive investments in technology universities.
• The BNP will institute a policy of protectionism for the local IT industry and jobs.
• The BNP will nationalise the telecoms infrastructure to enable the creation of a not-for-profit 100Mbps broadband service across the country.
• The BNP will invest in technology universities to provide the skills to our people to take their rightful place as world leaders in the IT industry. read more @
It seems that despite abdicating over University challenge in his spare time, Newsnight presenter Jeremy Paxman struggles for a definition of an indigenous or native Briton, or so the disingenuous and obscenely over compensated old poser tried to pretend in his unsuccessful attempts to discomfort Nick Griffin this evening.
Well, in that case, lets give him a fact which will not challenge his Panten Super Hold spray addled brain and one which will not even require him to grasp a definition of either native or indigenous which would be quite clear to 99% of the population. Indeed it will not even be necessarily for him to pontificate superciliously about a tiny group of French Huguenots or an even smaller group of Lithuanian Jews, but which might just give him an inkling of the size of problem we are facing.
It is an indisputable fact that, if current immigration and immigrant birth rate numbers continue, within less than 50 years, the descendants of those British born people who celebrated VE day in 1945 will be in the minority within the British Isles.
Is that clear enough, even for you Mr. Paxman?

Saturday 24 April 2010

Lib Dems same thing just different colour


This is the face of a liar, a thief and an arsonist
We're not done with you yet Cleggy Boy
When this liar, thief and traitor 'came out' the other day with his groundless and baseless insults to the British National Party, some may be forgiven for thinking because he aired his slimy self on the main media, and the slime in the main media decided to broadcast his lies, that no one would bother responding much to him. However they were as usual these days, very wrong.
Nick Clegg, like all lairs and thieves, as well as some media, think because they print it then people will believe what garbage they write, and well, as long as no one complains and as long as they keep buying into the lie, then they can just move on to the next insult while the last begins to settle in the public conscience, eating away at their feeling of whether or not they feel justified in voting for the British National Party and ultimately restoring truth and honest government.
They 'think' like Marxists think, that if a lie is told often, then it become difficult to separate it from truth.
They think like Marxists think, that as long as they hold power of government and power of press, that they can do pretty much what they like.
Like Clegg thinks that he can fiddle his parliamentary expenses in the same way he fiddled his airlines ticket expenses when he was an MEP.
I'm no expert on psychology, but I am an expert on honesty, and one thing I learned pretty early in life was how to spot a waster, a liar, a thief and a traitor.
'It's the way they look'
They look 'shifty' and nervous.
They stand to oneside when talking and they dip their head quite unknowingly as their conscience carries guilt.
It is the mark of a traitor and a liar that they will ALWAYS show outward signs of their guilty deeds, and they will find it very difficult to cover them up, and thus they must use deploy tactics to escape blame. i.e. The lie becomes bigger or they will run and hide.
Incidentally where is Clegg these days I thought there was an election?
Anyway, this liar and thief thinks like any other liar and thief I guess, so this will be why he's hiding.
Also, please take note the next time you do see him, and notice how 'shifty' he looks. I guarantee that he will display the typical traits of a liar and thief.
Lastly, when someone steals from the public it is the lowest form of theft.
Also, there are only two options when you are a thief:
1 - Cough up and admit it
2 - Keep lying
Which one do you think Clegg will do?
 Oh, and by the way Mr Clegg, we ain't finished with you yet.

So much for a racist party the myth is put to bed

Why I joined the BNP

Here are just a few words about why I joined the British National Party.

As I’m sure most people will see, my connection to Britain is through my husband Stuart.
Although my first influence was through British rock music from back in the ‘70s and through novels, some of my favourites being the Cadfael series of books by Edith Pargeter (Ellis Peters).

I longed to visit this beautiful, historic and just, nation and see for myself the medieval buildings of Cadfael’s world. I have been lucky that I could visit Great Britain twice now and to see not only England but Wales too. One day I will visit Scotland as well.
I have see both the modern, London’s ‘Gherkin', Cardiff’s Millennium Stadium and the rebuilt Manchester City Centre and the old, the Palace of Westminster, Warwick Castle and York Minster to name but a few. I also had the great pleasure of visiting the birth place of my new married name, Bainbridge in Yorkshire.

Travelling around Britain saddened me as so many places I visited were staffed by non-British, I learned English many years ago but wondered if English was still the language of Britain! I was also struck by how many of the British still working in the service industries like the rail staff, seemed so despondent and this in turn lowered the standards of traveling. What could break the spirit of these once proud people?

After my first visit when my husband and I had talked more about Britain and life there I discovered that all was not well, a malaise had taken hold and being Political Correct had replaced common sense and natural justice that Britain was known for around the world.
We began to explore what we could do about this as the corruption scandal broke in the UK. It was at this time Stuart decided to join the British National Party and I to support him all I could. I fully understood why the British National Party was for British people only, as this would be though of as being correct here in Japan. I didn’t need to be a member to help.

We worked as best we could to bring-about a change not only in immigration policy but also in the corruption of ministers, the political correctness which sees vast amounts of tax payers money wasted and to bring pride back to British workers.

When the British National Party changed it’s policy on non-British members I was at first hesitant, I didn’t believe that the British National Party needed to have non-British members to show it wasn’t racist. But my British National Party friends were already welcoming me and I thought that my membership may help and that is what I wanted to do, help turn Britain into a Britain to be proud of, a Britain that visitors will see as British, a Britain that cares for the British people just as Japan looks after the Japanese.

There is in fact one other reason why I joined the British National Party. If I tell you the date in which I traveled home to Japan after my first visit I’m sure you will understand. The date was 7/7/05. I flew from Manchester to London and on to Tokyo on that day and traveled in fear of more bombs. When I saw the pictures of Russell Square I could see the hotel in which I had stayed only two days earlier. That is about as close as I ever want to get to a terrorist bomb and my heart goes out to the victims and their families. This was my introduction to life in the UK, to Islam and I want to know why is the government of Britain allowing known illegal immigrants, foreign criminal and extremists to live in Britain, on tax payers money and threaten my family!

Tomoko Bainbridge
All propaganda must be so popular and on such an intellectual level, that even the most stupid of those toward whom it is directed will understand it... Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way around, to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise.”

So it is as such in our time, the promised paradise of our multicultural I have rights and to hell with you all State is having such a wonderful effect on our once unified peaceful & self disciplined society according to the supporters of theories of the Emperors new clothes.

We have a more varied diet and the slaughter of livestock in a barbaric manner. 

We have the chance of death or at least a threat of it when debating theology.

We have repressive Race Laws Not seen since the Nuremburg Nazi Race Laws, where one race is given preference in the chance employment, and Laws that make the criticism of another person of a different race for whatever reason a criminal offence!

We have Terrorism by religious fanatics that have lead to innocents killed on the streets and a case of a Muslim doctor a man who as so called taken the Hippocratic Oath, never mind the oath of allegiance to the British Nation, driving a car bomb in to a Airport in order to kill hundreds of civilians,

We have trials with out a jury, the 1st for 400 years,

The dummying down of our education system and media where none are allowed to feel that have failed , for the reason they have all failed and are not alone!

We have political thugs (UAF) sponsored by the Labour Party and its Marxist Trade Unions attacking Nationalist political opponents to the multicultural experiment, not only the BNP but UKIP & other parties

We have a Nation where its laws are made in the backrooms of Europe, by unelected commissars, and at home an unelected prime minister and many cabinet members.
Political Parties forced to have Ethnic candidates in front of local political activists, denying the freedoms of political association; also a democratic legitimate political party is not allowed to accept new members due to the legal action pursued by an unelected quangoThat also allows the formation of political and socio economical groups based on race except for any for the indigenous population of these Islands. Who genetic links with these islands go back to the last ice age.

Then the total denial of the most basic truth about humanity it’s self, that when groups of people with different cultural identities compete for resources with an area that share, it is a certainty that their will be violent conflict.

The List could go on and on, but to finished I will just quote from the greatest written work of the English Language, the King James Bible “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”  for a in my view a mighty wrath will descend upon them! 

British National Party Manifesto launch

British National Party Manifesto launch

"It's comprehensive, it's realistic, it's popular... and we hope that the media will cover it fairly.'

Speaking directly to gathered reporters, he added: 'Frankly, if you don't, we're not particularly fussed because we don't need you.

'We don't need the media now we can speak directly to the British people and we speak for the British people.' " Nick Griffin MEP British National party Chairman

Friday 23 April 2010

Why am I a Nationalist

Why am I a Nationalist and oppose this Multi cultural Nightmare
These are my views and why I oppose the Lib/Lab/Con Liars and this Nightmare scenario of the multi cultural society.
I am a nationalist because I see the nation as the only way to bring all the forces of the nation together to preserve and improve our existence and the conditions under which we live.
The nation is the organic union of a people connected by heritage history & common culture that protects the life of that nation & its people. To be national is to affirm this union in word and deed. To be national has nothing to do with a government & its forms. It is an affirmation of cultural heritage. The nationalist fights for the heritage and against the form. One may not put the form above the heritage. If that happens, the battle is on the wrong field and one's strength is lost in formalism. The real aim of nationalism, the nation, is lost.
That is how things are today in Britain. Nationalism for the ruling elite has turned into bourgeois patriotism. They say Britain proclaims freedom and means The Union Jack and double Decker buses nothing that would offend the intruder into our National life & declare Britain a State not a nation but in fact they care not for the cultural heritage & people of the nation but only for the forms of state that give them power.
Would our situation today be any different if we replaced the Labour Zanu PF with a Conservative PF government and flew the Union Jack flag upside down? The Nation would have different wallpaper, but its nature, its content, would stay the same. Indeed, things would be even worse and in steeper decline, for a façade of democracy that tries to conceal the facts & tries to dissipate with lies & the UAF brutes the forces of our British National movement today fighting against our oppression.
Bourgeois patriotism is the real reason for its decline. When 20 million are for something and 20 million are against it, things balance out and nothing happens. That is how things are with us with the LAB/CON Zanu Coalition.
They say we Nationalists are the Nations Pariah not because we do not have the courage to resist, them but rather because they have sidelined & ; distracted the people’s entire national energy in a wasted eternal and unproductive squabbling between the LAB /CON Marxist alliance. That will lead to a abyss, but now our genie is out of the bottle & and people are seeing our way only goes upwards, we can today can already predict when we as a nation will only fall into the abyss, if the wallpaper were to remain the same, but in fact saved if it were stripped from the walls of Government, with the election of our movement to office.
Nationalism is more wide-reaching than internationalism. It sees things as they really are. Only he who respects himself can respect others. If as a British nationalist affirms Britain, how can I hold it against a French nationalist who affirms France? Only when these affirmations conflict in vital ways will there be a power-political struggle as will happen within the Marxist inspired EU. Internationalism cannot undo this reality. Its attempts will fail completely. And even when the lies of the international Marxist seem to have some validity, nature, blood, the will to life, and the struggle for our nation existence on this hard earth prove the falsity of fine Marxist international theories.
The sin of bourgeois Marxist Labour Zanu to confound a certain economic forms & token symbols with the national. It connected two things that are entirely different. Forms & the economy, however firm they may seem, they are changeable. The national is eternal. If I mix the eternal and the temporal, the eternal will necessarily collapse when the temporal collapses. This will be the real cause for the collapse of the multi cultural society. It was rooted not in the eternal Nation, but in the temporal unproven theories, and when the temporal declined it took the eternal down with it. Today it is only an excuse for a system that brings growing economic misery. That is the only reason why Marxist globalisation organizes the forces against, the economy and the nation, and defeats them.
From this understanding, the message should go forth from us in our party that. The faith in the nation is a matter for everyone whose heritage lies within these Islands, not a group, a class or an economic clique. The eternal must be distinguished from the temporal. Maintaining a rotten economic system has nothing to do with nationalism, which is an affirmation of the Motherland. I can love Britain and hate globalisation. Not only can I, I must. Only the annihilation of a system of exploitation carries with it the core of the rebirth of our people.
We are nationalists because as Britons, we love our Nation. Because we love Britain, we want to preserve it and fight against those who would destroy it.

Press statement from British National Party Candidates Bolton

For you benefit a press release from the Local and parliamentary candidates for the Bolton metropolitan Borough 21/04/2010

Press Statement from
British National Party Candidates,
Bolton Metropolitan Council & general Elections 2010,


Cross party Pledge,

We in the British National Party have no links what so ever with the English Defence League, and do not condone their tactics of mass rallies but we feel that in a Democratic country, all British patriotic groups have a right to peacefully voice their concerns at the devaluing of the British Way of life, culture and heritage, with out the fear of violence and intimidation by the Unite Against Fascism group!

So would all the parliamentary and local Bolton Borough Candidates in the forthcoming elections for the Bolton Metropolitan area, agree with the Assistant Chief Constable Garry Shewan, from Greater Manchester Police (GMP), who accused UAF (Unite against Fascism) supporters and of deliberately inciting violence and attacking officers. At the EDL rally in March, And is quoted as saying. (The Independent 22/03/10)
"We have seen groups of people, predominantly associated with the UAF, engaging in violent confrontation," he said. "It is clear to me that a large number have attended with the sole intention of committing disorder and their actions have been wholly unacceptable. They acted with, at times, extreme violence and their actions led to injuries to police officers, protesters and members of the public.
"The police are not and should not be the target of such violence and anger, and this protest and the actions of some of the protesters is roundly condemned by GMP and by Bolton Council."
Although it states it that Bolton council condemns the violent tactics of the Left wing UAF, We feel it would be for the benefit of the electorate of The Bolton Metropolitan area to know that along with all the British National Party Candidates in the forthcoming Bolton elections, That all the other parties candidates Strongly condemn the violent tactics and actions of the UAF and their affiliated groups. And that the right of free speech and assembly for all to protest should not be subject to violent intimidation and violence no matter how strongly the opposition disagree with their opponents views.
End Statement,