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Friday 31 December 2010

2010 New Year Message from Horwich Nationalists

2010 New Years Message from the Horwich Nationalists
by Ivan Cooper

As the year 2010 swiftly comes to an end, we should reflect not only the year that has just passed but more on what the future year of 2011 holds in store for we the British People and Nation. 

The year 2010 will go down in history as the year that the British National Party made a significant ground towards it,s ultimate mission of the preservation of the British People and Nation.
 Unfortunately at the General election the majority of people voted for the Conservative or Liberal parties, in order to get rid of the venomous Labour Party, in effect falling for the old trick by the ruling elites present voting system I will not vote with my conviction but for the party that will get rid of the present Government. 
So what we ended up with was a coalition of the Con/Dems. Also in part due to the present fractured demographics of our nation, remember operation Black vote. 
But in my mind the election of this cabal of vipers 
as at last shown that the British People are now seeing through the out of touch Liberal Elites Parties lies. And that it is in fact the Multi national Bankers and their allies who are running the affairs of this nation.
As in 2010 we have seen the overt tax funded bailouts of the multi millionaire bankers and capitalists who fund and run  these parties, while at the same time seeing essential services cut and the tax and foreign aid to third world dictatorships and the EU  burden of the British people raised.

We now have the open evidence by their actions that they want to destroy this nation and turn it into a open market 3rd world sweat shop by the mass importation of cheap 3rd world labour, linked with the long term reductions of standards within the education system and the introduction of politically correct equality laws proposed by the former labour Govt but enacted by the Con/Dems. 
In effect they want a population that is fractured and has no loyalty to the Nation or common Christian heritage, that is also unable through poor education to resist and also will be subdued by fear of unjust PC laws, in effect a country of Plebeians with a super wealthy ruling elite. 

To me on a personal level what we are facing has been predicted nearly 2000 years ago , a world govt of a ruling elite, were if you accept their Political Correct immoral philosophy you will be allowed to trade and do business, in effect accept their MARK of approval. Also look at this hidden World Govt yes it exists plans for war in the Middle East.  also with their savage assaults on our Christian Faith and Morality  a fact even recognised by some high ranking Muslims and Jewish religious leaders. 
To me this is why we must be more than the political but should harness the faith that carried our Ancestors across the face of the world and gave them the the strength to oppose the present tyranny that at first used the policy of war against the British Nation  and not policy of subversion it now successfully engages in.  
As with many Christians I know for a fact that our Lord Jesus Christ will one day return to put an end to this evil that now pervades around our Land and also the world. But as all one day will answer to him for our actions and morality, I hope that I can with a sincere heart state that also battled to prevent this evil not only on a spiritual point by prayer , but that I led my life in action against this evil by attempting to improve my self on a personal level and raising the standard of truth in the public arena, where I hopefully conducted myself with honesty and quiet courage in the face of adversity and tried to show others the error of the path of moral and physical destruction that those are deceiving are attempting to drive the people of this Nation down.  
I know some of you will scoff at such a belief but all I can say is that you should seek the truth and that it WILL set you free,.
But on that point, please do as I always tell the public whilst out on behalf of the party please make your own mind , and do not let others do it for you!

To finish I expect this year that the British National Party to obtain massive electoral success at the local government level and that the membership from the hard pressed middle income sector will increase even more than it already has this year. And that I urge all members to prepare themselves for the forth coming battles by increasing their spiritual awareness and diligent study of Politics and economics in order that we can easily over come the spurious arguments of our opposition.

So I wish you all a very Happy New Year and may God Bless you and give us all the wisdom to have no fellowship with the works of darkness but rather expose them and over come the oppression we are subject to. And to our opponents I say may God also bless you, and please may he open your eyes to seek the truth for your are aiding in your own destruction through the deception of false doctrines.

Notorious Muslim Fanatic Accused of Fiddling the UK Benefits System

A notorious Muslim fanatic has been accused of fiddling the benefits system by working while claiming jobseekers’ allowance.
Abdul Rehman Saleem, known as Abu Yahya, is working on a market stall at the same time as collecting the £60 a week benefit, a friend of his estranged wife claimed.

The 35-year-old was freed from prison last year after being convicted of inciting racial hatred during protests in London against cartoon depictions of the prophet Mohammed.

Abu Yahya selling clothes at the New Covent Garden Market in Vauxhall earlier this month
Abu Yahya selling clothes at the New Covent Garden Market in Vauxhall earlier this month
Yahya is thought to have been claiming benefits while working on clothing stalls in both Stratford, East London, and another outlet at London’s New Covent Garden Market in Vauxhall.
At the same he time, he has failed to provide any maintenance for his five children with his former wife.
  When approached by a daily newspaper, she refused to discuss her ex-husband or the provision he makes for their children.
But a family friend said: ‘He works illegally, claims benefits and sees virtually nothing of his children.

Abu Yahya aka Abdul Rahman Saleem, spokesperson for the Al Muhajiroun group, holds a flyer for the' Magnificent 19' conference that is being held on Sept 11
Abu Yahya aka Abdul Rahman Saleem, spokesperson for the Al Muhajiroun group, holds a flyer for the' Magnificent 19' conference that is being held on Sept 11
‘He likes to say “Allah provides” – but in reality it is the British State and it's hard working Taxpayers, he seems to despise so much that makes the provisions for him!  The Child Support Agency claim there is nothing they can do to make him pay for his children because he is in receipt of jobseekers’ allowance.’
Yahya first came to public prominence in February 2006 when he and other Islamists took over afternoon prayers at the Regent’s Park Mosque in north London.
They chanted ‘UK you will pay – Bin Laden is on his way’ and ‘UK, USA, 7/7 on its way’.
After burning the British Flag, a group of 300 protesters then joined a march on the Danish Embassy in London to campaign against cartoons which had satirised Mohammed.

Yahya was one of four men who appeared in court a year later and was convicted of inciting racial hatred.
He was sentenced to four years’ imprisonment, but served little more than two years and was released in August 2009. 

He also made headlines earlier this year when he carried out a poisonous rant both inside and outside the Old Bailey. Joined by Mohammed Shamsuddin, he protested at the court as 21-year-old radicalised King’s College London student Roshonara Choudhry was sentenced to life for trying to kill MP Stephen Timms in a knife attack.

Wearing Islamic dress, with faces twisted in hate, they hurled abuse at a terrified female juror in the case who was wearing a Muslim headscarf as they shouted: ‘Shame on you, sister’.
Outside the court the pair waved banners, saying: ‘Islam will dominate the world’ and ‘British soldiers must die!’

Yahya, who is still intent on Muslims fighting a holy war, splits his time between a  flat in Bow the rent paid for by the taxpayer and his mother’s home in Ilford, both in the East End of London.
Asked last night  what benefits he currently receives, Yahya would only say: ‘My circumstances have recently changed and I now do not currently receive full jobseekers’ allowance at the moment. But I am not prepared to tell you what assistance I receive from the state in regards of my housing or living costs.

Uncovered Some EU schemes to Islamify Europe

Some EU Plans to Islamify Europe
At the British Resistance Site PDF Print E-mail
Written by Mister Fox
eusmallThis is not a titillating novel nor a light read but a serious attempt to uncover EU schemes to destroy our European civilisation and replace it with islam. I have put lots of links because I want others to research this too and I hope write up what they find.

There were a series of secretive European Union-agreements with ten European and North African Countries. It is a series of meetings from The Barcelona Agreement to the Euro Mediterranean Declaration of 1995. The following is an abstract with links so readers can check my sources and I hope pursue their own research and writing.
The Euro Mediterranean Declaration was agreed by the EU, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, the Palestinian Authority, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey and Israel and comprises(1) comprehensive political partnership, among other things about:

Establishing a free trade area and economic integration to begin in the year of 2010
Considerably more money for the partners
Cultural partnership.
Respect for Islam Is Guaranteed by the EU

Multiculturalism is to be respected in order to promote tolerance between different ethnic groups in society. The importance of a resolute common campaign against racism, xenophobia and intolerance is emphasized. This was predicted by Vladimir Bukovsky from secret documents he filmed in The Kremlin

Close mutual European-Muslim influence on radio, television, newspapers and magazines is to bring about cultural understanding. The EU will actively promote such mutual influences. Youth exchange is one of the instruments for cooperation between future Euro Mediterranean generations. Barcelona declaration adopted at the Euro-Mediterranean Conference [27-28/11/95] Secret EU-deals with 10 Asian and North African countries (2)

The EU Offers the Populations of 9 Muslim Countries Free Movement of Goods, Services, Capital and People into the EU.

In return for concrete political and economic changes the EU offers integration in the expanded internal market of the EU and the possibility to obtain free movement for goods, services, money and people.

Association agreements have been made with all partner countries except Syria Euro Mediterranean Foreign Minister Conference in Naples 2.-3.12.2003. (3) This document should give you an idea of who runs the EU.

Admitting Turkey (4)

Interestingly this account was published by the EU-commission 6 days before the Foreign Minister Conference was held! (5)

Confirmed by the Danish Prime Minister on 29.08.06 in correspondence. However, the Prime Minister twice refused to inform why he, our governments and the media have kept absolutely silent about the Euro Mediterranean Project.

Three weeks after the terror attack in 2001 on the WTO Center in New York, the EU submitted to Islam, and the Euro Mediterranean Project is now being used as a means of attracting Muslims into Europe: “ 'The ministers declined as both dangerous and unfounded any connection between terror and the Arab and Muslim world. In this context the importance of the Barcelona Process was emphasized by everybody as a suitable and recognized instrument to promote a dialogue between equal partners and civilizations.

The ministers agreed to work on deepening the on-going dialogue between the cultures and civilizations, especially wanting to direct attention towards youth, education, and the media”.
Extract from the- Euro Mediterranean Foreign Conference in Brussels on the 5th and-6th of October 2001:

“The ministers declined as both dangerous and unfounded any connection between terror and the Arab and Muslim world. In this context the importance of the Barcelona Process was emphasized by everybody as a suitable and recognized instrument to promote a dialogue between equal partners and civilizations.

The ministers agreed to work on deepening the on-going dialogue between the cultures and civilizations, especially wanting to direct attention towards youth, education, and the media”

The European Union and the European Council Want to destroy our respective ethnic identities:

“Cultural policy must avoid the popular distinction between 'them' and 'us', even mentioning 'the other' , as this opens the gate for imposing collective identity on the individual”.

Traugott Schoefthaler, head of the Anna Lindh Foundation, a Euro Mediterranean propaganda organisation. (6)

'Identity is the root of all conflicts'

According to the World Culture Forum Alliance, founded by the Ford Foundation, which is inextricably tied to the US Council on Foreign Relations and the CIA. The EU and the European Council are also attached to the WCFA. (7)

We are being educated from our 'stereotypes and prejudices' towards Islamic culture which is the program of the Euro Mediterranean propaganda apparatus: the Anna Lindh Foundation. this was founded by the Arab League, the EU, European Council, and UNESCO (8):

“We will tackle stereotypes and prejudices and ignorance and change the daily 'news journalism' to portray every-day life of ordinary people, which can create identification and fascination – and intercultural understanding. We will tackle our stereotypical images of people from foreign cultures and make new experiments with pictures in public places, in the media, and advertising.

And we will have common projects with people from other cultures. We will develop the intercultural skills of journalists, school pupils and artists and exchange people from these groups with (muslim) colleagues. We will manage art and cultural productions. We will train the school teachers and influence their education to be multicultural.

And we will influence the curricula of the schools to become multicultural by means of revision of existing textbooks and educational materials.

They arrange giant Muslim Youth Festivals like the 'Images of The Middle East', which lasted 6 weeks in 2006 in Denmark.

A Speech by the head of the 'Danish Center for Culture and Development' (CKD) which is run by the Danish Foreign Ministry on the 13 of May 2005 in Rabat. (9)

Olaf Gerlach Hansens speech in Rabat, Morocco 13. June 2005 (10)

The EU have cooperation agreements with the Islamic Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, which states in article 5a of its charter, is to disseminate Muslim ways of thinking and living through the world. (11)

The British Council is in the thick of deculturing us as usual. (12)

The Euro Mediterranean Project is a Globalising movement towards the One-World State:

"When limitless continental democracies and cooperative assemblies are possible global democracy is just around the corner.” (13)

We are under attack by 'utopians' who are destroying our civilisation and way of life for a new world Marxist-like to rise from the ashes which will take a totalitarian state run by unaccountable police to force people to integrate.

Our Politicians fantasise that Western ambitions are the same as Islam's which is the aim of the 'Holy' Quran:

“Our obligation to the values that mean most to us – freedom, tolerance and justice – has grown even stronger and deeper since the London bombs. So has our relationship with the Islamic world, which also shares our common ideals, today.”

As Margaret Beckett, the UK's Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs put it in the Danish paper Jyllands-Posten on the July 7 2006:

“Our obligation to the values that mean most to us – freedom, tolerance and justice – has grown even stronger and deeper since the London bombs. So has our relationship with the Islamic world, which also shares our common ideals, today.’”

The Media is managed :

“The Freedom of expression is central to the values and traditions of Europe. But its preservation depends on responsible behaviors by individuals.

By extension, we do not believe the media should be regulated from outside, but rather that you find ways to regulate yourselves.

In considering the question of self-regulation, I would also ask you to think about the need for monitoring from within your own professional bodies. I am convinced that will have a significant impact.” (14)

Declared Benita Ferrero Waldner, European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighborhood Policy. This meeting was to selected media representatives from all over Europe. Benita Ferrero-Waldner. Intercultural dialogue: the media’s role Speech/06/321 (15)

'We will identify a nucleus of journalists and analysts around which to develop a structured, sustainable system of information exchange and publication focused on North-South understanding.'

Where do they learn to use the media for propaganda?

In 2005 the Audio Visual Observatory of the European Council held a Symposium in Moscow to learn all the tricks from the Russians, who have great experience in this field.

Thursday 30 December 2010

The ground war has begun in earnest in the Oldham East and Saddleworth campaign. | British National Party

The ground war has begun in earnest in the Oldham East and Saddleworth campaign. | British National Party: "

The ground war has begun in earnest in the Oldham East and Saddleworth campaign.

British National Party candidate Derek Adams and National Elections Officer Clive Jefferson took to the streets today, with a team of activists from the North West, for a mammoth 6 hour leafleting session.
“Spirits were high, as well as getting out thousands of leaflets, we had a great reaction from the people of Oldham, which never fails to put a spring in your step. It was good to see all the thumbs-ups and the cars hooting in support.

It was great to have a chance to chat with local supporters too.” Derek told BNP News.

Mr Adams went on to say “activists who came from Liverpool to lend a hand had prepared CDs for the loud hailers: election sound bites mixed in with our war drums and patriotic music.

The overall effect of the mass literature drop and the sound system certainly left no one in any doubt that the British National Party are in this election and fighting a strong campaign!”

Clive Jefferson reported increased media interest today with Derek being booked for three radio interviews next week and the Politics Show on the Sunday before poll.

The campaign is starting to gain momentum and the interest of the mass media.

Clive said, “It’s important that back-room work is efficiently accomplished in every election, and we have teams working diligently on that, but we are a grass roots party and are always at our best on the streets, interacting with our fellow countrymen.”

“Throughout the full day, we only encountered two, very deflated and lost looking Conservatives.

No other parties or literature were anywhere to be seen. UKIP have a lovely office in the centre of the ward, so nice in fact that they never actually leave it and do any real work! They will revert to type, relying on money and the establishment media to fight their election for them.

We, in contrast, prefer to talk directly to the electors and offer them a real alternative.”

In Parliamentary elections candidates benefit from a free mail out to every elector or household delivered by Royal Mail.

Derek Adams wants to communicate his platform to every voter in the Constituency.

Individually addressed election addresses are therefore being prepared by dedicated teams.

With teams still fully engaged in this and the ground offensive begun in earnest - all during the Christmas holiday period - we have already accomplished a lot.

Now we need your help in the final two weeks of this campaign.

Join other activists to help Derek secure a strong BNP vote
Derek Adams is leading and directing the efforts on the ground so please contact Derek to book in yourself or your team to assist:
Tel: 07513 470349

ALL NORTH WEST UNITS are asked to assist and to contact Derek directly.
Derek told BNP News:

“I believe that our message offers hope to the people of Oldham, all those who feel that they are neglected and ignored by the corrupt Political Class. I am determined that our message will reach them to show that someone cares about their concerns and problems. I speak from my heart and I am passionate about this campaign. I want you to feel the same way and help me reach out to our people in Oldham and Saddleworth.”

If you are not able to help on the streets please click here to donate directly to the Oldham campaign or ring 0844 809 4582 to donate over the phone. If our operators are busy please call again.

If you liked this news article, please donate to help with running costs and improvements of the British National Party website.

Hungary's Present is your Future

Hungary's Present is your Future:

Hungary's Present is your Future PDF Print E-mail
Written by Albion
December 2010
albionhungry_120_x_120If you really want to understand the Liverpool Police’s action or rather inaction against street thugs disrupting a lawful gathering of people collecting signatures to bring their soldiers home, you need to understand the British Police Forces behaviour in the cold hard light of day.
You must appreciate that some of the constables when attending their daily morning briefings understand that many of their orders are undemocratic and downright illegal and discriminatory. They do not have a choice but to obey. If their concerns were raised with their superiors they stand a good chance of lack of promotion or even transfer to another section, like finding lost children or rescuing pussies up trees.
They understand too well what being unemployed would be like and having to front swarthy civil servants to apply for jobs in their own country. They are paid well, their retirement scheme is generous, and so why on earth would a constable or even a lady policeman on the beat sacrifice all this when one only need look the other way.
Their morning briefings will mirror the political wishes of the government, which in our case resides in Brussels. If a crime is committed Brussels has ordered all member countries that the ethnicity of the offender not be disclosed in the media. If there are an unexplained series of rapes or gang attacks, or the sexual grooming of underage girls the full truth will be withheld from the people for obvious reasons.
In all emerging or fully authoritarian societies the leaders know that when resentment starts to breed among the peasants when basic freedoms like the right to free speech are repressed or curtailed it is essential that the loyalty of the Police and the Army is paramount. Police loyalty is easily bought with knighthoods promised to Chief Constables who will also be assured of a rich retirement package and a generous superannuation.
This scenario is being played out in a number of Third world countries such as Burma, Zimbabwe, Iran, North Korea, South Africa and even emerging powers like China. The people of Europe and the UK are sleepwalking into a future that many years in the past would have been unimaginable. All these countries mentioned above have paramilitary groups who are funded by their governments. Indonesia even had it own brutal private Militia RITAH, who in cold blood executed with the help of the Indonesian military 5 Australian journalists in a place named Balibo in what was Portuguese Timor, now East Timor and many unarmed civilians who went to seek shelter in a cemetery were slaughtered by the army and its paramilitary thugs and murderers, armed and government sponsored UAF look-alike.
All European Union member countries including the UK have alliances of Fascist. In the UK it is the branch of the British Communist Party, the UAF, who are nothing more than an uneducated storm-troopers funded by the government who like the paramilitaries in third world countries provide the muscle that the police dare not use.
So back to the British Police force. The British Government have the total unequivocal loyalty of the police hierarchy who will give orders to put down any unrest on the streets with vicious determination. The Military generals who are members of the class elite but wear military uniforms also offer complete loyalty; I know I also served. The soldiers are like worker bees or unskilled workers in a factory they do as they are told. I spent a total of 5 weeks on open arrest in Germany and a week inside a military jail before heading for Korea. The soldiers just take orders and die for their country. It was then I was made painfully aware of the deceit of our past and present governments but I did not look for inspiration at Che Guevara or Stalin unlike the UAF I knew our enemy was within.
No threats need be made against the state controlled media as they have Rupert’s undivided loyalty.
The final nail in our coffin was hammered in by an overweight, aging, grey haired, alleged paedophile Prime Minister who promised that on joining a European Economic Community it would in no way be a threat to our national sovereignty.
That sovereignty was handed over to Brussels the day our Queen countersigned the Lisbon Treaty which she must have known was in effect the same document put before the French and Dutch people in a referendum, a referendum required as it took precedence over their own constitution. The document that was placed before the European people was stripped of its disguise of a treaty and was shown for what is was, the European Union’s Draft Constitution a referendum the French and Dutch people totally rejected.

To understand what has happened to our once trusted police force is that we are now in essence governed by Brussels. I suggest you pay particular attention meted to the people of Hungary as this might be your future, bearing in mind their policing polices like ours arrive as directives from Brussels. This country is sick, terminally SICK.

Wednesday 29 December 2010

Prosecuted for having dissenting political opinions |

Prosecuted for having dissenting political opinions | "

Prosecuted for having dissenting political opinions



MY seventh speech this week in Strasbourg came yesterday evening under the catch the Eye Procedure, during a debate, in the European Parliament, on human rights in the world in 2009.

This is what I had to say:

"When we heard the recording of Mr. Guillermo Fariñas* (right) from Cuba this morning, I was impressed that he identified himself and his colleagues as non-violent opposition to the Cuban regime.

It is particularly important to respect the rights of people who neither commit violence nor encourage violence in others.

However, before we become too pious, we must face up to the fact that in some EU countries people are prosecuted for having dissenting political opinions (such as Geert Wilders in the Netherlands) or for expressing heretical opinions on academic subjects, without a hint of encouragement of violence.

Moreover, a political party without any violent connections has been banned in Belgium. An attempt to ban a party in Germany failed in the Constitutional Court, only because it was revealed that the evidence had been fabricated by state agents.

In the United Kingdom, a state body (the Commission for Equality and Human Rights) has been pursuing a civil action against our own party with the express purpose of closing us down."

* the person who was awarded the European Parliament Sakharov prize this very day.

Ridiculous pejorative terms |

Ridiculous pejorative terms | "

Ridiculous pejorative terms



ANDREW Brons has responded to an interview with Marine Le Pen (right) that appeared in this morning's Daily Telegraph, with a letter to its editor.

Dear Sir

Your interview with Marine Le Pen did not reveal very much about her central ideological principles – only that she denied being a ‘racist’ or a ‘xenophobe’, whatever those ridiculous pejorative terms are supposed to mean.

She said that her Party had more in common with Britain’s UKIP than it did with the BNP. She did not explain (and was not asked to explain by your reporter) why her Party was in a formal alliance with the BNP, with the full consent of her father, the present FN Leader and had no formal contact with UKIP.

Your reporter said that she was expected to take over from her father at the mid-January congress. That is quite possible. However, he did not mention that there was another candidate, Bruno Gollnisch, who had fought a vigorous campaign.

Yours faithfully

Andrew Brons

British National Party MEP for

Yorkshire & the Humber

Tuesday 28 December 2010

Politicaly Correct Police still going easy on Muslim 'grooming' gangs

Police still going easy on Muslim 'grooming' gangs

 DECEMBER 2010: 
ONE of the recurring themes of letters to Nick Griffin's Constituency Office concerns the 'grooming' young British girls by Muslim men.
 Ever since the British National Party's famous General Election broadcast on grooming - with Channel 4's ridiculous censorship only helping to highlight the subject - Nick Griffin has been seen as the only elected politician prepared to tackle issue.
Yet another letter on grooming arrived last week and this is what a distraught mother had to say: 
"I have four teenage daughters and we were the only white family in around neighbouring seven streets. 
I have always regarded myself as open-minded and have even been a defender of the Muslim community, but now my opinion has changed 
We were all, myself included, targeted by Muslim men of all ages, but mostly groups of young men, in cars and asked for sex. The first time we called the police, and the second. My 14 year old was stopped while on her way to school at 8.30 cutting through the car park of our local hospital, and we called the police. We were told there was not enough evidence and no crime had been committed even though she took the car number on her phone. 
On one occasion my 19 year old had her younger brother and two younger cousin at the park on a Saturday afternoon. She looks very young and could then have been mistaken for 14 or 15, she was approached for sex by a group of Muslim men, she told them to go away and one produced a knife. She called the police and when they arrived she pointed out the group. They had no fear and did not go to run off they were so sure of themselves. The park was full at the time and she felt it safer to stay near a crowd. The police went to them and talked to them then came back. The group denied having a knife and said that my daughter and the boys had been calling them racist name. They did not search them, just walked my daughter home. 
Now we have been forced to move from our home and the town where our families have their roots, because the authorities refuse to believe what is happening. No politician wants to know, they just try to claim that it is just young Muslims being led on by out-of-control girls. 
These men are not just looking for sex that they cannot get in there own community. It is their complete lack of respect for non-Muslim women leads them to treat White girls this way." 
Responding on behalf of Nick Griffin, Constituency Office Manager Tina Wingfield wrote:
"Thank you for your correspondence regarding sexual grooming and Muslim gangs.
I am sorry to hear that your family has been targeted by local gangs, and that the police have failed consistently to investigate your complaints sufficiently.
This is an increasing problem in some areas and all too often the police choose to "turn a blind eye" to sexual grooming crimes - in the interests of protecting community harmony.
Mr Griffin and the British National Party have been campaigning over many years to highlight this issue, and to persuade the police and criminal justice agencies to recognise and confront the problem.
The police seem, however, to be totally cowed by political correctness and are reluctant to take the necessary measures to stop this organised abuse. Their inaction, unfortunately, leaves young and vulnerable white girls exposed to gangs of Muslim youths who evidently have little fear of the law. There are so few prosecutions actually pursued against the perpetrators of grooming offences, that there is effectively no deterrent in force.
Please be assured that Mr Griffin will continue to apply pressure on the police and criminal justice system until they recognise their responsibility to see that justice is effectively served; and appreciate that the interests of public protection must always outweigh concerns about community sensitivities."

A Blog for British Nationalism: More about multiculturalism

More about Multiculturalism 

Whatever we are told by the mass media, there is nothing wrong with wanting Britain to remain an ethnically British country. Wanting to live in a country with your racial brethren is as natural as wanting to live in a home with your own family, and no amount of multiracial propaganda is going to change that. In the last ten years, approximately 600,000 White people have left multiracial London for somewhere Whiter. The simple truth is that different races do not wish to live together – they never have done; they never will do.

There are probably a few individuals who would be perfectly happy if they were the only white person left in the whole country – but the majority do not feel that way. After Enoch Powell gave his famous 'Rivers of Blood' speech on immigration and race in 1968, 74% of the population agreed with his views – yet he was still removed from Heath’s shadow cabinet. Politicians have transformed our country against the wishes of the people. We were never asked whether we wanted to turn Britain into a multiracial country, and if we had been asked, we would have said no.

In London, one in four schoolchildren do not speak English as their first language. ‘Red Ken’ may be saying that this is what makes London such a great city, but who wants to send their child to a school filled with asylum seekers who cannot even speak English? Certainly not the wealthy middle class ‘liberals’ who, despite paying lip service to the idea of multiculturalism, almost always live as far away from our ‘vibrant’ and ‘enriched’ inner cities as possible. Invariably, those who lecture us all on the meaning and significance of race and the ‘benefits’ of multiculturalism are those who live furthest away from those multicultural parts of the country on which they lavish so much praise.

‘Race means nothing’

There are some who claim that race doesn't even exist, and that ‘skin colour is the only difference’. I have very little interest in science (and don’t consider scientific arguments for racial awareness to be the most effective), so I won't go into detail about racial differences here, but it's a fact that a DNA test can identify someone's race quite easily.

If there aren't average differences between the races, what explains Black athletic success? Why do Aborigine Australians generally have the best eyesight even when bought up in westernised homes? Why is it that Blacks have higher levels or testosterone? Why are Black babies born an average of one week earlier than white babies? Why do Black people have quicker reflexes? Why do Blacks have larger sex organs? Why are Black people at a much higher risk at getting AIDS? Why do Black children reach puberty earlier? Why is it that Black children start walking at 11 months, white children at 12 months, Orientals 13 months? Why is it that different races react differently to alcohol? Why have personality tests consistently found that Orientals are more cautious and less aggressive than other races? Why is the Black illegitimacy rate so high? Why is it, for example, that individuals whose ancestors evolved in South Asia but who were themselves born in the UK have a 40% higher risk of coronary heart disease and diabetes than do whites? Why is it that Oriental Asians have an average IQ of 106, Whites of 100, Southern Asians of slightly less than Whites, and Blacks of less than 88 in Britain? (See Race, Behavior and Evolution by J.P. Rushton)


It is claimed that our football team would be much worse if not for our Black players. This is probably true - although we never seem to win anything anyway, and the one time that we have won something (1966) we had an all-White team. But I think it’s ironic that those who say that having black players improve our football team - surely an admission that black people have a genetic advantage in competitive sports such as football - are often the same type of people who claim that race doesn’t even exist. And why is it that multiculturalists always point out the racial composition of our sports team if it is multiracial, but are silent if it is not?

To be honest, I dislike the fact that Black people can represent my country in sport. It's not that I dislike Blacks or anyone else, but what is the point in a national team if we are represented by people who clearly aren’t English? Although, I can assure any Searchlight readers that I have no problem with David Beckham or Wayne Rooney being in the team!


Another argument for non-White immigration is that we now – thanks to ‘diversity’ - have many different types of restaurants. But it’s not much of a consolation when you consider that Whites will be a minority in Britain within my lifetime. If Tony Blair was to say 'Yes, we are going to flood Britain with asylum seekers, but don’t worry because you might get a few new restaurants if you’re lucky', nobody would welcome it. That’s why, when politicians talk about immigration, they usually tell us about the ‘need for control’, rather than explain why they’ve already bought in millions of people from the third world, and why they intend to continue to do so (albeit with some sort of ‘control’ to prevent the natives waking up and realising what’s really going on). Even Ken Livingstone wouldn’t consider getting an authentic Indian restaurant in every town a government priority. Anyway, we had Indian restaurants in Victorian times, and our population wasn't very ‘diverse’ back then. And surely we’ve got enough restaurants already; we don't need any more, thank you.

Problems with ‘diversity’

Mono-racial nations, such as Iceland (which is 98% Icelandic), do not have the problems that we have. They don't have racist attacks, they don't have race riots or suicide bombings, they don't need positive discrimination, they don't need a Commission for Racial Equality, they don’t need their lottery money to be spent on projects promoting 'diversity' in hope of getting the races to get along with each other, they don't need anti-free speech race-hate laws, they don't need ID cards to stop illegal immigration and diffuse the terrorist threat, because they have a homogeneous population. 'Diversity' is not a strength of Britain, but homogeneity is certainly a strength of Iceland.

One last point: Given that Asian and African nations are far poorer than we are, and need far more help than we do, if immigrants are really doing such wonderful things for Britain, as the advocates of white dispossession (or 'multiculturalism', as they call it) insist they are, wouldn’t it be better if they would all return to their native lands and do wonderful things for their own people? Africa needs doctors and teachers far more desperately than we do, yet it is often so-called 'anti-racists' who are suggesting that we should have the right to steal them. I believe that all people should strive to improve their own country rather that emigrating to find an easier life. - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Half of Germans want to axe the euro - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Half of Germans want to axe the euro: "-


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49 per cent of ­Germans still wish they had the mighty Deutchmark

Tuesday Decem

HALF of all Germans want to ditch the euro and bring back their deutschmark, according to a poll.

Despite a year of prop­aganda from their government informing them that the beleaguered European currency is good for them, 49 per cent of ­Germans still wish they had the mighty mark in their pockets.

This is one of the highest proportions of Germans wanting its return since polls in the 1990s showed close to 70 per cent of them wanted to retain the mark, the currency of their “economic miracle”.


The recent crises in Greece and Ireland have contributed to further disillusion.

In the survey for the daily Bild newspaper, only 41 per cent of people were satisfied with the euro. Most of the rest said they did not know what to think.

The survey found that the majority of Germans are ­worried about the stability of the currency and the ­possibility of inflation.

Three-quarters of the ­people questioned by YouGov said they personally had not profited from the adoption of the euro.

And if Germany was not part of the eurozone, only 30 per cent of those asked would today vote to adopt the euro and 60 per cent would vote against it.

Yet despite the concerns, the majority believe the euro is here to stay.

Asked whether the euro would still be country’s ­currency in 20 years, 55 per cent of the respondents replied yes. Germany adopted the euro in 1999 along with 10 other countries.

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