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Thursday, 30 March 2023

Nick Griffin on Templar Report Live -week 4 March 2023


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Israel to Pass Law to Send CHRISTIANS TO PRISON for Worshipping Christ


Christians Being Nice will not Cut it Anymore

 By: Pastor Andrew Isker

Click here to listen to the author read the post

On Monday, March 27, a woman who believed she was a man deliberately attacked a conservative Christian school in Nashville, murdering three nine-year-old children and three staff members. It was a deliberate terror attack by a transgender on Christians and their children. A 28-year-old woman named Aubrey Hale, who also went by “Aiden” and demanded others use male pronouns to refer to her, was shot dead by police minutes after the attack began.

Given these circumstances, any reasonable person can safely conclude this was an ideological attack. Whether Hale’s manifesto recovered from her vehicle ever sees the light of day is another story, especially if it is damaging to the transgender narrative the regime has devoted massive resources to prop up. What can be pieced together is that:

1. The female-to-male transgender Hale was once a student at Covenant School in Nashville.

2. Tennessee recently passed a bill to protect children from sexualization at Drag shows.

3. March 27 is the beginning of “Transgender Week of Visibility,” yet another celebration in the bloated degeneracy liturgical calendar.

4. Every Regime propaganda outfit is in the midst of a full-court press saying evangelicals are Christian Nationalists who plan on genociding transgenders.

The result is that 3 children and 3 adults lie dead, murdered by a person whose mental illness was turned into an ideological weapon by the most evil people on the planet. All day long, 24/7, you hear the message that conservative evangelical Christians are evil scum. We are the only group that hatred of is not only seen as acceptable or allowed but positively virtuous. Add that to a group of people put through the meatgrinder of a callous, godless world that manufactures mental illness, whose minds are so warped they believe that they are the opposite sex and will mutilate their bodies surgically and with hormones, who have been told they are being targeted for extermination, and you have the recipe for mass violence.

As I wrote nearly a year ago after the Uvalde shooting, “the question we ought to be asking is not ‘why does this happen?’ but rather ‘why does it not happen a lot more?’” We live in a society that is past its breaking point (see right). Everything that used to give life meaning has been taken away, driven far from the reach of ordinary people, or made an object of ridicule. Love of one’s nation and people is both mocked and called “racist.” The normal impulse to desire a spouse and children is ripped apart by divorce, feminism, and sexual perversion and then put out of reach for many by worsening economic and social conditions.

The major institutions of the Christian faith that provided a spiritual foundation for a once great nation—the mainline Protestant churches—were hollowed out over a century ago, now with teary-eyed female pastors offering moralistic, sentimental discourses on Chicken Soup for the Soul at best and gay transsexual, antiwhite race hate, Marxist propaganda, at worst.

The churches that grew over the last century in response to the mainline apostasy retained their adherence to the Bible but are largely beset by a pragmatism that places church growth ahead of faithfulness. The result has been precious few Christian leaders willing to defend the Christian faith in a way that matters to a culture in freefall.

That pragmatism that has infected the church is responsible for much of the cultural rot we are experiencing. The entire ethos of selling the Christian religion as a lifestyle product you separate from and add to your pre-existing way of life has dominated the practice of ostensibly conservative American evangelicalism. It was a convenient arrangement for a lot of people, especially when you lived in a culture that enjoyed the fruits of two millennia of Christian cultural formation.

You could separate the Christian life and keep it self-contained to Sunday morning and maybe a few small group activities throughout the week. You could keep “spiritual talk” separate from talk of your work, of news and politics, of sports and entertainment. That was a convenient arrangement when the entire society, Christian or not, agreed that marriage was between a man and woman and foundational to civilization, that men and women are entirely distinct and immutable sexes, and you had functioning, well-ordered communities where people could reasonably expect to trust one another. But that convenient arrangement no longer exists.

Today you live in Negative World, and Negative World just became deadly. No longer do you live in a place where there is a distinction between being a Christian and “fighting the culture war.” Those three nine-year-olds that the monster shot were not consciously combatants in the culture war. They were not little James Dobsons. They were just Christian kids being raised in the nurture and admonition of the Lord by Christian parents. But we have reached a point where simply being a Christian means participation in the culture war is unavoidable. You may not want your children involved in the culture war, but if they bear the name of Christ, they are part of it whether you like it or not. Your enemy has made them a target, if not with bullets, with a poisonous mind virus that they constantly want them exposed to.

It is well past time for Christians, particularly Christian leaders, to recognize this. You have enemies. You have enemies that want you and your children dead. You have enemies you need to fight. Your desire to “win them over” through niceness is a weapon they wield against you. They manipulate your desire to avoid conflict. They know that you are terrified of offending anyone since that will negatively affect church attendance. And so they have rolled over you, they have destroyed your culture, and have now made you a pariah in your own country. You are not going to winsome your way out of this. You can choose to remain silent out of cowardice, or you can begin to fight an evil ideology that could not be in more stark rebellion against the Creator of Heaven and Earth.

You need to be preparing your schools, churches, homes, and selves for this spiritual war. You need to have a plan in place. You need to have men willing to protect your people with force. You need to be physically able to protect your family. You need to be getting in better shape. You will notice the two police officers who dispatched the trans terrorist did not have dad bods. Hard times are here. It is no time for soft men. And lest you think this is an unprecedented time in the history of the church, it is not. Violent individuals provoked by the government to attack dissident Christians is nothing new.

It is even part of the Anglo-American Christian tradition. As one commenter pointed out, the 1689 English Bill of Rights guaranteed the right of Protestants to bear arms to protect themselves against anarchy allowed by the government. The government didn’t send goons to attack them; they just let armed thugs loosely aligned with them do their dirty work for them. Sound familiar? We are in a very similar place and will require similar courage and strength of will. The Protestant churches of 17th-century England had strong leaders, strong fathers, and men who believed so strongly in the Lord Jesus they were ready to die for Him. Do we have such men and such leaders? If you are reading this, you are the answer to this question, one way or the other.

We have reached a crossroads in our country. Either biblical Christianity or sexual degeneracy will be tolerated. One will be eradicated by the other. This will not be the last time Christians will be martyred by mentally ill leftist freaks. Will you have the courage to take a stand for righteousness and truth, or will you submit to the hideous and disgusting abusers and murderers of children? The choice is yours.

Wednesday, 29 March 2023


‘…our leaders are no longer for us, they’re against us & they’re doubling down on every one of their failed policies!’. To help support this channel & get extra, exclusive content every week sign up to ‘Neil Oliver’ on Audio Podcasts, Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The World &, Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The British Isles Available on all the usual providers Check out the Instagram account: Neil Oliver Love Letter

Monday, 27 March 2023

How This Bank Crisis Could Play Out - Mike Maloney on 'The Day of Reckon... This video was based on warnings from Mike Maloney's first book, written in 2008. As you can see, much of it is playing out in real time. His new book expands on this scenario and our current situation. Get it now at In Episode 7 of Hidden Secrets of Money, Mike Maloney glimpses into the near future to show you how fast the U.S. dollar and economy could collapse. You’ll learn about the velocity of currency, a concept economists try to complicate but that is actually quite simple when you realize it has more to do with psychology than numbers. You’ll also see all the potential moves the Federal Reserve will attempt to prevent disaster and how they will all fail. Mike also takes you back to the 1920s to show you the astonishing parallels to today and what life could be like in the years ahead. He is joined by Jim Rickards and Rick Rule who provide further insights into the bond markets, currency creation, and of course precious metals. It’s only a matter of time before USA’s day of reckoning.

BANKING CRISIS: The Scene of the Crime (Ch 4 Intro: Great Gold & Silver Rush of the 21st Century)

Get the free PDF here: Mike calls it the greatest theft in human history. In Chapter 4 of The Great Gold and Silver Rush of the 21st Century, Mike explains in full detail exactly how central banking and currency creation have warped our financial system, creating the most dangerous bubble in human history. If it sounds confusing, it’s that way by design. The powers that be have deliberately made the financial system as confusing as possible, to the point where most people give up out of frustration. But if you commit to making this effort, you’ll learn exactly how we ended up in this current financial mess… plus, you’ll see exactly how to protect yourself when the system finally comes tumbling down. It’s shocking, to say the least. Get more at ----------------------------------------------------------------- GoldSilver is one of the most trusted names in precious metals. Since 2005, we’ve provided investors with both education and world-class bullion dealer services. We offer a wide selection of bullion products, private vault storage, global shipping, and easy payment choices. Buy Precious Metals at: Download Mike's best-selling book for free here: Subscribe to our channel: Follow Mike on Twitter: Follow us on Facebook: Check out our sister channel Wealthion @Wealthion with Adam Taggart featuring regular guests such as Jim Rickards, Rick Rule, Stephanie Pomboy, Lance Roberts, John Hathaway, Alisdair McLeod, SImon Hunt, John Rubino, Jim Rogers, Marc Faber and more. As always, thank you for your support. M.

Sunday, 26 March 2023

End of Days, Collapse & Calamity – Steve Quayle Interview


End of Days, Collapse & Calamity – Steve Quayle

Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle says the global banking meltdown, tanking economy, CV19 bioweapon/vax deaths and disabilities and war in Ukraine is all part of what the Bible calls “End of Days.”  Brace yourself.  It’s not going to get better anytime soon.  Quayle explains, “Preachers in the pulpit are whores.  They won’t even speak the name of Jesus.  They want to be friends with the world.  They want to be seeker friendly and user friendly.  Jesus said, ‘To be friends with the world is enemies with God.’  So, the battle lines are being drawn. People are going to have to decide which side they are on, and then they are going to have to stand.  They are going to have to call on God for him to be with us because God is the only one that can stand with the fire that is now already manifesting itself in the world before us.”

Quayle goes on to say, “All Hell is breaking loose with the banking system. . . .Let me define ‘All Hell breaking loose’ and what that will mean.  When all Hell breaks loose, there will be no credit cards.  When all Hell breaks loose, there will be no transactions because there will be nothing on the shelves that you can buy with paper money.  We are going into hyperinflation right now.  We are watching the housing market collapse.  We are watching the automobile market collapse.  The word collapse is a great word, and the other word that comes with collapse is calamity.  With the collapse and calamity under way, people think, well, as long as it doesn’t touch me, I’ll be okay or I’ll be dead, and my kids will have to deal with it.  What a selfish way to deal with the Biblical times we live in.  I think we are in big trouble with this banking situation that will really kick into high gear in April.”

Quale also talks about war with Russia.  Is it closer that many believe?  He also talks about the ongoing  CV19 bioweapon/vax genocide that will end up killing millions worldwide along with killing the economy too.  Quayle says people need to get ready ASAP because with all these big problems, things will turn into a calamity faster than anyone thinks.

There is more in the 52-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter as he talks to radio host, filmmaker and top selling author Steve Quayle as he talks about our world in the Biblical “End of Days.”

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There is free information from Steve Quayle on

If you want to see a free 7:44 second trailer of “Lies of Men and Gods,” click here.

If you want to watch the video on demand (VOD) of “Lies of Men and Gods,” click here.

What does a post-Christian Britain look like? | Calvin Robinson

'I’m not convinced we’re entering a period of agnosticism or atheism. It seems as Christianity shrinks away into the corners of Western Society, another faith is being promoted to take its place as the default.' Calvin Robinson asks: What does a post-Christian Britain look like? Watch on TV: Virgin 604, Freesat 216, Sky 512, Freeview 236, YouView 236 Listen on DAB+ Radio Download the GB News App to watch live wherever you are, catch up with all our shows and get the latest news from the GBN family. Don't forget to follow us on social media too! Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: TikTok:

Saturday, 25 March 2023

Who watches the watchers? Who guards the guards? | Neil Oliver

Download the GB News App to watch live wherever you are, catch up with all our shows and get the latest news from the GBN family. Don't forget to follow us on social media too! Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: TikTok:

Thursday, 23 March 2023

Stop the Economic Collapse!

There is a solution to the potential financial collapse. In 1914 the Bradbury Pound saved
the British Economy from collapse. Rather than Central Bank Digital Currency and communist
state control, a debt-free alternative is already available. I talk to Justin Walker to discuss this important issue. Link to document: ------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE SUPPORT THE CHANNEL My videos are funded by people like you. If you enjoy them, please help me make more: Visit to become a patron. You can support me by making a one off donation My Website:

Wednesday, 22 March 2023


…Megan and Harry, Toxic masculinity, failing banks, Iraq war, climate crisis all fuelled by fear!’ To help support this channel & get extra, exclusive content every week sign up to the ‘Neil Oliver’ Patreon site, Audio Podcasts, Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The World &, Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The British Isles Available on all the usual providers Check out the Instagram account: Neil Oliver Love Letter

Tuesday, 21 March 2023

The USA Regime’s War To Make Memes Illegal

 Written by Pastor Andrew Isker

Click here to listen to the author read this post

The Regime is currently trying to put a man behind bars for ten years for making memes. The most important First Amendment case of our lifetimes is taking place, and many have no idea it is even happening. 

United States v. Douglass Mackey began this week and is a major part of the Left’s war on free speech in America. Two days after Joe Biden took the oath of office, the Department of Justice charged Douglass Mackey with election interference for posting memes in 2016. Mackey is alleged to be the popular Twitter poster Ricky Vaughn, who shared memes instructing Hillary Clinton supporters to text in their vote rather than wait in line at their polling place.

It is easy to forget, after the Regime struck back in 2020 with totalitarian pandemic measures, color revolution riots, and a highly dubious election, that posters like Ricky Vaughn played a major role in the unexpected defeat of the Regime’s chosen candidate. We forget that in 2016, the big social media companies (which all are dutiful parts of the Regime apparatus) had not yet devised methods to restrict, censor, and deboost speech critical of the Regime. And it was not as though they were unable, as the waves of bannings and algorithmic deboosting of those on the online right began in earnest after 2016. The Regime simply underestimated the power of decentralized information and unrestricted social media. Men like Ricky made them look absolutely ridiculous. And this is why when they finally regained the reins of formal power, the very first thing they did was prosecute the man they allege is Ricky Vaughn.

Make no mistake, Mackey’s case is as crucial to whether the First Amendment still exists in America as Kyle Rittenhouse’s case was to the Second Amendment. Vaughn’s memes were the internet posting version of the old joke, “Republicans vote on Tuesday, Democrats vote on Wednesday.” No one mentally competent to vote would recognize either that joke or his meme as anything other than satire. If they can threaten a man with a decade in prison over obvious jokes, what else can they call election interference? Posting online about Hunter Biden’s “illegally obtained” laptop? Posting John Podesta’s “illegally obtained” emails and concluding that the bizarre code therein refers to pedophilia? In the last two elections, the Regime has insisted both of those things are Russian election interference. Would the DOJ pursue similar charges as Mackey faces—or worse—against anyone who amplified them on social media?

It is clear they want to set a legal precedent that will open the door to all manner of restrictions upon speech. They want to be allowed to wield broader powers to crush any and all dissent. The internet has decentralized the flow of information far too much. Even though they have been able to control the largest technology and social media companies, like Google, Apple, Facebook, and Twitter, and use supposedly “private companies” to do their bidding, alternatives that courageously protect free speech at great costs, like Gab and others, have sprung up. The Regime has tried as hard as it can from every attack vector it can think of to shut Gab down, but so far, they have failed. Any source of information they cannot control, they want to destroy.

They won’t stop trying to kill the medium, but in the meantime, they will kill the messenger. That is the point of the persecution of Douglass Mackey, even if justice is done and the judge throws this spurious case out (as he should) or if the jury finds him not guilty (as they should), the injustice of even being brought up on such charges and having the great expense of defending himself from the U.S. Justice Department’s unlimited resources while living for over two years having a decade behind bars hanging over his head already is a great injustice. Like the aforementioned Rittenhouse, just the fact of being charged and the government not being laughed out of court demonstrates just how much we are under lawless despotism. Just as the point of the Rittenhouse trial was to make you think twice about shooting people who are trying to kill you, the point of the Ricky Vaughn Trial is to make you think twice before you share that meme. Will they jail me over this? 

To that end, events like these give us insight into how things truly are. You can believe you live in the land of the free all you want until the government starts throwing men into the gulag over memes. The first thing the Ricky Vaughn Trial reveals is:

1. We live under anarchotyranny.

Anarchotyranny is when the state refuses to wield its power to protect its citizens (allowing societal anarchy) while readily using its power to crush both the innocent and those guilty of petty offenses (tyranny). The very same Department of Justice that refused to investigate widespread malfeasance in the 2020 election, the willful injection of millions of unsolicited and unverifiable ballots is a monumental and egregious interference in the voting rights of tens of millions of Americans.

It is the same DOJ that openly lied about the now-President’s dealing with Ukraine and lied about the damning evidence of his and his son’s crimes in the weeks prior to the election. These very same people are now prosecuting a man over memes, saying this might have impeded some people from voting, even though they have no evidence of anyone not voting because they saw Ricky Vaughn’s meme. Further still, there are tweets from Clinton supporters doing the exact same thing (pictured on right). Don’t hold your breath for United States vs. Wong. 

Of course, the persecution of Ricky Vaughn is in a long string of obvious anarchotyrannical activity. Billions of dollars of property damage were done by organized, well-funded left-wing groups with prominent Democratic politicians, including the now-Vice President, promoting their bail funds, with very few arrests and no serious investigation of who organized or funded these groups, while people who spent a few minutes inside the U.S. Capitol, most of whom did no violence whatsoever to anyone, are spending years in prison for protesting a fraudulent election. Once again, during the Rittenhouse trial, we learned that during the Kenosha riots, the DOJ had aircraft overheard surveilling the scene, not to catch mobs of communist felons and pedophiles rampaging but to make anyone who might oppose them easier to prosecute. The anarchotyrants facilitate the victimization of normal people while coming down with an iron fist against any who even make them look silly—like Ricky Vaughn did.

2. They want to criminalize political speech.

The point of this prosecution is not ultimately about this man, Douglass Mackey, or his alleged internet persona, Ricky Vaughn. The point of this prosecution is to restrict any and all criticism of the regime. Just as Abraham Lincoln was about to shut down newspapers critical of his war and Woodrow Wilson was able to jail Americans who publicly criticized American involvement in World War One, so too does the Regime. A Regime, mind you, that has already perpetrated tyranny worse than all others in American history combined, now seeks to criminalize public criticism.

Their pursuit of this legal strategy revolves around the concept of “stochastic terrorism,” which is now a very fashionable idea among libs. It essentially means that certain kinds of speech, when uttered, spiritually infect the world so as to eventually produce violence and, therefore, must be banned. For example, if you say, “transwomen are just men who have cut off their penis and testes,” just uttering those words will result in violence against transsexuals (the majority of which is done to themselves, as 41% of transsexuals attempt suicide). Stochastic terrorism means that it is deemed “racist speech” that incites violence against black people. Under the Left’s theory of stochastic terrorism, Donald Trump contesting the 2020 election results incited guys in Buffalo horns to be let into the U.S. Capitol by the police, resulting in an unharmed policeman dying of a stroke the next day. “Stochastic terror” is how the Charlottesville organizers were able to be sued for the damage that Antifa goons did to the city. Their speech incited so much anger in the filthy communists they could not be held responsible for their actions. “Stochastic terrorism” is like saying someone yelled “fire” in the crowded screening of The Dark Knight Rises right before James Holmes killed a dozen people; therefore, he’s not guilty.

It might sound spurious to us or any other sane person, but these are the legal wrangling and perversions that the top legal minds come up with in order to justify whatever they want. Never forget, for 50 years, they were able to conjure up a constitutional right to murder one’s child by positing the “umbra” of this Constitutional amendment and “penumbra” of this other one. Power will always find a post hoc legal justification for what they have always wanted to do. So it is with the Mackey case. They cannot be allowed to get away with it without a fight.

3. Internet posting is a far more effective political act than you realize.

If I had a nickel for every time someone has said to me, “Why do you waste your time arguing on the internet? No one ever changes their mind,” I would be able to enjoy a pre-January 2021 standard of living. The fact is, the internet has changed many things. They do not enjoy total control of information like they did throughout the majority of the 20th Century. There are not 3 TV networks with Walter Cronkite alone building out the entire country’s perception of reality. Any dissenting opinion from the mainstream was entirely gatekept from the public. If you wanted to disseminate your ideas, you would have to stand on street corners handing out pamphlets or set up an elaborate and expensive mailing list operation. The internet completely changed all of that.

In the early 2000s, the early adopters of the internet, largely tech nerds, began to have access to forbidden knowledge in obscure internet forums. As more and more of the mainstream public began to adopt internet usage, especially with the rise of social media by the early 2010s, wide swaths of people began to be exposed to ideas and counter-narratives they absolutely never would have otherwise. Despite a lifetime of being catechized with the religious slogan “diversity is our strength” and being told that skepticism of immigration was evil and racist, an open internet with unrestricted social media was able to show that, no, you aren’t the only one with concerns about mass migration of third-world peoples, and here’s this TV man running for president on this very issue!

Social media, and people publicly presenting their opinions for their friends, their neighbors, and the entire world to see was powerful in countering the official narrative. It very much was not a pointless waste of time. Being able to publicly state ideas and arguments that counter the official narrative is dangerous to a Regime built on lies. That is why they a prosecuting Douglass Mackey. Not because he himself is alone a major threat to the Regime. But because all of you collectively are. One man saying the emperor has no clothes can be dismissed as a madman. But even a small faction shouting about the emperor’s nakedness can topple an empire. They want you to be afraid. They want you to fear what he has already suffered and might suffer if he should lose this case. They want you to think, “if I post this funny meme, the FBI might knock on my door.” They would not do that if posting that funny meme was not highly effective. Protecting free speech is absolutely crucial. Douglass Mackey must win.

How you can help:

Above all else, pray. Pray that this case will be dismissed. Pray that the judge would see that the horrid communist insects at the SPLC intimidated a defense witness, and the whole sham would end. Pray that the government lawyers would be embarrassed by this ridiculous spectacle. Pray that Doug Mackey would remain a free man.

And please visit his website: in order to support his cause financially and stay updated on his case.

Western civilisation is crumbling before our very eyes: Neil Oliver

every day.’ Archaeologist and author Neil Oliver joins Alexandra Marshall. Watch ‘Alexandra Marshall’ 8am Saturdays on ADH TV: