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Saturday 28 August 2010

UK to face New Homegrown Islamic terror Threats Soon

Britain faces a new wave of attacks from poorly trained but highly motivated homegrown militants, as the al Qaeda threat shifts from big, sophisticated bomb plots to acts by individuals, a report said on Friday.

A shift in al Qaeda tactics, the growing radicalisation of Muslims in prisons and a foreign policy that "serves to focus alienation and resentment," was fuelling the threat, the study by the Royal United Services Institute think tank argued.

"The conditions are all there for a series of attacks that could begin at any time," said the report, co-authored by the Director of RUSI, Professor Michael Clarke, who has advised the government on security matters.

There have been 20 significant Islamist plots against Britain since 2000. Only one has been successful, the July 2005 London bombings by four young Britons which killed 52 people. More than 230 people have been jailed for planning attacks.

Britain is on its second highest threat level of "severe," meaning a terrorist attack is considered to be highly likely, and the RUSI report said Britain had more to fear than any other Western country from homegrown terrorism.

However, the report said both the origin and nature of the threat had changed. Previously, Osama bin Laden's "al Qaeda Core" on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border had been the instigator of nearly all the major plots in Britain.

Now, groups such as al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), which took responsibility for a failed plot to blow up a U.S. airliner on Christmas Day, have become heavily involved.

To the fore is AQAP's American-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, linked to the U.S. army psychiatrist who shot dead 13 soldiers at Fort Hood, Texas in 2009, as well to UK militants.

This shift has brought a change in tactics and targets, away from the dramatic, large-scale attacks on air travel planned by well-trained leaders operating extensive cells.
The report said Awlaki and other new leaders were happy to send out individuals with rudimentary training, targeting major sporting events and hotels, while suicide terrorists were also likely to attempt more assassinations of specific individuals.

"Eventually, it is reasoned, one of them will be lucky enough to succeed in a major way against high-profile targets in Western countries," the report said.

The report said security services also faced a growing threat from a rising number of Muslims radicalised in British prisons, which it said could produce some 800 "potentially violent radicals" over the next decade.

Meanwhile some of those convicted of involvement in terrorism plots who had received short jail terms would also be released and were likely to remain committed to their cause.

"British security services are acutely aware of the possibilities for a wave of individual, random attacks against different targets," the report concluded.

"Attacks on 'crowded places' are near the top of the government's risk rankings over the next five years."

The 'Equalities Commission' are determined to jail political party officers

The 'Equalities Commission' 
are determined to jail party 
officers including myself!

fighting fund
fighting fund
Dear Fellow Patriot,
You may recall that last year I predicted
that the equalities commission was absolutely

determined to have me thrown in jail. On Tuesday
the 7th September the future of the British National Party could well be decided and I could be 
sent to prison!
We as you know have done all we were 
asked for by the courts, we opened up the 
membership and removed 'controversial' 
articles etc, but still they attack us! 
Just what have we to do to satisfy 
these people? DIE OFF, THAT'S WHAT!
Trevor Phillips and the rest of 
his establishment attack dogs are 
hell bent on killing the BNP off once and for all by bankrupting our top officials and 
leaving them homeless, penniless 
and perhaps behind bars. Just imagine 
if it where your name on these writs?
It is indeed scary stuff, that's why we 
must stand together in this desperate
and dangerous time. We will suffer the blows but we need your
support to do so.
Courage, truth and justice, 
that's how we will beat the 
Equalities Commission!
They think by imprisoning me and some other officials 
we will fold! Well let me tell them and assure you, I will 
never bow down to their threats. Jail me, strip me of 
everything but they can never take my dignity nor can 
they ever dent my pride and honour in being the Chairman 
of this maligned and battle hardened party.
I am your chairman and I give you a solemn oath to 
fight these bullies, if I need to go to prison to defend 
this party and our people I will cherish my incarceration
as an honour on your behalf. I have the full support of
my wife and children and now I need the support of 
every true nationalist in the country.
I need you to stand tall with me as we face the wrath
of the establishment bully boys. There is no knight in 
shining armour to save us, just TRUTH, HONOUR 
Like our forebears, I will 
never bow the knee to tyranny. 
They can expect nothing less from us than total resistance.
I will fight, but I truly need your help right now, and be 
assured there will be NO SURRENDER! As I write you this 
personal letter we are only a few short days away from the most
momentous event in our party's history.
The 'Equalities Commission' have spent vast sums in
an attempt to destroy this party. I must be very frank 
with you: we have the fight of our lives before us. 
But just pause for a moment, consider the battles 
our forefathers had in their generations at Waterloo, 
Ypres, the Somme, Dunkirk, D-day and the Falklands.
Where would we be now without their sacrifices?
Men and women of our blood have triumphed against 
staggering odds to defend our proud nation. Now in 
our time, we must also take up the torch of freedom 
and liberty. We don't have to sacrifice our life blood 
but we will have to sacrifice our time and money to 
fight and to survive this current onslaught.
Our enemies are almost 
strong enough
- watch the horrors unfold! 
But we will not give up.
Immigration, multiculturalism and political correctness
are destroying Britain. Without a strong nationalist 
voice our children have no future in this country and
face a bleak future where they will become a 
dispossessed and despised minority in their own homeland.
Only the British National Party can stop this,
that's why they must destroy us. 
The 'Equalities Commission'
(CEHR) are at this very moment 
poised to destroy this party!
They and their political masters are already celebrating
the demise of the BNP and 'GRIFFIN IN PRISON'.
They think we're on the ropes, backed into a corner, 
maybe we are? But now we're coming out FIGHTING!
We need to fight and we need to win. Will you help
me to defend our rights? Will you help light the torch 
of bold defiance and liberty? The Equalities Commission 
have tried to bankrupt us and know they want to jail us..
.what is next, an assassin's bullet?
This fight is all or nothing-winner takes all: it's as simple as that.
You can thwart their evil plan to destroy us in 
court on the 7th of September by backing this party financially.
REMEMBER: your cheques and 
postal orders or credit card 
donations are the weapons 
the traitors fear most.
Your indomitable spirit and kindness in giving 
generously to preserve all that we all hold dear
can and will destroy their feckless and wicked
plans to destroy first the BNP, and then every 
last vestige of Britishness they can.
What you do now will have implications for 
generations to come, your actions now may 
well mean the difference between victory and 
defeat for this Party and our British Heritage on 
September the 7th.
We are not only fighting for ourselves, 
we are fighting to ensure our children 
and grandchildren still have a country
 to call their own.
The weight of history rests upon OUR shoulders today,
what will future generations say of our actions? 
Nobody wanted this expensive fight except our enemies, 
now we have it, let's turn it to our advantage!
I know you receive many requests
for help, but you and I both know
that we are fighting for the 
very survival of this party.
Would it be possible for you to consider a gift of £1000?
If not, would a gift of £500 be within your reach?
I am earnestly hoping that you dig deep 
and make the biggest sacrifice you can. 
I am counting on a few large gifts but I am 
also depending on a multitude of gifts of £25, 
£35, £50, £100 and £200. Please send whatever you can, 
straight away.
I need an urgent response to this email! 
Our future is literally at stake! Every day lost
in launching our legal fight back will cost us dear.  

I am prepared to go to prison to defend 
our cause but I don't
want to see good party officials lose everything 
and possibly being thrown in jail with me.
That's why I must urge you to respond today. 
Please tell me that I can count on your support and action.
Can I tell the other officials on the writ that you are solidly
behind them? This will mean a lot to Simon Darby and 
Tanya Lumby at this time:

Donate Button
Yours sincerely,
Nick Griffin
Nick Griffin, MEP
Leader, British National Party
PS: We need to raise this money in the
NEXT FEW DAYS to make the necessary
arrangements to defend our Party and our
vulnerable officials. The so-called 'Equalities Commission'
and the other traitors hope that you will set this email aside
and forget about it - that's why I hope that you will send your
most generous gift right away.

Thinking on Donating to Pakistan Flood Relief Think Again!

Amazing isn't it that our country has become one of the highest donators  to the Pakistan Flood Appeal via our government, whilst the moslem world sits back and lets the west pay as usual.  But that does not surprise me when I read about just how corrupt Pakistan is
Pakistan's economy has long suffered problems because of its embarrassingly narrow tax base. Broad sections of the wealthy, including senior politicians, pay little or no tax."
And strange isnt it, that Pakistan is squealing like a drowned rat, that we in the West are not doing enough to save them and send them foreign currency, whilst they have a nuclear arsenal and one of the biggest military machines in the world.

Well there is little we can do at this moment in time about stopping our traitor government sending our money overseas to help a nation that hates us, that in fact hates any nation that is not Islamic but as private individuals there is something you can do by not doing anything.  Do not send them a penny.  It is not our problem - our people are our problem.  If you really want to save and help people then make a donation to the British National Party.

However if you must send money to Pakistan then think about this first.  There are almost 3 million Christians remaining in Pakistan,  their churches are slowly being destroyed and replaced by mosques and the christians themselves are beaten, raped and murdered on a daily basis.
Pakistani Christian stonemason named Nasir Ashraf was working near Lahore  when he drank water from a public facility using a glass chained to the facility. He was assaulted by Muslims for "Polluting the glass". A mob developed, who beat Ashraf, calling him a "Christian dog".Bystanders encouraged the beating, because it would be a "good" deed that would help them in heaven.
But even in this time of tragedy the moslems of that mad land are taking this opportunity to wipe out a few more Christians by depriving them of aid in their hour of need.
The Christian victims of devastating flood in Southern Punjab are still waiting from any aid and selling their valuables to buy expensive food while Muslim flood aid organization are preferring Muslims.

The Christian flood victims are denied registration by district administration due to which they can not receive tents, food and medical assistance.

The Southern Punjab is hot bed of banned terrorist Muslim organizations which declare Christians to be Infidels and administration with fear of these radical Muslim elements not permitting Christians to keep in tents areas allocated for Muslim flood victims.
What I do find ironic about the elimination of the Christians in Pakistan is that originally, during the creation of the crazy country, Christians had been very active in their support of the Muslim League, having believed the moslem lie that all citizens of Pakistan would be treated with complete equality of citizenship.   Boy did they have a shock coming to them.  Taqiyya triumphs again.

And what about the Taliban, what are they saying now?  Well they are saying what they always say.  I Kill You.  They are going to target foreign aid workers involved in flood relief in Pakistan and I for one will not shed a tear when they fly the bodies of the aids workers back. 

Then again, having seen the number of Pakistani Doctors and Nurses working in our NHS, then perhaps we should encourage some of those to go and assist their own countrymen in Pakistan, instead of our people who would be murdered.

The Right Standpoint

By Mister Fox

There is an ideological muddle which impedes the protection of our people and we must find the right standpoint. Some influenced by university conditioning think it is is a rationalist formula written down in a book like Das Kapital or Mein Kampf but our patriotic way of thinking grows out of emotion and the need for numinous things in life rather than universal abstractions. The way to develop a new world view is to gather examples from the world around us, of what is really happening as a result of, say, immigration, then collate it and our version of reality begins to form.

We must link to our patriotic traditions and develop from there, but with a more suitable economic system to give our people priority in their own country. Many patriotic Conservatives, social and cultural, fought against mass immigration throughout the 50s and 60s. M.P.s like Cyril Osborne who began his campaign against open - door immigration in 1954 and Norman Pannell in 1956. Even Churchill prepared a Bill to control immigration but it was dropped when he had to relinquish the premiership because of deteriorating health. He also wanted the Tories to fight the General Election with the slogan ”Keep England White.” We have the famous example of Enoch Powell.(1)

The Conservative party was a “National” Conservative party which put the national interest first, not the Global economy. We are their natural successors and must position ourselves as such. This would give supporters a secure base to argue from with abundant role models and quotes from our history and that would strengthen their conviction which would impress their hearers more. People follow the dominant elites. Even those who agree with us vote for one of the dominant parties and a renewed conviction on our part would counter that. It is a mistake to lament they have not woken up when we are not putting our case with enough confidence. This is a starting point and would be adapted to deal with contemporary circumstances.

I have written before that we need to make an accommodation with Jewish communities and other groups who are in danger like Hindus and Sikhs but we must make it clear that this is our country and our people take priority. We are being invaded by a common enemy and the elites have adopted anti-Semitism as part of their surrender. Jewish people tend to regard “White Christians as a danger to them but must transcend the Ghetto Mentality and understand that the Muslims hate them first and they are under attack in France and Malmo, Sweden and when emasculated pricks like Cameron and Milliband get Turkey in the EU Jews will be openly persecuted! Mass immigration has changed everything and old enmities are no longer feasible. About 1 in 8 of the population of Southern Ireland are asylum seekers so the internecine wars in the North are not appropriate during an invasion. (2)

Do not think everyone in the media or the Conservative Party is an implacable enemy. Many agree with us and even have useful information about what the elites in politics and the media have planned but they stay away because of the Holocaust denying leaders.

The elites use the media and Equalities Commission to makes us like them or destroy us and we have to allow ethnics in but not adopt civic nationalism. There is a tendency for those who lament our lack of progress to think the situation hopeless and think conforming to the ideology of the elites but you do not win by capitulation. This shows they misunderstand the aims of the elites which is to replace Whites with immigrants. (3)

Simple or self-loathing people say “So what?”. “It doesn't matter if different people take over!” This shows a failure to understand how people behave. They think it will be painless like handing the baton on in a relay race.

It was common to hear liberals say:” We did it to them, now they can do it to us” though they did not themselves live in it. That submissive attitude still dominates the elites.”(4)

We must convey the urgency of this situation not try to be nice. We must respond in kind to the anti British propagandists in the media and be more urgent in our defending our children.

The vile abuse and the police and media cover-up of the murder of Charlene Downes shows how the elites are surrendering our young people to Muslims. She was a 14 year-old Blackpool schoolgirl who went missing in 2003. It is thought that older Muslim men who were illegally having sex with her murdered her, chopped her up and sold her to Blackpool people in kebabs!A trial in 2007 collapsed. The Independent Police Complaint Commissions decided covert surveillance was "handled poorly and unprofessionally", and police were forced to apologise.(5)

In Rochdale Nine men were jailed after a 14-year-old White girl was preyed upon and forced into prostitution. The child was fed vodka after she was found wandering the streets and repeatedly raped by gangs of Muslim men.

The convictions for various offences, including sexual activity with a child, controlling a child prostitute, facilitating child prostitution and paying for sexual services with a child. She had to testify in separate trials involving the men and was eventually excused further evidence after a third hearing when psychologists ruled there were fears for her mental and physical well-being.

The submissive attitude of children to Muslim predators is inculcated by the state at school. Harrop Fold High School in Worsley, Greater Manchester, persecuted Jodie Stott, a 14-year old schoolgirl, who was arrested by police for “racism.” She had wisely refused to sit with a group of Asian students because three, who had recently immigrated here, could not speak English. She was kept in a police cell for three-and-a-half hours after being reported by her teachers: "They told me to take my laces out of my shoes and remove my jewellery, and I had my fingerprints and photograph taken," said Codie.

Totalitarian headteacher Dr Antony Edkins: "An allegation of a serious nature was made concerning a racially motivated remark by one student towards a group of Asian students new to the school and new to the country." We aim to ensure a caring and tolerant attitude towards people and pupils of all ethnic backgrounds and will not stand for racism in any form." Edkins and the other teachers are persecuting this young girl in her own country for wanting to be able to understand her school companions.

The same Education Authority had a ten-year-old boy prosecuted for allegedly calling an 11-year-old mixed race pupil a 'Paki' and 'Bin Laden' in a playground argument at a primary school in Irlam.

District Judge Jonathan Finestein said the decision to prosecute showed "how stupid the whole system is getting" and was himself attacked by teaching union leaders for "feeding a pernicious agenda" that aided the BNP.

In 1965 Peter Griffiths Conservative MP for Smethwick showed great wisdom when he called for special classes to teach immigrants English and was accused by progressives of wanting to start apartheid in schools!

The Daily Mail reported that a Catholic schoolgirl was labelled ‘truant’ by her teachers for refusing to dress as a Muslim for a school field trip to a mosque. Staff the 14-year-old pupils to dress in headscarf, wear trousers or leggings and keep her arms covered for the compulsory visit to the mosque after it was arranged to promote ‘community cohesion.’ Amy Owen refused.

Totalitarian headmaster Peter Lee wrote the visit was “as compulsory as a geography field trip. There are two reasons for these visits. One is that the scheme of work in religious studies REQUIRES children to have knowledge and understanding of other world religions.”

‘The second is that the school is REQUIRED to promote tolerance respect and understanding. This is known as community cohesion. A failure to do this could result in an unwelcome inspection judgement”. Around ten others in year 9 classes refused to dress as Muslims and were marked down in the truanting register. It is clear from this how the word tolerance is used in an ideological rather than grammatical sense.: the state through its institutions is trying to enforce submission to Islam.

We must start highlighting the religious apartheids enshrined in Islamic Sharia law and what would happen to British women if decadent elites like Dame Butler-Sloss and Prince Charles succeed in introducing it and, especially, the legalised sexual abuse of children; the cruelty to animals.

The surrender to Islam and the new anti-Semitism is taught in schools. A Government funded study in April 2007 found that Schools are abandoning teaching the Holocaust in history lessons to avoid offending Muslim pupils whose do not believe the Holocaust happened and are frightened to teach the 11th century Crusades when Christians armies fought Muslim armies for Jerusalem because a different version is taught in mosques. They also teach a version of the development of slavery, which omits the much longer and harsher Muslim slave trade.

MPs also want children given relationship advice 'in context' to make informed decisions about when to have sex. Many Muslims will opt out of this as it will be teaching homosexuality as equal to heterosexual relations. This ignores the essential human duty to re-produce. Propagandising homosexuality is a threat to our demographics.

The State collects DNA records of children as young as five, and has been secretly taking their fingerprints since 2001. Schools take their fingerprints which is replacing library cards. When working on a crime police have access to the children’s fingerprints but parents are not told. To remove the prints takes professional cleansing. The schools, education authorities and the Government say it is difficult to convert this code back though not impossible and a computer technie could re- create the original fingerprints for identity theft.

In July 2006 The Observer reported that British children, possibly as young as six, will be subjected to compulsory fingerprinting under European Union rules being drawn up in secret. The prints will be stored on a database which could be shared with countries around the world. Under proposed laws being drawn up secretly by the European Commission’s ‘Article Six’ committee, which is composed of representatives of the European Union’s 25 member states, all children will have to attend a finger-printing centre to obtain an EU passport. The Home Office wants to include children in its biometric passport scheme and automatically transfer their details and fingerprints to the new national identity database when they are 16. The Government is underhandedly building a genetic database. Data has been used for genetic research without consent, including attempts to predict "ethnic appearance" from DNA profiles.

A nation's manners, morals, religions, political institutions and social structure, are inherited from ancestors and develop from the character of the people at that time.

Government from Brussels, economic control by global corporations and Afro-Asian colonization is part of the progressives' new dream for an ideal future, but in practice it disinherits our children of community and association with their own kind which we are duty bound to preserve for them.

Throughout history wars have been fought for territory and by allowing newcomers to stake claims, our emasculated ‘elite’ are encouraging them to fight for yet more. In The Territorial Imperative Robert Ardry explains how much having a country of their own has boosted the confidence of Israelis, but our rulers are handing our ancestral homeland to invaders and protecting their welfare over and above that of our own people.

Our views derive from an emotional and instinctive relationship with our people and our territory. It is more profound than rationalising or adopting an artificial blueprint for a Utopian world because it grows from natural, human instinct and emotion.

To give favourable treatment to aliens over our own people, as the fifth Marquess of Salisbury described them “our kith and kin,” is morally evil.

Look at data from the Office of National Statistics (which doesn’t take into account the births to mothers born here) then look at your sons and daughters and ask, ”Am I betraying my own children? Where will they live and work?”

We have natural bonds with our families, a responsibility for them and a duty to them. We also have a duty to pass on what we have inherited to our children, as they, in turn, will have a duty to their children. We owe a debt to our ancestors who bequeathed to us our nation and culture, and we must honour that.

Our loyalties begin with affection within families and this emanates outward to neighbourhood and nation. Men and women are distinctive sexual beings within their inherited collective identity. We belong to our kin, above strangers, and this affects the type of community we create.

Edmund Burke’s famous definition of society is that it is a continuous community of the living, the dead and those who are yet to be born. Each man and woman is part of a larger body. The individual dies, but descendants live on.

We have positive benefits to offer our people: preferential treatment in their own country, better education, priority in housing and employment for our children and protection from child-rape by older members of a rival community. You only need look at the names of graduates from medical and law schools to see how our young are being dispossessed. We would offer British children more opportunities and a better future without unfair competition from outsiders.

What kind of country treats foreigners better than its own pensioners?

What kind of country treats foreigners
better than its own pensioners?
Dear Fellow Patriot,
Imagine a government that treated its own elderly with less priority 
than undeserving foreigners. Imagine a government that cut the benefits 
of our elderly whilst simultaneously spending over nine thousand million pounds 
on the Third World.
Such a government would rightly be subjected to a backlash of righteous
public disgust and cast onto the rubbish heap at the first available election.
Not so in Britain. The ‘conservative’ government of David Cameron
has cut the winter fuel allowance for our long suffering elderly folk
whilst at the same time expanding aid for Afghanistan, ring fenced 
the budget for the ongoing and unwinnable war in Afghanistan and
protected from his much trumpeted spending cuts the entire bloated 
foreign aid budget. Doesn’t it make you seethe with anger and disgust?
David Cameron doesn’t care though about our elderly folk, some
40,000 of whom died from cold last winter, as he is a multi-millionaire,
and so are most of his cabinet.
Imagine a government that scrapped foreign aid and spent those
billions on our own people. Imagine a government that immediately
withdrew our troops from Afghanistan, leading to the halt of any more
British deaths. Imagine a government that withdrew Britain from the 
EU and made us a fully sovereign independent nation state once again.
Imagine a government that halted all further immigration and introduced 
a ‘British first’ policy tied with voluntary repatriation, leading to a 
country were we feel at home in once again. Imagine a 
government that banned all extremist Islamic groups and d
eported all those connected to extremist groups.
Imagine a government that crushed crime and put the rights of 

victims first before criminals. Imagine a government that
vigorously promoted British culture, traditions, history and 
national identity.
Imagine a government that took the banking system by the 
scruff of the neck and used it to rebuild British industry, 
creating millions of well paid and secure jobs. Imagine a
government that stopped welfare scroungers from abusing
the system and made layabouts work for their benefits.
Imagine a government that rejected political correctness 
and provided common sense policies to transform our 
country in the decent, honourable homeland for our people it once was.
David Cameron and his ConDem coalition government, 
or the disastrous and failed Labour government that 

preceded it, cannot provide such a government –
only the British National Party can build a bright future
for our people in our own land under our own customs and laws.
That is why YOU must make the decision today to
join the British Resistance and join in the political struggle
to make our country a home for future generations of our own people.
The British National Party is Britain's fastest growing political party,
with dozens of councillors, a seat on the Greater London Assembly
and two seats in the European Parliament.
The clock is ticking, our country is dying, and our beautiful innocent 
children are depending on us to save their future. Here are the 
different membership options:
METHOD #1: Join the British Resistance
The BNP is the only hope for our country, for our children and grand-children. 
There are thousands of people receiving this e-bulletin that are not members yet.
Why not join the British Resistance to political correctness, multiculturalism
and the enforced colonisation of our country. Membership costs only £30:
Join Button
METHOD #2: Become a Life Member
Life members are that small elite of British patriots that sign-up to the 
Cause of British Nationalism for life, not just for one year. Life membership 
comes with various other attractive benefits:
Life Button
METHOD #3: Become a Gold Member
Gold members stand out from the crowd due to the unique gold membership
badge that all Gold members wear with pride. Gold membership costs just
£60 and shows that little bit of extra commitment to the Cause of British survival:
Gold Button
METHOD #4: Upgrade your membership
For the thousands of existing BNP members out there why not upgrade
your membership to Gold or even Life? Upgrading your membership 
shows your commitment to our Cause and provides real and substantial 
benefits to you and the Party:
Upgrade Button
Thank you in advance for your support.
Yours sincerely,
Nick Griffin
Nick Griffin, MEP
Leader, British National Party

Friday 27 August 2010

UK Government Policy Puts British Students Last

Government Policy Puts British Students Last

Government policy — developed by the previous Labour regime and endorsed by the ConDemmers — has allowed Britain’s universities to give highly coveted university places to foreign students rather than British kids.
Edinburgh UniversityEdinburgh UniversityThe shocking display of naked anti-British venom was made public as the latest set of A-level results were announced which revealed that a larger number of students than ever before had qualified for university entrance.
In terms of admission procedures now followed by many elite British universities, deserving British students are being shunted aside in favour of foreign students who can pay up to £20,000 per year in fees.
According to reports, universities actively involved in this disgraceful activity include Edinburgh, Nottingham, Liverpool, Cardiff, York and Exeter.
All of these institutions have taken advantage of rules which strictly limit numbers of British students while placing no restriction on the enrolment of foreign nationals.
Educational authorities expect that thousands of British students will be turned away from university this year.
Up to 3,500 candidates with three straight As in their A-levels are expected to be turned away this year because of the restrictions on the number of students set by the Government.
According to reports, 60 institutions were fined £16 million last year (at a rate of £3,778 per place) for admitting too many students.
The unfairness of the situation is apparent in the fact that there are no such restrictions on the number of non-EU students those institutions can accept.
As these foreign students also pay the full bill, universities are using them as a means of keeping afloat in the face of further subsidy cuts caused by the Westminster parties’ mismanagement of the economy.
British and EU students pay at most £3,290 a year and the state provides another grant of around £5,000 per student. This means that it is more viable for universities to educate foreigners than the indigenous population.
This outrageous situation has come about because successive governments have seen fit to spend taxpayers’ cash on illegal foreign wars, wasteful foreign aid, immigration and EU membership, rather than on providing our people with the skills they need to build the economy and develop Britain.
Ironically, the “lack of skills” is then used by the same evil Westminster parties to justify mass immigration to fill “gaps” in the British workforce.

For Young British Patriots see BNP Crusaders on Facebook

Thursday 26 August 2010

Midlands Coventry BNP Holds “Picnic in the Park

Coventry BNP Holds “Picnic in the Park”

Coventry British National Party’s annual family “picnic in the park”, which took place at the beginning of this month, was another great success which drew 20 activists and their families, reports organiser Tom Gower.
“This event proves that the BNP is not just a mainstream political party but also a social movement which has held many events such as these over the years,” Mr Gower said.
“We like to keep these events non political, which enables us to attract not just members, but also their family and friends to show that BNP members are indeed good decent people, despite the lies of the mainstream media.
“Coventry BNP has many more social events on the calendar, such as BBQs and quiz nights and it’s something I urge every branch to try out once in a while, especially while the summer is still here.”
The event, held in fine sunshine at Coombe Abbey Country Park, coincided with a veteran motorcycle rally held by the Vintage Motor Cycle Club which provided an additional attraction. 
The BNP group met up at 11am and started out with a leisurely stroll around the park and caught up on gossip while the children played.
“Politics was certainly not on the agenda for the day and was a welcoming break from such matters. Everyone regrouped at 2pm and settled down to enjoy the picnic,” Mr Gower said.
“Many of the activists who were in a patriotic mood brought along with them picnic blankets in Red, White and Blue as well as a huge Union flag to show others in the park how unashamedly patriotic we are.
“Coventry’s super activist, John Hurren, bought along the branch mascot, his little dog Teddybear, who wore a BNP rosette for the whole day,” he concluded.

Birth Defects Rise as Immigrant Cousin Marriage Rates Increase in UK

Importing the Third World Part II: Birth Defects Rise as Immigrant Cousin Marriage Rates Increase

London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) has confirmed that there is a dramatic rise in genetic birth defects in Britain which has resulted from the rise in first cousin marriages amongst masses of Third World immigrants.
The hospital, one of Britain’s most famous paediatric institutions, said it was preparing to treat more children born blind or deaf and with genetic disorders such as cystic fibrosis and sickle cell anaemia as a result of the rise in the immigrant population.
The hospital’s recently released annual plan said that “growing numbers of people from Asian countries such as Pakistan, where marriages between first cousins are more common, were expected to settle here” and that this was the reason for the increased rate of birth defects.
“Increasing immigration, accompanied with the increasing incidence of first cousin marriages in the UK, will lead to a greater level of serious congenital abnormalities which require treatment from specialist centres such as GOSH.”
The report coincides with a television documentary to be broadcast on Channel 4 which deals with the topic.
According to figures revealed in that show, 50 percent of Pakistani immigrants in Britain marry their cousins.
In Bradford, 75 percent of Pakistani immigrants marry their cousins and, the documentary continues, “such relationships are also common in East African, Middle Eastern and Bangladeshi communities.”
Other figures in the programme revealed that a third of all children born in Britain today have a rare recessive genetic disease which comes from the Pakistani immigrant community.
Children born from first cousin marriages suffer genetic disorders, higher rates of infant mortality, birth defects, learning difficulties, blindness, hearing problems and metabolic disorders.
As adults these children are at an increased risk of miscarriage or infertility, while a third of children affected die before their fifth birthday.
The investigation by Channel 4 found that even though more than 70 British studies have proved the risks, many people are still denying the dangers, and first cousin marriages continue to rise.
Other statistics have shown that forced, or arranged marriages, are in 92 percent of cases between cousins. This practice has not decreased with each passing generation, exposing the claim of “integration as a solution” to be a lie.
Mass immigration has therefore not only imported Third World practices, but has also burdened the taxpayer through the medical costs it has incurred.

Wednesday 25 August 2010

UK Indigenous Family Weekend: Even More Reasons to Come

Family Weekend: Even More Reasons to Come

It’s really coming together. On top of all the activities already announced for the upcoming Family Weekend, we are now pleased to confirm that additional activities will give you a chance to be part of the Weekend News Team and to help produce event newsletters and Radio RWB reports.
On Friday from 3 – 5 pm, there will be a special class on designing, writing, laying out and producing a local newsletter, hosted by Martin Wingfield.
This is a unique chance to learn from a master of nationalist publicity production. Voice of Freedom editor Martin Wingfield will be your expert guide through every stage of the process.
You’ll learn to produce your own community campaigning newsletters and have fun getting ‘hands on’ experience helping to keep everyone at this Family Weekend informed with regular event newsletters put together, printed and distributed by a small team who are keen to practice the important skills involved. It also includes learning to use a Riso printing machine the workhorse of local campaigning.
On Saturday from 10 – 11 am, you will have a chance to report for Radio RWB.  John Walker will explain his plans for this new and already popular online radio station and attendees will have the chance to be on a rota of interviewers going out on the field to collect interviews and news clips for broadcast on Radio RWB’s feature on the weekend.
Also included is an introduction to sound editing on your laptop or PC.
Early on Friday evening there will be a quiz with a nationalist edge. Come along and seize your chance to pitch your wits against the nation’s finest (or something like that).
Also on Friday evening, Tony Backhouse will be singing his patriotic ballads. This will be followed by a session with traditional songs chosen for their great choruses, so you can get in the weekend mood and let deep echoes of your native culture wash the cares of the week and ConDem Britain clean out of your soul (bring some beer, that may help too).
There will be a Children’s Marquee. Debbie Stafford, who has done such a fantastic job at many RWB events, will be overseeing the fun for the little ones this weekend. Although Debbie is experienced and CRB checked, she would still welcome your help. Please stay and spend some quality time with your children. The Children’s Marquee opens 10 a.m. Saturday.
The role of Parish and Community Councils, how to get co-opted or elected, and what you can achieve, will be covered in the seminar, Making a Difference in Your Community. Councillor Clive Jefferson will tell you all about it and answer your questions. Sessions Saturday and Sunday.
Saturday night there will be a campfire 'til late (but please keep the noise down!).
Sunday, at 11 a.m., there will be a family church service with the Rev Robert West. Children and well-behaved dogs are very welcome.
And don’t forget:
Saturday afternoon: Clay pigeon competition followed by a hog roast. Saturday Evening: Albion the history of Britain through words and song. Arthur Kemp, Nick Griffin and Friends.
“All Stand Together” Nick Griffin hosts a celebration of British folk song. And a mad mummer’s play if you’re very lucky!
Friday, Saturday and Sunday local history lectures.
Saturday afternoon Simone Clarke and Country Dancing for the little ones, ready for their performance on Sunday.
Saturday and Sunday games and active fun for all ages. Plus coarse fishing (bring your own equipment) and kayaking (all equipment provided, but this activity is at your own risk).
Building a campfire and cooking your own tea! Hands on activity for older kids.
Unity in Diversity Voices of Britain. An entertaining sample of regional accents.
So there really is going to be plenty for everyone AND the weather forecast’s looking good. See you there.
This non-political event is organised by the Indigenous Forum to celebrate and promote the heritage and folk culture of the British Family of Nations. Any profits will go to a charity for services veterans. It will run from Friday afternoon, through Saturday and Sunday afternoon. People who wish to stay over simply to enjoy the site (and perhaps help out the Clean-Up and Take Down teams on Monday) will be asked to pay an extra £5 per tent/caravan for the Sunday night.
Site opens 12 noon Friday, so we look forward to seeing you and enjoying your company.
Ticket prices: On gate (if space permits) £10/adult, £5 per child for first 2, more and Under-5s free.
It is highly recommended that you book in advance. Guarantee your places and save money with our special offer: £20 total per full family. Book today on 0207 078 3269. Press option 2. Lines open 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. and Wednesday til 8 p.m. Advance booking closes Thursday 6 p.m.

African Female Genital Mutilation on the Rise in Britain

Importing the Third World Part I: Female Genital Mutilation on the Rise in Britain

BNP News

Mass immigration has caused the importation of Third World culture on a vast scale into Britain, as evidenced by new figures from the black women’s organisation Forward which estimates that 6,500 girls in the UK are at risk of female genital mutilation every year.
According to Forward, which says that it is “an international non-governmental organisation (NGO) that works to advance and protect the sexual and reproductive health and human rights of African girls and women,” the most common age for girls to be subjected to the procedure is between six and eight years of age.
“The summer holidays are a prime time, because there is an opportunity for a long visit back to the family’s country of origin. And, although it is illegal in the UK, there is evidence that it is nonetheless being performed in the country,” a Forward representative was quoted as saying in a recent report.
“Female genital mutilation is performed for cultural reasons, and justified as a religious requirement, or rite of passage to womanhood. Much like male circumcision, it is supposed to ensure cleanliness and better marriage prospects.
“However, it often has serious and long-lasting physical complications, and St. Thomas’ Hospital in London is one of the centres that deals with those repercussions,” the report continued.
“Midwife Comfort Momoh sees the lasting effects of female genital mutilation, which include cysts on the vagina, and sterility. ‘They’ve removed everything, and stitched it up, leaving a small opening for the passage of menstrual fluid, urine, etc., and they expect the women to have sexual intercourse from this small opening,’ says Momoh, a midwife at St. Thomas’ Hospital.”
According to the report, female genital mutilation is thought to be so prevalent in the UK that local authorities have set up task forces to identify when children are at risk.
The practice that has gone on for centuries in some African and Arabic countries, and it is entrenched in families.
“We acknowledge that in some communities this has been custom and practice. And we acknowledge that some females who’ve had this procedure done to them may feel that it’s appropriate to do it to their own daughters, and this is why it’s an important matter of education, as well as acknowledging that it’s an illegal act,” Andrew Fraser from the London Safeguarding Children Board was quoted as saying.
“The procedure is traditionally carried out by an older woman with no medical training. Anaesthetics and antiseptic treatment are not generally used and the practice is usually carried out using basic tools such as knives, scissors, scalpels, pieces of glass and razor blades. Often iodine or a mixture of herbs is placed on the wound to tighten the vagina and stop the bleeding.”
According to Forward, “it is estimated that approximately 100-140 million African women have undergone female genital mutilation (FGM) worldwide and each year, a further 3 million girls are estimated to be at risk of the practice in Africa alone.
“Most of them live in African countries, a few in the Middle East and Asian countries, and increasingly in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, the United States of America and Canada,” Forward said.

German Economist Spells out Islamic Immigration Disaster Facing EU

Leading German Economist Spells out Islamic Immigration Disaster Facing Europe

One of Germany’s leading economists, German Federal Bank executive and Berlin Finance Minister, Dr Thilo Sarrazin, has spelled out details of the Islamic disaster facing Germany and all of Europe as a result of mass immigration.
Dr Sarrazin has stirred up the liberal hornet’s nest with a series of articles in the Germany publication Bild in which he revealed the truth about the Islamification of Germany.
“In all countries concerned — whether England, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark or Norway — one makes comparable observations about Muslim immigrants,” Dr Sarrazin wrote.
He then listed the factors common to all Muslim immigrant groups as follows:
- Below average integration into the job market.
- Above average dependence on social welfare.
- Below average education participation.
- Above average fertility.
- Spatial segregation with the tendency for the formation of parallel society.
- Above average religiousness with increasing tendency to fundamentalism.
- Above average crime, ranging from ‘simple’ violent crime right up to terrorism.
Dr Sarrazin went on to describe the effects of Islamic immigration on Germany this way:
“Only 33.9 percent of immigrants from a Muslim background draw their main living costs from gainful employment and unemployment is four times higher with the Muslim population than Germans.”
He pointed out that immigrants from non-Muslim countries do not display these massive unemployment and social dependency tendencies.
“I would like that my great-grandchildren can in 100 years still live in Germany,” he wrote.
"I don't want the country of my grandchildren and great-grandchildren to become, in large part, Muslim, that over wide areas Turkish and Arabic are spoken, where the women wear headscarves and the daily rhythms of life are dictated by the call of the Muezzin," he wrote.
"Demographically, the enormous fertility of the Muslim migrants poses a threat for the cultural and civilization equilibrium in aging Europe.
“I do not want us to become strangers in our own country.”
Dr Sarrazin’s latest article in Bild magazine can be found by clicking here (German language).

Tuesday 24 August 2010

British Pensioners to Have Winter Fuel Allowance Cut, but Afghan War Continues

British Elderly to Have Winter Fuel Allowance Cut, but Afghan War Continues

Another classic display of arrogance and hatred towards the indigenous British population by the ruling elite has been provided with the news that “budget cuts” will mean that pensioners will see their winter fuel allowances cut while the state continues to spend billions on war and foreign aid.
According to reports, plans to cut the welfare budget include a measure to make people wait until the age of 66 before they qualify for the winter fuel allowance.
Currently, that allowance starts at age 60. In addition, the sliding scale system (which last winter enabled the over-80s to claim up to £400) will also be cut by up to £100 per individual.
Another report claimed that similar payments, including child benefit, could also be cut in order to “pay for radical welfare changes.”
Winter fuel payments, introduced in the winter of 1997, cost around £2.7 billion a year.
The war in Afghanistan costs the British taxpayer around £7 billion per year, and the foreign aid budget amounts to some £9.1 billion per year.
Both expenses are “ring fenced” and guaranteed not to be reduced.
The cut in benefits for Britain’s elderly was leaked to the media less than two weeks after the Tory International Development Secretary, Andrew Mitchell, announced that Britain’s aid effort in Afghanistan would be expanded by 40 percent from £500 million to £700 million per year.
Part of this increased funding includes a £6 million “Business Challenge Fund” which will “encourage new enterprise” in Afghanistan.
Other areas of funding include establishing “local government that is capable of delivering  basic services to its people, and linking the informal justice system to the formal one, to reach areas that have until now sided with the Taliban,” according to a Department for International Development press release.
In addition, the British cash will be used to “extend the reach of the National Solidarity programme to bring community-driven development to improve health, education and job creation to 10,300 communities in hard to reach, more insecure areas.”
In 2007, a report by Age Concern revealed that the previous winter's cold killed more than 25,000 pensioners, up seven percent on the previous year and the highest in Europe.
The Age Concern report blamed the rise in deaths on “soaring fuel costs” and British pensioners being forced to live in “fuel poverty.”  Two-thirds of pensioners,  Age Concern said, were cutting back on the amount of gas and electricity they used.

Indigenous Family Weekend: Tickets Going Fast

Family Weekend: Tickets Going Fast

Come and join this celebration of our identity and help the next generation discover their roots. If you’ve got children or grandchildren, the Family Weekend starting this coming Friday is something you really can’t miss.
As everyone who attended the Summer School last weekend will tell you, the site is in truly beautiful countryside — on the English bank of the River Severn, looking out over the first hills of the Welsh border, the grassy fields of Haimwood at Llandrinio provide a very special place indeed for the celebration of our priceless British heritage and identity.
Children from toddlers to teenagers will all find plenty to see and do. For the little ones there will be face-paints, trampolines, a ballpit,  For the slightly older ones there are going to be lessons in lighting a campfire and cooking on it, and in country dancing (with the ‘BNP Ballerina’ Simone Clarke — learning on Saturday, performing on Sunday), dressing up, storytelling and a procession.
Activities in the Children’s Marquee will include painting and party games, and hopefully learning a play based on a traditional folk story to act out for everyone else later in the weekend.
Older ones and teenagers can use the kayaks on the gently flowing river (safety equipment and supervisors provided, but please note that this activity is strictly at your own risk) and meet up with others through the Crusaders youth group and its activities.
The Saturday will see a Children’s Sports Competition, with traditional competitive games including Sack Race and Egg & Spoon Races. On Sunday the adults will get their chance, and there will also be a Football Competition and Tug o War.
Experienced fishermen are welcome to bring their own rods and equipment, and if any have spares they can bring and use to let some of the youngsters try their hand at fishing that would be a great contribution.
Can you shoot well enough to finish off the House of Commons? The bottle of House of Commons Whisky that is! That’s the unique prize for the winner of the Clay Pigeon Competition. Bargain price of £5 for 10 shots on the neighbouring professional clay pigeon shoot site (Saturday afternoon).
There will be short and informal lectures on aspects of the history of Wales and the Borders. These will include an imaginary trip to some of the local places that have seen historical events — battles, miracles, plagues and all sorts — and a short life of the Welsh national resistance leader Owain Glyndwr.
One aspect of our heritage that will be celebrated is the great diversity of regional accents across Britain. Come and hear a Scot tell you about life in old Glasgow, listen to the Lambton Worm in broad Northumbrian, hear the Black Country dialect that was old at the time of William Shakespeare – and if you fancy bring your own short dialect poem or piece of history and get up and do a turn too.
Bring your well-behaved dog and try to win Best of Show, Best Behaved, Dog & Owner Most Alike or the Waggiest Tail competition. Bring some item that illustrates a special event in your family history and briefly tell people about it at the open mike heritage session. How about sharing some war-time memories? You don’t have to bring children if you’re coming with a willingness to take part and help make the event a great success. Perhaps you could bring along some dressing up items for the kiddies, or a few items for the Bring & Buy stall to sell to make money for the charity that will benefit from this event?
The whole point is for people to come and help to make the event by participating and using your initiative to entertain or inform others with and about any aspect of the traditional cultures, ways of life and pastimes of the peoples of the British Isles.
If you can bring any form of entertainment — child/family orientated stalls or shows especially — please email your offer straight away to
The Saturday evening will feature a hog roast and at other times there will be a catering tent serving a range of food, snacks and non-alcoholic refreshments. (You can bring your own beers and wines, but please don’t bring hard spirits or come if you just want to get drunk).
Several of our Liverpool ladies are cooking a large pan of ‘Scouse’, and from Wales we hope to have traditional griddle-cooked drop scones. So how about Peas and Bacon from the Black Country? Some samples of traditional cheeses? All the kinds of local delicacies and side-shows you’ve seen at and brought to the Red-White-and-Blue are very welcome.
Don’t go made on quantities, mind! We’re limited to 120 tents (by space) and 499 visitors (by the law) so this isn’t an RWB and there isn’t a bar and there aren’t amplified bands or rock music.
That won’t stop us having two great evenings on Friday and Saturday though! Come and listen to “Albion – the history of our land and people through words and song.” This is a full live show being put on by Arthur Kemp and Nick Griffin, and it’s sure to play to a packed and enthralled audience.
We should also be enjoying live music sessions from Tony Backhouse (whose Northern Rally album is proving popular with listeners to Radio Red-White-and-Blue), Dave Hannam and John Walker. Plus we hope very much for a special guest appearance by ‘Mad Mark’ the Morris Man – another firm favourite from past RWB festivals.
A definite already is William Milner with his version of some of Rudyard Kipling’s finest Barrack Room Ballads. William and Nick Griffin will be repeating the popular set they performed last Saturday night at the Summer School. If you saw it, you’ll want to come again, if you didn’t, this could well be your only chance to catch them.
The home-grown musical entertainment will be on both Friday and Saturday evening, but whatever you do make sure you’re there for the late evening session on Saturday, when we’re going to record a whole marquee full of people joining in the choruses of great folk songs from all over Britain.
Wild Rover, Tipperary, Leaving of Liverpool, Black Velvet Band, Haul Away Joe – you know far more than you think and, even if you don’t, with Nick Griffin and Friends leading and the words projected up you you’ll be joining in if the infectious fun and enthusiasm of last weekend is anything to go by. Come and help us raise the roof with Jerusalem and All Stand Together!
There will be one big camp fire each evening, well away from the tents and sleeping children. No separate cooking or campfires please.
This non-political event is organised by the Indigenous Forum to celebrate and promote the heritage and folk culture of the British Family of Nations. Any profits will go to a charity for services veterans. It will run from Friday afternoon, through Saturday and Sunday afternoon. People who wish to stay over simply to enjoy the site (and perhaps help out the Clean-Up and Take Down teams on Monday) will be asked to pay an extra £5 per tent/caravan for the Sunday night.
Site opens 12 noon Friday, so we look forward to seeing you and enjoying your company.
Ticket prices: On gate (if space permits) £10/adult, £5 per child for first 2, more and Under-5s free.
It is highly recommended that you book in advance. Guarantee your places and save money with our special offer: £20 total per full family. Book today on 0207 078 3269. Press option 2. Lines open 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. and Wednesday til 8 p.m. Advance booking closes Thursday 6 p.m.