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Saturday 8 January 2011

BNP & Nick Griffin MEP Proved Right On Muslim Sex Gangs in UK

BNP Proved Right On Muslim Sex Gangs. By Nick Griffin MEP PDF Print E-mail
Written by BNP News Reporter   
  January 2011
nickgriffinsmallThe Times newspaper has finally admitted what the British National Party has been saying for a decade: that there are organised gangs of Muslims preying on young white girls.

Police Chief Inspector Alan Edwards was quoted as saying that to “stop this type of crime you need to start everyone talking about it but everyone's been too scared to address the ethnicity factor.
“No one wants to stand up and say that Pakistani guys in some parts of the country are recruiting young white girls and passing them around their relatives for sex, but we need to stop being worried about the racial complication,” he said.

So finally, the establishment admits the truth about Muslim sex gangs.
Way back in 2001, the British National Party raised this issue. We alerted the public to a problem that the authorities — who should have been protecting young girls — chose to ignore.

We acted on the matter after being provided with persistent complaints from the public.

Ordinary people came forward and told us that institutions such as the Police and Social Services were afraid of taking action because of the racial factor, namely that the sick criminals were overwhelmingly Muslim and that their victims were overwhelmingly white.

How did the Political Class react to the British National Party highlighting of this issue?

Was there an investigation?

Well yes, sort of: they put me, who dared to raise the issue, on trial!

I was arrested in 2004 after comments I made about the Muslim paedophile grooming gang scandal were broadcast on the BBC documentary, The Secret Agent.

I was charged with “using words or behaviour intended or likely to stir up racial hatred” — just for telling the truth.

As many of you know, eventually I was acquitted of all the charges, but only after two trials during which I and my family were put through hell.

Despite the legal persecution and vilification, I and the British National Party kept drawing attention to this issue to try and force the authorities to take action.

We did this because we care.

We care about the young girls who were, and still are, being abused. We desperately want it to stop.

The truth is that the Political Class is concerned only with censoring the British National Party, and not with the rights or interests of the British people.

They clearly care more about prosecuting the British National Party, rather than investigating Muslim criminal conspiracies against young white girls.

It has taken a decade (from the time that we first raised the topic) for the establishment to even admit that it is true.

Ten years! Ten years of victims! Ten years of heartbreak, terror and suffering!

Simply put, the establishment is to blame for all the victims of this horrendous crime, because they refused to act when we first reported it.

The establishment has now admitted that many of the victims, some as young as 12, are plied with vodka, cocaine and heroin, and then brutally gang-raped.

How would you feel if this happened to your daughter or grand-daughter? Entire lives — and families — have been destroyed by these evil racists and the political class and PC authorities who have turned turn a blind eye to the problem.

The Times newspaper said this crime was a problem in Northern England.

The reality is that it is everywhere, and common in the West Midlands, East London, Slough, and so on — basically everywhere where the Muslim colonisers have established themselves in large numbers.

Can you imagine what would have happened if the British National Party had not been there to shine the spotlight on the crimes and abuse?

How many more years would the Political Class have ignored the Muslim sex predators?

How many young girls have suffered the abuse, the psychological damage and the heartbreak because of the establishment’s refusal to admit that there was an issue?

Now, at least, they have finally admitted that there is a problem.

Whether they will actually do something about it, is, of course, a different issue altogether.

But at the very least, the British National Party can claim credit for first pointing it out, and then keeping up the pressure for 10 years until the establishment finally admitted it was true.

That's why it is so vital that the British National Party stays in the fight.

We champion those whom the Political Class have abandoned, because we care.

We can't do it on our own. We need your help and support. We need the help and support of all decent people, like you, who still care about our people and our nation.

Now the story's really out, we are going to build up a big campaign to protect our children and expose the evil of Muslim 'grooming' paedophilia.

We're doing urgent print of 20,000 leaflets for Oldham this weekend on the subject to start the campaign. It is an extra cost, but clearly a must.

We will be out on the streets of Oldham this coming weekend once again, campaigning to pressure the authorities to robustly tackle the abusers.

Can you come and join us in Oldham on Saturday?

Your presence would be gratefully appreciated by not just the British National Party, but by all the victims (and their families) of this awful Muslim peodophile gang terror.

Remember what Police Chief Inspector Alan Edwards said: “These girls are being passed around like meat.”

That is exactly what is happening — these girls are being passed around like halal meat, and it needs to stop now!

If you can't make it to Oldham, then please consider backing our frontline activists by making a donation now.

Nick Griffin, MEP
Leader, British National Party

P.S. Think again about those poor young girls being corrupted and abused. Think about the vile Muslim gangs who prey on them.
Ask yourself: why did the authorities ignore the issue for years? Then act, by attending the British National Party protest or by giving a donation today.

You can make a donation to the British National Party by going to this page on their site.

You can join the British National Party by going to this page.

Friday 7 January 2011

Media Admits that Nick Griffin Was Right over Muslim Paedophile Gangs in UK

Media Admits that Nick Griffin Has Been Right all Along over Muslim Paedophile Gangs

The controlled media has finally admitted that there are Muslim paedophile gangs operating in Britain which prey on young white females, a fact for which Nick Griffin was twice put on trial for daring to say.
In a front page article in the Times newspaper, the existence of the Muslim paedophile gangs is openly acknowledged, although that paper quite falsely claims that it has the story “exclusively.”
In reality, Mr Griffin was arrested in 2004 after comments he made about the Muslim paedophile groom gangs scandal were broadcast on the BBC documentary, The Secret Agent.
The British National Party leader was charged with “using words or behaviour intended or likely to stir up racial hatred” for pointing out what the Times today has repeated and now presented as an “exclusive” story.
As readers will doubtless be aware, Mr Griffin was acquitted of all the charges after two trials.
According to the Times’s “revelation,” police and social services have fuelled a “culture of silence” which has “allowed hundreds of young white girls to be exploited by Asian men for sex.”
According to figures printed by the Times, an “alarmingly” high number of prosecutions for on-street grooming of girls aged between 11 and 16 have involved “men of Pakistani heritage.”
In 17 court cases since 1997 where groups of men were prosecuted, 53 of the 56 people found guilty were Asian, 50 of them Muslim, while just three were white, according to the Times.
Worse still, experts were quoted as saying that the statistics “represent a mere fraction of a tidal wave of offending” in counties across the Midlands and the north of England which has been going on for more than a decade.
The media quoted a senior officer at West Mercia police as saying that these white “girls are being passed around and used as meat.”
Chief Inspector Alan Edwards was quoted as saying that to “stop this type of crime you need to start everyone talking about it but everyone's been too scared to address the ethnicity factor.
“No one wants to stand up and say that Pakistani guys in some parts of the country are recruiting young white girls and passing them around their relatives for sex, but we need to stop being worried about the racial complication.”
Mr Griffin said that the Times story which claimed that there was a “conspiracy of silence” was ironic, because that newspaper had long been part of the conspiracy to cover up the issue.
“We first raised this issue in 2001,” Mr Griffin told an interview with Radio RWB.
“This is not, as the Times has claimed, an ‘Asian’ or even a ‘Pakistani’ problem, but actually a Muslim problem,” Mr Griffin said.
“In Wrexham for example, the problem is found amongst Iraqis. It is not a Pakistani problem, but a Muslim problem, as this behaviour comes from the core of that religion,” he said.
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British National Party Plans Demonstration against Muslim Paedophile Grooming in Oldham

British National Party Plans Demonstration against Muslim Paedophile Grooming in Oldham

The British National Party will hold a demonstration against Muslim paedophile grooming gangs in Oldham on Saturday morning as part of the party’s by-election campaign in the constituency, Nick Griffin MEP has announced.
“We are launching a special leaflet on the topic this weekend as well, starting early Saturday, and need as many people as possible, men, women and children, to take part in the demonstration,” Mr Griffin said.
“We need to demonstrate that it is was the British National Party which first brought the issue of Muslim grooming gangs to the public’s attention, and we intend to make sure that this fact is reinforced,” he said, referring to the Times newspaper’s attempt to hijack the topic and present it as an establishment “exclusive.”
Mr Griffin said it was “sickening” to see Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg built up in today’s edition of the Times as the person who was now supposedly going to champion the victims of the Muslim paedophile grooming gangs.
“Quite apart from the fact that the Lib Dems are well-known for their support for the lowering of the Age of Consent, it is precisely the liberal immigration policies endorsed by Mr Clegg which have given rise to the problem in the first place,” Mr Griffin said.
“It is sickening to see the Tory press prop up Mr Clegg in this manner and it is an indication of David Cameron’s increasing desperation to keep the Lib Dems on life support for the coalition’s sake,” he added.
“It is equally pathetic for the Times and other news media to try and present the Muslim grooming problem as something new which they have just discovered.
“The British National Party first raised this as an issue in 2001, and has been at the forefront of exposing this evil tendency ever since,” Mr Griffin continued.
For example, BNPtv produced a three part in-depth documentary on the truth about the racial grooming problem.
Part one can be found here, part two can be found here and part three can be found here. All three were first produced in 2007.
Mr Griffin made a personal video about the Muslim grooming problem here, while BNPtv carried a dramatic and heartrending interview with the mother of a victim in 2007, which can be viewed here.
“We really need as many people as possible to turn out for the demonstration this coming Saturday,” Mr Griffin said.
“There is also going to be a concerted Day of Action during the rest of the day so it will be a chance for all activists to make a contribution to the by-election campaign as well.
“Finally, if you cannot be there, please consider making a donation to the campaign expenses using the facility on party website,” Mr Griffin concluded.
*Meanwhile, the work goes on in the constituency. Below, a photograph from today showing some of the activists who came from around the North West, the Midlands and even Wiltshire to help out today.
“The only thing that stopped us was when we ran out of leaflets,” one of the activists reported.
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Wednesday 5 January 2011

UK Controlled Media Lies Again About “British” and “French” Terrorists

Controlled Media Lies Again About “British” and “French” Terrorists
The controlled media’s compulsion to hide any of the realities about the Third World invasion of Europe reached a new high today with reports of “French” gangsters helping “British” extremists — yet none of those involved are in reality French or British at all.

A headline article in the Tory-supporting Telegraph newspaper announced that an ongoing court case in France had revealed that “British terrorists [had been] 'offered safe house by al-Qaeda-linked French gangsters'.”
Of course, a reading of the names involved show that there were no French or British people involved in this plot, and that all the perpetrators were Muslims of North African or Asian origin.
Nonetheless, the controlled media hysterically persists with the lie that these people are somehow “French” or “British” as if the issuing of a passport magically transforms ethnic origin.
Their logic, taken to its “logical” conclusion, would mean that if David Cameron were given a Chinese passport, he would suddenly become a Chinaman, or that if Nick Clegg were given a Japanese passport then he would suddenly become Japanese.
It is this obsession with civic nationalism, also known as cultural nationalism, which defines the entire world view of those parties and individuals who seek the destruction of British, and ultimately, European identity.
There is no shame to being proud to be ethnically British, ethnically French, ethnically Pakistani or Algerian. But the British National Party alone recognises this as a pre-determined reality which no amount of liberal manipulation can ever distort or hide.
* The court case to which the Telegraph referred revealed that North African Muslim criminals, resident in France, had offered Muslim terrorists living in Britain a safe house outside of the UK.
The main accused is Algerian-origin Ouassini Cherifi, who ran a restaurant in the massively Third World colonised Paris suburb of Clichy-sous-Bois, the scene of much nonwhite rioting through the years.
Cherifi and seven other Muslims are accused of committing robberies at post offices and other retail establishments in order to raise money to finance further Muslim terrorism across Europe and to aid Al-Qaeda.
Amongst the accused is Farid Boukemiche, an Algerian Muslim who spent three years in a British prison on terrorist charges before trying to claim political asylum.
When his asylum application was rejected, he moved to France where he opened a cafe in Roubaix, near Lille.
The cafe “housed many brothers, particularly British ones,” according to prosecution documents.
According to other prosecution documents, Cherifi has spent a “great deal of time in Britain recruiting Jihad fighters to travel to Iraq and Afghanistan” — another indication of the international nature of the Islamic assault upon Western Civilisation.
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Snow Does Not Deter Bolton & Horwich British National Party Activists in Walkden By-election

Snow Does Not Deter Salford British National Party Activists in Walkden By-election

Christmastime snow could not deter Salford British National Party activists from campaigning and leafleting for a by-election in Walkden, reports organiser Gary Tumulty.
“Salford's activists were joined by a team from Bolton the day after Boxing Day to prepare for the by-election which resulted from the death of the sitting Labour councillor,” Mr Tumulty said.
“The team continued to canvass and leaflet the area in spite of the deep snow,” he said.
“The response from residents has been very positive, with comments such as ‘about bloody time you lot showed up’ being quite common.”
Deputy organiser Keith Fairhurst pointed that that Walkden North was completely new territory for the British National Party.
“I'm heartened by the fact that we were well so received and that our message is one that resonates with the residents,” Mr Fairhurst said.
“In particular, the British National Party’s anti-war campaign has proven highly popular and many locals made less than complimentary comments about the warmongering old gang to our activists.”
“As with every election campaign, there is always a need for extra bodies to help with leafleting,” he continued.
“If anyone can spare a few hours, we would be very grateful. Please contact Gary Tumulty at bnpsalford @ or call 07909674006.”
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British National Party Impresses Outreach Campaign Central London

British National Party Rocks Oxford Circus, Central London

British National Party activists in London took the party’s message right into the centre of the city last week with a table and anti-Afghanistan war petition campaign in Oxford Circus, reports London deputy regional organiser Steve Squire.
“The British National Party team, under the able leadership of London Central sub regional organiser Roy Leyland, took our campaign to a new level with the outreach campaign in territory which rarely sees party activity,” Mr Squires said.
Threats by assorted far leftists and anti-white bigots to attack the British National Party table did not materialise.
“We collected hundreds of signatures for the anti-war campaign and were seen by thousands of Christmas shoppers,” Mr Squire said.
“The ten-strong activist team made a great impression upon passersby and a significantly large number of donations were made to party funds in this very busy thoroughfare.”
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Tuesday 4 January 2011

Nick Griffin and Forty British National Party Team Out in Oldham Today | British National Party

Nick Griffin and Forty British National Party Activists Out in Oldham Today

British National Party chairman Nick Griffin MEP, candidate Derek Adams and a team of around 40 party activists descended on the Oldham East and Saddleworth constituency today for a blistering day of action.
Speaking on the latest Radio RWB broadcast (which can be heard here) Mr Griffin said the activists had been split up into about five big teams to help push the election material out and to speak to as many people as possible.
“It is bitterly cold here,” Mr Griffin told Radio RWB. “Nonetheless we have had a very good response from the public.”
He also revealed that the party’s election machine had been fine tuned to the point where for the first time ever, election addresses had arrived simultaneously with the 10,000 postal voters’ ballots.
Almost no other party was able to do this due to the time constraints caused by the calling of the snap election, he explained.
Mr Adams, also speaking on Radio RWB, confirmed that tens of thousands of leaflets had already gone out.
Nick Griffin and Forty British National Party Activists Out in Oldham Today | British National Party: "

France’s Conservative Govt Pretend New Year’s Immigration Invasion Violence Doesn’t Happen

France’s Tories Pretend New Year’s Immigration Invasion Violence Doesn’t Happen

France’s conservative government has attempted to “combat” the immigrant-origin annual New Year’s car-burning orgy by refusing to release any figures about the incidents in the hope that the lack of publicity will ‘kill’ the story.
The torching of cars has become a New Year’s tradition in France, committed by thousands of rampaging African-origin “youths.”
According to figures released after New Year’s Eve in 2009, some 1,137 cars were torched, while some 1,147 were burned the year before.
Now, however, in typical cowardly conservative fashion, the Sarkozy-regime has set decided that no figures will be released at all this year.
“The French government is determined to stamp out these scenes of anarchy as part of its highly-publicised campaign against crime,” the France24 news service announced, following Interior Minister Brice Hortefeux order for a news blackout.
Mr Hortefeux said that his plan was to “stop the unhealthy competition” which he alleges is the reason why the arson attacks occur.
“I have decided to put an end to the competition, the sweepstakes, and will no longer publish the number of burnt vehicles,” Mr Hortefeux said.
“It is not to hide, but to disrupt a stupid contest that involves burning the cars of honest people.”
Instead, the arson incidents will now be included as part of a review of annual vandalism figures, to be released later in the year.
As a result, the official reports from France indicated a “quiet” New Year, a claim contradicted by the news that French police were forced to deploy 6,000 extra police officers (800 more than last year) in order to try and keep some sort of order on the streets of that country’s cities.
The shameful approach of simply covering up the news, rather than reporting it, is a commonly used tactic by the ruling elite to hide the disastrous consequences of their mass immigration policies.
Instead of admitting that the mass importation of Third Worlders has created massive social problems which reflect in high crime rates, delinquency and outright terrorism, the ruling elite would rather pretend that these events simply do not take place.
The time has come for an honest discussion on the causes and effects of Third World immigration — and for honesty about the only manner in which this serious problem can be addressed.
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Monday 3 January 2011

Political Correctness Mark of the Beast ?

 Political Correctness Mark of the Beast ?

Whilst writing a new year’s message for this blog, something occurred to me concerning political correctness! And what it may truly be.

Many Biblical scholars have often wondered what would be the mark of the beast, as the world spins into the chaos of these modern End Times. Some early scholars have speculated that it would be a tattoo or some other physical branding of some kind. In these modern times some have suggested that it would be some form of implant computer chip or some other technical device.

But what occurred to me was that the battle for this Nation and this world is being conducted in two intertwined ways the 1st on the lesser level on a temporal level i.e. the physical. But on the 2nd and more important level the higher spiritual or Psychological level and our relationship with God.

 A relationship that brings a knowledge of a higher morality and a greater sense of well being towards mankind in our personal conduct towards others and higher standards of behaviour in public and also as individuals in private and importantly as a the body of the Nation as a whole.

So in effect this Mark of the beast will not I feel be a physical mark but a Spiritual Mark or if you like a Psychological outlook that also affects our temporal material world also.

The reason for me coming to the conclusion that Political Correctness is a potential candidate for the mark of the Beast, is that it is some thing you have to consciously accept and adopt as a system of belief and behaviour as an adult.

And that the cultural and psychological manipulation and destruction of the Christian Western civilisation by the PC system is philosophy that was created by groups of persons with strong links to occultism. And this is not I am sorry to say a paranoid delusion, for those who have researched the subject the evidence is overwhelming, see link Occult & the Russian Revolution.

Political Correctness is a Philosophy that preys on all the negative emotions of man, firstly it takes advantage of pride and vanity by convincing those who adopt it that all things can be solved by man alone, that is pride and that if you cannot see their point of view then cannot see their point of view then you must be deficient in the intellectual field , that is the vanity. And that’s Gods law has no part to play in a society.

  Secondly it uses the sophistry to preach a kind of tolerance that is fact intolerance i.e. as to say a Christian belief is bigotry or in fact any sincere Judeo Christian moral viewpoint held by rich or poor as bigotry.
And then creates a culture whose morals are set by those who hold temporal power, for example true Christians say know that all Human life is sacred, but the politically Correct for example use the prideful and vain sophistry that women have the right over their own bodies. And therefore such have the right to destroy the unborn babes within them.
Also it promotes the selfish by promoting the doctrine of selfishness through rights and personal fulfilment, leading to a selfish self centred society were the least fortunate and powerless suffer the most, through the reason that people become more and more the self centred forever child whose universe revolves around their own needs and not the welfare of others in the fragmenting society around them
And also the recent proposals that those who have an illness or are facing senility in later life should be allowed to end their own lives as it will decrease their suffering and that the state should provide facilities for them to do so. In effect this will lead to a Political Correct morality that will eventually decide on the grounds of health, age, or even if the slow decline in our Christian values is not halted Economic Value!
Also it uses not only physical but more importantly psychological violence through the fear of losing a income  against those who would oppose it, by using language in a negative way to describe all its opponents who oppose their attempts to fracture societies and nations by the creation of division by the importation of foreign peoples and creeds to Christian lands on the grounds of sophistic arguments of intolerance and bigotry and that such opponents of Political correctness whom oppose it should be denied a livelihood and should be hounded from public life if they should voice an opinion that is contrary to the Political Correct Philosophy, for as it says in the Bible Revelation 13 16And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

So as it say they shall receive the mark either in there forehead or in their right hand. To me this signifies that the mark of the forehead is for those whom accept it in the depths of there selfish souls and the mark for those on their right hands are those whom can see the wickedness in Political correctness, but who do nothing to oppose it for selfish reasons of finance , social or career advantage such as the majority of our politicians.

Were as we Christians should remember that those who follow the One True God should bear Gods mark on our Forehead and our right arm both as it says in Exodus 
9And it shall be for a sign unto thee upon thine hand, and for a memorial between thine eyes, that the LORD'S law may be in thy mouth: for with a strong hand hath the LORD brought thee out of Egypt. 10Thou shalt therefore keep this ordinance in his season from year to year. 

In effect we should follow Gods laws and the teachings of Christ by keeping our faith in our actions (hand) by opposing the wicked doctrine of Political correctness and it proponents on a temporal level by offering service to others and our nation . And secondly by keeping God and our Christian Tradition alive in our minds at all times (Head) By not allowing the base selfish temptations that allow such a wicked philosophy into our hearts.

Lady Harriet Harman of Murder Town

Lady Harriet of Murder Town | London Patriot:

Lady Harriet of Murder Town

Lady Harriet of Murder Town
I have no doubt that should Harriet Harman join the House of Lords the title Lady Harriet of Murder Town would be most appropriate. In the last few hours, Peckham, that already has the honourary title of Murder Town, was the scene of more shootings and stabbings increasing the number of youngsters that have lost their lives this year and reaching a new record.
No wonder then that the MP for Peckham chose to visit Peckham wearing a bullet proof (hopefully also knife proof) jacket and accompanied by Police escorts. Having said that, lets not forget that Peckham is a clear example of the kind of Britain the Labour Party and those who think more or less along the lines of the Labour Party want.
Illiterate Britain with educational standards lowered for propaganda purposes, Beggar Britain with more than five million people (potentially five million households) that depend on state handouts, perfectly fits in the ideological scheme promoted by the Labour Party.
You only have to look at Labour’s policies in terms of housing. Spreading the Housing State concept across the land and breaking up family homes transforming them into ad hoc Housing States has been the norm and all this has created a social bomb. This is precisely why Labour is so concerned about cuts affecting housing benefits. The changes affecting housing benefits will have political consequences because they will counter Labour’s poisonous demographic strategies